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The GPSSA encourages government and private sector entities to attend awareness workshops

21 August 2024

The GPSSA encourages government and private sector entities to attend awareness workshops

Abu Dhabi, 21st August 2024: In a quest to spread a better understanding regarding the UAE’s federal pension laws no. 7 of 1999 and no. 57 of 2023, the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA) calls on all government and private sector employers to visit GPSSA’s website and apply for awareness workshops. 

Participating in awareness workshops contributes to enhancing an insured’s insurance and social security awareness, while understanding the long-term benefits and privileges offered by the GPSSA to insured individuals, pensioners and their families.

The GPSSA has delivered 37 workshops to 1,118 insured individuals in 2024 regarding the pension law and its provisions. 

The Authority provides two types of awareness workshops, one specifically about the laws and the other about the electronic services available on the website that are affiliated with those laws.

Employers can choose to host the workshop at its headquarters in the presence of insured employees who will have the opportunity to learn about pivotal insurance topics related to the provisions of the laws, such as insurance percentages, the ability to merge contribution amounts, due contribution amounts expected from both insured individuals and their employers in accordance to the applicable law, as well as understand the rules and provisions surrounding pension and contributions, including the contribution account salary, the average contribution account salary and the pension account salary. 

Additionally, workshops help explain ways by which contributions are paid, including the grace period by which contributions are required to be paid during the month, alongside the affiliated payment regulations. Also explained are leave and secondment periods and entitlement to a retirement pension, end-of-service gratuity, calculating pension and gratuity, in addition to conditions and rules around adding and purchasing service periods, as well as merging pension and salary. Time is also allocated to ask questions and have them answered by GPSSA’s experts.

Workshops can be requested via the employer services list on GPSSA’s website, where there’s also an option to view the service card, access the user guide available for the service, or watch an illustrative video. 

After filling out the required data, a request is received and the customer is notified via email and text message. A specialist from the GPSSA will communicate with the end-user once a request to attend a workshop is received in order to deliver a free-of-charge workshop for the employer. 



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