In line with the open government concepts and the digital data era, the GPSSA allows access to open data that can be used by developers, researchers, media, and members of the public. Open data is shared as per the GPSSA Open Data License. Datasets which provide value to the customers and are classified as public will be published as open datasets.
The GPSSA Open Data Policy is a dedication to modernizing government operations and enhancing the availability and transparency of public data. This policy underscores the belief that data should be made accessible to the government and private sectors, promoting the spirit of collaboration, innovation and informed decision-making.
This document outlines the key objectives, principles, and procedures that will guide the implementation of the GPSSA Open Data Policy in compliance with other relevant regulations.
The purpose of the Open Data Policy for the GPSSA is to promote transparency, accountability and innovation in our operations, while enhancing the public's access to valuable information. This policy serves as a commitment to the principles of open government and data-driven decision-making.
This Open Data Policy underlines GPSSA's commitment to creating a culture of openness and data-sharing, in line with the United Arab Emirates' broader vision of achieving government excellence, enhancing public services, and promoting sustainable development through data-driven decision-making. By implementing this policy, the GPSSA aims to leverage the transformative power of open data to benefit the citizens and residents of the UAE, the business community, and our cooperation itself.
Through the responsible release of open data assets, the GPSSA aims to achieve the following objectives
- Transparency: Provide the public with comprehensive and easily accessible information.
- Public Engagement: Empower UAE's citizens, residents, and businesses by providing access to relevant data that can inform their decisions, drive economic growth, and improve social welfare
- Compliance: Align the GPSSA with national and international open data standards and best practices, ensuring our open data is accessible, machine-readable, and reusable
- Interoperability: Facilitate the integration of GPSSA’s open data with other government data sources, promoting synergy and coherence in public information resources
- Innovation: Encourage data-driven innovation by making high-quality and up-to-date datasets available to the public, researchers, and entrepreneurs. This allows for the development of new services and solutions that can benefit the community and the pension and social security sector
Scope and Applicability
The Open Data Policy covers structured, machine-readable data assets and information contained within the GPSSA which is classified as open only:
- The policy refers to all structured data in any form, including data stored or transmitted that is classified as open.
- Data generated by internal and external stakeholders during their interaction with the GPSSA that is classified as open.
All open data activities are subject to the UAE federal open data license, publicly available on GPSSA’s portal.
Terms and Definitions
The following definitions, provided by TDRA, for open data is used as the basis for this policy.
Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone without technical, financial or legal restrictions, subject only to two requirements:
- Attribute the document to the source.
- Abide by the GPSSA Open Data license.
The word ‘open’ refers to the fact that everyone can access, use, modify and share data for any purpose (provided that the source is mentioned, and that data is re-subjected to ‘open data principle’).
Dimension | Open Data description according to UAE guidelines |
Availability and Access | The data must be available as a whole and at no more than a reasonable reproduction cost, preferably by downloading over the internet. The data must also be available in a convenient and modifiable form |
Re-use and Redistribution | The data must be provided under terms that permit re-use and redistribution including the intermixing with other datasets |
Universal Participation | Everyone must be able to use, re-use and redistribute the Open Data - there should be no discrimination against fields of endeavour or against persons or groups |
Open Data Policy Statement
- Open by Default ensures that making GPSSA’s open data available for all, through disclosing, providing access to, or using such data, unless its nature requires non-disclosure or protection of its privacy or confidentiality as per the approved classification guidelines.
- Open Format and Machine-Readable data shall be made publicly accessible in a machine-readable format that allows automated processing. Data is stored in widely used file formats (such as CSV, XLS, JSON, XML).
- All Open Data along with its metadata shall be made available for public consumption in a timely manner in their most recent state and free of charge to enhance transparency, accelerate innovation, and foster economic growth.
- Comprehensive open datasets shall be as complete and granular as possible, reflecting recorded data.
- Metadata that defines and explains raw data shall be included along with explanations or formulas for how data was extracted or calculated.
- Free of Charge open data sets shall be made available to all, free of charge.
- Open data shall be subject to a license providing the legal basis for open data usage while defining the conditions, obligations, and restrictions applicable to the user. Any usage of open data shall indicate acceptance of the license terms.
- The use of open data is actively promoted and potential for future users and collaboration with their data is exploited.
- Collaboration with the private sector is promoted.
- The GPSSA should respond rapidly and effectively to requests from other entities and individuals to enrich and extend their open and shared data.
- GPSSA’s open data is solely published under the UAE Open Data License. This sets out clearly the rights of others to reuse the data on an unrestricted basis.
- Open Data shall be available to anyone without discrimination or requirement for registration and any person should be able to access it at any time without having to identify him/herself or provide justification to gain access.
- The reuse of Open data shall be promoted to bring about innovations within and across the GPSSA. Campaigns will be developed to create awareness amongst potential users about the existence, nature, and quality of Open data offered by the Authority.
- Open Data downloads and requests shall be continuously analysed for the purpose of prioritization and responding to public demands.
- Open Data sets are published on Bayanat and on GPSSA’s website.
Data User Responsibility
The Data User is the individual responsible for the reuse of data in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions.
Policy Name | Publishing Date | File Size | File Type |
Open Data Policy | 23/02/2024 | 887 KB | |
Open Data License | 23/02/2024 | 858 KB | |
Open Data Guideline | 17/03/2024 | 633 KB |
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