
Educational Qualifications

  • BSc in Mathematics & Statisticsو United Arab Emirates University –  1984.
  • M.Sc. in the aluminum field, major of Mathematical Modelling to design Aluminum Reduction cells.

Academic Experience:

ISO Lead Assessor in the United Kingdom's quality management system (1994)

Executive Management Program - HR & Finance Department (France 2000)

Executive Officer, Committee for Aluminum Industry Development, U.S.A.

Professional Experience

General Manager of Process Control, Technical Development, Technology Transfer, Laboratories, Security and Safety at DUBAL (1984-2009).

Consultant in HR & Technical Affairs Department at Sohar Aluminum (2016 – Till date)

Technical Consultant for operating aluminum smelters at Maaden Aluminum KSA (2012-2015)

Technical Advisor for Alumina Project, Indonesia (2011 -2012)

Advisor of technical affairs and technology transfer, (Fata Hunter) Italy ( 2009 – 2011)

General Manager of Technology Development, Technology Transfer and process control at Dubai Aluminum and Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) (1984 – 2009) 

Attended more than 100 technical seminars, workshops and conferences in USA, Europe, Australia and Canada

Major Career Achievement

Participated in the development of the first Emirati engineering technology to produce aluminum at rates exceeding those delivered by using American and Russian technologies, which represents a groundbreaking step in the localization of aluminum production technology in the UAE.

Recruited the first graduates of UAE nationals in the chemistry and physic majors in Emirati Universities to enhance the State's efforts towards industrial relocation in the UAE.

Participated in publishing HR planning studies for Saudization process, that includes evaluation of HR services, Motivation and Productivity of Employees.

Won the position of Middle Eastern Aluminum Smelters' Representative after being elected by TMS Aluminum Committee (light metal).

Participated in the development of a system in DUBAL to eliminate carbon emissions harmful to the environment, with a cost of USD 70 million, which shows the UAE's deep concern in preserving the environment.

Directed the officials of the concerned parties to benefit from solar technology as I have knowledge of some successful European experiences in this regard (a solar energy provision system to turn the consumer into an energy producer). So, instead of paying monthly bills for the use of electricity, the consumer can be paid by the competent authorities in exchange for supplying surplus energy.

Developed an advanced technical academic curriculum for Jubail Industrial College (JIC) and Jubail Technical Institute (JTI) special for Maaden employees in Saudi Arabia for two years.   

Saudized more than 1,300 jobs in "Maaden", the world's largest aluminum plant which is located in Saudi Arabia.

Prepared a technical dictionary on the aluminum industry with terms definition in both Arabic and English languages.

Selected as an honorary member of world's celebrities bulletin for his significant contribution in technology and environmental development.


Published more than 15 technical papers in TMS (USA), ARABAL and wrote three books:

  • Fundamentals of Aluminum Smelting Technology (2006)
  • Cell Calculations (2008)
  • Process Control Formulas & Equations (2014)

Key Challenges:

Working as an expat and dealing with various cultures and nationalities is a two-edged sword, the main challenge faced lies in adaptability, accepting and embracing change when performing tasks (degree of change resistance). At the other side there is the benefit of diversification lies in the broader range of skills and qualifications in services gained from co-workers.

There are some challenges in convincing some persons of the importance and feasibility of very important business in an industry such as the aluminum industry which cost millions of dollars. However, what makes things easier is the value recognition of such actions by officials, which is what distinguishes the UAE at all levels.


Management Tips

I advise employees at leading positions not to look at the amount of savings, but to the size and achievement from the investment.

I advise all employees to leave a mark at their work through perfection and sincerity in performance, not to be loyal to people because people will be gone while their marks are what remains in their workplace.

Attention to small details in the work is very important since such details make the difference by showing the employee's accuracy and distinguishing him/her from others who do not care about these details.

Methodology in work is indispensable as the goals that employees work on must be clear objectives in order to help them develop better ways and means to achieve them and to overcome the associated challenges.

Manager has to assume his responsibilities .. and develops the capabilities of his staff .. not to say in failure 'he' and in success 'I'.

A successful manager is like a gold digger who removes tons of dirt to find one gram of gold.

A successful manager must be self-denying and involve employees in making decisions collectively.


Tips for the Young Generations:

  • Aim high, keep on learning and widening your horizon
  • Develop innovative ways of work strategies
  • Seek training and educational courses to improve skills and qualifications
  • Keep your connection with God, there is nothing more beautiful than talking to Him.
  • Make better eating choices to stay healthy
  • Do one good deed every day


Tips for Retirees:

  • Never stop at Retirement, Retirement is a beginning of a new life, new achievements and accomplishments.
  • Participate and volunteer in charitable projects and Initiatives
  • Find hobbies and engage in social groups
  • Maintain a healthy body by working out and hitting the gym.
  • Offer complimentary consulting services and don't expect to be paid.