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GPSSA Strategic Plan

Last Updated 19/11/2024 13:40



A distinguished and sustainable pension scheme that enhances the quality of life and attractiveness of working in the UAE.




Managing and developing retirement products and services to enhance the quality of life for retirees, empower talent retention and attraction, and achieve financial sustainability.




  • Innovate and Create
  • Teamwork
  • Proficiency and Excellence
  • Occupational Loyalty
  • Transparency and Credibility
  • Customer Happiness
  • Governance and accountability
  • Partnership and cooperation


Strategic Goals


  • Collaborate with partners and establish a seamless and dynamic business environment
  • Promote financial stability during retirement
  • Attracting and empowering the best talents, and providing efficient and effective institutional services and digital infrastructure
  • Promoting innovation practices based on flexibility, proactivity and readiness within the work system


Main objectives


  • Optimize pension services to elevate customer experience to the highest standards
  • Prepare and develop actuarial studies to analyze the financial situation in the future
  • Develop GPSSA's investments
  • Raise awareness and introduce insurance and pension schemes to all concerned categories

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