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Registration of GCC nationals

Through this service, UAE-based government and private sector entities can register their GCC employees with the civil pension authority in the insured’s home country as part of the insurance protection extension system and in coordination with the General Pension and Social Security Authority. Contribution is mandatory according to the provisions of the insurance protection extension system.

The process

Log on to the Ma'ashi platform and apply for the service "Registration of GCC nationals"
Use the Unified Login System (UAEPASS) if you are already registered, or register a new account if you are not
Fill out and attach the unified form for the insurance protection extension system approved and stamped by the employee and the employer
Submit the service request


  • To register, the employee must be:
    • A citizen from a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country.
    • An employee working in the United Arab Emirates.

Target Audience

Employer Services

Estimated Time

  • Application (Processing) Time - 7 Minutes
  • Service Delivery Time - 5 Working Days

Service Fees

Not Applicable


G2G & G2B


Pension Operations Department

Required Documents

  • The unified form for the insurance protection extension system, approved and stamped by the employee and the employer
  • A copy of the employment contract
  • Birth certificate (for Kuwaitis only)
  • Nationality certificate (for Kuwaitis only)
  • Emirates ID
  • National ID
  • A copy of the passport

Service user guide

For assistance, get in touch through

Call: 80010

Service channels

  • iconWebsite

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