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All GPSSA Services

Registration of an Insured

The service ensures employers register and pay monthly contributions for their Emirati employees to the GPSSA

The process

Register via the Ma'ashi platform and apply for the service “Registration of an Insured”
Use the Unified Login System (UAEPASS) if you are already registered, or register a new account if you are not
Submit the service request


  • The employer requesting this service must be registered and have an account on the Authority’s employer portal
  • The service request must be submitted by the employer within one month of the new employee joining the establishment.
The employee who is registered must meet the following conditions:
  • He/she must be a citizen of the United Arab Emirates
  • He/she must not be less than 18 years old and not more than 60
  • He/she must be medically fit to work upon appointment.
  • The employee must work for employers in the federal government and employers in the local government sector, except for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the Emirate of Sharjah, and employers in the private sector in all emirates of the country, except for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
  • He/she must have a valid Emirati ID
  • He/she must not be self-employed
  • He/she must not be a military employee
  • He/she must be registered and have an account on the Ma'ashi platform

Target Audience


Estimated Time

  • Application (Processing) Time - 7 minutes
  • Service Delivery Time - 5 Working hours

Service Fees

Not Applicable


G2G & G2B


Pension Operations Department

Required Documents

The following documents and papers must be prepared and ready in order to obtain the service:

  • A certified and recent medical report upon registration issued by a health authority in the country proving the individual is medically fit to work

Service user guide

For assistance, get in touch through

Call: 80010

Service channels

  • iconWebsite

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