Personal Information:

 Name: Jassim Obaid Jassim Alzuabi 

 Place of Birth: Ras Al Khimah

 Marital status: Married

Scientific Qualification:

Bachelor of Media - Radio and TV Qualification.

Professional Doctorate in Radio, TV and Theater Preparation and Direction.

Professional Experiences:

Radio and TV director / actor / radio and TV program presenter.

A human development trainer accredited by several institutes and academies


I am best known for personifying the teddy bear "Al-Dabdoub".

Practical experiences:

  • Abu Dhabi TV (1997-1999) During this period I contributed to:
  • Production of many national programs and events in various sports, social and national activities.
  • Production of many documentary programs for the most important events of the country and its institutions, internally or externally.
  • Production of about two hundred songs aimed at children and another in the love of the country.
  • Directed several dramas from 1975-1980, the most important of which were Ashfan, Hamoud and Aboud, Al-Ghous, and Al-Heri in the market, among others.
  • Directing the third part of the children's program "Open Sesame" (1989).

Abu Dhabi Police Headquarters, during this period I contributed to: -
  • Directing many plays that establish and enhance the level of public awareness regarding various societal issues.
  • Participating in the community awareness campaigns of Abu Dhabi Police over the years of work.
  • Presenting many accredited lectures at the Police College.
  • His cartoon character, Al-Dabdoub, embodied a role model in the Abu Dhabi Police's use of creative means to communicate educational ideas to specific age groups.

Professional Experiences:

  • Former Director of Children's Programs, Abu Dhabi TV.
  • Director of the Children's Theater, Abu Dhabi Society for Folk Art and Theater.
  • Founding member of the Union Theater.
  • Member of the Union of Arab Artists.
  • Member of Sharjah Theatrical Association.
  • Member of Abu Dhabi Society for Popular Arts and Theater.
  • Founding member of Al Ain Popular Theater.
  • Member of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Takaful Fund.
  • Member of the Emirates Writers and Writers Union.
  • Member of the Friends of the Environment Society.
  • Blessing Ambassador - Emirati Red Crescent Authority.
  • Ambassador of Public Health - Department of the Health Authority.

Experiences in training

  • A certified instructor from the London Training Academy
  • Certified trainer from the London Abu Dhabi Center
  • Certified trainer from the European Business Center for Development and Training

The most important courses that I supervised to provide

  • My behavior is my address
  • Ethics of social work
  • School behavior
  • Student violence
  • Ambition
  • Child Protection
  • Smoking
  • Directing is a science, art and skill


  • "A Biography and a Lesson Book" (2016)
  • "Children of Paths of Goodness" (2018).
  • "In Love of the Fatherland" (2019).

Awards & Honors:

  • The prize of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak for the family of Aldar for the social initiative "Dabdoub character" (2017).
  • Honored as part of the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces to honor the first generation of employees of the Abu Dhabi government (2016).
  • The title of the most loved character among school students in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, according to a study previously conducted by the Abu Dhabi Education Council, the Education and Knowledge Department, currently (2015).
  • The title of the local theatrical character in the Emirates Children's Theater Festival (2015).

Jassim Obaid .. From police to working in the media ... How has this face changed about 180 degrees?

In fact, I have liked the work in the media .. It is good for a person to rediscover himself again, because I believe that there are potential energies within each of us .. In the strength of some people seek to research these potentials and extract their potential and creativity, some are satisfied and satisfy to go on with their routine life Later, he would discover that there was another professional life in which he could have been creative if he had given himself the freedom to go and search for the self.

It is undoubtedly good .. The search for oneself remains the concern of the creators .. Do you therefore create the most important cartoon characters in the world of Jassim Obaid?

If you think about changing the course of your life, you must add an imprint to your new life .. This is what I tried to work on when I thought about moving to media work .. Despite the existence of great societal challenges, I affirm that people will sympathize with you if they feel the value of the message that you perform, Hence, I ventured by launching the "Dabdoub" character, which, thank God, has the great credit for instilling noble values in the hearts and education of children, and I was able through this character to be an ambassador of sound and sound customs and traditions that all our media and police institutions have been keen to establish in our society to preserve its identity and its national principles.

