
Educational Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Media, Radio and Television Department, the United Arab Emirates University (1993),
  • PhD in Media, Cairo University (2016),
  • PhD in Criminology,
  • Master's Degree in Diplomacy Ethics, American University in the Emirates (2012).

Professional Experience:

  • Officer in the armed forces,
  • Held various positions in the Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) (1994 – 2016), i.e.:
  • Public information officer
  • Head of Media Department     
  • Head of News Bulletins Department
  • Head of Distribution & Exhibitions Department
  • Director of Media Department since 2002
  • Deputy Director General for Scientific Research Affairs
  • Official Spokesman for ECSSR (1998-2013)
  • Deputy Director General for Administrative Affairs until 2016

Major Career Achievements:

  • Established the Visual Monitoring Room and its archive, which is dedicated to monitoring the most important events 24-hour
  • Established the Press, Television and Radio Programs Monitoring Room
  • Established the Book Review Department and make presentations for important books
  • Established the News Bulletins Department and assumed its editorial responsibility, including Akhbar Al-Saah, Al-Alam Al-Youm and Afaq Al-Mustaqbal Magazine
  • Establishment of the Special Reports Department which is important for the decision maker in the UAE
  • Participated in ECSSR's Executive Regulation team work as well as in ECSSR's Human Resources Regulation team work
  • Supervised the security affairs and set the rules governing security affairs of ECSSR,
  • Activated the role of public relations, services and training programs in ECSSR,
  • Directly supervised the training of employees both inside and outside ECSSR,
  • Participated in organizing events, conferences, workshops and lectures both inside and outside the ECSSR
  • Participated in organizing events outside the UAE and the signing of cooperation agreements in UK, USA, Egypt, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Paris and Morocco as well as the Arab Gulf countries. In addition, I participated in the UAE's delegations in general involving various events such as book exhibitions and promotional exhibitions of the UAE
  • Participated in many exhibitions inside and outside the UAE (more than 100 internal and external exhibitions)
  • Developed a distribution and marketing plan for ECSSR's publications inside and outside the UAE

Teaching and Lectures:

  • Assistant Professor, Zayed University- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of Arabic Language (2016 - 2018)
  • Chairman of the Cultural Committee on the activities of the Department of Arabic Language at Zayed University (2016-2018)
  • Director of Research and Studies at Al-Ariaf Studies & Research center LLC
  • Lecturer at the Ministry of Interior, Abu Dhabi Police College, in the major of Media
  • Lecturer at police schools under the Ministry of Interior

Some Publications and Studies:   

  • Mental and Media Images - Formation Factors and Strategies for Change "How the West Looks at us"? 1st Edition, 2016
  • The Role of Electronic Press in Forming the National Awareness of Youth in the Arab Gulf Countries: A Field Study published in the Kuwait Yearbook
  • Participated in a working paper on the role of media in strengthening the civil state (case study of the UAE) submitted to the first international conference held in May 2017 at the University of Petra, which was entitled "The Civil State in the vision of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein"
  • A study on the role of security information in crime prevention in the UAE,
  • A study on the role of security personnel in reducing crime
  • Research paper on the methods through which aggressive behavior might be reduced
  • A study on the ideology of social according to the opinion of Auguste Comte, Ibn Khaldun, San Simon, Herbert Spencer
  • A senior project regarding theoretical subjects for the major of Criminology entitled "The Role of Electronic Journalism in Forming Arab National Consciousness: Viewpoint of the Youth in Gulf States of the" (Extensive Study)

Activities and Memberships:

  • Editor-in-Chief of Strategic Visions Journal (2015),
  • Supervising the editing of "Akhbar Al-Saah" news bulletin, from 1995 to 2013
  • Editor-in-Chief of Aafaq Al Mustaqbal Journal, from 1997 to 2013
  • Member of the International Advisory Council of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, London, 2012.
  • Member of Emirates Foundation (youth) since 2017
  • Participated in the national committee for organizing the elections of the Federal National Council, 2006
  • Member of the Permanent Group of Experts of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States - Information and Communication Sector on follow-up to the role of the Arab media in countering the terrorism
  • Permanent member of the Health Education Committee of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, from 2007 to 2011
  • Member, as an information specialist, of the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority as a representative of Emirates Center for Studies for three consecutive years from 2009 to 2011.   


