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Fatemah Sajwani


Academic Qualifications

Bachelor of Business Administration- Al Ain University 1989

Professional Profile and Experience

  • Obtained specialized courses starting with 2-year computer diploma to get familiar with the uses of computer software and applications. 
  • Obtained a diploma in e-accounting; through using computer applications in accounting, calculation, saving and processing of journal entries and invoices to generate financial reports. 
  • Attended a specialized course from State Audit Institution to study planning methodologies, strategies and budgets.
  • Worked with Dubai Health Authority General Administration Section – Accounting
  • Retired after 25 years of service. I'm pleased with this journey through which I tried to be a good example of a hard worker.

Key Challenges

Accounting is a job that needs a lot of patience, it is considered  as an error tolerant job.  Therefore, it is always important to focus and keep the life situations away from your work environment in order to stay focused as long as possible. Accounting gives you a restless mind and thus you should keep a balance between your personal life and work to fulfill your commitments towards your society and others.  

Work initiatives that make you proud

  • There was an increment  for the Authority's staff members in 1995. It should have been paid to the employees before the end of Ramadan and the First Day of Eid. To bring joy to our employees and avoid delay of this increment to the following month, we have worked overnight for one week to have the mission accomplished. Finally, we made it.
  • I took a personal initiative to number the fixed assets in cooperation with one of the Authority's subsidiaries.    
  • In 2008, we had a huge amount of work. I cleaned the Authority's warehouse where invoices and documents were kept in dusty boxes. I numbered documents putting them in files (300 large-sized files) and sending them to the Authority's warehouses and then to the warehouses of the company contracted by the Authority to keep files.   

What are the values and principles that should be enjoyed by all to succeed

Here I may speak about my personal experience. Work was always my only concern. I was always thinking about it and thanking God for guiding me to this job. During my service, I was keen to gain experiences from all and acquire knowledge about specialized and sophisticated matters such as accounting treatment of variances. I was armed with very important values such as honesty, accuracy and good reputation; values that I have acquired from my father and my husband.

Learnt Lessons

  • I have learnt that work is a kind of worship and you should complain less, work more and speak less as the saying goes," Speech is silver, silence is golden".
  • You should be a challenge taker, you should not surrender easily and should vigorously resist and always develop your abilities to provide new and innovative things in the work environment. Such values give you strength at your work and help you rise to challenges regardless of their effects.

To retirees
Retirement is something that I have never thought of or wanted. Many retirees may feel the same. However, work conditions may force you to retire in spite of yourself. But this is not the end; you should not stop at this point. We should rise up again and think about a starting point to bring smiles to our faces. There is always a new life to live and a new job to do but we should try harder to find them.

To Tips for Managers
You should adopt an open-door approach, giving your employees the chance to express themselves even if only for the purpose of reducing the work pressure. You should ignore trivial mistakes as they are an inseparable part of work. You have many ways to correct mistakes without depriving the employee from his/ her rights and benefits. Instead, you should encourage them to make efforts to correct themselves by gaining more experience in the tasks assigned to them. 

To Tips for Employees
Be modest: Sometimes you need to do tasks that are not consistent with your work nature, roles or position. Some may refrain from such tasks as something that can hurt their image but this is not the case. At work environment, you gain respect if you prove to be modest and loyal to work regardless of its nature as long as your job is useful for your country and society.          
Take notes: With little experience, newly joined employees may need to get a lot of information to build their experience. So, if you are a new employee, you need to take notes of what your coworkers tell you so that you do not need to ask about it again. You should discuss these notes with coworkers to come up with probabilities that may double your experience and make you mentally alert. This would help you generate more ideas that will equip you with the experience you need in the future.


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