To what extent do you believe in your ability to succeed through this character?

All what everyone  has to do is diligence, creativity, patience, sincerity and credibility in the performance of his message .. These things are capable of bringing success to anyone with time, there is no one who is successful, and success may come as they say from the womb of failure, so the creator of the conversation program "Whatsapp" applied to obtain A job in Facebook and he refused to not meet the criteria of the job, but his belief in himself and his capabilities is what called Facebook to buy a program with some mythical amount of 19 billion dollars, and therefore it should not be in the dictionary of any person the idea that he failed in inheritance .. No success has the ingredients and if you work and develop yourself Sure you will reach it or it will reach you .. I mean success.

Your interest is heavily focused on children, so choosing a character is the opposite of a certain idea you have towards children. Can you explain why your choices came this way?

Of Course, as children are beings who some believe dealing with is a great mystery that needs a solution, I tried to present this solution, and evidence that children, especially children today, are at an incomparable level of intelligence, they are creative, technologically speaking, who remain geniuses compared to our past We are proud of that in the hope of enhancing the welfare of life in the future and overcoming the challenges that science has not been able to find solutions to date. This child, from my point of view, needed an unmolded educational model in order to be able to pass the necessary values, habits and awareness to him out of belief in the importance of social upbringing. For children and its great role of the formation of building moral and cognitive approach in the future, and thankfully this was a great personal role in that.

Speaking of childhood .. What advice would you like to give to parents through your experience of being close to children through programs?

Listen to your children . This is my advice to every father and mother, do not be distracted from them and listen to them, and do not ruthlessly act upon them when they wish to speak to you, remember their weakness in front of your strength, and their dream is that you will be relaxed, and your king is before their eagerness to stand in your arms, these children are the pleasure of your livers and if you do not listen To them, you may make them victims, and you will be the reason at that time, so you realize what you missed towards them, and change your patterns of dealings with them, and do not think that you have reached an amount of wisdom so that you know how to deal with their problems with a generous chest, a broad horizon and insight.

Weren't you afraid of this character abolishing your entity and what you are like a slave man?

Considering the aim behind the work, we can discern together the answer to this question, some may actually fear that such a cartoon character cancels his or her original character, but when God, the nation, and society are so purposeful, then you should not think about anything, for I do not and I did not search On the personal glory, but I wanted to serve the people of this community from behind my embodiment of this character, and the love that appears on the faces of people is sufficient when they get to know the owner of the "teddy bear" character. I see the greatest love after the love of God is the love of people, and it is a record that I have been honored in my life.

Have you thought about how long you will work one day?

Thanks God,  I have worked for about 48 years until now and still see that I am in the prime of my giving, and that I can do more in the service of my country, pursuant to the saying of the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, "If the resurrection takes place in the hands of one of you, let him plant it." This prophetic approach is beside the love of the nation and the desire to Giving back to him is what strengthens I have the motivation to continue this path.

In your opinion, what are the duties of retirees towards future generations?

It is their duty to transfer and exchange experiences with them, as these experiences are what helps them to establish their feet in work and start to broader horizons, and I had a previous experience with that, as often these experiences, advice or nominations in the framework of work change from a colleague or friend in the career For someone, we have heard especially in the art field about discoveries that sometimes ascend some of the most talented to the list of distinguished great men.

A final word from Jassim Obaid to his fans?

I would like to thank them for the great support that I found over the years of my work from them, and to everyone who believed in my capabilities and gave me the opportunity to represent him from the institutions I worked in, and to all the children who inspired me patience, strength and wisdom in all affairs of my life, how much I benefited from them, I benefited greatly from their bright and creative minds, and thank you for this The beautiful attention of the retired people, which undoubtedly will have the most impact in enhancing communication with them out of belief in the role they have played in serving their country.