
Educational Qualifications

Diploma in Information Technology

Professional Experience

  • Senior Administrative Supervisor-Department of Human Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

What was the nature of the business you supervised?

Actually, I started my career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by monitoring the incoming and outgoing and gradually promoted to became Senior Administrative Supervisor, whereby my duties were to receive and complete the staff applications starting from the official appointment interview until finalizing the registration with the Pension Authority, then following up to complete the end of service applications for the employees leaving their service at the Ministry as well as supervising the coordination efforts for the employees joining the civil service.

The administrative jobs involve critical details which may cause some challenges. Do you have any contributed solutions that influenced the administrative work in the Ministry?

During my tenure, I have noticed that the grades in the Ministry are A & B, in which the employee, according to the promotion matrix applicable in the Ministry, reaches the top grade with no chance to go higher as there is no upper grade, which may reduce the motivation in the work environment. Therefore, I suggested to add grades in between and my suggestion was approved by the management and two grades (Special A and Special B) were added, which resulted in more effective promotions and higher motivation in the work environment.

What are the major challenges you faced in your job?

It is very important to highlight here the importance of education and seeking an educational path in which all success and dreams can be achieved, because the standstill in certain level or lack of ambition at the first place will create a lot of challenges in the future which makes any one reconsider the past and wish to go back in time to push himself/herself to the limits and challenge all difficulties to achieve his/her goals.

This introduction is vital when addressing challenges that I have faced, because any employee living in this technological and knowledge progress must be armoured with many skills to keep updated with such progress in order not to be out of tone. So, the continuous education and development should be a way of life for everyone who wants to better himself/herself whether personally or professionally.

Education is vital especially when it is linked to the established community values, can you state some of these values you tried to maintain during your career?

I think the employee should be an example of honesty, trustworthiness and sincerity in his/her job, regardless of all changes or influences he/she might face, because those values result in self-esteem which, if absent, prevents anyone from supporting others as the proverb suggests: "nemo dat quod non habet". Those values must not be only in presence but also in the essence as any natural or practical value stays forever to the benefit of others while the fake ones disappear at the first obstacle. In my opinion, how come anyone chooses to be reminded by his/her bad attributes while he/she can be reminded by good ones when his/her name comes up in any settings.

Choosing the suitable person for the right position is important to the success of any business, as you are one of the Human Resources members in your previous employer, can you share your experience in evaluating the candidates?

Yes. I think it is very important to precisely understand the mindset of the candidate through tests and not only the skills, because the personal attributes and mindset of the candidate contribute in forming the employee's career with the new entity, as the inexperienced or unskilled employee can overcome the same by practice, but if he/she is psychologically unqualified to teamwork and cooperation, you cannot expect any achievement. For example, some candidates ask for holidays before they even start their job yet. Let's consider that as the first question, what is the case after joining the work, which might not be precise indicator occasionally.  But it somehow requires more tests for the candidate to know his/her values and principals he/she will bring to the work environment.

What would you do if you go back in time?

My job in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I enjoyed my tenure there for 31 years, I am recently retired, and will always remember all the team there, every single place with pride and appreciation.  The Ministry was like my second home and its graces will remain in my memory forever.  I wish them progress and prosperity.

What is your advice to youths and people about to retire based on your experience?

I advise them to have another productive activity along with their job in order to have another supportive income with the pension and to plan this before retirement, as then they have the time, connections, physical and mental abilities, since anyone loses many of these capabilities which make the difference.