  • A course in security culture at the Ministry of Interior, 2010
  • Performed a training program in the art of communication and dealing with complaints at the Police Training Institute of the Ministry of Interior, 2018
  • Public Relations, Art of Protocol and International Relations course at the Police Training Institute of the Ministry of Interior, 2018
  • Certified lecturer in School of Military Intelligence and Security. In addition, I have organized many lectures with regard to military security from 2012 to 2016
  • Supervising courses for spokespersons of governmental institutions.
  • Courses in the art of writing news and the press reports

Honors & Awards

  • Federal Personality Award, 2015
  • I was honored on Teacher's Day by the Directorate General of Ras Al Khaimah Police - Officers Training Institute, 2018
  • I have 90 of appreciation and participation certificates from entities inside and outside the UAE,
  • I was honored by Abu Dhabi National Takaful Company (Takaful) for providing media and promotional services.

What are the major challenges faced you? And How could you concur them?

- The most important challenge is to be able to provide a distinctive service in your field of work. Hence, when it comes to working in the field of word, you are in deep need for accuracy and skill to deal with media. Also, you should be aware of the other skills that enable you to make a successful connection with these institutions, especially that impressions sometimes speak louder than words.

- Any work needs some kind of development and innovation on a continuous basis, and in the field of media, this is very important, as you should not stop at a certain extent in light of the continuously developing media, especially after the recent boom it accomplished with access ability to social media as an enrichment element which made a massive development and  revolution at levels of fast access to and spread of information without the need for many tools to publish, as only a simple channel of one person on YouTube nowadays is enough to perform the same role made in the past by full television channel crew.

- When you reach a peak, you cannot accept less, so evolution, creativity and innovation will surely take you to the next shift, without which you would feel that you are descending. Therefore, good planning for your career is a very important matter. It is also important for your social life and other aspect , so that nothing in your life is left to chance. Chances do not make achievement.

What are milestone achievements you are proud of throughout your career?

The Media Monitoring Initiative (MMI) was the most promising initiative I have ever made during my career. The initiative was a room equipped with sophisticated system to monitor, evaluate, analyze and report on all UAE news published on both international and local journalism, in order to support decision-makers in the UAE. (MMI) helped in developing important strategies that have contributed in enhancing the image and position of the UAE on the world stage. It is very important to know how the world sees you so that you can present yourself in a way that suits the development picture you want to reach the world. Hence, you can enhance this picture if it is positive, or correct it if it is negative, while refuting and justifying the claims that may be raised in newspapers with a negative attitude towards the State, the Arab and Islamic world in general.

You were the supervisor of the exhibitions sector and participated in many of them .. Can you evaluate this experience personally?

In general, culture is one of the soft forces that support the position of countries at the regional and global arena. and because of the importance of international exhibitions and their role in promoting stereotype of peoples and their ability to reflect their culture and civilization, it was necessary to enhance the opportunities of presence in these exhibitions, in order to promote for the State at international occasions. This was made through books as a very important means of communicating and developing peoples' awareness, giving general information about the State; its present, past, aspirations and outlook for the future. In fact, these exhibitions still have the glamour and attraction that I see it as one of the most important means by which we may achieve the goals of developing awareness and promoting stereotypes deliberately or indirectly.




A word for young people:

I say to the young people of our country; the field is open and ready for you in light of the facilities provided by the State to all those who wish to achieve excellence and leadership. These opportunities may not be available to many young people in other States, so take this opportunity and make yourselves a biography you would be proud of, and write your country more glorious moments, because this country is a generous and deserves your best endeavors. Eventually, it will return to you and your children in the future.

Another word for retirees:

I say to the retirees; giving is not related to certain age, and if any circumstances have prevented you from continuing your work, it does not mean the end of the world, but you have to start once again and establish yourselves in other fields. Life never closes its doors before diligent people, you must discover the potentials which always appeared in adversity and distresses. Strengthen yourselves with determination, challenge and will; since the strength you have acquired throughout years of study and work is sufficient to charge you with enough power and determination. After all, traveler finds a way in the sea.