Label JSON
"aboutus-page": {
"field_list": {
"aboutus-button": "About Us button",
"aboutus-title": "About Us"
"title": "About Us"
"accountCreation": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Some information provided is not in the proper format. Please correct them to continue.",
"401": "Session has expired. Please <a href=\"/member/createaccount\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">restart</a> the account creation process.",
"404": "We are unable to get information from the details you have provided. Please try again later.",
"409": "Account already exists with the provided details.",
"A-AC-001": "Your account is locked for 24 hours, please try again later.",
"AC-001": "Multiple records found.",
"AC-002": "Emirates ID exists for this IBAN and DOB. Please register using Emirates ID.",
"AC-003": "Account with this IBAN and DOB is already registered.",
"AC-004": "Details do not exist, click continue to register as Guest",
"AC-006": "UAE nationality and Emirates ID do not exist. Please update.",
"AC-007": "This Emirates ID is already registered.",
"AC-009": "Invalid username. Username should consist of minimum 6 characters and maximum 30 characters. Allowed characters are alphabets (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), period (.) and exclamation mark (!)",
"AC-010": "Username already in use. Please use a different username.",
"AC-011": "You cannot modify the existing fields.",
"AC-012": "Multiple records found for this Emirates ID.",
"AC-013": "Invalid Emirates ID. Please enter the correct Emirates ID.",
"AC-014": "Security questions not found. Please contact GPSSA to update your contact details and submit OTP.",
"AC-015": "Your answer is incorrect.",
"AC-022": "We are unable to find your date of birth in our records or you are below 18 years.",
"accountNotFound": "We are unable to find your record linked to the entered Emirates ID.",
"alreadyRegistered": "Have you registered with GPSSA using IBAN?",
"alternateEmailAddressLabelPlaceholder": "Alternate email ID",
"alternateEmailAddressPlaceholder": "Enter alternate email ID",
"answer": "Answer",
"back": "Back",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelBtnLbl": "I don't have an Emirates ID",
"close": "Close",
"closeButton": "Close",
"cmsContentError": "An error occurred while fetching some information from our records. Please try again later.",
"completeProfileLabel": "Please enter your details below",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"confirmPasswordPlaceholder": "Enter confirm password",
"contactDetailsNotFound": "Unable to fetch contact details, please try again later.",
"continue": "Continue",
"corporateEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Business email ID",
"corporateEmailPlaceholder": "",
"countryCodePlaceholder": "971",
"countryListError": "We are unable to access our servers right now. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"creationModeDescription": "Welcome. You can create your account through UAE Pass.",
"creationModeHeading": "Create your account",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"deadUserRegistration": "An error occurred while fetching your information from our records. Please contact <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#ffffff; text-decoration:underline\">GPSSA</a> for more details.",
"disclaimerSkipOTP": "If your contact details are incorrect, skip this step and answer security questions to validate your identity. Go to ",
"edit": "Edit",
"email": "Email ID",
"emailAddress_409": "This email address is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"emailPlaceholder": "",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesId_409": "This Emirates ID is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"emiratesId_emailNotValid": "The email address linked to this Emirates ID is not correct.",
"emiratesId_noDataFound": "We are unable to fetch your information linked to your Emirates ID. Please try after sometime.",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "e.g. 784198625684545",
"emiratesUAELabel": "Please enter your Emirates ID",
"enforceEmiratesId": "Our records show that an Emirates ID is already associated with the information provided. Please use the Emirates ID to register with GPSSA.",
"enterAnswer": "Enter your answer here",
"enterEmailMobileDescription": "Please enter the details below",
"enterEmiratesIDHeading": "Please enter your Emirates ID if you are a UAE citizen or a UAE resident",
"error_checkUserExist_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_checkUserExist_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_checkUserExist_409": "An account with the Emirates ID/Passport Number you provided exists already.",
"error_checkUserExist_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getNationalityData_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_getNationalityData_404": "Country data not found",
"error_getNationalityData_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getRegistrationToken_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_getRegistrationToken_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_otpValidation_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_OTP001": "OTP for both email & mobile has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP002": "OTP for email has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP003": "OTP for mobile has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP004": "OTP for both email & mobile are not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP005": "OTP for email is not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP006": "OTP for mobile is not valid",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation flow",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_409": "An account with the email/mobile number you provided exists already.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_409": "An account with the email address you provided exists already.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_409": "An account with the mobile number you provided already exists.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_userInfo_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userInfo_401": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_409": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userRegistration_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userRegistration_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation flow.",
"error_userRegistration_409": "An account with the email/mobile number you provided exists already.",
"error_userRegistration_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"errorRecaptchaVerify": "Please verify the CAPTCHA code",
"facebookLink": "",
"firstName": "First name",
"firstNameArabic": "First name (Arabic)",
"firstNameEnglish": "First name (English)",
"firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter First Name",
"gender": "Gender",
"goBackBtnLbl": "Go back",
"gpssaButton": "Sign up with GPSSA credentials",
"hasRelation": "Do you have any existing relation with GPSSA?",
"home": "Home",
"iban4Digits": "Last four digits of your IBAN",
"IBANPlaceholder": "e.g. 8454",
"infoBarContent": "Your contact information is linked to your Emirates ID, stored within the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (FAIC). If any of this information is incorrect, please check with FAIC.",
"infoBarLink": "Click here to update.",
"infoBarLinkUrl": "",
"informationDetails": "Contact details",
"informationDetailsDesc": "Please enter or update your contact details.",
"instagramLink": "",
"lastName": "Last name",
"lastNameArabic": "Last name (Arabic)",
"lastNameEnglish": "Last name (English)",
"lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter Last Name",
"loginLink": "Log in here",
"loginText": "Already have an account?",
"maidenNameArabic": "Maiden name (Arabic)",
"maidenNameEnglish": "Maiden name (English)",
"managedMemberAccountHeading": "Create account",
"managedMemberAccountNotExists": "Managed member is not registered in GPSSA, please fill the form before proceeding.",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"middleNameArabic": "Middle name(s) (Arabic)",
"middleNameEnglish": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"middleNamePlaceholder": "Enter Middle Name",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumber_409": "This mobile number is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"mobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "971523456789",
"modalBody": "Thank you for registering with GPSSA. Please click Home to return to the Login page.",
"modalHeading": "Registration complete.",
"name": "Name",
"nameInputLabel": "First Name Last Name",
"nameInputLabelPlaceholder": "Please enter your name",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDefault": "Please select your nationality",
"no": "No",
"notPilotUser": "Currently portal is available only for pilot users, please try again once the portal is open to public.",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpDescription": "A verification code will be sent to you via email or SMS.",
"otpInputLabel": "Enter verification code",
"otpReSentHeading": "Verification code re-sent successfully",
"otpScreenDescription": "To proceed, you will have to confirm your identity via OTP.",
"otpScreenHeading": "Confirm your identity",
"otpViaEmail": "Verification code via email",
"otpViaEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by email",
"otpViaMobileNumber": "Verification code via SMS",
"otpViaMobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by SMS",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"passportNumberLabel": "Please enter your passport number",
"passportNumberPlaceholder": "12356789",
"password": "Password",
"passwordDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Enter password",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Medium",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"profileFormDescription": "Please fill in the following information to complete your registration.",
"profileFormHeading": "Complete your registration",
"profilePopupMessage": "If any of the information shown below needs to be modified, you will be able to update your profile after registering and logging into the portal.",
"reasonForAccountCreation": "Reason for account creation",
"registrationError": "Registration error",
"relationLbl": "Do you have an existing GPSSA account?",
"resendOtp": "Didn’t receive verification code",
"securityQuestionAttempts": "You have ${0} attempts",
"securityQuestionDescription": "To proceed, you will have to confirm your identity by answering the below security questions.",
"securityQuestions": "Security question",
"selectCountryDescription": "Are you a UAE national or a UAE resident?",
"selectCountryHeading": "Create your account",
"sendCode": "Send code",
"sendOTP": "Send OTP code",
"skipOTP": "Skip OTP code",
"submit": "Submit",
"successModalBody": "Thank you for registering with GPSSA. Please click Home to return to the Login page.",
"successModalHeading": "Sign-up complete",
"termsandconditionError": "Please click the checkbox to continue.",
"thirdNameArabic": "Third name (Arabic)",
"thirdNameEnglish": "Third name (English)",
"title": "Title",
"titleAr": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titleArabic": "Title (Arabic)",
"titleEn": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titleEnglish": "Title (English)",
"titleKeys": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titlePlaceholder": "Select Title",
"titles": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titlesEn": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"tncContent": "I have read and agree to the",
"tncLink": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkText": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkUrl": "/member/tnc",
"twitterLink": "",
"uaeButton": "Sign up with UAE Pass",
"uaepassCustomerCenterConnect": "To update the Emirates ID with your existing account, please contact GPSSA customer care.",
"uaePassLogo": "UAE Pass Logo",
"unableToFetchListFromDrupal": "We are unable to find some mandatory information required for account creation. Please try again later.",
"upassConfirmHeading": "No information is available with us. If you have an existing account press Yes or else continue with No.",
"updateEIDOffline": "Kindly reach out to GPSSA and update your Emirates ID details offline.",
"userInfo_500": "We are unable to access your existing data right now. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"userName": "Username",
"userRegistration_400": "Something went wrong while creating your account. Please validate the information that you have provided and try again.",
"userRegistration_401": "Your session has expired. Please provide the information in the form again.",
"userRegistration_409": "This email address is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"userRegistration_500": "Something went wrong while creating your account. Please try again later.",
"yes": "Yes",
"youtubeLink": "",
"A-AC-002": "We were unable to verify the provided Emirates ID with our downstream systems.",
"passportDetails": "Passport details"
"title": "Account Creation"
"accountNavigation": {
"field_list": {
"backTo": "Back to",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"disabilityDetails": "People of determination",
"educationDetails": "Education",
"nationalityDetails": "Nationality",
"nationalityDocument": "Upload documents",
"navDocuments": "Documents",
"navEmployment": "Employment details",
"navFamily": "Family Book details",
"navFinancial": "Financial details",
"navManagedBy": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"navManagedMembers": "Managed members",
"navMyProfile": "My profile",
"passportDetails": "Passport details",
"passwordStrength0": "No Password",
"passwordStrength1": "Very Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Weak",
"passwordStrength3": "Medium",
"passwordStrength4": "Strong",
"personalDetails": "Personal Information"
"title": "AccountNavigation"
"addressLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addAddress": "Add address",
"addAddressMessage": "Would you like to add address?",
"addressDetails": "Address details",
"addressLine1": "Address line 1",
"addressLine2": "Address line 2",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"city": "City",
"country": "Country",
"heading": "Address",
"isCurrent": "Is this the primary address?",
"isOverseas": "Is overseas",
"isUae": "Is this address in UAE?",
"otherStateEmirate": "State/Emirate",
"pinCode": "Postal code",
"sameAsParentAddress": "Same as parent's/provider's address",
"state": "State/Emirate",
"stateEmirate": "State/Emirate",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Address"
"agentDeEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"serviceNameArabic": "إلغاء تسجيل وكيل",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Agent De-Enrollment"
"title": "Agent De Enrollment"
"guardianDeEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"serviceNameArabic": "إلغاء تسجيل وصي",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Guardian De-Enrollment"
"title": "Guardian De Enrollment"
"caretakerDeEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"serviceNameArabic":"إلغاء تسجيل قيّم",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Caretaker De-Enrollment"
"title": "Caretaker De Enrollment"
"agentEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"agentFor": "Does the member you want to become an agent for holds an Emirates ID?",
"agentPowerOfAttorneyTitle": "Agent notorized power of attorney",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryHeading": "The selected user is registered as a dependent with GPSSA. Please fill this form to register them as beneficiary.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"errorMessageEmiratesIdInvalid": "Your Emirates ID details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageMemberIsMinor": "Enrollment of agent is only permitted for adult members. For minor beneficiaries, please select the guardian option.",
"errorMessageMemberNotBeneficiaryButPensioner": "This user is not a beneficiary. Please select the pensioner option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA.",
"errorMessageMemberNotPensioner": "This user is not a pensioner. Please select the beneficiary option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberPassedAway": "You cannot enroll as a agent for a deceased member.",
"errorMessagePassportInvalid": "Your Passport details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"memberEmirates": "Enter the member's Emirate ID",
"memberEmiratesOrPassport": "Enter the member's Passport Number",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionerAndBeneficiary": "Pensioner and beneficiary",
"pensionerAndDependent": "This user is already registered as a pensioner and dependent with GPSSA, do you also want to register them as beneficiary?",
"powerOfAttorneyExpiryDate": "Notorized power of attorney expiration date",
"powerOfAttorneyHasAnExpiryDate": "Power of attorney has an expiry date?",
"selectAmongPassportNumberOrEmiratesIdOfMember": "Select among Passport Number or Emirates ID of member",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"serviceNameArabic": "تسجيل وكيل",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Agent Enrollment",
"whoWouldYouLikeToBecomeAnAgentCaretakerFor": "Who would you like to become an agent/caretaker for?"
"title": "Agent Enrollment"
"bankLabels": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account Holder Name",
"accountStatus": "Account Status",
"actExistErr": "You have already added a bank account with this IBAN.",
"addBank": "Add bank account",
"addMore": "Would you like to add bank account ?",
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"bankDocument": "Upload documents",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"bic": "BIC",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Bank account details",
"mandFieldErr": "Please provide IBAN and bank name.",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Bank account details"
"basicInformation": {
"field_list": {
"dependentPassportNumber": "Dependent's passport number",
"dependentRelationship": "Relationship - Dependent is my:",
"dependentType": "Is the dependent a UAE national or a UAE resident?",
"emiratesId": "Dependent's Emirates ID",
"heading": "Basic information",
"passport": "Passport number",
"passportNumber": "Dependent's passport number",
"providerRelationship": "Relationship with the provider",
"relationship": "Relationship - Dependent is my:",
"title": "Basic information",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified Number"
"title": "Basic information"
"benefactorDeceasedLabels": {
"field_list": {
"benefactorEmiratesIDPassport": "Benefactor's Emirates ID/passport",
"benefactorFullName": "Benefactor's full name",
"beneficiaryStatus": "Beneficiary status",
"effectiveDateEnd": "Effective date end",
"effectiveDateStart": "Effective date start",
"heading": "Benefactor (Deceased)",
"relationshipToBenefactor": "Relationship to benefactor",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Please upload the documents mentioned below"
"title": "Benefactor (Deceased)"
"benefactorLabels": {
"field_list": {
"benefactorEmiratesId": "Benefactor's Emirates ID",
"benefactorEmiratesIDPassport": "Benefactor's Emirates ID/Passport",
"benefactorFullName": "Benefactor's full name",
"benefactorName": "Benefactor's name",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"effectiveEndDate": "Effective end date",
"effectiveStartDate": "Effective start date",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service flag",
"heading": "Benefactor",
"relationshipToBenefactor": "Relationship to benefactor",
"relationshipWithBenefactor": "Relationship with benefactor",
"status": "Status",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload documents"
"title": "Benefactor"
"beneficiaryOtherPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addMore": "Would you like to add pension?",
"addOtherPension": "Add other pension",
"benefactorName": "Benefactor's name",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"monthlyPensionInstallment": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"otherNameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority (Other)",
"otherSourceOfBeneficiaryPension": "Do you have any other source of beneficiary pension?",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"pensionEndDate": "Pension end date",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"pensionType": "Pension type",
"relationshipWithBenefactor": "Relationship with benefactor",
"scheme": "Scheme",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes"
"title": "Other beneficiary pension details"
"beneficiaryPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"beneficiaryPension": "beneficiary pension details",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Beneficiary pension details",
"installmentAmount": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"lastPensionDisbursement": "Last pension Disbursement (in AED)",
"lastPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Last pension entitlement update date",
"lastPensionPayment": "Last pension disbursement (in AED)",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Next pension entitlement update date",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDueDate": "Next pension entitlement update due date",
"pensionDisbursement": "Last Pension Disbursement (in AED)",
"pensionEndDate": "Pension end date",
"pensionEntitlement": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionEntitlementAmount": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionInstallment": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"pensionInstallmentAmount": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"pensionType": "Type of pension",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Beneficiary pension details"
"benefitExchange": {
"field_list": {
"benefitAmount": "Benefit Amount from Pension Authority",
"days": "days",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"mergeCostTncInfo": "I hereby agree to pay any merge cost applicable to me as a result GPSSA's calculation.",
"months": "months",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pensionAuthorityName": "Name of pension authority/funds",
"previousEmploymentTitle": "Previous employment",
"previuosEmployerName": "Previous employer name",
"specifyEmployerName": "Specify employer name",
"specifyPensionAuthority": "Specify Pension Authority",
"totalMergeServicePeriod": "Total merge service period",
"totalPurchaseServicePeriod": "Total purchase service period",
"years": "years"
"title": "Benefit Exchange service"
"breadcrumbLabels": {
"field_list": {
"account": "My profile",
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"contact": "Contact",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial",
"financialSummary": "Financial Summary",
"managedby": "Agent-Caretaker-Guardian",
"managedmembers": "Managed members",
"mandatedetails": "Mandate Details",
"mandateId": "DDS mandate details - ${0}",
"mandates": "Mandate List",
"medical": "Medical",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"newdependent": "Add dependent",
"passport": "Passport",
"personal": "Personal"
"title": "breadcrumbLabels"
"cancelServicePurchaseLbl": {
"field_list": {
"activeServiceListLbl": "Choose active merge or purchase service for cancellation",
"alreadyInProgress": "This service is already in process. You can not cancel it now.",
"cmHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel the ${0} that are pending payment?",
"dataFetchingIssue": "Unable to fetch the list of request(s)",
"days": "days",
"errorCancelRequest": "Error occurred during cancel request!",
"heading": "Service periods merge/purchase",
"infoLb2": "The service periods that are paid for will be considered and added to your total service periods.",
"infoLbl": "The service periods that are paid for will be considered and added to your total service periods. In case monthly installment claim is in progress and already initiated, the cancelation request will be processed and considered from next month's installment.",
"months": "months",
"reasonLbl": "Reason for cancelation",
"reasonPlaceholder": "Unable to continue paying installments",
"requestedCostLbl": "Cost",
"requestedTimePaidLbl": "Service periods already paid for and applied",
"requestedTimePendingLbl": "Service periods pending payment",
"requestedTimeTotalLbl": "Total service period requested",
"smHeading": "Your request has been successfully processed. An updated payment certificate will be sent to your registered email ID.",
"years": "years",
"customError001": "This service request is under Cost Recalculation and cannot be cancelled."
"title": "Cancel Service Purchase labels"
"caretakerEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"caretakerCertificate": "Caretaker certificate",
"caretakerFor": "Does the member you want to become caretaker for holds an Emirates ID?",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"errorMessageEmiratesIdInvalid": "Your Emirates ID details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageMemberIsMinor": "Enrollment of caretaker is only permitted for adult members. For minor beneficiaries, please select the guardian option.",
"errorMessageMemberNotBeneficiaryButPensioner": "This user is not a beneficiary. Please select the pensioner option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA.",
"errorMessageMemberNotPensioner": "This user is not a pensioner. Please select the beneficiary option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberPassedAway": "You cannot enroll as a caretaker for a deceased member.",
"errorMessagePassportInvalid": "Your Passport details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"memberEmirates": "Enter the member's Emirate ID",
"memberEmiratesOrPassport": "Enter the member's Passport Number",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionerAndBeneficiary": "Pensioner and beneficiary",
"serviceNameArabic": "تسجيل مشرف",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Caretaker Enrollment"
"title": "Caretaker Enrollment"
"case-details": {
"field_list": {
"acceptDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Accept\" button in the form to update case status.",
"additionalSupportingDocumentLbl": "Additional supporting documents",
"admin": "Admin",
"alertHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure to Submit the request to admin",
"cancelBtnLbl": "Cancel Request",
"cancelReasonCharacterLimit": "Maximum 500 characters",
"cancelRequestHeadingLbl": "Are you sure you want to cancel your request?",
"cancelRequestTitleLbl": "Please state your reason(s) for cancellation (this is mandatory).",
"cancelSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"caseClosedDisclaimer": "This request has been closed because the requested information was not provided within 2 working days. Please create a new request if you need further support.",
"caseDetailMsgLabelPlaceholder": "Message",
"caseDetailMsgOptionalText": "Maximum 1000 characters",
"caseDetailMsgSendBtnLabel": "Post Message",
"caseDetailPlaceholder": "Just type here...",
"caseDetailTitle": "Request details",
"categoryLbl": "Category",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "Continue",
"continueDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Continue\" button in the form to update case status.",
"createdByLbl": "Created by",
"createdLbl": "Created on",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dueDate": "Due date",
"employer": "Employer",
"goBackBtnLbl": "Go back",
"gpssa": "GPSSA Administrator",
"infoRequestedDisclaimer": "If the requested information is not provided within 2 working days, your request will be rejected automatically.",
"initiatedByLbl": "Initiated by",
"inputPlaceholder": "Please enter your message",
"lastUpdatedBy": "Last updated by",
"lastUpdatedLbl": "Last updated on",
"linkedIdLabel": "Linked request ID",
"LinkedIdLabelPlaceholder": "Insert here",
"linkedIdPlaceholder": "Start typing",
"linkedIdSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"memberComment": "Member comment",
"msgSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View request details",
"relationLbl": "Do you have any relation with GPSSA?",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestDetailsLbl": "Request details",
"requestIdLbl": "Request ID",
"serviceTypeLbl": "Service name",
"statusLbl": "Status",
"subcategoryLbl": "Subcategory",
"submitBtnLbl": "Send",
"submitButtonLbl": "Submit Request",
"submitDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Submit\" button in the form to update case status.",
"supportingDocumentLbl": "Supporting documents",
"system": "System",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request is updated",
"thankuHeadingLabelCancel": "Your cancellation request has been submitted.",
"thankuHeadingSubmitSuccessLabel": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeLbl": "Type",
"uploadBtnLbl": "Upload",
"uploadDocumentTitle": "The uploading of documents depends on the type of request.",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size ",
"yourRequest": "Your request",
"visitProfilePage": "Please visit the <a href='/member/account' style='text-decoration: underline;' class='active'> profile </a> page to take action on this request. You can still use this page to post comment on the request.",
"visitProfilePageCopy2": "To ensure your request is processed by GPSSA, please update your <a href='/member/account' style='text-decoration: underline;' class='active'> profile </a> with the required information within 2 working days. Only requests submitted from the profile page will be reviewed. You can only send messages from this page. Please note that sending messages will not submit your request for admin review."
"title": "Case details"
"certificates": {
"field_list": {
"aboutDescription": "Certificates required by employers, government, and other external entities can be generated, viewed and downloaded from here. Please click start and complete the required fields to generate your certificate.",
"aboutTitle": "About",
"beneficiaryCertificateDescription": "Individuals may request this certificate as proof of the monthly beneficiary salary they receive from GPSSA.",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"circulations": "Circulations",
"createCertificate": "Start",
"eosRewardCertificateDescription": "The insured can apply for the End of Service (EoS) Reward Certificate highlighting the end of service gratuity value.",
"mergePreviousServicePeriodsCertificateDescription": "The insured can choose to merge previous service periods to their current service period. This certificate provides complete details of the service periods merged.",
"notReceivingPensionCertificateDescription": "Individuals may request this certificate as proof that they do not receive a monthly pension salary from GPSSA.",
"pensionCompensationCertificateDescription": "Military pensioners are granted a monthly compensation in addition to their pension which tops up to equal the last monthly salary received before retirement and lasts for a period of two years. This certificate details the amount of compensation along with start/end dates.",
"pensionSalaryCertificateDescription": "Pensioners may request this certificate which specifies the monthly pension salary they receive from GPSSA.",
"pleaseSeeBelow": "Certificates available for download are listed below",
"purchaseOfServicePeriodsCertificateDescription": "The insured can purchase additional service periods from GPSSA to increase their pension value. These additional service periods are deemed by Pension Law as actual periods of contribution. This certificate provides complete details of the service periods purchased.",
"serviceDescription": "This service enables you to generate a certificate."
