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Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al Janahi

Academic qualifications:
  • Bachelor of Science – Life Science – United Arab Emirates University

Professional Profile and Experience

  • Head of Central Laboratory at Al Ain  - The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries 1981
  • Peer Researcher of Japanese Expert at Umm Al Quwain Marine Research Center 1986 
  • Assistant Deputy Director of Umm Al Quwain Marine Research Center 1998 
  • Head of Fisheries Extension Section 1998
  • Director of Fisheries at the Ministry of Environment 2004
  • Member at Environmental Policy Unit 2008
  • Marine environment and fishery expert until the year of retirement in 2012. 

Major Achievements

  • Represented the state as all-time member of the stat delegation to FAO meetings 
  • Contributed to the draft Federal Law No. 23 of 1999 G concerning Exploitation, Protection and Development of the Living Aquatic Resources
  • Provided awareness and training programs for fishermen and contributed to 26 extension and technical releases on fisheries.   
  • Authored many books on fish resources in the UAE and had several articles published in local newspapers.
  • Contributed to training courses at Japan, Malaysia, Italy, Tunisia and Egypt on how to develop and maintain the fish resources and aquacultures and other relevant issues    

Key Challenges

Language was the main challenge. We were dealing with different nationalities who can hardly communicate in English or Arabic. They communicate only in local languages and dialects that are not familiar to us. To raise awareness among those fishermen was really a daunting mission as we had to find out educational and awareness means that suit all. Sometimes, we had to use pictures to determine what is right and what is wrong in dealing with marine environment.    

Tips and Messages for Fishermen

  • Comply with laws designed to protect fish resources and marine environment
  • Respect fish breeding seasons
  • Avoid catching small fish that are made available on annual basis by the Ministry as larvae (juvenile fish) to increase the fish stock. 
  • Avoid polluting the marine environment or disposing trash into the sea as lost nets are graves for fish.   
  • Use permissible fishing equipment to avoid incidental catch that can harm the marine environment
  • Respect fishing times determined by the Ministry, taking into consideration the harmful effects on the fish stock that may run out because of overfishing.
Tips for Fishery Development Officials

  • Encourage the private sector to farm fish to reduce pressure on the sea as fish farming accounts for 20 30% of the fish production worldwide. 
  • Watch out for illegal fishing in the territorial waters as certain organizations and even states launch ships to catch fish from the point of departure to the point of arrival, with plants inside for fish production. 
  • Support citizens to invest in fish resources as national investors are few in this business if compared with attractive returns.   
  • Make use of the capabilities available for Sheikh Khalifa Marine Research Centre at Umm Al Quwain. The center is equipped for the purpose of development and maintenance of fish resources and protection of marine environment and surrounding areas. It will start operation next year to produce 10 thousand larvae of 4 – 5 species on annual basis. The private sector can make use of such production to invest in this area.     
  • Introduce a new course in the primary education to encourage students to specialize in marine science
  • Establish a marine science college as our country has a stretch of coastlines overlooking the Arab Gulf, bit we did nothing to press home this advantage through establishing a university to teach courses that support development and utilization of marine environment.   

Tips for Next Generation

My message to youth is to resist the lure of comfortable jobs as there are many field jobs that need Emirati workforce including marine life. Of course, this area should not be only linked to monitoring and dealing with fishermen activities. Marine life has so many jobs that can be targeted by students. In the future, we would like to see Emirati scientists penetrating and mastering this area. It is up to youth to make this dream come true.  
Tips for Retirees

I would like to say that if I had the chance to continue, I would not have had retired. If I had the chance to return to work again I would not hesitate. It is a great honor to work for this country. It is true that retirement is a fact of life that you should go through. However, you should employ your experience in other areas and activities even if in volunteering format so that you keep your gift of mind and remain responsive to God's call for "work".     



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