The GPSSA explains the provisions resulting from a pensioner's return to work

Abu Dhabi, 25th March 2024: The federal pension law does not prevent pensioners from returning to work again, provided that they are under the age of 60 and have their employer register and pay their due monthly contributions on their behalf, affirmed the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA).
Pension payments will be stopped however, if it has been proven that upon the pensioners return to work, the salary received by the new entity is equal to or greater than the value of the pension due for the period of service upon retirement, as per the concerned provisions regarding merging pension and salary.
It is possible to combine pension and salary, given that the pensioner has retired from a governmental job for a period of 25 years or more, and that the employment period has not ended due to a termination, disciplinary decision or a judicial ruling, or for reasons other than those mentioned in Article (16) of Federal Pension Law No. (7) of 1999 for Pension and Social Security and its amendments.
Pensioners are able to combine pension and salary prior to the implementation of the provisions of Federal Pension Law No. (7) of 1999 for Pension and Social Security and its amendments.
Likewise, a pensioner can merge two pensions if the pension he/she is entitled to is paid from a fund other than that of the GPSSA.
Widows may also combine their own pension with that of their deceased husband’s pension, as well as between her share in her husband’s pension and the salary she receives from work.
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