"title": "Certificates"
"certificateTypes": {
"field_list": {
"beneficiarySalaryCertificate": "Beneficiary Salary Certificate",
"beneficiarySalaryCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة راتب المستحق",
"eosRewardCertificate": "End of Service Benefits Certificate",
"eosRewardCertificate_enOrar": "End of Service Benefits Certificate",
"insuredCertificate": "Insured Certificate",
"insuredCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة المؤمن عليه",
"mergePreviousServicePeriodsCertificate": "Merge Previous Service Periods Certificate",
"mergePreviousServicePeriodsCertificate_enOrar": "شهـادة ضـم مـدد خدمـة سابقـة",
"noObjectionCertificate": "No Objection Certificate",
"noObjectionCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة عدم ممانعة",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate": "No Registered Insured Certificate",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة عدم وجود مؤمن عليهم مسجلين",
"notReceivingPensionCertificate": "Not Receiving Pension Certificate",
"notReceivingPensionCertificate_enOrar": "عدم استلام شهادة معاش",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate": "Outstanding Obligations Certificate",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة مبالغ الالتزامات المستحقة",
"pensionCompensationCertificate": "Pension Compensation Certificate",
"pensionCompensationCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة تعويض المعاش",
"pensionSalaryCertificate": "Pension Salary Certificate",
"pensionSalaryCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة المعاش التقاعدي",
"purchaseOfServicePeriodsCertificate": "Purchase Service Periods Certificate",
"purchaseOfServicePeriodsCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة شراء مدة خدمة اعتبارية",
"viewCertificate": "View Certificate",
"endOfServiceRemunerationCertificate": "End Of Service Remuneration Certificate",
"endOfServiceBenefitExchangeCertificate": "End Of Service Benefit ExchangeCertificate",
"endOfServiceNoBenefitCertificate": "End Of Service No Benefit Certificate",
"endOfServiceRemunerationCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة مكافأة نهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServiceBenefitExchangeCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة تبادل المنافع لنهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServiceNoBenefitCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة لا منافع لنهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServicePensionCertificate": "End of Service Pension Certificate",
"endOfServicePensionCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة معاش نهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServicePensionOptimalRewardCertificate": "End Of Service Pension Optimal Reward Certificate",
"endOfServicePensionOptimalRewardCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة المكافأة المثلى لمعاش نهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServiceCertificate": "End Of Service Certificate",
"endOfServiceCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة نهاية الخدمة"
"title": "types of certificate"
"common": {
"field_list": {
"abuDhabi": "Abu Dhabi",
"abudhabiPensionAuthority": "Abu Dhabi Pension Fund",
"accept": "Accept",
"accountHomepageTitle": "Member Profile Page",
"addMoreDocumentsLabel": "Add additional documents",
"aed": "AED",
"agree": "Agree",
"ajman": "Ajman",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveButton": "Approve",
"atLeastOneDocIsMandatory": "Uploading one of the below documents is mandatory",
"availed": "Availed",
"back": "Back",
"backButton": "Back",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryPension": "Beneficiary Pension",
"brother": "Brother",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelIdleButton": "Yes, cancel",
"cancelLabel": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "CAPTCHA Verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"caseDetailsFlow": "is case Details Flow",
"characters": "Characters",
"closeButton": "Close",
"comingSoonTitle": "Coming Soon",
"commonErrorMsg": "Something went wrong!",
"commonErrorMsgCloseAction": "Click to close the notification bar.",
"confirmButton": "Confirm",
"confirmEmploymentConsent": "Please click 'Continue' to submit consent for not working at any non-GPSSA employer",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"confirmPensionConsent": "Please click 'Continue' to submit consent for not receiving any active pension from non-GPSSA pension authority",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"continueButton": "Continue",
"continueIdleButton": "No, continue",
"dateNotAvailable": "NA",
"daughter": "Daughter",
"days": "Days",
"days11above": "Days",
"days2": "Days",
"delete": "Delete",
"dependents": "Dependents",
"dependentsPlaceholder": "dependents",
"deregisterCaretakerDocument": "Removal of caretaker certificate",
"deregisterGuardianAdultDocument": "Confirmation of maturity certificate",
"deregisterGuardianMinorDocument": "Proof of non-continuity of guardianship",
"disabilityCardExpired": "ID expired on",
"disagree": "Disagree",
"divorced": "Divorced",
"documenntsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescription": "Document description",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"documentFetchError": "Error occured while downloading report. Please try again later.",
"documentsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"download": "Download",
"dubai": "Dubai",
"editPhoto": "Edit photo",
"eidExpired": "Emirates ID expired on",
"emailSendError": "Error occured while sending email. Please try again later.",
"emailSent": "Email sent successfully",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdExpDate": "Emirates ID expiration date",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "e.g. 784198625684545",
"emirati": "Yes",
"empEndDateError": "Employment end date should not precede employment start date",
"empEndFutureDateError": "Employment end date can not be future date",
"empStartDateError": "Employment start date can not be future date",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"errorTrace": "Error reference ID:",
"errorTraceInfo": "By simply clicking on it, you have the ability to copy the error reference id. This distinctive identifier can be utilized as a point of reference for any communication with our technical team.",
"errorTraceTitle": "Click to copy the Error Reference ID",
"expDate": "Expiration Date",
"father": "Father",
"female": "Female",
"fileExistError": "These files already exist",
"fujairah": "Fujairah",
"genderFemale": "Female",
"genderMale": "Male",
"goToProfile": "Go to profile",
"gpssaHeading": "GPSSA",
"gpssaId": "GPSSA ID",
"granddaughter": "Granddaughter",
"grandfather": "Grandfather",
"grandfther": "Grandfather",
"grandson": "Grandson",
"hello": "Hello",
"home": "Home",
"husband": "Husband",
"idleAppModalBody": "You will be logged out in 60 secs. Would you like to continue ?",
"inactivityLogout": "You have been logged out due to inactivity.",
"insertHere": "Insert here",
"invalidOtp": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"kebabMenu": "menu",
"listenReader": "Listen",
"logout": "Logout",
"makeCorrections": "Request amendments",
"male": "Male",
"mandatoryDocs": "Uploading these documents is mandatory",
"married": "Married",
"max100": "Maximum 100 characters are allowed",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"maxCharacters1024": "1024 characters max",
"maximum": "Maximum",
"mobBackPress": "Back button",
"mobBackToLogin": "Back to log in page",
"mobCloseDrawerMenu": "close drawer menu",
"mobDownloadSuccessMsg": "Your file is successfully downloaded",
"mobErrorOccurredMsg": "An Error Occurred",
"mobNavigationMenu": "Navigation Menu",
"mobSelectedLang": "Selected language English",
"mobUnverifiedUaePassAccount": "User has account with UAE Pass but is not verified.",
"mobUserNeedsToRegister": "User needs to register first.",
"monthNamesFull": "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December",
"monthNamesPartial": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"monthNamesPartial_ar": "يناير,فبراير,مارس,إبريل,مايو,يونيو,يوليو,أغسطس,سبتمبر,أكتوبر,نوفمبر,ديسمبر",
"monthNamesPartial_en": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"months": "Months",
"months11above": "Months",
"more": "more",
"mother": "Mother",
"newRequest": "Create a new request",
"next": "Next",
"no": "No",
"noAppInstalledToViewFile": "No app available in device to view the file",
"noButton": "No",
"noDataMsg": "No data available",
"noDocuments": "No Documents are needed",
"noInternetConnectionMsg": "No Internet Connection",
"nonEmirati": "No",
"noOption": "No option",
"notAvailed": "Not Availed",
"ok": "OK",
"onHold": "On Hold",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"optionalDocs": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"other": "Other",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your registered email ID: ${0}",
"panelFontSizeHeading": "Font size",
"panelHeading": "Accessibility panel",
"panelNarratorHeading": "Narrator",
"panelThemeHeading": "Color Blindness Option",
"panelZoomHeading": "Zoom",
"passportExpired": "Passport expired on",
"pensionDetails": "Pension Details",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionStartDateError": "Pension start date can not be a future date",
"pleaseWait": "Please wait...",
"present": "Present",
"pressIAccept": "Once you have reviewed all required sections, please click '${0}' to send your information to GPSSA for review.",
"profileProgressBarMessage": "Your profile is ${0}% complete, please complete the mandatory fields",
"progressBarProgressMessage": "Your profile is ${0}% complete",
"rasAlKhaimah": "Ras Al Khaimah",
"recOtherEmpQues": "Are you currently working with a non-GPSSA employer?",
"recOtherPensionQues": "Are you currently receiving pension from non-GPSSA pension authority?",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectReason": "Please provide reject reason",
"releaseMessage1": "Welcome to the Member Portal from the General Pension and Social Security Authority, where you can avail a wealth of services provided for your convenience.",
"releaseMessage2": "You can also visit our main portal on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size:0.75rem;color:#996f31;\"></a> for general information.",
"requiredEmiratesHeadquarter": "is required Emirates headquarter",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"retirementPension": "Retirement Pension",
"search": "search",
"select": "Select",
"selectService": "Please fill this form to create your request.",
"selectTypeOfRequest": "Select the type of request",
"serviceDashboard": "Service Dashboard",
"servicePeriod": "Service Period",
"serviceRequest": "Service",
"sharjah": "Sharjah",
"sister": "Sister",
"son": "Son",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitButton": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been submitted successfully.",
"supportRequest": "Support",
"testLabel": "testLabel",
"tncBody": "<h1>In order to complete your verification and access the GPSSA portal, please read and accept our terms & conditions.</h1><p> </p><h2>Terms and Conditions of Use</h2><p>Your access to and use of the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA) website is subject to the following terms and conditions, as well as UAE laws.</p>",
"tncCheckboxLabel": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncContent": " I have read and agree to the",
"tncHeading": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkText": " Terms and Conditions",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"typeOfRequest": "Type of request",
"typeOfService": "Service name",
"uaeAccessError": "User access level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"ucBenefitsRedirectMsg": "Your request has been submitted but you have unclaimed benefits. You will be redirected.",
"ummAlQuwain": "Umm Al Quwain",
"unmarried": "Unmarried",
"update": "Update",
"updateRequest": "Your changes have been updated successfully.",
"updateSuccess": "Your changes are saved successfully.",
"uploadButton": "Upload",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload the following document",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of maximum size 5 MB",
"uploadSecondaryMsg_mobile": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size.",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Upload documents",
"userLoginCancelError": "User cancelled the login",
"validationDateFormate": "${0} must be a date type",
"validationEmail": "${0} must be a valid email",
"validationMax": "Maximum ${0} characters are allowed",
"validationMaxNum": "Maximum value allowed is ${0}",
"validationMinNum": "Minimum value allowed is ${0}",
"validationNumberOnly": "Only number is allowed",
"validationPositiveNumber": "Only positive numbers are allowed",
"validationRequired": "This is a required field",
"view": "View",
"widow": "Widow",
"widowed": "Widowed",
"widower": "Widower",
"wife": "Wife",
"years": "Years",
"years11above": "Years",
"yes": "Yes",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your Requests",
"gpssaWillRespond": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"profileIncompleteWarning": "You have a few sections in your profile that require review and updates to ensure completeness. Here are the details for each section:",
"sectionReview": "Sections needing review",
"sectionUpdate": "Sections needing updates",
"pensionEmailAriallLabel": "Click here to email the pension breakdown.",
"downloadAriaLabel": "Click here to download the breakdown.",
"updateSuccessButDocumentFailed": "Your changes have been successfully saved, but the document upload failed. Please attach the documents again to complete the update."
"title": "common"
"contactLabels": {
"field_list": {
"alternateEmailAddress": "Business Email ID",
"alternateEmailAddress1": "Alternate Email ID",
"businessEmailAddress": "Business Email ID",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cellPhoneNumber": "Mobile number",
"close": "Close",
"contactDetails": "contact details",
"contactDocument": "Upload document",
"continue": "Continue",
"countryCode": "Country Code",
"email": "email address",
"emailAddress": "Personal Email ID",
"emergencyContactName": "Emergency contact name",
"emergencyEmailAddress": "Emergency Email ID",
"emergencyContactPhoneNumber": "Emergency contact phone number",
"emergencyContactRelationship": "I am their...",
"emergencyContactSameAsDependentError": "The number you have entered is already being used as the contact number of one of your dependents thus it cannot be used as your emergency contact number.",
"faxNumber": "Fax number",
"heading": "Contact details",
"homePhoneNumber": "Alternate phone number",
"invalidOTP": "This OTP is not valid, please try again.",
"mobileNo": "mobile number",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"OTPModalHeader": "A verification code will be sent to you via your ${0}",
"OTPSentHeader": "We just sent you a verification code to your ${0}",
"OTPSuccessMessage": "Your OTP is successfully verified. However, you still need to click on the ‘Save changes’ button to save the ${0}.",
"OTPVia": "Verification code via ${0}",
"personalEmailAddress": "Personal Email ID",
"personalEmailTooltipContent": "Please use your personal email address so you can receive GPSSA notifications even after current employment is ceased",
"resendOTP": "Resend verification code",
"sms": "SMS",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateNotAllowed": "You cannot update your email and mobile number at the same time.",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"icpTooltipContent": "This information is automatically updated from UAE pass."
"title": "Contact details"
"costRecalculate": {
"field_list": {
"serviceHeading": "Cost Recalculation",
"revisedDetailsHeading": "Revised merge request details",
"selectPayment": "Select payment option",
"retainPeriod": "Retain requested period from original request",
"retainCost": "Retain total cost from original request",
"cancelRemaining": "Cancel request (Default option).",
"cancelRemainingTooltip": "System shall apply this option if no response is received from member by ${0}. Paid service period will not be cancelled. Member can raise another request for merge/purchase using online services.",
"selectCalculationOption": "Select option from below:",
"totalAmount": "Total Amount",
"originalRequestedServicePeriod": "Original Requested Service Period",
"originalPaidServicePeriod": "Original Paid Service Period",
"periodValue": "${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D",
"paidAmount": "Paid Amount",
"revisedRequestedServicePeriod": "Revised Requested Service Period",
"revisedPaidPeriod": "Revised Paid Period",
"revisedTotalAmount": "Revised Total Amount",
"refundAmount": "Refund Amount",
"remainingAmount": "Remaining Amount",
"servicePeriod": "Service period",
"revisedServicePeriod": "Revised service period",
"totalCostForPayment": "Total cost for payment",
"totalRevisedAmount": "Total revised amount",
"remainingPayment": "Remaining Payment",
"revisedDetailsInfoIncrease": "'Revised Requested Service Period' and 'Revised Paid Period' are already applied by the system.",
"revisedDetailsInfoDecrease": "'Revised Paid Peiod' is already applied by the system.",
"estimatesHeading": "Recalculated request details",
"downpaymentAmount": "Downpayment amount",
"installmentAmount": "Installment amount",
"payee": "Payee",
"employer": "Employer",
"employee": "Insured"
"title": "Cost recalculate"
"create-case": {
"field_list": {
"about-us-new-button": "testing test",
"aboutus-button": "Create case button updated sub array",
"aboutus-button1": "Create case button updated 1 sub array",
"aboutus-title": "Create case updated sub array",
"additionalDocuments": "Additional documents",
"cancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"cancelHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabelPlaceholder": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"caseRequestSubTitle": "Please fill this form to create your support request",
"caseRequestTitle": "Create support request",
"categoryFormSelect": "Select category",
"categoryLabel": "Category",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "I need more information",
"descriptionLabel": "Description",
"descriptionOptionalText": "Maximum 1024 characters",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Please enter your message",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dontContinueButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"faqHeading": "Here are some FAQs to help you",
"faqLabel": "Do you still need help?",
"gpssaWillRespond": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"linkedIdFormSelect": "Select an existing request to link",
"linkedIdLabel": "Related request",
"linkedIdTooltipLabel": "In the case of a related request, please enter request ID.",
"loading": "loading",
"newRequest": "New support request",
"noButtonLabel": "No",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | Create a New Request",
"requestDataSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"requestFor": "Request on behalf of",
"requestTypeFormSelect": "Select the type of request",
"requestTypeLabel": "Type of support request",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"services": "Services",
"subCategoryFormSelect": "Select subcategory",
"subCategoryLabel": "Subcategory",
"submitButtonLabel": "Submit",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uploadDocumentLabel": "Please upload",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload (optional)",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of maximum size 5 MB",
"uploadSubTitleLabel": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Supporting documents",
"yesButtonLabel": "Yes"
"title": "Create Case"
"createDDSMandate": {
"field_list": {
"addNewBank": "Add New Bank Account",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"card": "Debit/ Credit card",
"cardExpDate": "Debit/ Credit card expiry date",
"cardHolderName": "Debit/ Credit card holder name",
"cardType": "Debit/ Credit number",
"createMandateError": "Error while creating a mandate",
"iban": "IBAN",
"installmentsBeyondCardExpiry": "Your card will not be covering all the installments as it expires before all the installments are paid.",
"invalidIban": "IBAN is not valid",
"invalidIban_errorValidateIBAN01": "We were unable to verify the provided IBAN with our downstream systems.",
"invalidMobileNumber": "We could not find a UAE country code in your contact details. Please visit your <a href='/member/account/contact' style='text-decoration: underline;color: white;'>profile</a> and update your contact details.",
"mandateDisclaimer": "After you submit this request, a standing instruction is created with Central Bank. The installment amount will be deducted on the 15th of every month. Pending installment will be cancelled if user does not pay for 3 months. User minimum EMI amount should be less than 25% of user contribution salary.",
"mandateDisclaimer2": "After you submit this request, a mandate will be created to claim the amount from Central Bank.",
"provideMandateDetails": "Please provide your mandate details",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"selectPaymentMode": "Select payment mode",
"submit": "Submit"
"title": "Create DDS mandate"
"dashboardComponentsLbl": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"benefactors": "benefactors",
"benefactorsBtnLbl": "View details",
"benefactorsCardHeading": "Benefactors",
"certificatesBtnLbl": "Generate a certificate",
"certificatesCardHeading": "Certificates",
"dependents": "dependents",
"dependentsBtnLbl": "View details",
"dependentsCardHeading": "Dependents",
"generateCertificatebBodyTitle": "You can issue certificates required by employers, government and other external entities.",
"generateCertificatebBodyTitleInsured": "You can issue certificates required by employers, government and other external entities.",
"linkedMember": "Linked member",
"linkedMembersBtnLbl": "View details",
"linkedMembersCardHeading": "Linked members",
"linkedMembersTtile": "managed members",
"managedMembersBtnLbl": "View details",
"managedMembersCardHeading": "Managed members",
"mobCertificateCardMsg": "Do you need a certificate?",
"noBenefactorsTitle": "You have no benefactors",
"noDependentsTitle": "You have no dependents",
"noLinkedMembersTtile": "You have no managed members",
"noProvidersTitle": "You have no providers",
"oneBenefactorTitle": "You have 1 benefactor",
"oneDependentTitle": "You have 1 dependent",
"oneLinkedMemberTtile": "You have 1 managed member",
"oneProviderTitle": "You have 1 provider",
"providers": "providers",
"providersBtnLbl": "View details",
"providersCardHeading": "Providers",
"theseAreYour": "These are your",
"youHave": "Number of dependents: "
"title": "Personal dashboard card components labels"
"dashboardNotificationLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actionRequired": "Action required",
"ago": "ago",
"day": "day",
"days": "days",
"goodAfternoon": "Good afternoon,",
"goodEvening": "Good evening,",
"goodMorning": "Good morning,",
"hello": "Hello, ",
"hour": "hour",
"hours": "hours",
"min": "min",
"mins": "mins",
"mobNotificationTitle": "There are somethings you need to do",
"mobNotificationTitleMsg": "Please complete the below as soon as possible.",
"month": "month",
"months": "months",
"noNotificationMsg": "Currently, there are no tasks which require your action.",
"notification_1000": "End of service request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_1001": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1002": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1003": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1004": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1005": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1008": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1009": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1010": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1011": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1016": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1019": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1020": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1021": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1022": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1023": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1030": "Additional information required for Pension entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1031": "Additional information required for Pension entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1032": "Visit CHC for Pension Entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1033": "Visit CHC for Pension Entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1034": "Pension Entitlement Update request cancelled #$caseId.",
"notification_1035": "Pension Entitlement Update request cancelled #$caseId.",
"notification_1036": "Pension Entitlement Update Request #$caseId Completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_1037": "Pension Entitlement Update Request #$caseId Completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_1042": "#$caseId is approved with excess amount due to GPSSA and an update to pension. Rate our service.",
"notification_1056": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_107": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId. ",
"notification_108": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1087": "Review End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en.",
"notification_109": "#$caseId is approved. Please register as a beneficiary. Rate our service.",
"notification_1094": "Review End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en.",
"notification_1097": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_110": "#$caseId service request is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1103": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is on hold.",
"notification_1107": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is on hold.",
"notification_1108": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_111": "Please register as a beneficiary for $DeceasedNameEng.",
"notification_1110": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1112": "Provide additional information for End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1114": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_1116": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from you. Rate our services.",
"notification_1117": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1123": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_113": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_114": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_115": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId. ",
"notification_118": "#$caseId is approved. ",
"notification_120": "#$caseId is approved. ",
"notification_1200": "Submit no objection certificate for military pension - #$caseId",
"notification_1201": "Submit no objection certificate for military pension - #$caseId",
"notification_1204": "Support request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1206": "Support request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1215": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_123": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_124": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId. ",
"notification_125": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service",
"notification_1253": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_1254": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_126": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_127": "The beneficiary deregistration request has been approved. You are no longer a beneficiary of $pensionerName_en.",
"notification_131": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_1319": "Shourak Payment #$caseId request has been raised.",
"notification_1320": "Shourak Payment #$caseId request has been approved.",
"notification_1321": "Shourak Payment #$caseId request has been rejected.",
"notification_133": "Request to cancel #$caseId is approved. Rate our service",
"notification_134": "Request to cancel #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_135": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_137": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_138": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_139": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_146": "Your profile is only $ProfileCompletionPercentage complete. Please update all the mandatory fields.",
"notification_172": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_175": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_177": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_179": "GPSSA requested more information from employer for Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_181": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_183": "Insured registration request #$caseId from $EmployerName is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_185": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_186": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_187": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_189": "$DocumentType is expiring soon. Please update before $ExpiryDate.",
"notification_191": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_192": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_193": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_194": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_195": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_196": "Insured registration request #$caseId from submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_197": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId.",
"notification_198": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_199": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_200": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service",
"notification_201": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_202": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_203": "Insured registration request #$caseId from $EmployerName is rejected by $AgentName. Rate our services.",
"notification_204": "GPSSA requested more information from employer for Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_205": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_206": "Review insured registration request #$caseId",
"notification_207": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_208": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_210": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_211": "Your pension salary has been updated to $pensionAmount",
"notification_212": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_216": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_218": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_219": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_220": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_221": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_250": "#$caseId is rejected. ",
"notification_253": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId",
"notification_254": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_255": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_257": "Your profile is only $ProfileCompletionPercentage complete. Please update all the mandatory fields.",
"notification_258": "$UpdatedFieldNames_en are updated. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_259": "$documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_269": "Injury compensation request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA",
"notification_273": "Injury compensation request #$caseId approved.",
"notification_275": "Injury compensation request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA.",
"notification_309": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_310": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_311": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_314": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_315": "Payment request for request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service",
"notification_317": "Payment request for Request #$caseId has been approved by your employer. Rate our service.",
"notification_319": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_320": "Request #$caseId has been cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_322": "Payment request for request #$caseId is approved by your employer. Rate our service",
"notification_325": "Merge service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_326": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_327": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_330": "Request #$caseId has been rejected. Rate our service",
"notification_331": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_332": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_333": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_335": "Merge service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_338": "Merge service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service",
"notification_369": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_370": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_378": "Request #$caseId is submitted.",
"notification_379": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_380": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_383": "Merge years request #$caseId rejected. Rate our services.",
"notification_385": "Merge years request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_422": "Salary has been updated by your employer $companyName_en. click here for more details.",
"notification_424": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_426": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_429": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_431": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_434": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_444": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_447": "Review Transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_454": "Cancel request #$caseId completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_456": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId accepted.",
"notification_464": "Benefits exchange request from $companyName_en submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_468": "Provide additional information for Benefits Exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_470": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_472": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_477": "Benefits exchange request pending for review #$caseId",
"notification_478": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_484": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_487": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_489": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled . Rate our services.",
"notification_491": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_493": "GPSSA requested more information for Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_494": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_502": "Service purchase request #$caseId approved",
"notification_504": "Transfer request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_507": "End of service request #$caseId closed.",
"notification_509": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_511": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_513": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_515": "Transfer request #$caseId closed.",
"notification_522": "Payment pending for end of service request #$caseId",
"notification_527": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_529": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_530": "#$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_531": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_540": "$MemberNameEng's profile is only $ProfileCompletionPercentage complete. Please update all the mandatory fields.",
"notification_541": "$UpdatedFieldNames_en are updated. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_542": "You have updated $UpdatedFieldNames_en. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_543": "$documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_544": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_551": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_554": "Review transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_557": "Transfer request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_559": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_560": "Transfer request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_563": "Provide additional information for $ServiceName_en request #$caseId",
"notification_565": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_567": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_568": "Transfer request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_571": "Review Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_578": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"notification_580": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_582": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_584": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA.",
"notification_586": "GPSSA requested more information from employer for Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_587": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_589": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_591": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_597": "$ServiceName_en information updated by $companyName_en",
"notification_601": "End of service request #$caseId by $companyName_en is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_603": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_605": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_606": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_607": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_608": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_609": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_610": "Provide valid IBAN for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_611": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_619": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_620": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_621": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_622": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_623": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_625": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_626": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_627": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_628": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_629": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service. ",
"notification_630": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_631": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_632": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_633": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_634": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_635": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_636": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_637": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_638": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_639": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_640": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_641": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_642": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_643": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_644": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_645": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_646": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_647": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_648": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_649": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_650": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_651": "Reminder- Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_652": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_653": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_654": "Submit $MemberNameEng's Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_655": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_656": "$documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_657": "Reminder - $MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_658": "Reminder - $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_659": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_660": "Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_661": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_665": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_666": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_667": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_668": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_669": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_670": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_671": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_672": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is cancelled. ",
"notification_673": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_674": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_675": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_676": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_677": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amountRate our service.",
"notification_678": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_679": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_680": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_681": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_682": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_683": "#$caseId is approved with excess amount due to GPSSA and an update to pension. Rate our service.",
"notification_684": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_685": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_686": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_688": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_689": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_691": "Overpayment case initiated - #$caseId",
"notification_692": "Payment pending for overpayment case - #$caseId",
"notification_693": "Legal notice 1 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_694": "Legal notice 2 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_695": "Legal notice 3 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_700": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_701": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_703": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_705": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId submitted.",
"notification_706": "Merge service periods request #$caseId submitted.",
"notification_709": "Merge service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_711": "Cancel request #$caseId completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_744": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_99": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_999": "Due date for Pension Entitlement Update has passed, #$caseId is under review.",
"notification_1139": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_1141": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1144": "$ServiceName_en request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1147": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notificationsHeading": "Notifications",
"notificationTitle": "Please complete the following requirements at the earliest.",
"sec": "sec",
"secs": "secs",
"viewMyAccount": "View my profile",
"year": "year",
"years": "years",
"notification_1266": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId",
"notification_1267": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1270": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1272": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1273": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1276": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1274": "Service request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1275": "Service awareness request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1328": "Merge case #$caseId will be autocancelled as two installments has been rejected.",
"notification_1330": "Purchase case #$caseId will be autocancelled as two installments has been rejected.",
"notification_1332": "Purchase service request #$serviceCaseId has been autocancelled.",
"notification_1333": "Merge service request #$serviceCaseId has been autocancelled.",
"notification_1334": "Recalculate Merge service request #$caseId has been created.",
"notification_1335": "Recalculate Purchase service request #$caseId has been created.",
"notification_1336": "Merge service request #$serviceCaseId has been recalculated.",
"notification_1337": "Purchase service request #$serviceCaseId has been recalculated.",
"notification_1338": "Recalculation Merge service request #$caseId has been closed.",
"notification_1339": "Recalculation Purchase service request #$caseId has been closed.",
"notification_268": "Injury compensation request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA",
"notification_1350": "Installment rejected for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1029": "Request #$caseId for pension entitlement update submitted successfully.",
"notification_1053": "Request #$caseId for pension entitlement update submitted successfully.",
"notification_1393": "Merge service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1395": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1397": "Merge service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1399": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1407": "ICP Family Sync service request #$caseId has been completed. Rate our service.",
"notification_1408": "ICP Dependent information update failed. Please try again."
