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All GPSSA Services

Caretaker Enrollment

The service aims to register a Caretaker for a registered GPSSA member (the person who represents those under guardianship), which enables the management of information requests and the provision of services on behalf of the registered member.

The process

Log on to the Ma'ashi platform and apply for the service “Caretaker Enrollment”

Use the Unified Login System (UAEPASS) if you are already registered, or register a new account if you are not

Submit the service request


  • The beneficiary or the retired person under interdiction must be registered with the Authority.

Target Audience


Estimated Time

  • Application (Processing) Time - 10 minutes
  • Service Delivery Time - 10 Working Days

Service Fees

Not Applicable




Pension Operations Department

Required Documents

  • Proof from the court of the appointment of an approved and valid guardian

Service user guide

For assistance, get in touch through

Call: 80010

Service channels

  • iconWebsite

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