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All GPSSA Services

Employer DeRegistration

The service aims to notify the Authority that the employer will be closed and its registration will be cancelled, so that any authorized representative associated with the entity will not be able to access or benefit from GPSSA's services using the platform.

The process

Log on to the Ma'ashi platform and apply for the service“Employer DeRegistration"

Use the Unified Login System (UAEPASS) if you are already registered, or register a new account if you are not

Submit the service request


The employer requesting this service must: :

  • Be registered and have an account with the Authority
  • Settle any outstanding obligations such as due contributions and any other additional amounts to be able to process the cancellation request by the Authority
  • Complete all end-of-service cases for insured individuals registered with the Authority (UAE nationals / GCC nationals)

Target Audience


Estimated Time

  • Application (Processing) Time - 5 minutes
  • Service Delivery Time - 5 working days

Service Fees

Not Applicable


G2G & G2B


Pension Operations Department

Required Documents

No documents required

Service user guide

For assistance, get in touch through

Call: 80010

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