"title": "Personal dashboard Notification labels"
"ddsErrorCodes": {
"field_list": {
"0": "Accepted CLAIMED AMOUNT",
"1": "Accepted PARTIAL AMOUNT",
"2": " ",
"3": " ",
"4": " ",
"5": " ",
"6": " ",
"7": " ",
"8": " ",
"9": " ",
"A": "Account Closed",
"B": " ",
"C": "Compliance Issues",
"D": "Payer Deceased",
"E": "Card Blocked",
"F": "Card Expired",
"G": "Card Cancelled",
"H": " ",
"I": "Insufficient Funds",
"J": " ",
"K": " ",
"L": "Card Limit Exceeded",
"M": "Claim dishonored at the request of the Sponsoring Bank / Originator",
"N": "Dormant Account",
"O": "DDA Cancelled",
"P": "Payment Not Honored by Paying Bank - Payer to Contact Bank",
"Q": " ",
"R": "DDR details inconsistent with DDA details",
"S": "Payment Stopped/Refused",
"T": "Technical Issues at Paying Bank - Auto No-Pay Response from UAEDDS",
"U": "Amount Not Yet Due",
"V": "Account Closed - Mandated by CBUAE / Law Enforcement / Judiciary",
"W": "Account Closed - Internal Compliance / Commercial Issues",
"X": "Account blocked by Judiciary",
"Y": "Account blocked by Law Enforcement Agency",
"Z": "Account blocked by Central Bank of the UAE"
"title": "dds error codes"
"death-registration": {
"field_list": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabel": "All your progress will be lost",
"closeButton": "Close",
"dateOfCertificate": "Certificate issued on",
"deathCertificate": "Death certificate",
"deathCertificateNumber": "Death certificate number",
"deathMessage": "This benefactor's death has not been reported to GPSSA. Please fill the following form to complete your request.",
"documenntsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID of deceased",
"emiratesIdDropdown": "Emirates ID",
"enterEmiratesId": "Enter Emirates ID",
"enterPassportNumber": "Enter passport number",
"errorGreaterThanDeathDate": "The death certificate issue date cannot be earlier than the date of death.",
"errorMessageAlreadyDeathReported": "This member's death has already been reported <a href=\"/BeneficiaryRegistration\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to register as beneficiary</a>.",
"errorMessageLengthValidationEmiratesOrPassport": "Emirates ID must be 15 digits or passport number must not be empty",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>",
"insertHere": "Insert here",
"noButton": "No",
"placeOfDeath": "Place of death",
"selectDate": "Date of death",
"selectProvider": "Select a provider",
"selectTheMember": "Please enter details of the deceased",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Upload your documents",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"deceasedPersonName" : "Deceased person name"
"title": "Death Registration"
"degreeLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bachelor": "Bachelor",
"diploma": "Diploma",
"doctoral": "Doctoral",
"higherEducation": "Higher Education",
"lowerSecondaryEducation": "Lower Secondary Education",
"master": "Master",
"noFormalEducation": "No Formal Education",
"primaryEducation": "Primary Education"
"title": "Degree labels"
"dependentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"fullName": "Full name",
"gender": "Gender",
"heading": "Dependent",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status"
"title": "Dependent"
"disabilityLabels": {
"field_list": {
"attentionDeficit": "Attention Deficit/ Hyperactive Disorder",
"autismSpectrum": "Autism Spectrum",
"communicationDisorder": "Communication Disorder",
"deafBlindDisability": "Deaf-Blind Disability",
"disabilityDate": "Disability Date",
"disabilityDetails": "Disability details",
"disabilityDocument": "Upload documents",
"disabilityPercentage": "Disability percentage",
"disabilityType": "Disability type",
"formOfDisability": "Form of disability",
"heading": "People of determination",
"hearingImpairment": "Hearing Impairment",
"intellectualDisability": "Intellectual Disability",
"medicalReportExpiryDate": "Medical report expiry date",
"ministryOfCommunityDevelopment": "Ministry of Community Development",
"multipleDisability": "Multiple Disability",
"none": "None",
"other": "Other",
"permanant": "Permanent",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"personOfDetermination": "Are you a person of determination?",
"personOfDeterminationAuthority": "Person of determination card issuing authority",
"personOfDeterminationCard": "Do you have person of determination card?",
"personOfDeterminationExpiryDate": "ID expiration date",
"personOfDeterminationId": "Person of determination ID",
"physicalDisability": "Physical Disability",
"psychoEmotionalDisorders": "Psycho/Emotional Disorders",
"reasonForDisability": "Reason for disability",
"specialNeeds": "Special needs",
"specificLearningDisorder": "Specific Learning Disorder",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"visualImpairment": "Visual Impairment",
"zayedHigherOrganizationForPOD": "Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination",
"addDisability": "Add people of determination",
"addMore": "Would you like to add people of determination?",
"startDate": "Start date",
"disabilityConsentNo": "Please proceed by clicking 'Continue' to indicate that you do not consider yourself a person of determination.",
"disabilityEndDate": "End date",
"disabilityStartDate": "Start date",
"overlappingDisability": "Start date can not be earlier than previous disability end date",
"endDateError": "End date can not be greater than 24 months from start date",
"endDateDesc": "Please update your profile before ${0}",
"endDateErrorv2": "End date should be actual end date or 24 months from current end date whichever is earlier."
"title": "Disability"
"documents": {
"field_list": {
"acquisitionDocumentDoc": "Acquisition document",
"addAdditionalDoc": "Add additional documents",
"additionalDoc": "Add additional document",
"additionalDocumentsDoc": "Additional Documents",
"amendmentReasonDocumentDoc": "Amendment Reason Document",
"anOfficialLetterStatingTheNationalityWithdrawalDoc": "An Official letter stating the Nationality Withdrawal",
"attendanceReportDoc": "Attendance report",
"attendanceReportForTheDateOfInjuryDoc": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"authDocFromEmployer": "Authorization document from employer",
"authorizationDoc": "Authorization Document",
"authorizationDocForSignatoryAuth": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"authorizationDocFromSignatoryAuth": "Authorization Document from Signatory Authority",
"bankAccountStatementDoc": "Bank account statement for the last 3 years",
"bankOwenerDoc": "Authorization letter of account owner",
"bankruptcyDocumentDoc": "Bankruptcy document",
"bankStatementDoc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years",
"bankStatementForTheLast3Years/PayrollRecordForEmployees.Doc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years/payroll record for employees.",
"businessLicenseDoc": "Business License",
"certificateFromFundsDoc": "Certificate from funds",
"certificateFromPensionAuthorityDoc": "Certificate from pension authority",
"companyRegistrationContractDoc": "Copy of company registration contract (with amendments if any)",
"copyOfSADoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"courtJudgmentDoc": "Court judgment",
"courtRuling/DecisionDocumentDoc": "Court ruling / decision document",
"deathCertificateDoc": "Death certificate",
"deathInvestigationReportDoc": "Death investigation report",
"decreeDoc": "Decree or law of establishment",
"deductionsSupportingDocumentDoc": "Deductions Supporting Document",
"disciplinaryDecisionDoc": "Disciplinary Decision",
"disputeReasonDocumentDoc": "Dispute Reason Document",
"dissolutionOfEmployerDocumentDoc": "Dissolution of Employer document",
"emiratesIDCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOwnerDoc": "Emirates ID of owner",
"emiratesIdOwnerPartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"employeeConsentDocumentDoc": "Employee consent document",
"employerAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employer Acknowledgment Letter",
"employerDecreeDoc": "Employer decree",
"employmentAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employment Acknowledgment Letter",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment contract",
"employmentDecreeDoc": "Employment decree/contract",
"employmentContract/DecreeDoc": "Employment contract/decree",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "End of Service Certificate",
"eOSDecreeDoc": "EoS Decree",
"establishmentCard/CardOfSignatoryAuthoritiesDoc": "Establishment Card/Card of Signatory Authorities",
"establishmentCardDoc": "Establishment card / Card of signatory authorities",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"federalDecreeDoc": "Federal decree",
"hRPolicyDoc": "HR Policy",
"humanResoucesDoc": "List of human resources laws applied by the entity",
"humanResourcesAndRegulationDoc": "Human Resources and Regulation",
"humanResourcesPolicyDoc": "Human Resources Policy",
"iBANCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"inheritanceCertificateDoc": "Inheritance certificate",
"investigationCommitteeVerdictFromTheEmployerDoc": "Investigation Committee Verdict from the employer",
"investigationReportDoc": "Investigation Report",
"lateRegistrationDocumentDoc": "Late registration document",
"lawForIncorporationOfEstablishmentDoc": "Law of incorporation of establishment",
"letterOfRegistrationIntentDoc": "Letter of registration intent",
"liabilitySupportingDocumentDoc": "Liability supporting document",
"liquidationDocumentDoc": "Liquidation document",
"localDecreeDoc": "Local decree",
"medicalFitnessCertificateDoc": "Medical fitness certificate",
"medicalReportDoc": "Medical report",
"medicalReportSelfDoc": "Medical report proving fitness to work (issued not more than 3 months ago)",
"memorandumOfAssociationDoc": "Memorandum of association",
"newNationalityIDDoc": "New nationality ID",
"non-WorkInjuryMedicalReportDoc": "Non-work injury Medical Report",
"otherPensionAuthDoc": "Certificate from other pension authority",
"otherReasonsLetterDoc": "Other reasons letter",
"passportCopyOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Passport Copy of the Owner/Partner",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport Copy",
"passportOwnerDoc": "Passport of owner",
"passportOwnerPartnerDoc": "Passport copy of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"pensionSalaryDoc": "Pension salary certificate",
"policeReportDoc": "Police report",
"powerOfAttorneyDoc": "Power Of Attorney",
"previousEIdDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEmiratesIdDoc": "Previous Emirates ID",
"professionalLicenseDoc": "Professional licenses",
"proofOfAccquiredNationalityDoc": "Proof of accquired nationality",
"proofOfCourtRulingOfLossDoc": "Proof of court ruling of loss",
"proofOfDesertionDoc": "Proof of desertion",
"proofOfDisassociation": "Proof of disassociation of previous authorized person",
"proofOfRevocationOfCitizenshipDoc": "Proof of revocation of citizenship",
"proofOfSalaryDetailsDoc": "Proof of salary details",
"reasonToFireDoc": "Reason to fire",
"rejectionReasonDocumentDoc": "Rejection Reason Document",
"resignationLetterDoc": "Resignation letter",
"restructuringDecreeDoc": "Restructuring Decree",
"retirementLetterDoc": "Retirement Letter",
"signatoryAuthDoc": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"specializedPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Specialized power of attorney",
"statementOfNominalPeriodDoc": "Statement of nominal period",
"statementOfPreviousServicePeriodsDoc": "Statement of previous service periods",
"statmnetOfAdditonalPurchasedServicePeriodDoc": "Statmnet of additonal purchased service period",
"terminationLetterDoc": "Termination letter",
"tradeLicenseDoc": "Trade license",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDoc": "Transfer acceptance letter",
"transferDecisionLetterDoc": "Transfer decision letter",
"transferRequestLetterDoc": "Transfer request letter",
"transferLetterDoc": "Transfer letter",
"undertakingLetterDoc": "Undertaking Letter",
"windingUpDocumentDoc": "Winding Up document",
"workInjuryInvestigationReportDoc": "Work injury investigation report",
"salaryCertificateDoc": "Salary Certificate",
"mergeModelDoc": "Merge Model",
"iBANNoLiabilityDocumentDoc": "No Liability Document",
"previousEIDDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEmiratesIDDoc": "Previous Emirates ID"
"title": "Documents"
"educationLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addEducation": "Add education",
"addMore": "Would you like to add education?",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"city": "City",
"completedDate": "End date",
"country": "Country",
"duplicateEducationData": "The data with the given qualification and/or major is already present.",
"educationDegree": "Education degree",
"educationDetails": "education details",
"educationDocument": "Upload document",
"heading": "Education",
"instituteCity": "City",
"instituteCountry": "Country",
"instituteName": "Institute name",
"major": "Major",
"other": "Other",
"qualification": "Qualification",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"startDate": "Start date",
"endDateDesc": "End date should be actual end date or 6 months from start date whichever is earlier.",
"overlappingEducation": "Start date can not be earlier than previous education end date",
"endDateError": "End date can not be greater than 6 months from start date.",
"endDateDescv2": "End date should be actual end date or 6 months from current end date whichever is earlier."
"title": "Education"
"employeeSalaryDetail": {
"field_list": {
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary"
"title": "Employee Salary Detail"
"employerRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"accountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankName": "Bank name"
"title": "Employer Registration"
"employmentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"authSecondedTo": "Authority seconded to",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"countryOfEmployment": "Country of employment",
"disclaimer1": "The grey fields are only editable by your employer.",
"disclaimer21": "Please",
"disclaimer22": "with GPSSA if any of these details are incorrect.",
"employeeId": "Employment ID",
"employeeID": "Employee ID",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"employerNumber": "Employer number",
"employerSecondedTo": "Employer seconded to",
"employerSector": "Employer sector",
"employerTransfferedFrom": "Employer transferred from",
"employerType": "Employer type",
"employmentContract": "Employment Contract",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentId": "Employment ID",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"employmentStatus": "Employment Status",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service status",
"eosHeading": "End of Service Details",
"eosReason": "EOS reason",
"heading": "Employment details",
"jobInformation": "Job information",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"leaveCertificate": "Leave Certificate",
"leaveDetails": "Leave details",
"leaveDisclaimer": "If you are not able to find previously submitted leave request, please reach out to GPSSA.",
"leaveEndDate": "End date",
"leaveStartDate": "Start date",
"leaveStatus": "Leave Status",
"leaveType": "Leave type",
"occupation": "Occupation",
"payementStatus": "Payment status",
"paymentStatus": "Payment status",
"penAuthSecondedTo": "Pension authority seconded to",
"raiseComplaint": "Create a request",
"reqStatus": "Request Status",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying ",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"salaryDetails": "Salary details",
"secodmentDecisionDocument": "Secondment Decision Document",
"seconded": "Secondment",
"secondedEndDate": "Secondment end date",
"secondedStartDate": "Secondment start date",
"secondmentDetails": "Secondment details",
"sector": "Sector",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"unauthorised": "Unauthorised",
"unpaidSuspension": "Unpaid Suspension",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"workCountry": "Work country"
"title": "Employment details"
"endOfService": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"accountHolderNameTooltip": "This name should match the IBAN certificate.",
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"add": "Add another liability",
"additionalDocumentsDoc": "Additional Documents",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch some data.",
"back": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"benefitsExchangeCaseAlreadyExists": "A Benefits Exchange case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"benefitsExchangeDate": "Benefits exchange date",
"benefitsExchangeDateTooltip": "This date should be the starting date with the new employer. Contribution will be collected until one day before the date provided.",
"benefitsExchangeEmployer": "New employer name",
"benefitsExchangePensionAuthority": "Pension authority/fund associated with new employer",
"caseUpdateError": "Error in updating case request details.",
"contributionCost": "Contribution cost",
"courtDoc": "Court decision document",
"currency": "AED",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"daysDeductedTooltip": "Number of days excluded from the total employment period due to unpaid contributions as a result of leave or non payment.",
"deathIssueAuthorityFallback": "Ministry of Health and Prevention",
"deathIssuingEntity": "Entity issuing the death certificate",
"deathIssuingEntityTooltip": "Entity name should be the same as on death certificate",
"deathPlace": "Place of death",
"disagree": "Disagree",
"dispute": "Dispute",
"eligibility_error_02": "A case already exists with this Employer with request Id - ",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeEmiratesIdLabel": "Employee Emirates ID:",
"employeeShare": "Employee share",
"employemntEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerNameLabel": "Employer name: ",
"employerShare": "Employer share",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentEndDateTooltip": "This is the last working day with the current employer.",
"employmentSectionHeading": "Employment Details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"endOfServiceDateTooltip": "Benefits will be calculated based on this date.",
"eosCaseAlreadyExists": "An End of Service case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"eosDeathDate": "Date of death",
"eosp": "End Of Service",
"eosReason": "Reason for end of service",
"eosReason1": "Reason 1",
"eosReason2": "Reason 2",
"eosRejected": "Your request has been rejected",
"eosSubmitted": "Your request has been successfully sent to GPSSA for review",
"eosSubmittedSubHeading": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"eosSubReason": "Specific sub-reason",
"eosTransferDate": "Transfer date (employment start date with the new employer)",
"eosTransferTo": "Transfer to",
"eosUpdated": "Your end of service request has been successfully updated",
"firstName": "First name",
"heading": "People of determination",
"iban": "IBAN",
"ibanTooltip": "Bank must be the salary account.",
"initiatePayment": "Initiate payment",
"insuredAcceptAlert": "I confirm to have verified all the above information and hereby provide my consent to process the End of Service Request.",
"insuredDetails": "Insured Details",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name",
"lastWorkingDate": "Last working date",
"liabilityAmount": "Liability Amount (Consider pending payments only)",
"liabilityRadioLegend": "Is there any other unsettled financial liability due on employee?",
"liabilitySectionHeading": "Unsettled liabilities",
"liabilityType": "Liability type",
"liabilityTypeTooltip": "Unsettled liabilities provides an opportunity to request deductions from the end of service benefits of Insured. However deduction and subsequent payments to employer are subject to GPSSA approval.",
"linkedEmployersFetchError": "An error occurred while fetching your active employment details. Please try again.",
"makeCorrections": "Make corrections",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"nationalityCancelDate": "Effective date of nationality cancellation",
"nationalityList": "New nationality",
"newEmployer": "New employer name",
"paymentOption": "Payment Option",
"paymentOptionTooltip": "Select the payment option below, selecting Shourak will hold your End of service benefit for a limited time period or till you are registered with a new employer, whichever comes first.",
"pendingPaymentDesc": "As per records, there are pending payments. Any pending payments remaining after 5 days of submission of this request will be cancelled and service period will be adjusted accordingly for benefit computation.<br /><br />Based on the end-of-service request submitted, our records show that you have not paid the contribution for the end-of-service month. Please note that you have (5) working days to pay the contribution due to the Authority. It must be noted that in the event of non-payment, the value of the unpaid contributions will be deducted from the insured’s service period.",
"pendingPayments": "Pending payments",
"provideAmendmentReason": "Please provide what you need amended for End of Service Request",
"provideAmendmentReasonBE": "Please provide what you need amended for Benefits Exchange request.",
"provideConsent": "I hereby provide my consent to share my personal and employment details with the other pension authority.",
"provideDisputeReason": "Please provide reason for disputing End of Service Request",
"provideDisputeReasonBE": "Please provide reason for disputing Benefits Exchange request.",
"provideRejectReason": "Please provide reason for rejecting End of Service request",
"provideRejectReasonBE": "Please provide reason for rejecting Benefits Exchange Request.",
"purchaseCost": "Purchase cost",
"reason": "Reason",
"reasonsListFetchError": "An error occurred while fetching some data. Please try again after some time.",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectDispute": "Reject Dispute",
"remove": "Remove liability",
"reportDispute": "Report Dispute",
"requestAmendment": "Request amendments",
"retirementAgeIneligible": "You are not eligible to opt for retirement. The minimum age for retirement is 50.",
"returnTowork": "Do you wish to return to work?",
"salarySectionHeading": "Salary account details",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been successfully sent to employer for review",
"submitRequestSubHeading": "Employer is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to employee for review.",
"successModalSubHeading": "Employee is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"totalLiabilityAmount": "Total liability amount",
"trainingCourses": "Do you wish to take training courses?",
"unclaimedBenefitsTitle": "Unclaimed Benefits",
"verifiedSalary": "I have reviewed and verified <a class='salaryDetailsLink' target='_blank' href='/member/account/employment/${0}/employment?tab=salary'>salary details</a>",
"verifiedSalaryMobile": "I have reviewed and verified salary details",
"volunteer": "Do you wish to volunteer?",
"shoreq": "Shourak",
"paymentOptionLimitInfo": "Payment option cannot be selected as Shourak Payment since you are 60 or above years old.",
"eosOtherReason": "Other reason"
"title": "End Of Service"
"endOfServiceMilitary": {
"field_list": {
"other": "Other"
"title": "End Of Service Military"
"eosCalculator": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"ageLimitMessage": "Age must range from 18 years up to 60 years.",
"combinationInvalid": "Combination of Age and Service period is invalid. Period of Service exceeds the number of legal years a person could have served based on legal working age.",
"calculateBtn": "Calculate",
"clearBtn": "Clear",
"contributedSalary": "Average contribution salary (AED)",
"elibilityMsg": "Eligibility",
"eosBenefitMsg": "End of service benefit",
"eosOptimalReward": "Optimal retirement reward",
"eosPensionMsg": "Monthly pension salary",
"government": "Government",
"msg1": "The fields in this simulator are populated by default based on your current records with GPSSA.",
"msg2": "The end of service is calculated based on the type resignation. Try out possible future scenarios to evaluate benefits you might be eligible for.",
"msg3": "The results displayed are estimates based on the values entered in the simulator. GPSSA is not liable to any decisions made based on these results. Please contact HR/finance department in your company to validate these results. GPSSA is not liable for its accuracy.",
"msg4": "You need to complete a minimum of 11 months and 1 days of service to be eligible for an end of service.",
"notElibilityMsg": "Not eligible",
"notEligibleMsg": "Not eligible for any benefits",
"private": "Private",
"sector": "Sector",
"servicePeriod": "Service period",
"servicePeriodTooltip": "The total service duration of the insured with the current employer, including the transfer and secondment periods, and all previously merged and purchased service periods that have been paid for completely.",
"yourAge": "Your age",
"yourresult": "Your potential benefits"
"title": "End of Service Calculator"
"errorLabels": {
"field_list": {
"error_400": "Information entered in incorrect format. Please re-enter in correct format to continue.",
"error_401": "Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in again.",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"error_contactedit": " You can update your email and mobile number only after 24 hours of account creation.",
"error_emailexists": "This email address is already linked to an account.",
"error_mobilenumberexists": "This mobile number is already linked to an account."
