
Academic Qualifications

Bachelor of Sharia and Law – United Arab Emirates University 1981. 
Master of the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence – Imam Muhammad bin Saud University – Riyadh 1989. 
Ph.D. in the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence – Imam Muhammad bin Saud University – Riyadh 1993. 

Professional Profile and Experience
Professor of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence – Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies – Faculty of Law – United Arab Emirates University.
Head of the Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies 2016. 
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs 2012-2013.
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs 1999-2011. 
Supervisor of Sharia and Law Society (Students) 1998-2004.
Supervising the Practical Training of the Students (Sharia Courts – Public Prosecution – Law Offices) 1998. 
Supervisor of Sharia and Law Society (Female students) 1994-1998.
Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Sharia and Law – 1983.
Head of Department of Manuscripts and Heritage at the Central Library, the United Arab Emirates University 1981-1983.

Academic Awards:

Sheikh Rashid Award for Scientific Excellence 1991.
Sheikh Rashid Award for Scientific Excellence 1995
Certificate of the Best Guide for Scientific Societies at the University 2004.
Medal (University Pride) 2011. 

External Assignments:

Police College – Abu Dhabi 1996-1997.
College of Islamic and Arabic Studies – Dubai 1999-2002.
Higher Institute of Legal and Judicial Sciences, 2004.


Membership of the Family Counseling Committee of the Marriage Fund 2004.
Member of the Shariah Committee of the Zakat Fund for the period 2004-2013. 

Books & Researches:

He has researches in several subjects including but not limited to the following: 
The book “The Homeland in Islam between the Sharia and the Claims of Extremists”.
Research on Plastic Surgery in the Light of Legitimate Purposes and Interests.
Research on the Custom and Practice in Islamic Law and their Impact on the UAE Law. 
Research on the Employment of the Sunnah in Political Relations and the Rejection of Violence between Muslims and Others. 
Research on Pre-Marital Medical Examination in Sharia and the UAE Law.
Research on the Abuse of Power in the Public Service and the Attitude of Islamic Jurisprudence. 

Lectures & Conferences:
An active participant in the activities and community events and his participation includes but not limited to the following:

A lecture on the Environment in Human Thought and Faith Reality – the United Arab Emirates University 1997.
A lecture entitled (Before the Flower Withers), Women Union – Sharjah 2002
International Seminar, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sidi Mohamed Abdullah University, Morocco (Fes), 2011. 
A lecture entitled “Marriage to Foreign Women ... To Where?” Within the activities of “Islamic Institute – the United Arab Emirates University 2012”.
Conducting the Seminar “Tolerance and Peaceful Coexistence in Islam” – the United Arab Emirates University 2012. 

How Do You Evaluate Your Work Experience For More Than 35 Years?
The work at the university is of a different nature, where it requires constant knowledge of all the developments related to the field of work in order to keep up with the best academic plans and programs. My work initially had an administrative nature related to the students’ affairs, so it was necessary to acquire the skills and expertise that make me friendly to them to accept my advice or guidance, especially that students in this period are in need of advice and guidance; one wrong decision can turn the life of a student upside down while one correct decision can modify his path and make him a star sparkling in the sky of bestowal and a good person for his family and society.

Talk As If You See An Experience In Details In Terms Of Place And Time!
I remember one day that one of the female students of the Medicine College came to me and said that she did not want to complete the study. I said to her that one day she might contribute to calm a crying child and offer care and attention to him so that his mother is assured, and then we discussed until she was convinced to continue studying. One day I was surprised by a phone call from this doctor in which she told me how she lived the experience that we talked about in all its details and she told me how the mother of the child thanked her and gave warm hugs to her. She said that after she left, she remembered my conversation and began to cry and thank God to make her help people and her community. 

35 Years Of Work And Still Seem Eager To Complete This March With More Bestowal! Did Not You Think During This Period About Early Retirement?
Never, this did not happen ... In contrary, I see that work is a great honor for any person and its blessing is a great thing in the lives of people and this may not be appreciated by some but it is true. Honestly, I eager every day until I wake up from my sleep before sunrise, make my prayers, recite Koran, wear my clothes and drive my car back to work … this is my dream, which always haunts me. 

An Advice to Youth
They have to persevere at the beginning of their professional careers and not to stop much in the face of the challenges and difficulties. They must know that life is taken step by step, so they should not look at positions at first, but focus on self-development while positions will come later, as positions without abilities is meaningless. I advise them to always keep work in their imagination, where in my opinion that there is no separation between work and social life, because I simply think that their effect is mutual; the distinction in one of them is reflected positively on the other.

An Advice to Retirees

They must not make retirement the last chance to enjoy life and not link the implementation of their investment plans to reach retirement age. However, they have to implement these plans while being at work age to earn more time and invest their labor relations. I advise those who do not have the investment opportunity to work voluntarily to discharge their energies in the work that benefit them and their community.