"title": "Error Labels"
"errorMessage": {
"field_list": {
"access_denied": "User cancelled the login",
"accountExists": "We have identified that an account already exists in our system with either of these details - email/mobile/Emirate's ID. <br />Please connect with happiness centre for more details.",
"agentEnroll002": "The member you are trying to enroll is already linked to you.",
"browserNotSupported": "Your browser is not currently supported! <br /><br />GPSSA Portal works best on Chrome, Firefox, IE Edge and Safari. <hr> متصفح الإنترنت المستخدم غير مدعوم حاليا. <br /> <br /> تعمل البوابة الإلكترونية للهيئة بشكل أفضل إذا كان متصفح الإنترنت واحد من التالي: Chrome أو Firefox أو IE Edge أو Safari.",
"cmsApiFailed": "We are unable to access the servers right now, try again by reloading the page.",
"commonError": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"createRequest_400": "Error in submitting your request. Please recheck the requirements and try again.",
"createRequest_500": "Error in submitting your request. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"createRequest_agent001": "A case is already in progress for this member",
"createRequest_agentEnroll002": "The member you are trying to enroll is already linked to you.",
"createRequest_beneficiaryRequestInProgress": "Registration of beneficiary request is already in progress for this member, a new request cannot be logged until it is closed.",
"createRequest_benreg001": "You are already registered as a beneficiary to the provided benefactor.",
"createRequest_benreg002": "Please enter the correct benefactor's Emirates ID.",
"createRequest_benreg003": "Registration of beneficiary request is already opened for this member.",
"createRequest_benreg004": "The relationship associated with the benefactor is invalid. Please select a valid relationship.",
"createRequest_BenReg100": "A Beneficiary Registration request is already logged for the selected benefactor.",
"createRequest_caseCreate001": "A case is already in progress for this member",
"createRequest_death001": "Sorry, you can not report your own death.",
"createRequest_deathRequestInProgress": "Death of Member request is already in progress for this member, a new request cannot be logged until that is closed.",
"createRequest_getFAIC001": "We were unable to fetch any information linked to your Emirates ID",
"createRequest_mergeCaseWithEmployer": "A merge years request is already open, please wait until that request is completed.",
"createRequest_purchaseCaseWithEmployer": "A purchase years request is already open, please wait until that request is completed.",
"docDropError": "Document could not be added as it is either not a valid document type or more than 5 MB in size",
"emiratesPassportValidation_500": "Error in validating your Emirates ID. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"error_400": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"errorPageTitle": "Error",
"fetchDataGeneric_500": "Error in fetching some data. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"fetchDocumentsFromProfile_500": "Error in fetching documents from profile. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"invalid_request": "Login was unsuccessful!",
"login_required": "User cancelled the login",
"managedMemberDashboard": "You are currently viewing your managed member's dashboard. Please switch to your own account to submit this request.",
"memberValidation_400": "Error in validating the member detail(s) entered. Please recheck requirements and re-enter.",
"memberValidation_500": "Error in validating Benefactor's details. Kindly <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#ffffff; text-decoration:underline\">contact</a> GPSSA for further assistance.",
"memberValidation_getDeathDetails001": "We can't find user details in the system",
"memberValidation_memberDoesNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>",
"personaError": "We are unable to fetch your information. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"portalrestriction": "Please logout from the current portal to be able to login to the other portal.",
"requestDetail_caseUpdate001": "Error in updating request details",
"requestDocUpload_400": "Error in uploading documents. Please recheck the requirements and try again. Your request has been generated.",
"requestDocUpload_500": "Error in uploading documents. Please try again after a few minutes. Your request has been created.",
"requestInProgress": "This request is already submitted.",
"sop1Error": "You are not eligible to access this service. Your account is either not upgraded or you have a visitor account. Please contact GPSSA E-portal to access the services.",
"timeout": "We are facing temporary poor connection. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"tokenParseError": "Login failed. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"unverifiedUserSop1Error": "Your account is unverified. Please upgrade your account following instructions on the UAE PASS app.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE": "An error occurred while fetching your information from our records. Please login again.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE_DEAD": "Login failed. The member you are trying to login is appearing as dead in the system.",
"USER_PERSONA_NOT_FOUND": "We are not able to identify you as a valid user in the system.",
"createRequest_A-AC-002": "Family information is not available in FAIC for the provided Emirates ID. Please contact them for further assistance.",
"requestNotLoaded": "Unable to fetch details of request ${requestId}, please try again."
"title": "Error Message"
"familyBookCityLables": {
"field_list": {
"abudhabi": "Abu Dhabi",
"abumosa": "Abu Mosa",
"abusamrah": "Abu Samrah",
"ajman": "Ajman",
"ajmansantar": "Ajman Santar",
"alain": "Al Ain",
"alaweer": "Al Aweer",
"albado": "Al Bado",
"albado-ajman": "Albado-Ajman",
"albadoajman": "Albado-Ajman",
"albidyah": "Al Bidyah",
"aldigdagah": "Al Digdagah",
"alfaliya": "Al Faliya",
"algharfa": "Al Gharfa",
"alghazyah": "Al Qaryah",
"alhaditha": "Al Haditha",
"alhajour": "Al Hajour",
"alhamham": "Al Hamham",
"alhamraisland": "Al Hamra Island",
"alhili": "Al Hili",
"alhudaiba": "Al Hudaiba",
"alhuwail": "Al Huwail",
"aljimi": "Al Jimi",
"aljuwais": "Al Juwais",
"alkharaan": "Al Kharaan",
"alkhatem": "Al Khatem",
"almaliha": "Al Maliha",
"almanama": "Al Manama",
"almerfa": "Al Merfa",
"almuareed": "Al Muareed",
"almudam": "Al Mudam",
"almutared": "Al Mutared",
"alqatarah": "Al Qatarah",
"alqeer": "Al Qeer",
"alrams": "Al Rams",
"alruwais": "Al Ruwais",
"alsaja": "Al Saja",
"alseih": "Al Seih",
"alsiji": "Al Siji",
"alsila": "Al Sila",
"alsraidat": "Al Sraidat",
"alyahar": "Al Yahar",
"alzayoud": "Al Zayoud",
"asimah": "Asimah",
"deba": "Deba",
"debaalhoson": "Deba Alhoson",
"debafujairah": "Deba Fujairah",
"deira": "Deira",
"delma": "Delma",
"dhaid": "Dhaid",
"dubai": "Dubai",
"falajalmoalla": "Falaj Al Moalla",
"fujairah": "Fujairah",
"gadfaa": "Gadfaa",
"ghalila": "Ghalila",
"ghayathi": "Ghayathi",
"habhab": "Habhab",
"hatta": "Hatta",
"kalba": "Kalba",
"khawaneej": "Khawaneej",
"khorfakkan": "Khorfakkan",
"khorkalba": "Khor Kalba",
"khorkhowair": "Khor Khowair",
"khutt": "Khutt",
"liwa": "Liwa",
"madinatzayed": "Madinat Zayed",
"margham": "Margham",
"masafi": "Masafi",
"masfoot": "Masfoot",
"medek": "Medek",
"murbeh": "Murbeh",
"nakhilshaml": "Nakhil Shaml",
"qattarah": "Qattarah",
"rasalkhaimah": "Ras Al Khaimah",
"sadrouh": "Sadrouh",
"shaem": "Shaem",
"sharjah": "Sharjah",
"sirbonairisland": "Sir Bonair Island",
"thanha": "Thanha",
"ummalquwain": "Umm Al Quwain",
"wadialabadlah": "Wadi Alabadlah",
"wadialabili": "Wadi Al Abili",
"wadialmunaiai": "Wadi Al Munaiai",
"wadialqoor": "Wadi Al Qoor",
"wadialshoki": "Wadi Al Shoki",
"wadialsidr": "Wadi Alsidr",
"wadiasfini": "Wadi Asfini",
"wadikoob": "Wadi Koob",
"zaabisland": "Zaab Island"
"title": "Family Book City labels"
"familyBookLabels": {
"field_list": {
"familyBook": "Family book details",
"familyBookCityId": "City Code",
"familyBookCityName": "Family book city name",
"familyBookDate": "Family book date",
"familyBookDocument": "Upload document",
"familyBookId": "Family book ID",
"familyBookIssuingEmirate": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyId": "Family sequence",
"heading": "Family Information",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Please upload the documents below"
"title": "Family book"
"familyLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addAsDependent": "Add as dependent",
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"addDependentDisclaimer": "Add only those family members who are financially dependent on you (Son, daughter, brothers, sisters, parents, wife, husband, grandchildren).",
"addDependentMessage": "Would you like to add dependent?",
"addDependentSuccessMessage": "You have successfully added a new dependent to your profile.",
"addNewDependent": "Add new dependent",
"benefactor": "Benefactor",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"continue": "Continue",
"dependent": "Dependent",
"dependentAlreadyExists": "This dependent is already linked to your account. Please visit the Family Details page to view their details.",
"dependentCommonError": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"dependentDetailsDoNotMatch": "Dependent details are incorrect. Please recheck the data you have entered.",
"dependentDetailsTryAfter24Hours": "Dependent details are incorrect. Please try again after 24 hours.",
"dependentIsDead": "Sorry, the dependent you want to add is deceased.",
"dependentRemovalReason": "Please select the reason",
"dependentRemoved": "You have successfully removed a dependent from your profile",
"eitherEmiratesOrPassport": "Either Emirates ID or Passport Number is required",
"emergencyContactSameError": "Mobile number provided for dependent is already in use as your own emergency contact number.",
"emiratesPassport": "Emirates ID/Passport",
"error_persona001": "Sorry, the dependent you want to add is deceased.",
"familyBookIssuingEmirate": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyDocuments": "Upload document",
"father": "Father",
"fatherDetails": "Father's details",
"fatherDetals": "Father's details",
"fatherEmiratesId": "Father's Emirates ID",
"fatherName": "Father's Name",
"fatherPassportNumber": "Father's Passport Number",
"fullName": "Full name",
"grandFather": "Grandfather",
"heading": "Family",
"mother": "Mother",
"motherDetails": "Mother's details",
"motherEmiratesId": "Mother's Emirates ID",
"motherName": "Mother's Name",
"motherPassportNumber": "Mother's Passport Number",
"nonNullEidPnum": "Please provide either Emirates ID or passport number.",
"passportEidAlreadyExists": "Member with this Emirates ID/Passport Number is already linked to another family member.",
"provider": "Provider",
"removeDependent": "Remove dependent",
"removeDependentConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove them as dependent?",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Please upload the documents below",
"notifyMessage": "You will receive notification once the information is updated",
"previousRequestMessage1": "Your",
"previousRequestMessage2": "previous request",
"previousRequestMessage3": "is under progress",
"invalidFatherEidPnum" : "You can not add yourself as father.",
"invalidMotherEidPnum" : "You can not add yourself as mother."
"title": "Family"
"financeSummaryLbl": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"allSelect": "All",
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"amountOutstanding": "Amount outstanding",
"amountPaid": "Amount paid",
"amountPaidAfterDueDate": "Amount paid after due date",
"amountPaidByDueDate": "Amount paid within due date",
"and": "and",
"barGraph": "Bar Graph",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryBreakdown": "Beneficiary salary breakdown",
"beneficiarySalary": "Beneficiary salary",
"beneficiarySalaryAll": "Beneficiary salary from all",
"beneficiarySalaryAllOtherLang": "معاش المستحق من الجميع",
"beneficiarySalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"beneficiarySalaryDeductionsOtherLang": "الخصومات",
"beneficiarySalaryOtherLang": "معاش المستحق",
"beneficiarySummary": "Beneficiary salary summary",
"breakdownTableTitle": "Contribution Breakdown -",
"cancelled": "Amount cancelled ",
"cbOverdueTooltipText": "Pay all overdue amount",
"civilian": "Civilian",
"civilianOtherLang": "مدني",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable salary",
"contributableSalary_legendTooltip": "Sum of all contributable salary components",
"contributionDue": "Outstanding contribution",
"contributionDue_legendTooltip": "Amount yet to be paid to GPSSA",
"contributionPaid": "Contribution paid",
"contributionPaid_legendTooltip": "Amount paid to GPSSA as monthly contribution",
"contributionPaidAfter": "Contribution paid after due date",
"contributionPaidAfter_legendTooltip": "Contribution paid after the due date has passed",
"contributionPaidWithin": "Contribution paid within due date",
"contributionPaidWithin_legendTooltip": "Contribution paid before the due date.",
"contributions": "Contributions",
"contributionSalary": "Contribution salary tooltip",
"contributionSalary_legendTooltip": "Sum of all contributable salary components",
"contributionsBodyLbl": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"contributionsDescription": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"contributionStatement": "Contribution statement",
"contributionSummaryHeading": "Contribution Summary",
"creditDate": "Date",
"creditDateOtherLang": "التاريخ",
"ddsMandates": "Transactions and DDS mandates",
"ddsMandatesBodyLbl": "View your transactions history and direct debit mandates details",
"download": "Download",
"downloadDetailed": "Download detailed report",
"downloadEmployerStatementTooltip": "The password is formed from eight digits which are the digits that make the Company's Employer ID with GPSSA, preceded by zeros. For example, suppose the Company's employer ID is 1234, then the password will be 00001234.",
"downloadStatementTooltip": "Once you download your statement, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by last four digits of your Emirates ID. For example, if the last four digits of your mobile number are 6789 and the last four digits of your Emirates ID are 3456, then the password will be 67893456, without commas.",
"downloadTooltip": "You can access your outstanding contributions by downloading them using the provided link.",
"email": "Email",
"emailDetailed": "Email detailed report",
"emiratesIdLabel": "Show data for a specific employee",
"employeeContributionDue": "Your contribution",
"employer": "Employer",
"employerContributionDue": "Employer contribution",
"eosBenefits": "End of service benefits",
"eosBenefitsDescription": "View the amount applicable for end of service benefits from your previous employers.",
"error_downloadReport_400": "Something went wrong while generating report",
"error_downloadReport_500": "Something went wrong in server while generating report",
"error_emailNotFound": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try again.",
"error_emailReport_400": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try again.",
"error_emailReport_404": "We are unable to find the report",
"error_emailReport_500": "Something went wrong in server while sending report email",
"error_emailStatement_400": "Error in sending email. Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try again.",
"error_emailStatement_404": "We are unable to find the statement for the selected month.",
"error_emailStatement_500": "Something went wrong on server while sending statement email",
"error_getFinancialSummary_404": "Financial summary not found",
"error_getFinancialSummary_500": "Something went wrong on the server",
"error_getStatementMonths_404": "Could not find statements generated in last 12 months",
"error_getStatementMonths_500": "Something went wrong in server",
"error_reportPasswordPolicyMissing": "Emirates ID or mobile number or date of birth required to generate report",
"errorNotFoundLbl": "You do not have data for the selected time period. Please choose another start and end date.",
"financialSummary": "Financial Summary",
"governmentContributionDue": "Government share",
"insured": "Insured",
"last12Months": "last 12 months",
"last3Months": "last 3 months",
"last6Months": "last 6 months",
"lineGraph": "Line Graph",
"loading": "loading",
"mandates": "Mandates",
"mergePurchase": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mergePurchaseDescription": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests.",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriod": "Merge/Purchase service period",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriodBodyLbl": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests.",
"military": "Military",
"militaryOtherLang": "عسكري",
"mobPasswordProtected": "Your statements are password-protected.",
"mobStatements": "Statements",
"mobSummaryReport": "Summary report",
"mpAmountCancelledLabel": "cancelled ",
"mpAmountOverdueLabel": "Amount Overdue ",
"mpAmountPaidLabel": "Amount Paid ",
"mpAmountUpcomingLabel": "Amount Upcoming ",
"mpAnd": "and",
"mpCardPaidBy": "Paid by",
"mpD": "D",
"mpDueToday": "Due today",
"mpEmployer": "Employer",
"mpM": "M",
"mpMergeCardTitle": "Merge service periods",
"mpNoRequests": "No requests to show",
"mpPageTitle": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mpPaymentMethod": "Payment method",
"mpPreviousRequestsDisclaimer": "Cards displayed below showcase details for requests availed with past employers. Current and future end of service or pension salary calculations will not consider the periods merged/purchased that have been applied in the past.",
"mpPreviousRequestsLinkText": "View previously availed merge/purchase requests",
"mpPurchaseCardTitle": "Purchase service periods",
"mpPurchasePeriodLabel": "Periods paid and applied",
"mpRequestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"mpTotalCost": "Total cost",
"mpTotalDue": "Total due as of today (All employees)",
"mpTotalPeriod": "Total periods requested",
"mpY": "Y",
"netBeneficiarySalary": "Net beneficiary salary",
"netBeneficiarySalaryOtherLang": "صافي المعاش للمستحق",
"netPensionerSalary": "Net pension",
"netPensionerSalaryOtherLang": "صافي المعاش التقاعدي",
"noContributionData": "No contribution details available",
"outstandingContributionLabel": "Outstanding contribution as of today (including penalties)",
"outstandingPayments": "Remaining payments",
"overdueContributionPayment": "Overdue contribution payment",
"overduePaymentDistributionTooltip": "Your request will get cancelled after 3 installment payment failures.",
"overduePayments": "Outstanding payment",
"paidAfterDueDate": "Paid after due date",
"paidBy": "Paid by",
"paidByDueDate": "Paid by due date",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"passwordInfoMsg2": "Click here to download a report summary of this data.",
"paymentMethod": "Payment method",
"payments": "Payments",
"paymentsMandates": "Payments",
"paymentsMandatesDescription": "View your payments history",
"penaltyAccrued": "Penalty Accrued",
"penaltyDue": "Penalty due",
"penaltyInvoiced": "Penalty Invoiced",
"penaltyPaid": "Penalty Paid",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last four digits of your Emirates ID, followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last four digits of your Emirates ID is 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"pension": "Pensioner",
"pensionerBreakdown": "Pension summary breakdown",
"pensionerSalary": "Total Pension",
"pensionerSalaryAll": "Total pension",
"pensionerSalaryAllOtherLang": "إجمالي المعاش التقاعدي",
"pensionerSalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"pensionerSalaryDeductionsOtherLang": "الخصومات",
"pensionerSalaryOtherLang": "المعاش التقاعدي",
"pensionSummary": "Pension summary",
"pensionSummaryPeriod": "Pension summary period",
"presetPeriod": "Select preset reporting period",
"purchasePeriod": "Purchased service periods (paid & applied)",
"reportDownloadSuccess": "Your summary has been downloaded.",
"reportEmailSuccess": "Your summary has been emailed.",
"requestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"selectGraphDataLabelPlaceholder": "Select the data to display",
"selectGraphDataPlaceholder": "Select",
"selectMonth": "Select a month to view contribution breakdown and generate statement",
"startAndEndDate": "Customize start and end date",
"statementDownloadSuccess": "Your statement has been downloaded",
"statementEmailSuccess": "Your statement has been emailed",
"summaryOverview": "Welcome to your financial overview where you can view your financial summary, payment breakdown and previous statements. Your fully interactive graph will allow you to set dates, view your payments over time periods and download financial reports.",
"timePeriod": "Time period",
"totalBeneficiary": "Total beneficiary salary",
"totalContribution": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionDue": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionPaid": "Total contribution paid",
"totalDeduction": "Total deduction",
"totalNetBeneficiarySummary": "Total net beneficiary salary",
"totalNetPensionSummary": "Net pension salary",
"totalOutstandingContribution": "Total outstanding contribution",
"totalOutstandingContributionAll": "Total outstanding contribution (as of today)",
"totalPenalty": "Total penalty",
"totalPensionSummary": "Total pension salary",
"totalSalary": "Gross Salary",
"totalSalary_legendTooltip": "Sum of contributable and non-contributable salary components",
"turnDashboardLabel": "Return to dashboard",
"upcomingPayment": "Future payment"
"title": "Finance Summary"
"footerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"happinessMeter": "Happiness Meter"
"title": "footer labels"
"forgotUsername": {
"field_list": {
"backBtn": "Back",
"confirmLink": "Didn't receive an e-mail?",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"email404": "This email address is not registered with GPSSA. Please enter the email address used at the time of registration.",
"emailDescription": "If you do not have an Emirates ID, please enter your email below.",
"emailLabel": "Email",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"emiratesDescription": "Please enter your Emirates ID to retrieve your username.",
"emiratesId404": "This Emirates ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please enter the ID used at the time of registration.",
"emiratesIdDescription": "Please enter your Emirates ID to retrieve your username.",
"emiratesIdLabel": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "e.g. 784198625684545",
"heading": "Forgot your username",
"home": "Return to login",
"loadingPlaceholder": "Loading",
"modalBody": "Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password",
"modalHeading": "Your username has been sent to your registered email address",
"radioGroupLegends": "Emirates ID or e-mail address",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"retryAttemptError1": "You’ve reached the maximum retry attempts. Please click on this",
"retryAttemptError2": " link",
"retryAttemptError3": "to start again.",
"retryAttemptWarning": "Please note that you have already made 2 attempts to retrigger the email. You will have to start over again after the third attempt."
"title": "Forgot Username"
"generateCertificate": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiaryPensionDetails": "Beneficiary pension c/o ${0} - ${1}",
"certificate": "Certificate",
"certificateFailed": "Something went wrong! Please try generating your certificate again.",
"certificateInProgress": "Your certificate generation is taking more time than expected. Please click view/download/email again after some time.",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"certificateUnauthorizedErr": "You are not authorized to generate this certificate.",
"createNewCertificate": "Generate Certificate",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"emailSent": "Your certificate was sent to your registered email.",
"emiratesIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your Emirates ID has expired.",
"endOfServiceRequestsAvailed": "The end of service requests that you have been successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the details you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"enterYourReason": "Enter your reason",
"fieldsToHideInCertificate": "The following details are included by default in your certificate. If you wish to hide any detail, select the box.",
"from": "from",
"generateCertificate": "GPSSA | Issue Certificates",
"generatingCertificate": "Your certificate is being generated",
"GPSSA": "Civil",
"iban": "IBAN/Bank Name",
"legalDisclaimer": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.",
"legalDisclaimerCreatePage": "I declare that the way I use the generated certificate is my sole responsibility. GPSSA shall not be held responsible for its use or validity for external parties.",
"legalDisclaimerViewPage": "This page will appear only once when you request the certificate and will not be accessible from your Profile or Service Requests pages. To retain a copy, you can either download or email the certificate to your email address.",
"maxCharacters": "maximum 500 characters",
"mergeOfServicePeriodRequests": "The merge previous service period requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"MILITARY": "Military",
"MOF": "MOF",
"monthlyCompensationAmount": "Monthly Compensation Amount",
"multipleBeneficaryPensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple beneficiary salaries. Please select the salary you want to be reflected in your certificate.",
"multiplePensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple pensions. Please select the pension you want to be reflected in your certificate.",
"netSalary": "Monthly Pension Salary Amount, Monthly Amount Deducted, Net Monthly Pension Salary Amount",
"noDataFound": "No data found for generating certificate",
"noEmailConfigured": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try generating the certificate again.",
"noEosData": "You cannot generate this certificate because you have not requested any End of service request.",
"noMergeData": "You cannot generate this certificate because you have not requested any Merge service period request.",
"noPurchaseData": "You cannot generate this certificate because you have not requested any Purchase service period request.",
"passportIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your Passport has expired.",
"pensionDetails": "${0} pension (Retirement Date: ${1})",
"purchaseOfServiceRequests": "The purchase of service period requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to reflect in the required certificate.",
"reasonForRequest": "Reason for request",
"selectServiceId": "Select Service ID",
"selectYourCertificate": "Select a certificate",
"serviceRequestedOn": "Service requested on",
"services": "Services",
"view": "View",
"viewCertificate": "View your certificate",
"mobErrorOccurredMsg":"Oops! It seems like you didn't specify the location where you want to save your certificate. Please select a valid path and try again."
"title": "Generate Certificate"
"guardianEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"addNewBeneficiaryButton": "Add new beneficiary",
"deleteButton": "Delete",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"errorMessageEmiratesIdInvalid": "Your Emirates ID details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA",
"errorMessageMemberNotValid": "Enrollment of guardian is only permitted for minor members. For adult beneficiaries, please select the caretaker option.",
"errorMessageMemberPassedAway": "You cannot enroll as a guardian for a deceased member.",
"errorMessagePassportInvalid": "Your passport details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageSingleDependentOnly": "You can only enroll as a guardian for multiple beneficiaries. Since this user is a dependent, please raise a separate guardian enrollment request for them.",
"guardianCertificateTitle": "Guardian certificate",
"guardianFor": "Does the member you want to become guardian for holds an Emirates ID?",
"memberEmirates": "Enter the member's Emirate ID",
"memberEmiratesOrPassport": "Enter the member's Passport Number",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"serviceNameArabic": "تسجيل وصي",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Guardian Enrollment"
"title": "Guardian Enrollment"
"hamburgerMenu": {
"field_list": {
"mobAboutGpssa": "About GPSSA",
"mobAllRightsReserved": "All Rights Reserved (C) 2023 | GPSSA",
"mobContactUs": "Contact us",
"mobDarkMode": "B&W colors",
"mobDisclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"mobLoginWithGpssa": "Log in with GPSSA credentials",
"mobLoginWithUAEPass": "Log in with UAE Pass",
"mobLogout": "Log out",
"mobPrivacyPolicy": "Privacy policy",
"mobRateThisApp": "Rate this app",
"mobSettings": "Settings",
"mobSignInUaePass": "Sign in with UAE Pass",
"mobTermsAndConditions": "Terms and Conditions",
"mobTextToSpeech": "Text to speech",
"rateAppRedirectionError": "Unable to redirect to App Store"
"title": "Hamburger Menu Labels"
"headerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"agentLinkedMembers": "Agent Linked Members",
"caretakerLinkedMembers": "Caretaker Linked Members",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"employerPortalAccountType": "Employer account",
"gpssaLogo": "GPSSA Logo",
"guardianLinkedMembers": "Guardian Linked Members",
"hello": "Hello, ",
"localeArabic": "عربي",
"localeEnglish": "English",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Logout",
"managedMembers": "Managed Members",
"managedMembersTooltip": "Click to see details of ${0}",
"memberPortalAccountType": "Member account",
"modalHeading": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"no": "No",
"primaryAccount": "(Primary Account)",
"register": "Register",
"selectEmployer": "Select Employer",
"uaeGovtLogo": "UAE Logo",
"userProfile": "Your profile",
"viewMyAccount": "View profile",
"yes": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your Requests",
"maashiLogo": "Ma'ashi Logo"
"title": "header labels"
"helpAndSupport": {
"field_list": {
"createNewRequest": "Create new support request",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_400": "No FAQ found for this category!",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_404": "No FAQ found!",
"helpAndSupportTabList_404": "No service List Found!",
"pageHeading": "Help & Support",
"pageSubHeading": "Having some difficulties? We’re here to help",
"sidebarDescription": "You may refer to FAQs to obtain more information on a specific category or click on the button below to raise a new request."
"title": "Help And Support"
"injuryCompensation": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"alreadyInProgress": "You can not raise an Injury Compensation Request for this employee as previous request still under review.",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"attandanceReport": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"backBtn": "Back",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"compensationAmount": "Compensation amount",
"dateOfInjury": "Date of injury",
"disabilityCausedDueToWorkInjury": "Has this injury resulted in any disability?",
"disabilityPercentage": "Disability percentage",
"emirateIdNotValid": "Provided Emirates ID is not linked with employer code. Please try different Emirates ID.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "000-0000-0000000-0",
"employeeDetailsHeading": "Employee details",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"enterTypeInjury": "Enter type of injury",
"eosLinkMsg": "Please click ${0} to raise an end of service request",
"ibanCertificate": "IBAN Certificate of insured",
"injuryCaseSuccess": "Your injury compensation request has been successfully submitted",
"injuryDetails": "Injury Details",
"injuryDetailsSectionTitle": "Injury compensation",
"isCauseInjury": "Is the disability cause due to work injury?",
"isFitAfterInjury": "Is the person fit to work after injury?",
"isWorkInjury": "Is this work related injury?",
"medicalReport": "Medical report",
"nextBtn": "Submit",
"notAllowedToCompensation": "Injury compensation can be requested only for injury that resulted from the execution of work.",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"typeInjury": "Type of injury/disability",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"unableToGetBankList": "Unable to fetch bank list, please try again.",
"uploadDocuments": "Upload documents",
"uploadMandatory": "Upload of these documents is mandatory",
"workInvestigationReport": "Work injury investigation report"
"title": "Injury Compensation"
"insuredFinancialSummary": {
"field_list": {
"contributions": "Contributions",
"contributionsBodyLbl": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"ddsMandates": "Transactions and DDS mandates",
"ddsMandatesBodyLbl": "View your transaction history and direct debit mandate details",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriod": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriodBodyLbl": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests."
"title": "Insured Financial Summary"
"insuredRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"abpf": "ABPF",
"acquiredNationality": "Acquired nationality",
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Acquired nationality date",
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowances": "Additional miscellaneous allowance",
"aed": "AED",
"amountInAED": "Amount in AED",
"areYouPersonOfDetermination": "Are you a person of determination?",
"basicSalary": "Basic Salary",
"benefitsExchange": "Benefits Exchange",
"birth": "Birth",
"bs": "Basic Salary",
"ca": "Child allowance",
"changeContributionDeviates": "The change in contributable % deviates from GPSSA law and it will be sent to GPSSA admin for approval",
"childrenAllowance": "Child allowance",
"city": "City",
"closedRequestHeading": "Your request has been closed successfully",
"cola": "Cost of living allowance",
"completionDate": "Completion date",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"contributablePercent": "Contributable %",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary",
"contributableSalaryTooltip": "Maximum contributable salary for local/federal government sectors is AED 300,000",
"contributionAmount": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionDetailsHeading": "Contribution details",
"contributionDetailsInfo": "Contribution would be calculated from employment start date. Any delay in paying contribution will lead to daily penalty.",
"contributionPercentage": "Contribution percentage",
"contributionPercentageTooltip": "X% of which is included in contributable salary",
"contributionSalaryPercent": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionSectionGovtLawTxt": ", and the government must contribute ${0}%. Government share ${0}% will not be included in contribution proforma. This amount will be paid by government",
"contributionSectionLawTxt": "According to Federal <span class='lawText'>${0}</span> on Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equals to ${1}% of the employee salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis.While the employee must contribute ${2}% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute ${3}% of the employees's salary.",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"correctionsReasonHeading": "Please provide reason/documents for making corrections so that your employer can review.",
"costOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"councilMembers": "Council Members",
"country": "Country",
"countryOfIssue": "Country of issue",
"dateOfAcquiredNationality": "Date of acquired nationality",
"dateOfAcquiredNationalityTooltip": "Contributions will be collected based on the acquired nationality date",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"decree": "Decree",
"disagreeReasonHeading": "Please provide details for disagreeing on your employment details. The request will be closed once submitted.",
"educationDetailsHeading": "Education details",
"emailAddress": "E-mail ID",
"emailTooltip": "This e-mail ID will be used to notify the employee of updates.",
"emiratesIdDateExpired": "Your Emirates ID date has expired, please update the date on your <a href=\"/member/account/nationality\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: white\">profile</a> before proceeding with this request.",
"emiratesIdExpiryDate": "Emirates ID expiry date",
"employee": "Employee",
"employeeCategory": "Employee category",
"employeeCategoryToolTip": "Employee category tooltip data",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeEmiratesId": "Employee Emirates ID: ${0}",
"employer": "Employer",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"employmentContractType": "Employment contract type",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"expiryDate": "Expiry date",
"familyBookCityId": "Family book city ID",
"familyBookCityName": "Family book city name",
"familyBookDate": "Family book date",
"familyBookEmirateName": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyBookHeading": "Family Book",
"familyBookId": "Family book ID",
"familyNumber": "Family number",
"firstName": "First name (English)",
"formOfDisability": "Form of disability",
"gender": "Gender",
"generalAllowance": "General/nutrition allowance",
"governmentContribution": "Government share",
"gpssa": "GPSSA",
"grossSalaryMaxLimit": "Maximum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"grossSalaryMinLimit": "Minimum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"houseRentAllowance": "House rent allowance",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance",
"hra": "Housing allowance",
"idExpiryDate": "ID expiry date",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"instituteName": "Institute name",
"insuredDetails": "Insured Details",
"lateRegistrationReasonInsured": "Late registration reason of insured",
"iqrarIncomplete": "There is one or more profile update case in progress (PEU). You can track the case(s) <a href=\"/member/updaterequest/$caseId\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration:underline;\">here</a>",
"issueDate": "Issue date",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name (English)",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"applicablePensionLawTooltip": "Applicable pension law drives the contribution calculations for insured. Applicability of the law may change during approval of the request.",
"law-A": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"law-B": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"lateRegistrationReason": "Late registration reason of employer",
"major": "Major",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status",
"middleName": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"military": "Military",
"militaryPensionerContributionMsg": "You were identified as a non-contributing insured as you are a military pensioner. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service.",
"minister": "Minister",
"minorContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being less than 18. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDetailsHeading": "Nationality",
"natureOfWorkAllowance": "Nature of work allowance",
"nca": "Non-Contributable allowance",
"newRegistration": "New Registration",
"none": "None",
"oa": "Other allowance",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance",
"otherAllowancesHeading": "Other allowances",
"otherNonContributableAllowance": "Non-Contributable allowance",
"outstandingContributionMsg": "Your outstanding contribution is pending for",
"outstandingContributionPay": "This request is subject to GPSSA approval. The overdue contribution will be applied along with penalty.",
"passportDetailsHeading": "Passport details",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pensionAuthority": "Select a pension authority",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"personalInformationHeading": "Personal information",
"personOfDeterminationHeading": "Person of determination",
"personOfDeterminationId": "Person of determination ID",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"placeOfIssue": "Place of issue",
"profileIncomplete": "Your profile is incomplete, please update all mandatory information on your <a href=\"/member/account\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: blue\">profile</a> before proceeding with this request.",
"proofOfAcquiredNationality": "Acquired nationality document",
"qualification": "Qualification",
"receivingPensionFromOthers": "Are you currently receiving a pension from another pension authority?",
"registrationType": "Registration type",
"registrationTypeToolTip": "Registration type tooltip data",
"residentUae": "Is this insured a resident in UAE?",
"reviewPersonalInfo": "Please review your profile details <a id=\"reviewProfile\" href=\"\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: black\">here</a> before proceeding with the request.",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"sa": "Supplementary allowance",
"salaryComponent": "Salary Component",
"salaryDetailsHeading": "Salary details",
"seniorCitizenContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being above 60. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service",
"sharjahPensionAuthority": "Sharjah Pension Authority",
"soa": "Social allowance",
"socialAllowance": "Social allowance",
"submitModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to ${0} for review",
"submitModalSubHeading": "${0} is expected to respond in ${1} working days",
"supplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"title": "Title (English)",
"tncCheckboxLbl1": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncCheckboxLbl2": "I accept to share my personal information, including education, nationality, person of determination information and family details.",
"tncCheckboxLbl3": "I accept that ${0} shall be applicable for this employment.",
"tooltipContributableSalary": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. the maximum contributable salary is AED ${0} for public sector.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivate": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The maximum contributable salary for private sector = AED ${0}. For private sector, if salary is less than AED ${1}, then AED ${2} will be considered for contribution.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivateNewLaw": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The components considered for this calculation may differ based on whether the salary is less than or is greater than equal to 20,000.",
"tooltipGrossSalary": "This is the sum of contributable and non-contributable salary components",
"totalContribution": "Total contribution (20%)",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"transfer": "Transfer",
"transportationAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"uaeNationalByBirth": "Are you a UAE national by birth?",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified Number",
"updateProfile": "If you wish to make any updates, please visit <a href=\"/member/account\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;\">my profile.</a>",
"vevIncomplete": "There is one or more profile update case in progress (VEV). You can track the case(s) <a href=\"/member/updaterequest/$caseId\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration:underline;\">here</a>",
"workedForMilitary": "Have you previously worked for military employer?",
"workedInGovtSec": "Worked in government sector for more than 25 years?",
"workingForAnotherEmployer": "Are you currently working for another employer?",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"contributionFullMonthInfo" : "Monthly contributions are fully calculated for the month in which service begins for insured, in accordance with Federal Law No. (57) of 2023.",
"employerNameEnglish": "Employer name (English)",
"employerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"employerSector": "Employer sector",
"employerCountry": "Employer country",
"contributionStartDate": "Contribution start date",
"livingExpensesAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"grossSalary": "Gross salary",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"educationDegree": "Education degree",
"address": "Address",
"receivePension": "Does insured receive a pension from another authority?",
"no" : "No",
"yes" : "Yes",
"local" : "Government",
"private" : "Private",
"employeeContributionGCC": "Employee contribution",
"employmentType": "Employment type",
"full_time": "Full time",
"part_time": "Part time"
"title": "Insured registration"
"invoices": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"cancelPayment": "Cancel payment",
"cancelPaymentAll": "Cancel all payments?",
"cancelPaymentModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to:",
"cancelPaymentSingle": "Cancel selected payment?",
"cancelPaymentSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} cancelled successfully.",
"close": "Close",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"createSupportTicket": "Create support request",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"downloadCertificate": "Download certificate",
"downloadInvoice": "Download invoice",
"downloadReceipt": "Download receipt",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByDueDate": "Filter by payment due date",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by Status",
"filterByType": "Filter by Type",
"heading": "Payment history",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceDownloadFailed": "Could not download invoice",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"invoiceNo": "Invoice #",
"mandateId": "Mandate #",
"mandateUpdateFailed": "Could not update mandate",
"next": "Next",
"noInvoice": "No Invoices present",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"paymentFailureReason": "Rejection reason",
"paymentMode": "Payment mode",
"paymentRejectionReason": "Payment processing failed due to below error",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"payNowAll": "all installments?",
"payNowModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to initiate payment for:",
"payNowSingle": "selected installment?",
"payNowSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} initiated successfully.",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"receiptDownloadFailed": "Could not download receipt",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resubmit": "Resubmit payment",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"searchByType": "Search by Type",
"status": "Status",
"supportRequestCreated": "Support request #${0} created successfully.",
"type": "Type",
"updateMandate": "Update mandate",
"updateMandateAll": "all payments?",
"updateMandateModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to update mandate for:",
"updateMandateSingle": "selected payment?",
"updateMandateSuccessHeading": "Mandate for Request ID ${0} updated successfully.",
"downloadInvoiceTooltip" : "Enter the last four digits of your mobile number and the last four digits of your Emirates ID as invoice password."
"title": "Invoices"
"iqrarLabels": {
"field_list": {
"adminReviewHeading": "Your action is required",
"adminSubmitMessage": "You have successfully submitted the changes for review.",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "Captcha verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"confirmAdmin": "Please submit these changes for processing.",
"confirmAdminprofileIncomplete": "You can submit the request once all the critical/mandatory fields are updated",
"confirmIqrar": "Please click 'Submit' to submit your information to GPSSA. In clicking 'Submit', you acknowledge that all the information and documents you provided are correct, and you pledge to inform GPSSA of any developments or amendments to the information or documents you have submitted as they occur or as requested by GPSSA, and that you bear full legal responsibility if information is found to be incorrect.",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"extIqrarRaisedDisclaimer": "Your pension entitlement update raised by an external source is under review, updating some information and documents will be disabled.",
"fileExistError": " these files already exist",
"IAcceptBtn": "I accept",
"important": "Important",
"iqrarDocumentChanges": "You have made changes to document.",
"iqrarFieldChanges": "You have made changes to: ",
"iqrarRaisedDisclaimer": "Your pension entitlement update is under review, updating some information and documents will be disabled.",
"iqrarSubmitMessage": "You have successfully submitted your details to GPSSA for review.",
"legalTerms": "Legal Terms and Conditions",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
"reviewHeading": "Pension Entitlement Update",
"reviewSection": "Please review all sections marked in red.",
"submitBtn": "Submit",
"trackServiceBtn": "Track service request",
"uaeAccessError": "User Access Level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"updateBelowDocuments": "Please update the below documents",
"updateExpiredItems": "Please update following expired items before submitting for GPSSA review"
"title": "iqrarLabels"
"login": {
"field_list": {
"backBtn": "Back",
"confirmLink": "Didn't Receive an Email?",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"email": "Email",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"error_account_disabled": "Your account is locked because you have exceeded the maximum number of allowed attempts. Please use the Forgot Password feature to unlock your account.",
"error_invalid_credentials": "Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.",
"facebookLink": "",
"federalLogoAccessibilityLabel": "Federal Emblem of the United Arab Emirates",
"forgotPasswordDescription": "Enter your registered username and we will email you instructions to reset your password.",
"forgotPasswordLink": "Forgot your password?",
"forgotPasswordPageHeading": "Forgot Your password",
"forgotUsernameLink": "Forgot your username ?",
"gpssaLogoAccessibilityLabel": "Logo of the General Pension and Social Security Authority",
"instagramLink": "",
"invalidCredentials": "Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.",
"invalidPasswordHistoryMessage": "You cannot use your last 3 passwords. Please enter a different password.",
"loggedOutInactivityMsg": "Due to inactivity, you have been logged out. Please log back in.",
"loginBtn": "Log in",
"loginPageDescription": "Welcome. You can now log in to your account using your UAE Pass.",
"loginPageHeading": "Log in to your account",
"loginTrustMessage": "A single trusted digital identity for all citizens, residents and visitors.",
"loginWithGpssa": "Log in with GPSSA credentials",
"loginWithUAE": "Log in with UAE Pass",
"mobAllRightsReserved": "All Rights Reserved (C) 2023 | GPSSA",
"mobForgotPassword": "Forgot Password",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "9711234567890",
"mobLoginPageDescription": "You can now log in to your account using your GPSSA username and password or your UAE Pass.",
"mobLoginPageHeading": "Welcome",
"mobSignInUaePass": "Sign in with UAE Pass",
"modalBody": "Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password",
"modalHeading": "A link has been sent to your registered email",
"newPassword": "New Password",
"notFound": "This account does not exist",
"or": "Or",
"passwordLabel": "Password",
"passwordMatchError": "Password doesn't match",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Type here...",
"passwordStrength0": "No Password",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"passwordStrength4": "Strong",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"rememberMe": "Remember me",
"requiredValidation": "This is a required field",
"resetModalDescription": "Your password has been changed successfully. You can now log in.",
"resetModalHeading": "Password has been changed",
"resetPasswordDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"resetPasswordPageHeading": "Reset password",
"signUpLink": "Register here",
"signUpText": "Don't have an account?",
"twitterLink": "",
"usernameLabel": "Username",
"usernameNote": "If you are entering your mobile number, please do not include country code prefix or 0.",
"usernamePlaceholder": "Enter Emirates ID / Email ID / Mobile number",
"youtubeLink": "",
"underMaintenanceTitle": "Website under maintenance",
"underMaintenanceSubTitle": "This website is currenctly undergoing scheduled maintenance. We should be back shortly.",
"maintenanceSite": "Maintenance site"
"title": "Login"
"managedBy": {
"field_list": {
"deregisterAgent": "Remove as my Agent",
"deregisterCaretaker": "Remove as my Caretaker",
"deregisterGuardian": "Remove as my Guardian",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"heading": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"removeAgentHeading": "Are you sure you want to be removed as their Agent?",
"removeCaretakerHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"removeGuardianHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"successfullyRemovedAgentHeading": "You have successfully de-registered as Agent.",
"successfullyRemovedCaretakerHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"successfullyRemovedGuardianHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review."
"title": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian"
"managedMembers": {
"field_list": {
"deregisterAgent": "Deregister as Agent",
"deregisterCaretaker": "Deregister as Caretaker",
"deregisterGuardian": "Deregister as Guardian",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"error_multipleRequests": "We found an existing request of ${0} de-enrollment for the same member.",
"heading": "Managed Members",
"removeAgentHeading": "Are you sure you want to be removed as their Agent?",
"removeCaretakerHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"removeGuardianHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"successfullyRemovedAgentHeading": "You have successfully de-registered as Agent.",
"successfullyRemovedCaretakerHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"successfullyRemovedGuardianHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"viewBtnPrefix": "View ",
"viewBtnSuffix": "s account",
"error_deenroll002": "You cannot initiate a new Deregister request as a Deregister case is already in progress."
"title": "Managed Members"
"mandateDetails": {
"field_list": {
"accountHolderNameLabel": "Account holder name",
"back": "Back",
"bankNameLabel": "Bank name",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"formSubHeading": "Please provide your payment details",
"heading": "DDS mandate details",
"iban": "IBAN",
"maxAmtLabel": "Maximum amount",
"noBankDataTitle": "No Bank details present. Please add bank details in profile to create a new mandate.",
"noDataForIdText": "No record for given Mandate ID exists",
"purposeLabel": "Purpose",
"submit": "Submit",
"successModalTitle": "Mandate created successfully",
"tncCheckBoxContent": "I agree to allow GPSSA to deduct the amounts reflected on the monthly proforma from my account"
"title": "Mandate Details Form"
"mandates": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount",
"cancel": "Cancel mandate",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"dds": "DDS",
"filter": "Filter",
"fts": "FTS",
"heading": "All mandates",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"lastUpdated": "Last Updated",
"mandateId": "Mandate Id",
"noMandate": "No mandates present",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resubmit": "Resubmit mandate",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"searchByMandateNumber": "Search by mandate number",
"select": "Select",
"selectDDSMandate": "Please select a mandate from the list below.",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"status": "Status",
"type": "Type"
"title": "Mandates"
"mergeCalculator": {
"field_list": {
"addNewTimePeriod": "Add new time period",
"addTotalServicePeriods": "Add total service periods",
"aed": "AED",
"blankNominalLabel": "-",
"calculateBtn": "Calculate",
"clearBtn": "Clear",
"costOfMerging": "Cost of merging",
"from": "From",
"monthlyAmountTooltip": "This amount is 20% of the contribution salary that the employer must pay to GPSSA on behalf of an insured employee. For UAE nationals, it is divided as follows: Public Sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee and 15% from the employer. Private sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee, 12.5% from the employer, and 2.5% from the government.",
"monthlyContrubuted": "Monthly contribution salary (AED)",
"monthlyContrubutedAmount": "Monthly contribution amount (AED)",
"msg1": "The fields in this simulator are populated by default based on your current records with GPSSA.",
"msg2": "You can use this simulator to view the cost required to merge your employment periods in different scenarios.",
"msg3": "Please note that the displayed results are approximate amounts that are based on the inputs you provided. GPPSA is not liable to any decisions taken based on the result given by the simulator.",
"msg4": "The results displayed are estimates based on the values entered in the simulator. GPSSA is not liable to any decisions made based on these results.",
"serviceOneByOne": "Add service periods one by one",
"servicePensionPeriod": "Service/pension period to be merged",
"servicePeriodTooltip": "Service period considered include periods served with employers under GPSSA as well as periods served with other pension authorities as recorded with GPSSA. Periods highlighted may also include pension periods that an insured is eligible to merge within one year of going back to work.",
"shortDay": "D",
"shortMonth": "M",
"shortYear": "Y",
"to": "To",
"totalPeriodMerge": "Total periods to be merged",
"totalServicePeriod": "Total service period",
"valueAsLabel": "10000",
"yourresult": "Your Results"
"title": "Merge Period Simulator"
"mergePeriodsSimulator": {
"field_list": {
"calculate": "Calculate",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"costOfMerging": "Cost of merging",
"currency": "AED",
"days": "Days",
"disclaimer": "The results displayed are estimates only and based on the values entered into the simulator. GPSSA is not liable for the accuracy of these results nor any decisions made based on these results. Please contact the HR/finance department in your organization to validate these results.",
"heading": "Merge periods",
"message1": "The fields in this simulator are populated by default based on your current records with GPSSA.",
"message2": "You can use this simulator to view the cost required to merge your employment periods in different scenarios.",
"monthlyContributionAmount": "Monthly contribution amount (AED)",
"monthlyContributionAmountTooltip": "This amount is 20% of the contribution salary that the employer must pay to GPSSA on behalf of an insured employee. For UAE nationals, it is divided as follows: Public Sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee and 15% from the employer Private sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee, 12.5% from the employer, and 2.5% from the government.",
"monthlyContrubutionSalary": "Monthly contribution salary (AED)",
"monthlyContrubutionSalaryTooltip": "For government sector, the monthly contribution salary constitutes an employee’s basic monthly salary, social allowance, children's allowance, cost of living allowance, and accommodation allowance. <br /><br /> For private sector, the monthly contribution salary is mentioned in the employment contract and includes basic salary, gratuities, and allowances (that are paid regularly or monthly).",
"months": "Months",
"servicePeriods": "Service periods to be merged",
"servicePeriodsTooltip": "Values displayed in the drop-down list are the maximum periods you are eligible to merge as per GPSSA's records. It includes previous service periods with GPSSA and other UAE pension authorities (if applicable). You can change these values as per your requirements.",
"shortDay": "D",
"shortMonth": "M",
"shortYear": "Y",
"startMergeYears": "Start merge years services",
"totalServicePeriod": "Total service period",
"years": "Years",
"yourResults": "Your results"
"title": "Merge periods simulator"
"mergeServiceEmp": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"acceptConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Accept the merge request ?",
"acceptConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Accept the purchase request ?",
"approveSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully approved.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"confirmationMsg": "Do you want to approve or reject the payment request raised by the Insured for this service?",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeCost": "Cost to be paid by Employee",
"employerCost": "Cost to be paid by the Employer",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"insuredName": "Name of Insured",
"periodsRequested": "Periods Requested",
"provideRejectionReason": "Reason for rejecting",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Reject the merge request ?",
"rejectConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Reject the purchase request ?",
"rejectSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully rejected.",
"requestDetails": "Request Details",
"serviceName": "Name of Service",
"titleMsgMerge": "You have been requested to make a service merge payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below and proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"titleMsgPurchase": "You have been requested to make a service purchase payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below and proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"totalCost": "Total Cost",
"yes": "Yes",
"bankAccountType": "Bank Account",
"uaeBankAccount": "UAE Bank Account",
"gccBankAccount": "GCC Bank Account"
"title": "merge service emp"
"mergeServicePeriod": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"amount": "Amount",
"amountShareLimitError": "Cost share cannot be less than 1 or more than ${0}",
"back": "Back",
"backButton": "Back",
"clickHereQuotation": "Click to download quotation.",
"close": "Close",
"continueButton": "Continue",
"costSummaryCardHeader": "Estimated total cost",
"creditDebitCard": "Credit or debit card",
"currEmployerServicePeriodLabel": "Total service period",
"currEmployerServicePeriodLabelForMerge": "Total service period available for merge",
"currEmployerServicePeriodLabelForPurchase": "Total service period available for purchase",
"days": "Days",
"downloadQuotationLink": "",
"downPayment": "Downpayment",
"downPaymentError": "Downpayment cannot be greater than employee amount or total cost.",
"downPaymentInfo": "By default, the downpayment amount displayed represents the End of Service benefit received against the equivalent service period to be merged. You can enter a different value based on your preference.",
"downPaymentInfoPurchase": "By default, the downpayment amount displayed represents the End of Service benefit received against the equivalent service period to be purchased. You can enter a different value based on your preference.",
"downPaymentLabel": "Enter the downpayment amount",
"downPaymentLessThanMinimumError": "Downpayment must be greater than or equal to 50% of total cost (AED ${0}).",
"downPaymentLessThanPensionError": "Downpayment must be greater than or equal to Pension Merge cost (AED ${0}).",
"downpaymentLimitError": "Downpayment amount cannot be more than ${0}",
"employeeAmountShareError": "Employee should bear the Pension Merge cost.",
"EosDisclaimer": "EoS process may result in the EoS benefit even after merging pension.",
"genericApiError": "Some data could not be fetched. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"iban": "IBAN",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"inPercent": "(in %)",
"installment": "Installment",
"installmentAdjustments": "Your last installment amount would be adjusted so as to match the total cost and ensure no additional amount is deducted.",
"installmentAndDownPayment": "Installment & down payment",
"installmentMonths": "Months",
"mainInfo": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the My Account page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for merging the eligible and desired service period.",
"mainInfo1": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the",
"mainInfo2": " page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for merging the eligible and desired service period.",
"mainInfoLink": "My Account",
"mainInfoMerge": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the <a href='/member/account'>View Profile</a> page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for merging the eligible and desired service period.",
"mainInfoPurchase": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the <a href='/member/account'>View Profile</a> page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for purchasing the desired service period.",
"mergeCostApiError": "Unable to fetch service period merging cost",
"mergeCostError": "Unable to get total merging cost",
"mergePensionWarning": "Do you want to merge Pension ?",
"mergePeriodApiError": "Unable to fetch service period",
"mergePeriodError101": "Non contributing members cannot avail the service.",
"mergePeriodError102": "This service is unavailable for FNC members.",
"mergePeriodError103": "Your service period is less than the minimum requirement to continue with the service.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge101": "This service is not applicable for Non-Contributing Insured.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge102": "This service is not applicable for FNC-Council members.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge103": "The age of the insured cannot be more than or equal to 55 years.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge104": "The pension can be merged only within ${0} year(s) of joining current employer.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge105": "The employment is ineligible.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge106": "You cannot initiate a new Merge request as a merge case is already in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge107": "Member not eligible for merge years because End of Service is in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge111": "You cannot initiate a new Merge request as a Cost recalculation on your previous merge case is in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase101": "This service is not applicable for Non-Contributing Insured.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase102": "This service is unavailable for FNC members.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase103": "The service period should be equal to or more than ${0} years to be eligible for purchase service",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase106": "You cannot initiate a new Purchase request as a purchase case is already in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase107": "Member not eligible for purchase years because End of Service is in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase109": "There's no eligible service period available for purchase.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase111": "You cannot initiate a new Purchase request as a Cost recalculation on your previous purchase case is in progress.",
"monthlyContributionSalary": "Monthly contributable salary",
"monthlyEMI": "Monthly EMI",
"months": "Months",
"months1": "Month",
"months2": "Months",
"no": "No",
"oneTimePayment": "One-time payment",
"ongoingMergeError": "You have an ongoing merge request, you cannot proceed.",
"paidByBoth": "Paid by both me and employer",
"paidByBothInfo1": "By default, the amount to be paid by the employer excludes the end of service amount received by you for the equivalent period. You can enter different values based on your preference.",
"paidByBothInfo2": "After you click Continue, you will be able set up the payment details to settle your share of the cost through a one-time payment or through installments.",
"paidByEmployer": "Paid by employer",
"paidByMe": "Paid by me",
"payByEmployerQuotation": "Want to share the payment quotation with your employer before submission?",
"pensionCostofMerging": "Total cost for pension service periods",
"percentShareLimitError": "Cost percentage share cannot be less than 1 or more than 100",
"prevEmployerServicePeriodLabel": "Total service period for pension",
"provideDetails": "Please provide the required details to pay for this service.",
"purchaseCostPeriodApiError": "Unable to fetch service period purchasing cost",
"selectEmployer": "Select Employer",
"selectIbanDropdownLabel": "Select IBAN",
"selectInstallmentPeriod": "Considering your current age and salary, you're eligible for a maximum of ${0} months of installments, please select the installment period.",
"selectInstallmentPeriodInfo": "Minimum Monthly payment should be 25% of your contributable salary and installment period should end before you become 60 year old.",
"selectMergePeriodError": "Merge period cannot be greater than total service period",
"selectPayee": "Select payee option",
"selectPaymentModeLabel": "Select payment modes",
"selectPaymentType": "Select payment type",
"selectPeriodInfo": "The default values displayed in the fields below reflect the maximum service periods that you are eligible to merge. You can modify the selection and choose different values.",
"selectPurchasePeriodInfo": "The default values displayed in the fields below reflect the maximum service periods that you are eligible to purchase. You can modify the selection and choose different values.",
"selectPurchasePeriodError": "Purchase Period cannot be greater than your available purchase limit",
"selectPurchasePeriodHeading": "Select service periods to purchase",
"selectServicePeriodHeading": "Select service periods to merge",
"shareOfCost": "Share of total cost",
"submissionWarningText": "Are you sure you want to proceed with the submission?",
"submitButton": "Submit",
"submitWarningText": "Are you sure you want to proceed with the payment?",
"successMessage": "Case is created successfully and sent to GPSSA for review.",
"successMessageUpdate": "Case is updated successfully.",
"successRequestSentToEnployer": "The payment request has been successfully sent to your employer for approval.",
"tncContent1": "I accept the",
"tncContent2": " associated with this service.",
"tncLinkText": "terms & conditions",
"toBePaidByEmployer": "To be paid by the employer",
"toBePaidByMe": "To be paid by me",
"totalAmountPaidByEmployer": "Total amount to be paid by the employer",
"totalAmountPaidByMe": "Total amount to be paid by me",
"totalCost": "Total cost",
"totalCostForMerge": "Total cost for merging service periods",
"totalCostForPurchase": "Total cost for purchasing service periods",
"totalInstallmentAmount": "Total installment amount",
"years": "Years",
"yes": "yes",
"salaryCertificateDocTooltip": "Detailed and recent salary certificate containing 5% deduction for insured.",
"acquisitionDocumentDocTooltip": "This is a proof of citizenship document that must be uploaded if the insured wishes to merge service periods prior to obtaining citizenship.",
"bankAccountType": "Bank Account",
"uaeBankAccount": "UAE Bank Account",
"gccBankAccount": "GCC Bank Account",
"gccBankAccountInfo" : "As a UAE National with GCC Bank account, the payment will be made by the employer."
"title": "merge Service Period labels"
"monthlySummaryLbl": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"beneficiaryPension": "Beneficiary Pension",
"beneficiarySalary": "Total beneficiary salary",
"civil": "Civil",
"civilianAndMilitaryPension": "Gross monthly pension",
"civilianPension": "Pension (civilian)",
"contributions": "Contributions",
"currentMonthlyContribution": "Monthly contribution amount",
"deductions": "Deductions",
"employer": "Employer ",
"government": "Government ",
"insuredSalarySummary": "Monthly contributable salary",
"loading": "loading",
"military": "Military",
"militaryPension": "Pension (military)",
"militaryPensionMonthlySummary": "Pension (military)",
"monthlyBeneficiarySalary": "Monthly beneficiary salary",
"monthlyPension": "Total retirement pension",
"monthlyStatementHeading": "Monthly summary",
"netPension": "Net Pension",
"pension": "Pension",
"pensionAndBeneficiary": "Net Retirement + Beneficiary Pension",
"percent": "%",
"retirementPension": "Retirement Pension",
"tooltipBeneficiary": "Your beneficiary salary for this month.",
"tooltipInsured": "Sum of your contributions and employer contrbution for this month.",
"tooltipInsuredPensionerBeneficiary": "Sum of your contributions, pension, and beneficiary salary for this month.",
"tooltipPensionAndBeneficiary": "Sum of your net retirement pension and net beneficiary salary for this month.",
"tooltipPensioner": "Your net pension and deductions for this month.",
"totalBeneficiarySalary": "Total beneficiary pension",
"totalDeduction": "Total deduction",
"viewInDetail": "View details",
"yourContribution": "Employee "
"title": "Personal dashboard monthly summary labels"
"nationalityLabels": {
"field_list": {
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Acquired nationality date",
"acquiredNationalityMethod": "Acquired nationality method",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdExpiaryDate": "Emirates ID expiration date",
"heading": "Nationality",
"homeInsuredId": "Home insured ID",
"homeNationalId": "Home national ID",
"isGcc": "Are you a GCC national?",
"isResident": "Are you resident in the UAE?",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDetails": "nationality details",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified number",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Nationality"
"newRequestFeedbackModal": {
"field_list": {
"appreciateFeedback": "We appreciate your feedback.",
"completeThisSurvey": "Please rate our services by taking a short survey. Your inputs will help us serve you better.",
"feedbackReceived": "We have received your feedback.",
"giveFeedback": "Was this information helpful?",
"loggingYourRequest": "Logging your request",
"noThankYou": "No, thank you",
"rateTheFollowing": "Please rate our services.",
"ratingScale": "Rating scale: 1 – Very Satisfied, 2 – Satisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Unsatisfied, 5 – Very Unsatisfied",
"resolvingYourRequests": "Resolving your request",
"startSurvey": "Start survey",
"surveyHeading": "Feedback survey",
"thankyouForSurvey": "Thank you for taking the survey. Your feedback is very important in helping us improve your future experience with GPSSA.",
"yourOverallExperience": "Your overall experience"
"notifications": {
"field_list": {
"notificationsHeading": "Notifications"
"title": "notificcations"
"otherEmploymentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"abpf": "Abu Dhabi Pension Fund",
"addMore": "Add previous or current employment that are not under GPSSA",
"addOtherEmployment": "Add employment",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"country": "Country",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"effectiveSalaryUpdateDate": "Effective date of salary update",
"empCountry": "Country",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceAmount": "End of service amount",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service status",
"endOfServiceStatus": "End of service status",
"eosAmount": "End of service amount",
"federal": "Federal",
"government": "Government",
"heading": "Other Employment details",
"hereLbl": "here",
"local": "Local",
"mergedPeriod": "Merged period",
"mergePeriod": "Merge period",
"mergeServicePeriodDay": "Merge Service Period Days",
"mergeServicePeriodMonth": "Merge Service Period Months",
"mergeServicePeriodYr": "Merge Service Period Years",
"military": "Military",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of Pension Authority",
"nameOfPensionAuthorityOther": "Name of Pension Authority (Other)",
"noBenefit": "No benefit",
"nominalPeriod": "Nominal period",
"nominalServicePeriodDay": "Nominal Service Period Days",
"nominalServicePeriodMonth": "Nominal Service Period Months",
"nominalServicePeriodYr": "Nominal Service Period Years",
"other": "Other",
"otherEmploymentConsent": "Other Employment Consent",
"pension": "Pension",
"private": "Private",
"purchasedPeriod": "Purchased period",
"purchasePeriod": "Purchase period",
"purchaseServicePeriodDay": "Purchase Service Period Days",
"purchaseServicePeriodMonth": "Purchase Service Period Months",
"purchaseServicePeriodYr": "Purchase Service Period Years",
"raiseComplaint": "create a request",
"remuneration": "Remuneration",
"salary": "Salary",
"sector": "Sector",
"selectCountry": "Select country",
"sharjahPensionAuthority": "Sharjah Pension Authority",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"updatePensionLbl": "Please update your pension details",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"gccNationalsOnly": "Only employment within GCC countries is eligible for declaration. Employment in non-GCC countries must not be included.",
"employmentCountry": "Employment country"
"title": "Other Employment details"
"otherSalaryLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addMore": "Would you like to add salary?",
"addOtherSalary": "Add other salary",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary (in AED)",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"employeeContributionToPension": "Employee contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"employeeContributionToPensionFund": "Employee contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"employer": "Other employer name",
"employerContributionToPension": "Employer contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"employerContributionToPensionFund": "Employer contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"governmentContributionToPension": "Government share to pension fund (in AED)",
"governmentContributionToPensionFund": "Government share to pension fund (in AED)",
"heading": "Other salary details",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"otherEmployerName": "Other employer name",
"otherPensionSource": "Other employer name",
"otherSalary": "other salary",
"otherSourceOfSalary": "Do you have any other source of salary?",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of Pension Authority",
"relatedEmployerName": "Related employer name",
"rentAllowance": "Rent allowance (in AED)",
"specialAllowance": "Special allowance (in AED)",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Other salary details"
"otpModalTemplateLabels": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"closeLabel": "Close",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"minuteLabel": "minute",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your registered email ID: ${0}",
"otpSentHeadingMobile": "Verify your identity by entering the one-time password (OTP) sent on your registered mobile number: ${0}",
"otpValidationSuccessHeading": "OTP verified successfully",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"secondsLabel": "seconds",
"timeRemaining": "remaining"
"title": "otp modal template labels"
"overpayment": {
"field_list": {
"amountPaid": "Amount Paid",
"apiError": "Unable to fetch overpayment details.",
"costSummaryCardHeader": "Payment Summary",
"overpaymentAmount": "Overpayment Amount",
"overpaymentDeduction": "Overpayment Deductions",
"overpaymentDetail": "Overpayment Details",
"overpaymentRecipt": "Overpayment Receipt",
"pensionElementDescription": "Pension Element Description",
"recoveryDetails": "Recovery Details",
"title": "Overpayment",
"totalAmountRecovered": "Total Amount Recovered",
"totalAmountRemaining": "Total Amount Remaining",
"totalCostForOverPayment": "Total Overpayment Amount",
"transactionDate": "Transaction Date",
"transactionReference": "Transaction Reference",
"transactionType": "Transaction Type"
"title": "OverPayment"
"pageTitles": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"contact": "Contact details",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment details",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial",
"managedBy": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"managedMembers": "Managed members",
"mandates": "Mandate Details",
"mandatoryUploadDocument": "Uploading these documents is mandatory",
"medical": "Medical status",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"passport": "Passport details",
"personal": "Personal",
"personalDetails": "Personal details",
"termsAndCondition": "Terms and Conditions",
"title": "Title English"
"title": "Page Title"
"passportLabels": {
"field_list": {
"countryOfIssue": "Country of issue",
"expiryDate": "Expiration date",
"heading": "Passport details",
"issueDate": "Issue date",
"passportDetails": "passport details",
"passportDocument": "Upload document",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"placeOfIssue": "Place of issue",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully updated your passport details",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"passportDoc": "Passport Copy"
"title": "Passport details"
"pensionerOtherPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addMore": "Would you like to add pension?",
"addOtherPension": "Add other pension",
"benefactorName": "Benefactor's name",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"confirmPensionConsent": "-",
"heading": "Pension details",
"monthlyPensionInstallment": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"otherNameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority (Other)",
"otherPensionConsent": "Other Pension Consent",
"otherSourceOfPensionerPension": "Do you have any other source of pension?",
"otherSourceOfSalary": "Do you have any other source of pension?",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of Pension Authority",
"pensionEndDate": "Pension end date",
"pensionerOtherPension": "pensioner other pension details",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"pensionType": "Pension type",
"relatedEmployerName": "Related employer name",
"scheme": "Scheme",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Other pension details"
"pensionerPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Pension details",
"installmentAmount": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"lastPensionDisbursement": "Last pension disbursement (in AED)",
"lastPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Last pension entitlement update date",
"lastPensionPayment": "Last pension disbursement (in AED)",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Next Pension Entitlement Update date",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDueDate": "Next pension entitlement update due date",
"pensionCompensation": "Pension compensation (in AED)",
"pensionEntitlement": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionEntitlementAmount": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionerPension": "pensioner pension details",
"pensionInstallment": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"pensionInstallmentAmount": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Pension details"
"personalDashboardLbl": {
"field_list": {
"additionalPurchaseInfo": "You can purchase up to <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>",
"aed": "AED",
"ageCheck": "Min. age required: ",
"ageLabelCheck": " if at age ",
"applicableMergeHeading": "Applicable merge service periods",
"applicableMergeInfo": "You can merge up to <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>.",
"applicableMergeRequestButton": "Start request",
"applicableMergeSimulatorButton": "Merge service periods simulator",
"applicableMergeTooltipText": "Lorum Ipsum",
"benefits": "Pension summary",
"cost": "Cost (AED)",
"createNewRequest": "Create a new request",
"dependentsCardTitle": "Dependents",
"dependentsTooltipText": "Registered family members who are financially dependent on you.",
"employments": "Contribution summary",
"eosBenefitCardBody": "Based on your total service period to date, you are entitled to a reward of:",
"eosBenefitCardBtn": "End of service / pension simulator",
"eosBenefitCardTitle": "Your potential benefits",
"eosBenefitCardValue": "AED ${0}",
"eosBenefitStatusFail": "You are not eligible",
"eosBenefitStatusSuccess": "You are eligible",
"eosBenefitTitle": "End of service benefit",
"eosEligibilityCardTitle": "Eligibility status",
"eosNoBenefitBody": "Currently you are not entitled for any benefits.",
"is": "is ",
"maxPensionTooltipText": "Additional period required to achieve the optimal retirement pension(100% of average monthly contributable salary)",
"minPensionTooltipText": "Additional period required to become eligible of retirement",
"mobDashboardTab": "Dashboard",
"mobFinancialTab": "Financial",
"mobHappinessTab": "Happiness",
"mobileLoader": "Loading ...",
"mobMngdMemAccordionAccessibilityLbl": "This will show or hide the managed members.",
"mobRequestCardMsg": "Here are your existing requests. You can create new ones for support related enquires, complaints, suggestions or service related requests.",
"mobRequestsTab": "Requests",
"mobServicesTab": "Services",
"mobViewAllRequest": "View all",
"mobViewMoreRequest": "View more",
"noRequestLbl": "You have no existing requests.",
"noRequestsHeading": "Your Requests",
"notApplicableMergeInfo": "You are not eligible for merge service period but you can still use simulator to check merge service period.",
"ongoingMergeHeading": "Ongoing merge request",
"ongoingPurchaseTitle": "Ongoing purchase request",
"optimalPeriodTooltip": "Optimal retirement period tooltip",
"optimalTitle": "Optimal Retirement Reward",
"overduePeriodLabel": "Overdue payment",
"pageTabTitle": "GPSSA | Personal Dashboard",
"paidPeriodLabel": "Paid & Merged",
"pensionBenefitDisclaimer": "Pension will start when you reach 50 years of age.",
"pensionSalaryTitle": "Pension salary",
"pensionTitle": "Pension",
"period": "Period",
"periodValue": "${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D",
"plannerBtn": "Retirement planner",
"plannerToMaxPension": "Remaining period for optimal retirement <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong>",
"plannerTooltipText": "Total eligible service period including employment period and any purchase or merged sevice period",
"plannerToPension": "Remaining period for minimum retirement <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong>",
"plannerTotal": "Current service period: <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong>",
"profileAutolinked": "Your profile is successfully updated from UAE Pass",
"profileNotAutolinked": "Your profile could not be updated from UAE Pass",
"purchaseNeedsTime": "You need an additional <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> to be able to purchase additional periods",
"purchaseNotAllowed": "You are not eligible to purchase additional periods.",
"purchaseTitle": "Purchase additional period",
"raisedMergeInfo": "You have requested to merge <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>",
"raisedPurchaseInfo": "You have requested to purchase <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>",
"request": "request",
"requestHeading": "Your Requests",
"requestLbl": "Your existing requests are listed below.",
"requestTypeHeading": "Service & support requests",
"retirementPlannerTitle": "Retirement planning",
"sericePeriodCheck": "Min. periods required: ",
"serviceMob": "service",
"supportMob": "support",
"service": "service",
"support": "support",
"total": "Total",
"unpaidServiceDisclaimer": "Unpaid service period is excluded while computing End of Service benefits.",
"unpaidServicePeriod": "Unpaid service period",
"unpaidServicePeriodTooltip": "Unpaid service period tooltip",
"upcomingPeriodLabel": "Upcoming payment",
"viewAllRequest": "View all requests",
"viewDependentDetailsBtn": "View dependent details",
"viewPaymentButton": "View payment details",
"years": "Years",
"yearsServed": "Years served",
"yearsToMax": "Years to maximize your benefits",
"yearsToPension": "Years required for pension",
"your": "Your",
"yourRequestStatus": "The status of your ${0} request #${1} is '${2}'"
"title": "Personal dashboard labels"
"personalDetails": {
"field_list": {
"courtesy": "Title English",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"disclaimer": "Profile name must also be updated on FAIC.",
"divorceDate": "Divorce Date",
"firstNameArabic": "First name (Arabic)",
"firstNameEnglish": "First name (English)",
"gender": "Gender",
"heading": "Personal Profile",
"lastNameArabic": "Last name (Arabic)",
"lastNameEnglish": "Last name (English)",
"maidenNameArabic": "Maiden name (Arabic)",
"maidenNameEnglish": "Maiden name (English)",
"mandatoryUploadDocument": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status",
"maritalStatusValidationMessage": "Selected Marital status date should not precede previous marital status date",
"marriageDate": "Marriage Date",
"middleNameArabic": "Middle name(s) (Arabic)",
"middleNameEnglish": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"personalDetails": "personal details",
"personalDocument": "Upload document",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"title": "Title (English)",
"titleArabic": "Title (Arabic)",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully updated your personal details",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"validationCourtesy": "Maximum 50 characters allowed",
"widowedDate": "Widowed Date",
"updateICPLabels": "Update dependent details from ICP",
"submitAnotherRequest": "You can submit another request on",
"icpApiError": "Error in syncing personal info from ICP",
"updateICPToolTip": "Clicking the button will update your profile information including name and nationality from ICP.",
"updateICPLabelsCommon": "Update Details from ICP",
"goBackToAccount": "To resubmit mandatory information, please go to <a href=\"/member/account\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: blue\">profile</a>."
"title": "Personal"
"preLoginLbl": {
"field_list": {
"addressHeading": "Address",
"call": "Call",
"contactUs": "Contact us",
"copyRightText": "All Rights Reserved © 2023 | GPSSA",
"logIntoGpssaMemberAccount": "Log in to GPSSA Member Account",
"openingHours": "Opening hours",
"ourLocations": "Our locations",
"servicesHeading": "Services"
"profilePictureLabels": {
"field_list": {
"close": "Close",
"editPhoto": "Edit picture",
"goToProfle": "Go to profile",
"imgAcceptedFormat": "image/tiff,image/bmp,image/jpeg,image/png",
"imgAcceptMsg": "Only .bmp, .jpeg, .tiff, or .png images are allowed",
"profileImg": "Upload profile picture",
"profileImgFailMsg": "Profile Picture upload failed",
"profileImgSuccessMsg": "You have uploaded your profile picture successfully",
"save": "Save",
"updateCompanyLogo": "update company logo",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload a profile picture",
"uploadMandatory": "Uploading a profile picture is mandatory"
"title": "Profile Picture"
"proformaDetails": {
"field_list": {
"actualAmount": "Actual amount",
"amount": "Amount",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveProforma": "Approve",
"approveProformaModal": "Are you sure you want to approve the proforma?",
"approverComments": "Approver comments",
"backToReviewer": "Request will be sent back to reviewer.",
"bulkSalaryUpdate": "Bulk salary update",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"canNotBeEdited": "Proforma can not be edited once approved.",
"close": "Close",
"confirmSubmit": "Are you sure you want to submit?",
"contributionInfoChanged": "Some information has been changed in contribution. Please use filter to check those details.",
"dateFilterEndLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment end date range",
"dateFilterStartLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment start date range",
"dds": "DDS",
"downloadProforma": "Download proforma",
"employeeLeftMsg": "If an employee has left the employer, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to initiate the End of Service request.",
"employeeMissingMsg": "If an employee is missing, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to be redirected to New Employee Registration.",
"exceptedAmount": "Expected amount",
"exceptionalEmployeeTooltip": "Employee's data has been changed or joined after proforma generation",
"filterButtonLabel": "Filters",
"fts": "FTS",
"goToProfile": "Go to my profile",
"heading": "Proforma details",
"leaveContributionsFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Show records with leave contributions",
"leaveContributionsTooltipMsg": "Please select this option if you want to view employees for whom leave contributions",
"no": "No",
"noEmployees": "No Employees are available",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"PaymentPreferenceSetup": "Payment preference setup",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"period": "Period",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"proformaApproved": "You have successfully approved ${0} proforma.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg1": "Mandate request has been sent to central bank for approval.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg2": "You will be notified once it is approved.",
"proformaNotApprovedMsg": "If proforma is not approved by the due date, penalties will be imposed.",
"proformaNotEditable": "Proforma can not be edited once submitted.",
"proformaNumber": "Proforma #",
"proformaRejected": "You have successfully rejected ${0} proforma",
"proformaRejectedByFinance": "The proforma has been rejected. Please find below additional comments.",
"proformaRejectReason": "Please provide a reason for rejection.",
"rejectProforma": "Reject",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Showing",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"reviewerComments": "Reviewer comments",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by employee name or Emirates ID",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"selectReason": "Select reason",
"sendForApproval": "Send for approval",
"sendProformaToFinance": "Are you sure you want to send the proforma for approval?",
"sentProformaToFinance": "${0} Proforma has been sent for approval.",
"setupPaymentPreference": "No payment preference has been set up, please select the payment mode.",
"status": "Proforma status",
"submit": "Submit",
"tableHeadContributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"tableHeadEmiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"tableHeadEmployeeContribution": "Employee share (5%)",
"tableHeadEmployeeName": "Employee name",
"tableHeadEmployerContribution": "Employee share (5%)",
"tableHeadIncludeInProforma": "Include in proforma",
"viewMandate": "View mandate",
"wantToApprove": "Are you sure you want to approve?",
"yes": "Yes"
"providerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"heading": "Provider",
"providerName": "Provider name",
"relationshipWithProvider": "Relationship with provider"
"title": "Provider"
"reasonLabels": {
"field_list": {
"deceased": "Dependent is deceased",
"divorced": "Dependent is divorced",
"independent": "Dependent is financially independent",
"married": "Dependent is married"
"title": "Reason labels"
"register-beneficiary": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"addNewBeneFactor": "Add new benefactor",
"agentPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Agent power of attorney",
"benefactorAlreadyExists": "Emirates ID you have entered is already available in the benefactor list.",
"benefactorDetails": "Benefactor details",
"benefactorRelationship": "Relationship with benefactor - I am their:",
"benefactorRelationshipAgent": "Relationship with benefactor",
"beneficiaryCourtJudgementDoc": "Beneficiary court judgement",
"beneficiaryDocuments": "Beneficiary registration documents",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelAddingBenefactor": "Remove benefactor",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabel": "All your progress will be lost",
"caretakerCertificateDoc": "Caretaker Certificate",
"clearanceCertificateDoc": "Clearance Certificate",
"closeButton": "Close",
"continuationOfStudyCertificateDoc": "Continuation of Study Certificate",
"courtJudgementDoc": "Court judgement",
"courtJudgmentDoc": "Court judgement",
"deathcertificateDoc": "Death Certificate",
"degreeCertificate": "Degree Certificate",
"disabilityCardDoc": "Disability Certificate or Any Medical Condition",
"divorceCertificateDoc": "Divorce Certificate",
"documenntsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"eitherOrValidation": "Uploading either ${0} or ${1} is mandatory",
"eitherSelectOrAdd": "Either select benefactor from the dropdown or add a new benefactor.",
"emiratesId": "Benefactor's Emirates ID",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "EoS Certificate",
"enrollmentLetter": "Enrollment Letter",
"fathersDeathCertificateDoc": "Father's Death Certificate",
"formValidationsbenefactorDetails": "selecting benefactors is required",
"formValidationscertificateDate": "Death certificate date is a required field",
"formValidationsdeathCertificateNumber": "Death certificate number is a required field",
"formValidationsdeathDate": "Death date is required field",
"formValidationsdeathDropArea": "Death certificate is required",
"formValidationsdeathPlace": "Death place is required field",
"formValidationsemiratesId": "Emirates ID required field",
"formValidationsminorsDropArea": "Minor documents are required",
"formValidationsrelationship": "relationship required field",
"guardianCertificateDoc": "Guardian Certificate",
"iban": "IBAN certificate*",
"inCompleteBankDetails": "Bank details are incomplete in your profile. Please provide all details to proceed.",
"inCompleteProfile": "Please provide information for the sections shown below.",
"isNotRetired": "The provided user is not a pensioner.",
"marriageCertificateDoc": "Marriage Certificate",
"medicalReport": "Medical Report",
"nameChangeCertificateFromCourtDoc": "Name Change Certificate from court",
"nationalIdDoc": "National ID",
"noButton": "No",
"nocDoc": "No objection certificate",
"notValidEmiratesId": "This Emirates ID is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>.",
"notValidPensionerId": "This Pensioner ID is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>.",
"otherBeneficiaryPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"otherPensionAuthDoc": "Certificate from other pension authority",
"otherPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"passportDoc": "Passport Copy",
"pensionCertificateDoc": "Pension certificate",
"pensionerId": "Benefactor's Pensioner ID",
"pensionerIdDoc": "Pensioner ID",
"registerMinor": "Register a minor beneficiary",
"selectAmongPensionerIdOrEmiratesIdOfBenefactor": "Select among Pensioner id or Emirates Id of benefactor",
"selectIban": "Select IBAN",
"selectTheName": "Select name",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"underReviewProfile": "Your profile is under review",
"passportSizePhotoDoc": "Passport Size Photo",
"ministryOfCommunityDevelopmentCertificateDoc": "Certificate from United Arab Emirates Ministry of Community Development",
"usersDocuments": "${0} ${1}'s Documents",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"brDuplicateCase": "We have identified a preexisting request to add this individual as a beneficiary. Kindly consider selecting a different person whom you would like to add as a beneficiary.",
"brExistingCase": "You are already linked with this person as beneficiary. Consider selecting different person.",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"emiratesIDDoc": "Emirates ID",
"certificateOfStudyContinuationDoc": "Certificate of Study Continuation",
"dependencyCertificateFromCourtDoc": "Dependency Certificate from Court",
"disabilityCertificateDoc": "Disability Certificate",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment Contract",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"iBANCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"legalHeirsCertificateDoc": "Legal Heirs Certificate",
"medicalReportDoc": "Recent Medical Report from Government Hospital",
"nationalServiceCertificateDoc": "National Service Certificate",
"notReceivingPensionCertificateDoc": "Not Receiving Pension Certificate",
"pensionSalaryCertificateDoc": "Pension Salary Certificate",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport Copy",
"peopleOfDeterminationCertificateDoc": "People of Determination Certificate",
"salaryCertificateDoc": "Salary Certificate",
"socialStatusCertificateDoc": "Social Status Certificate",
"unemploymentCertificateDoc": "Unemployment Certificate",
"husbandsDependencyCertificateDoc": "Husband's Dependency Certificate",
"recentPersonalPhotoDoc": "Recent Personal Photo",
"ibanTitle" : "IBAN",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable Pension Law",
"lawA": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"lawB": "Law No. 57 of 2023"
"title": "Register Beneficiary"
"requestFeedbackModal": {
"field_list": {
"appreciateFeedback": "We appreciate your feedback.",
"completeThisSurvey": "Please rate our services by taking a short survey. Your inputs will help us serve you better.",
"feedbackReceived": "We have received your feedback.",
"giveFeedback": "Was this information helpful?",
"loggingYourRequest": "Logging your request",
"noThankYou": "No, thank you",
"rateTheFollowing": "Please rate our services.",
"ratingScale": "Rating scale: 1 – Very Satisfied, 2 – Satisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Unsatisfied, 5 – Very Unsatisfied",
"resolvingYourRequests": "Resolving your request",
"startSurvey": "Start survey",
"surveyHeading": "Feedback survey",
"thankyouForSurvey": "Thank you for taking the survey. Your feedback is very important in helping us improve your future experience with GPSSA.",
"yourOverallExperience": "Your overall experience"
"title": "feedback modal"
"retirementPlanner": {
"field_list": {
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch some data.",
"apiFetchErrorMerge": "Unable to fetch your mergeable service period data at the moment.",
"apiFetchErrorPurchase": "Unable to fetch your purchasable service period data at the moment.",
"baselineResultsTitle": "Your baseline results",
"currentAge": "Current age",
"currentAgeTooltip": "Eligible as of ${0}, assuming continuous periods of service until this date",
"currentInputsAge": "Age",
"currentInputsGender": "Gender",
"currentInputsTitle": "Your current inputs",
"currentSalary": "Average salary",
"currentServicePeriods": "Current service periods",
"description": "Based on your inputs, here are the benefits you would be earning depending on the age you choose to retire",
"impactButtonText": "Show impact",
"ineligible": "Ineligible",
"info": "This tool is intended to provide estimated figures only. Numbers displayed should not be relied upon as a calculation of the exact amount received at retirement.",
"mergeButtonText": "Start merge years",
"mergeDescription": "Merge your previous service period of:",
"mergeEligibilityError": "Merge your previous service period, however you are not eligible for Merging service period.",
"mergeInputError": "Merge period input should be in the range of ${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D - ${3}Y ${4}M ${5}D",
"minimumRetirement": "Minimum retirement",
"minimumRetirementTooltip": "Eligible as of ${0}, assuming continuous periods of service until this date",
"optimalRetirement": "Optimal retirement",
"optimalRetirementTooltip": "Eligible as of ${0}, assuming continuous periods of service until this date",
"optimisedResultsTitle": "Your optimized results",
"pensionSalary": "Pension Salary",
"purchaseButtonText": "Start purchase years",
"purchaseDescription": "Purchase additional years for the period of:",
"purchaseEligibilityError": "Purchase additional years for the period, however you are not eligible for Purchasing additional service period.",
"purchaseInputError": "Purchase period input should be in the range of ${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D - ${3}Y ${4}M ${5}D",
"retirementAge": "Retirement age",
"selectEmployer": "Select employer",
"selectEmployerLabel": "Select employer to proceed",
"servicePeriods": "Service periods",
"services": "Services",
"sidebarDescription": "You may be able to improve your retirement benefits if you",
"sidebarTitle": "Optimize your results",
"sidebarTooltip": "You can merge or purchase the whole or part of the service periods",
"title": "Retirement Planner",
"totalCost": "Total Cost: ",
"viewOptions": "View more options"
"title": "Retirement Planner"
"salaryLabels": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary (in AED)",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance (in AED)",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary",
"contributionAmountLbl": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionAmountSubLbl": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionDetailsLbl": "Contribution details",
"contributionPara": "According to Federal Law No. 7 of 1999 for Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equal to 20% of the employee's salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis. While the employee must contribute 5% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute 12.5% of the employee's salary, and the government must contribute 2.5%.",
"costOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance (in AED)",
"draftMode": "You are viewing the salary in draft mode.",
"effectiveDateSalUpdate": "Effective date for salary update",
"effectiveDateSalUpdateToolTip": "As per Article 10, any change in the salary will take effect as of the following year (January) if the updates are done post January during the current year.",
"employeeContribution": "Employee share (%)",
"employeeContributiontoGpssa": "Employee contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"employer": "Employer name",
"employerContribution": "Employer share (%)",
"employerContributiontoGpssa": "Employer contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"endDate": "End date",
"endDateSalUpdate": "End date for salary update",
"eosBenefitDesc": "Based on your total eligible service period as of today, you are entitled to receive an end of service amount of AED",
"eosBenefitHeading": "Potential End of Service benefits",
"governmentContribution": "Government share(%)",
"governmentContributiontoGpssa": "Government share to GPSSA (in AED)",
"grossSalary": "Gross Salary",
"heading": "Salary details",
"houseRentAllowance": "House rent allowance",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance (in AED)",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance (in AED)",
"rentAllowance": "Rent allowance (in AED)",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"salaryDetailsToolTip": "If any salary updates happen during the year, then contribution salary will be auto updated as of the effective date.",
"socialAllowance": "Social allowance (in AED)",
"specialAllowance": "Special allowance (in AED)",
"startDate": "Start date",
"startDateSalUpdate": "Start date for salary update",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"tenPerPenCaseIdLabel": "10% penalty update case is already in progress.",
"bulkSalaryUpdateCaseIdLabel": "Bulk salary update case is already in progress."
"title": "Salary details"
"search": {
"field_list": {
"documentSectionLabel": "Documents",
"mobSeeMoreTag": "See more",
"noResultError": "No results match your search",
"pageSectionLabel": "Pages",
"previousSearchLabel": "Your previous search",
"resultCharacterError": "Suggestions: Use a minimum of 3 characters. Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Try different search terms. Try more general search terms. Try fewer search terms.",
"searchInputPlaceHolder": "Search"
"title": "Search Component"
"serviceAwareness": {
"field_list": {
"afternoon": "Afternoon",
"agents": "Agents / Caretakers / Guardians",
"audiencePersona": "Audience Category",
"awareCaseError": "An error occured while creating your request.",
"awarenessCaseSuccess": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"employerAdmins": "Employer admins",
"expectedNoOfAttendees": "Expected number of attendees (min 10 attendees)",
"insured": "Insured",
"location_details": "Location details",
"minimumAttendees": "Minimum 10 attendees",
"morning": "Morning",
"myDateFlexible": "My dates are flexible (+/- 3 days)",
"online": "Online Session",
"onPremise_Employer": "On Premise - Employer",
"onPremise_GPSSA": "On Premise - GPSSA",
"other": "Other",
"otherTopic": "Enter the topic",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionLawProcedure": "Pension law and Procedure - UAE",
"pensionLawProcedureGCC": "Pension law and procedure - GCC",
"preferredDelivery": "Preferred delivery method",
"preferredLocation": "Select preferred location",
"preferredSessionDate": "Preferred session date",
"preferredSessionTime": "Preferred session time",
"public": "Public",
"purpose": "Purpose of Request",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestTraningMaterial": "Request for training materials",
"requestTraningSession": "Request for training session",
"service": "Service",
"ServiceAwareness": "Service awareness request",
"sessionObjectives": "Session Objectives",
"topic": "Topic",
"trainingMaterial": "Training Material",
"virtual": "Virtual Session",
"awarenessdoc": "Awareness Document"
"title": "Service Awareness"
"serviceNames": {
"field_list": {
"AgentEnrollment": "Agent Enrollment",
"BeneficiaryRegistration": "Beneficiary Registration",
"CancelServicePurchase": "Cancel Merge / Purchase Service Payments",
"CaretakerEnrollment": "Caretaker Enrollment",
"DeathOfMember": "Report a Death",
"EndOfService": "End of service - Civil",
"EosCalculator": "End of service/pension simulator",
"GuardianEnrollment": "Guardian Enrollment",
"InsuredRegistration": "New Employee Registration",
"MergeCalculator": "Merge periods simulator",
"MergeService": "Merge Service Period - Civil",
"MergeYears": "Merge Years",
"PurchaseYears": "Purchase Years",
"PurchaseYearsService": "Purchase of Service Years",
"RequestServiceID": "Service ID",
"ServiceAwareness": "Service Awareness Request",
"UnclaimedBenefits": "Unclaimed Benefits",
"ShourakPayment": "Shourak",
"RECALCMERGEPURCHASE": "Cost Recalculate",
"InsuredRegistrationGCCUAE": "Registration of UAE national in GCC"
"title": "Service Names"
"services": {
"field_list": {
"channels": "Channels",
"classification": "Classification",
"createCertificate": "Create Certificate",
"createCertificateDescription": "This service allows you to get a Certificate",
"createRequest": "Create request",
"createRequestDescription": "This service allows you to create a request",
"createServiceLabel": "You can submit a request for service by clicking on the button",
"dashboardHeading": "Services",
"estimatedTime": "Estimated Time",
"helpfulLinks": "Helpful Links",
"mobAgentEnrollment": "Agent Enrollment",
"mobBeneficiaryRegistration": "Registration of Beneficiary",
"mobCaretakerEnrollment": "Caretaker Enrollment",
"mobCertificate": "Certificate",
"mobGuardianEnrollment": "Guardian Enrollment",
"mobReportDeath": "Report a death",
"mobViewDownload": "View/Download",
"noData": "No data found",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"process": "Process",
"serviceDashBoardTitle": "Service Dashboard",
"serviceDetails_404": "No service details found!",
"serviceFees": "Service Fees",
"serviceList_404": "No service list found!",
"servicePageTitle": "Service Page",
"start": "Request Service",
"topFaq": "Top Frequently Asked Questions",
"users": "Users",
"viewFaq": "View FAQs",
"viewTutorials": "About the service"
"title": "Services"
"serviceTooltip": {
"field_list": {
"AgentEnrollment": "By definition, an agent is a person who is given permission to represent a pensioner or beneficiary and perform pension-related duties on their behalf. Agents must be enrolled with GPSSA to perform their duties in accordance with the law.",
"CaretakerEnrollment": "By definition, a caretaker is a representative of a pensioner/beneficiary who takes sole access of the pensioner/beneficiaries account and receives the pension payments into their own account, rather than the account of the pensioner/beneficiary they are representing. Caretakers must be enrolled with GPSSA to perform their duties in accordance with the law.",
"GuardianEnrollment": "By definition, a guardian is a representative of a minor beneficiary who is given permission to perform pension-related duties on their behalf. Guardians must be enrolled with GPSSA to perform their duties in accordance with the law."
"title": "service tooltip"
"shourak": {
"field_list": {
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch some data.",
"back": "Back",
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankDetailsHeading": "Account details",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"confirmModalHeading": "Do you want to proceed with this selection?",
"employerName": "Employer name:",
"employerDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"eosReason": "Reason for end of service",
"eosSubReason": "Specify sub-reason",
"noIbanHeading": "No Bank details found",
"noIbanSubHeading": "No Bank details were found in your profile, In order to proceed with this service please add bank details in your profile by clicking on the button below.",
"goToProfile": "Go to profile",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitSuccessHeading": "Your request for initiating payment has been successfully submitted.",
"caseAlreadyExists": "A case for Shourak Payment already exists with details given below. Please visit the request id -",
"iBANNoLiabilityDocument": "No liability document",
"iBANNoLiabilityDocumentTooltip": "No liability document from the bank which was selected when the end of service request by raised",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"remunerationDetails": "Remuneration details",
"remunerationAmount": "Remuneration amount",
"mergePaidServicePeriod": "Merge Paid Service Period",
"periodValue": "${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D"
"title": "Shourak"
"socialMediaLabels": {
"field_list": {
"alternateEmailAddress": "Alternate email ID",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"emailAddress": "Email ID",
"facebookId": "Facebook ID",
"heading": "Social media details",
"instagramId": "Instagram ID",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile Number",
"snapchatId": "Snapchat ID",
"socialMediaDetails": "social media details",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"twitterId": "Twitter ID",
"whatsappNumber": "WhatsApp number"
"title": "Social media details"
"unclaimedBenefits": {
"field_list": {
"disclaimer": "By submitting the attached justification, I hereby declare to GPSSA that my status has remained unchanged during the period when my benefits have been put on hold and that I am eligible to claim them. I understand that my justification will be subject to the acceptance thereof by GPSSA, and that the latter's determination hereon will be binding on me. I warrant and represent that all information provided to GPSSA in the attached justification is true, accurate and not misleading in any way. I understand that if any information I have provided is untrue, inaccurate or misleading in any way, I shall be obliged to pay back to GPSSA any amount(s) unrightfully paid to me, and GPSSA reserves the right to take such action against me as GPSSA deems necessary or required under applicable law.",
"errorMessageAlreadyRequestRaised": "You cannot avail this service because Unclaimed Benefits request is still under review",
"errorMessageNoUnclaimedBenefit": "Cannot raise an Unclaimed Benefits request because you have no benefits to claim",
"errorMessageReasonIBAN": "Cannot raise an Unclaimed Benefits request given that their benefits are being held due to outdated/invalid bank details",
"errorMessageReasonIqrar": "Cannot raise an Unclaimed Benefits request given that their benefits are being held due to un-submitted / In Progress Iqrar",
"iqrarHeading": "Pension Entitlement Update-Unclaimed Benefits",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"para1": "It has been identified that you might have unclaimed benefits with GPSSA which have been written off with reference to: ",
"para2": "If you were hindered from claiming the benefits during the said period, kindly provide supporting documents to justify the reason that stopped you from claiming the benefits. Otherwise, please click on Submit to place your request with GPSSA.",
"para3": "The disbursement of benefits during this period is subject to GPSSA approval.",
"reason": "Reason(s) for not claiming benefits in the past",
"regBeneHeading": "Registration of Beneficiary-Unclaimed Benefits",
"rule1": "Clause (Article 57) of Federal Law No. 07 of 1999 for pension and social security",
"rule1Content": "No claim shall be heard with regards to every pension or benefit whose owner or beneficiary does not request the collection thereof after the elapse of ten years from the due date thereof, or from the date of the last payment of the pension. The said date shall not apply whenever the beneficiary is hindered from claiming the right thereof, provided that such hindrance is accepted by the Director General of the Committee.",
"rule2": "Clause (Article 36) of federal law no 09/2007 for pension and social security",
"rule2Content": "It is not permissible for the pensioner or his beneficiaries to claim the right to a pension or remuneration after the lapse of five years from the date of entitlement or from the date of the last pension disbursement and the sums of the unclaimed benefits shall be paid to the state treasury. The time stipulated in the previous paragraph does not apply whenever there is a valid reason that makes it impossible for the right holder to claim his right during this time.",
"rule3": "Clause (Article 35) of Federal Law No. 08 of 1984 for pension and social security",
"rule3Content": "Pensioners / Insured who are entitled to an end of service benefit / pension salary for beneficiaries, are not allowed to receive their pension or remuneration if 5 years pass from the date of the last payment of the pension or from the due date and before submitting to receive the pension or bonus, without claiming what they are entitled to, unless they are able to justify their case. All remuneration that remain unclaimed within the aforementioned period should be forfeited and are then transferred to the state treasury.",
"rule4": "Clause (Article 33) of Federal Law No. 10 of 2016 for pension and social security",
"rule4Content": "Pensioners / Insured who are entitled to an end of service benefit / pension salary for beneficiaries, are not allowed to receive their pension or remuneration if 5 years pass from the date of maturity or the date of the last payment of the pension without applying to receive the pension or bonus, without claiming what they are entitled to, unless they are able to justify their case. All remuneration that remain unclaimed within the aforementioned period should be forfeited and are then transferred to the state treasury.",
"rule5": "Clause (Article 34) of Federal Law No. 05 of 2007 for pension and social security",
"rule5Content": "If the military personnel is eligible for a benefit but passes away before receiving it, then the benefit will be transferred to the beneficiaries according to the provisions of the law.",
"rule6": "Clause (Article 34) of federal law no 09/2009 for pension and social security",
"rule6Content": "Pensioners / Insured who are entitled to an end of service benefit / pension salary for beneficiaries, are not allowed to receive their pension or remuneration if 5 years pass from the date of maturity or the date of the last payment of the pension without applying to receive the pension or bonus, without claiming what they are entitled to, unless they are able to justify their case. All remuneration that remain unclaimed within the aforementioned period should be forfeited and are then transferred to the state treasury.",
"ucbRedirectMessage": "You might have unclaimed benefits. To claim your benefits, click the below button.",
"unclaimedBenefitsTitle": "Unclaimed Benefits"
"title": "Unclaimed Benefits"
"updatePassword": {
"field_list": {
"changePassword_400": "Something went wrong while updating your password.",
"changePassword_500": "Something went wrong while updating your password.",
"changePassword_AC-023": "You cannot use your last 3 passwords. Please enter a different password.",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm new password",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"incorrectPassword": "The password you entered is incorrect.",
"loginBtn": "Log in",
"newPassword": "New password",
"oldPassword": "Old password",
"pageDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"pageHeading": "Reset password",
"passwordMatch": "The value entered does not match new password.",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Type here...",
"passwordStrength1": "Password strength: Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Password strength: Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Password strength: Strong",
"resetModalDescription": "Your password has been changed successfully. You can now log in.",
"resetModalHeading": "Password has been changed"
"title": "Update Password"
"validationMsg": {
"field_list": {
"_zeroNotAllowed": "Value 0 is not allowed",
"afterDob": "Date should not precede date of birth.",
"alphabetNumberFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"AlphaNumericWithArabicFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets, Arabic and numbers are allowed.",
"alphaNumericWithArabicFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"arabicOnly": "Invalid input. Please provide value in Arabic only.",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount can have a maximum of 7 digits and upto 2 decimal digits.",
"dateOfAcquiredNationalityValid": "Acquired nationality date should be less than employment start date",
"documentDescriptionFormat": "Maximum 100 characters are allowed. Only numbers, alphabets, Arabic letters and the following special characters () - _ are allowed.",
"emailFormat": "Invalid email, only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), period (.), underscore (_) and dash (-) are allowed.",
"emiratesIdFormat": "Invalid input. The Emirates ID must be a 15 digit valid number. It must not contain alphabets, special characters or spaces",
"endDateInvalid": "End date should be greater than or equal to the start date",
"genericError": "Invalid input. Please provide valid information.",
"ibanFormat": "Please enter a valid IBAN",
"max": "Maximum 2000 characters allowed",
"max100": "Maximum 100 characters allowed",
"max1024": "Maximum 1024 characters allowed",
"max200": "Maximum 200 characters allowed",
"max300": "Maximum 300 characters allowed",
"max4": "Maximum 4 characters allowed",
"max50": "Maximum 50 characters allowed",
"max500": "Maximum 500 characters allowed",
"max900": "Maximum 900 characters allowed",
"maxCaseDescription": "Description can not exceed 1024 characters",
"maxDescription": "Description can not exceed 1000 characters.",
"mobileFormat": "Phone number must not contain alphabets or special characters.",
"mobileNumberLength": "Mobile number should be numeric and must have 7 to 13 digits.",
"nameValidation": "Only English characters are allowed.",
"noSameEmail": "Alternate email ID should not be same as Email ID",
"noSameEmergencyAndHomeNumber": "Emergency contact phone number should not be same as home phone number",
"noSameEmergencyContactPhoneNumber": "Emergency contact phone number should not be same as mobile number",
"noSameHomeAndEmergencyNumber": "Home phone number should not be same as emergency contact phone number",
"noSameMobileNumber": "Mobile number should not be same as emergency contact phone number",
"onlyFutureDate": "Please select a future date.",
"onlyNumber": "Only English numbers are allowed",
"onlyPastDate": "Please do not select a future date.",
"otpFormat": "OTP can only be a 6 digit number",
"passportNumberFormat": "Passport number can be of maximum 15 characters",
"passwordMatch": "This should be the same as Password",
"phoneNumberLength": "Phone number should be numeric and must have 7 to 13 digits.",
"radioGroup": "Please select one of the available options",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"required": "This is a required field",
"requiredCaseCategory": "Please choose a category",
"requiredCaseDescription": "Description is required field",
"requiredCaseRequestType": "Please select type of support request",
"requiredCaseSubCategory": "Please choose a subcategory",
"selectOption": "Please select an option",
"specialCharacterCheck": "Invalid input. Description must not contain any new line or any special character except . ( ) , -",
"unifiedNumberFormat": "Invalid input. The Unified number must be a string of maximum 15 characters.",
"unifiedNumberMaxLength": "Unified Number should not exceed 10 digits.",
"uploadDocument": "Uploading this document is mandatory",
"validCardNUmber": "Invalid input. Please provide valid card number.",
"whatsAppNumberLength": "WhatsApp Number should have minimum 7 digits and should not exceed 13 digits."
"title": "validationMsg"
"viewRequests": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"categoryFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by category",
"categoryFilterPlaceholder": "Select category",
"dateFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by created date",
"dayPlaceholder": "dd",
"employer": "Employer",
"infoRequested": "Information requested by admin",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"monthPlaceholder": "mm",
"noData": "No requests available",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View all Your Requests",
"pendingEmployeeUpdate": "Pending employee update",
"pendingEmployerUpdate": "Pending employer update",
"pendingGpssaReview": "Pending GPSSA review",
"pendingMyReview": "Pending my review",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resolved": "Concluded",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by request ID",
"serviceFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by service name",
"serviceFilterPlaceholder": "Select service name",
"serviceRequests": "Service requests",
"showFiltersButtonLabel": "Filter",
"showFiltersNewRequestButtonLabel": "Create new request",
"showFiltersNewSupportRequestButtonLabel": "Create new support request",
"statusFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by status",
"statusFilterPlaceholder": "Select status",
"supportRequests": "Support requests",
"system": "System",
"tableHeadCategory": "Category",
"tableHeadDateCreated": "Date created",
"tableHeadDescription": "Description",
"tableHeadLastUpdated": "Last updated",
"tableHeadLastUpdatedByEmail": "Last updated by",
"tableHeadRequestId": "Request ID",
"tableHeadService": "Service name",
"tableHeadStatus": "Status",
"tableHeadSubCategory": "Subcategory",
"tableHeadType": "Support request type",
"total": "Total",
"typeFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by type",
"typeFilterPlaceholder": "Select type",
"viewAllRequests": "View requests",
"viewRequestsLbl": "View requests",
"yearPlaceholder": "yyyy",
"yourRequest": "Your request"
"title": "Requests List"
"viewStatementLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiarySalaryStatement": "Beneficiary salary statements",
"document": "Document",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"mobLoadOlderStatements": "Load older statements",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"passwordInfoMsg2": "Click here to download a report summary of this data.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download your statement, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by last four digits of your Emirates ID. For example, if the last four digits of your mobile number are 6789 and the last four digits of your Emirates ID are 3456, then the password will be 67893456 without commas.",
"pensionSalaryStatement": "Pension summary statements",
"select": "Select",
"selectMonthlyStatement": "Select monthly statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"viewStatement": "View statement"
"title": "Finance Summary View statement"
"accessibilityModalTemplateLabels": {
"title": "accessibility modal template labels",
"field_list": {
"guildelinesToProceed": "Guidelines To Proceed:",
"accessiblityGuide1": "Scroll down and tap on Accessibility.",
"accessiblityGuide2Android": "From here, you can choose which accessibility service you want to enable (e.g., TalkBack, Select to Speak, Switch Access, etc.)",
"accessiblityGuide2IOS": "Here, you can switch on/off the various options according to your needs. Options include VoiceOver, Zoom, Magnifier, and more.",
"proceedToAccessiblity":"Proceed to Accessibility"
"aboutus-page": {
"field_list": {
"aboutus-button": "About Us button",
"aboutus-title": "About Us"
"title": "About Us"
"accountCreation": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Some information provided is not in the proper format. Please correct them to continue.",
"401": "Session has expired. Please <a href=\"/member/createaccount\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">restart</a> the account creation process.",
"404": "We are unable to get information from the details you have provided. Please try again later.",
"409": "Account already exists with the provided details.",
"A-AC-001": "Your account is locked for 24 hours, please try again later.",
"AC-001": "Multiple records found.",
"AC-002": "Emirates ID exists for this IBAN and DOB. Please register using Emirates ID.",
"AC-003": "Account with this IBAN and DOB is already registered.",
"AC-004": "Details do not exist, click continue to register as Guest",
"AC-006": "UAE nationality and Emirates ID do not exist. Please update.",
"AC-007": "This Emirates ID is already registered.",
"AC-009": "Invalid username. Username should consist of minimum 6 characters and maximum 30 characters. Allowed characters are alphabets (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), period (.) and exclamation mark (!)",
"AC-010": "Username already in use. Please use a different username.",
"AC-011": "You cannot modify the existing fields.",
"AC-012": "Multiple records found for this Emirates ID.",
"AC-013": "Invalid Emirates ID. Please enter the correct Emirates ID.",
"AC-014": "Security questions not found. Please contact GPSSA to update your contact details and submit OTP.",
"AC-015": "Your answer is incorrect.",
"AC-022": "We are unable to find your date of birth in our records or you are below 18 years.",
"accountNotFound": "We are unable to find your record linked to the entered Emirates ID.",
"alreadyRegistered": "Have you registered with GPSSA using IBAN?",
"alternateEmailAddressLabelPlaceholder": "Alternate email ID",
"alternateEmailAddressPlaceholder": "Enter alternate email ID",
"answer": "Answer",
"back": "Back",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelBtnLbl": "I don't have an Emirates ID",
"close": "Close",
"closeButton": "Close",
"cmsContentError": "An error occurred while fetching some information from our records. Please try again later.",
"completeProfileLabel": "Please enter your details below",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"confirmPasswordPlaceholder": "Enter confirm password",
"contactDetailsNotFound": "Unable to fetch contact details, please try again later.",
"continue": "Continue",
"corporateEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Business email ID",
"corporateEmailPlaceholder": "",
"countryCodePlaceholder": "971",
"countryListError": "We are unable to access our servers right now. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"creationModeDescription": "Welcome. You can create your account through UAE Pass.",
"creationModeHeading": "Create your account",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"deadUserRegistration": "An error occurred while fetching your information from our records. Please contact <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:#ffffff; text-decoration:underline\">GPSSA</a> for more details.",
"disclaimerSkipOTP": "If your contact details are incorrect, skip this step and answer security questions to validate your identity. Go to ",
"edit": "Edit",
"email": "Email ID",
"emailAddress_409": "This email address is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"emailPlaceholder": "",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesId_409": "This Emirates ID is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"emiratesId_emailNotValid": "The email address linked to this Emirates ID is not correct.",
"emiratesId_noDataFound": "We are unable to fetch your information linked to your Emirates ID. Please try after sometime.",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "e.g. 784198625684545",
"emiratesUAELabel": "Please enter your Emirates ID",
"enforceEmiratesId": "Our records show that an Emirates ID is already associated with the information provided. Please use the Emirates ID to register with GPSSA.",
"enterAnswer": "Enter your answer here",
"enterEmailMobileDescription": "Please enter the details below",
"enterEmiratesIDHeading": "Please enter your Emirates ID if you are a UAE citizen or a UAE resident",
"error_checkUserExist_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_checkUserExist_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_checkUserExist_409": "An account with the Emirates ID/Passport Number you provided exists already.",
"error_checkUserExist_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getNationalityData_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_getNationalityData_404": "Country data not found",
"error_getNationalityData_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getRegistrationToken_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_getRegistrationToken_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_otpValidation_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_OTP001": "OTP for both email & mobile has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP002": "OTP for email has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP003": "OTP for mobile has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP004": "OTP for both email & mobile are not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP005": "OTP for email is not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP006": "OTP for mobile is not valid",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation flow",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_409": "An account with the email/mobile number you provided exists already.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_409": "An account with the email address you provided exists already.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_409": "An account with the mobile number you provided already exists.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_userInfo_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userInfo_401": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_409": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userRegistration_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userRegistration_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation flow.",
"error_userRegistration_409": "An account with the email/mobile number you provided exists already.",
"error_userRegistration_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"errorRecaptchaVerify": "Please verify the CAPTCHA code",
"facebookLink": "",
"firstName": "First name",
"firstNameArabic": "First name (Arabic)",
"firstNameEnglish": "First name (English)",
"firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter First Name",
"gender": "Gender",
"goBackBtnLbl": "Go back",
"gpssaButton": "Sign up with GPSSA credentials",
"hasRelation": "Do you have any existing relation with GPSSA?",
"home": "Home",
"iban4Digits": "Last four digits of your IBAN",
"IBANPlaceholder": "e.g. 8454",
"infoBarContent": "Your contact information is linked to your Emirates ID, stored within the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (FAIC). If any of this information is incorrect, please check with FAIC.",
"infoBarLink": "Click here to update.",
"infoBarLinkUrl": "",
"informationDetails": "Contact details",
"informationDetailsDesc": "Please enter or update your contact details.",
"instagramLink": "",
"lastName": "Last name",
"lastNameArabic": "Last name (Arabic)",
"lastNameEnglish": "Last name (English)",
"lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter Last Name",
"loginLink": "Log in here",
"loginText": "Already have an account?",
"maidenNameArabic": "Maiden name (Arabic)",
"maidenNameEnglish": "Maiden name (English)",
"managedMemberAccountHeading": "Create account",
"managedMemberAccountNotExists": "Managed member is not registered in GPSSA, please fill the form before proceeding.",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"middleNameArabic": "Middle name(s) (Arabic)",
"middleNameEnglish": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"middleNamePlaceholder": "Enter Middle Name",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumber_409": "This mobile number is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"mobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "971523456789",
"modalBody": "Thank you for registering with GPSSA. Please click Home to return to the Login page.",
"modalHeading": "Registration complete.",
"name": "Name",
"nameInputLabel": "First Name Last Name",
"nameInputLabelPlaceholder": "Please enter your name",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDefault": "Please select your nationality",
"no": "No",
"notPilotUser": "Currently portal is available only for pilot users, please try again once the portal is open to public.",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpDescription": "A verification code will be sent to you via email or SMS.",
"otpInputLabel": "Enter verification code",
"otpReSentHeading": "Verification code re-sent successfully",
"otpScreenDescription": "To proceed, you will have to confirm your identity via OTP.",
"otpScreenHeading": "Confirm your identity",
"otpViaEmail": "Verification code via email",
"otpViaEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by email",
"otpViaMobileNumber": "Verification code via SMS",
"otpViaMobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by SMS",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"passportNumberLabel": "Please enter your passport number",
"passportNumberPlaceholder": "12356789",
"password": "Password",
"passwordDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Enter password",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Medium",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"profileFormDescription": "Please fill in the following information to complete your registration.",
"profileFormHeading": "Complete your registration",
"profilePopupMessage": "If any of the information shown below needs to be modified, you will be able to update your profile after registering and logging into the portal.",
"reasonForAccountCreation": "Reason for account creation",
"registrationError": "Registration error",
"relationLbl": "Do you have an existing GPSSA account?",
"resendOtp": "Didn’t receive verification code",
"securityQuestionAttempts": "You have ${0} attempts",
"securityQuestionDescription": "To proceed, you will have to confirm your identity by answering the below security questions.",
"securityQuestions": "Security question",
"selectCountryDescription": "Are you a UAE national or a UAE resident?",
"selectCountryHeading": "Create your account",
"sendCode": "Send code",
"sendOTP": "Send OTP code",
"skipOTP": "Skip OTP code",
"submit": "Submit",
"successModalBody": "Thank you for registering with GPSSA. Please click Home to return to the Login page.",
"successModalHeading": "Sign-up complete",
"termsandconditionError": "Please click the checkbox to continue.",
"thirdNameArabic": "Third name (Arabic)",
"thirdNameEnglish": "Third name (English)",
"title": "Title",
"titleAr": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titleArabic": "Title (Arabic)",
"titleEn": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titleEnglish": "Title (English)",
"titleKeys": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titlePlaceholder": "Select Title",
"titles": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"titlesEn": "Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Dr.",
"tncContent": "I have read and agree to the",
"tncLink": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkText": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkUrl": "/member/tnc",
"twitterLink": "",
"uaeButton": "Sign up with UAE Pass",
"uaepassCustomerCenterConnect": "To update the Emirates ID with your existing account, please contact GPSSA customer care.",
"uaePassLogo": "UAE Pass Logo",
"unableToFetchListFromDrupal": "We are unable to find some mandatory information required for account creation. Please try again later.",
"upassConfirmHeading": "No information is available with us. If you have an existing account press Yes or else continue with No.",
"updateEIDOffline": "Kindly reach out to GPSSA and update your Emirates ID details offline.",
"userInfo_500": "We are unable to access your existing data right now. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"userName": "Username",
"userRegistration_400": "Something went wrong while creating your account. Please validate the information that you have provided and try again.",
"userRegistration_401": "Your session has expired. Please provide the information in the form again.",
"userRegistration_409": "This email address is already linked to an account. Login to your account with your username and password.",
"userRegistration_500": "Something went wrong while creating your account. Please try again later.",
"yes": "Yes",
"youtubeLink": "",
"A-AC-002": "We were unable to verify the provided Emirates ID with our downstream systems.",
"passportDetails": "Passport details"
"title": "Account Creation"
"accountNavigation": {
"field_list": {
"backTo": "Back to",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"disabilityDetails": "People of determination",
"educationDetails": "Education",
"nationalityDetails": "Nationality",
"nationalityDocument": "Upload documents",
"navDocuments": "Documents",
"navEmployment": "Employment details",
"navFamily": "Family Book details",
"navFinancial": "Financial details",
"navManagedBy": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"navManagedMembers": "Managed members",
"navMyProfile": "My profile",
"passportDetails": "Passport details",
"passwordStrength0": "No Password",
"passwordStrength1": "Very Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Weak",
"passwordStrength3": "Medium",
"passwordStrength4": "Strong",
"personalDetails": "Personal Information"
"title": "AccountNavigation"
"addressLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addAddress": "Add address",
"addAddressMessage": "Would you like to add address?",
"addressDetails": "Address details",
"addressLine1": "Address line 1",
"addressLine2": "Address line 2",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"city": "City",
"country": "Country",
"heading": "Address",
"isCurrent": "Is this the primary address?",
"isOverseas": "Is overseas",
"isUae": "Is this address in UAE?",
"otherStateEmirate": "State/Emirate",
"pinCode": "Postal code",
"sameAsParentAddress": "Same as parent's/provider's address",
"state": "State/Emirate",
"stateEmirate": "State/Emirate",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Address"
"agentDeEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"serviceNameArabic": "إلغاء تسجيل وكيل",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Agent De-Enrollment"
"title": "Agent De Enrollment"
"guardianDeEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"serviceNameArabic": "إلغاء تسجيل وصي",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Guardian De-Enrollment"
"title": "Guardian De Enrollment"
"caretakerDeEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"serviceNameArabic":"إلغاء تسجيل قيّم",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Caretaker De-Enrollment"
"title": "Caretaker De Enrollment"
"agentEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"agentFor": "Does the member you want to become an agent for holds an Emirates ID?",
"agentPowerOfAttorneyTitle": "Agent notorized power of attorney",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryHeading": "The selected user is registered as a dependent with GPSSA. Please fill this form to register them as beneficiary.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"errorMessageEmiratesIdInvalid": "Your Emirates ID details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageMemberIsMinor": "Enrollment of agent is only permitted for adult members. For minor beneficiaries, please select the guardian option.",
"errorMessageMemberNotBeneficiaryButPensioner": "This user is not a beneficiary. Please select the pensioner option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA.",
"errorMessageMemberNotPensioner": "This user is not a pensioner. Please select the beneficiary option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberPassedAway": "You cannot enroll as a agent for a deceased member.",
"errorMessagePassportInvalid": "Your Passport details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"memberEmirates": "Enter the member's Emirate ID",
"memberEmiratesOrPassport": "Enter the member's Passport Number",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionerAndBeneficiary": "Pensioner and beneficiary",
"pensionerAndDependent": "This user is already registered as a pensioner and dependent with GPSSA, do you also want to register them as beneficiary?",
"powerOfAttorneyExpiryDate": "Notorized power of attorney expiration date",
"powerOfAttorneyHasAnExpiryDate": "Power of attorney has an expiry date?",
"selectAmongPassportNumberOrEmiratesIdOfMember": "Select among Passport Number or Emirates ID of member",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"serviceNameArabic": "تسجيل وكيل",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Agent Enrollment",
"whoWouldYouLikeToBecomeAnAgentCaretakerFor": "Who would you like to become an agent/caretaker for?"
"title": "Agent Enrollment"
"bankLabels": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account Holder Name",
"accountStatus": "Account Status",
"actExistErr": "You have already added a bank account with this IBAN.",
"addBank": "Add bank account",
"addMore": "Would you like to add bank account ?",
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"bankDocument": "Upload documents",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"bic": "BIC",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Bank account details",
"mandFieldErr": "Please provide IBAN and bank name.",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Bank account details"
"basicInformation": {
"field_list": {
"dependentPassportNumber": "Dependent's passport number",
"dependentRelationship": "Relationship - Dependent is my:",
"dependentType": "Is the dependent a UAE national or a UAE resident?",
"emiratesId": "Dependent's Emirates ID",
"heading": "Basic information",
"passport": "Passport number",
"passportNumber": "Dependent's passport number",
"providerRelationship": "Relationship with the provider",
"relationship": "Relationship - Dependent is my:",
"title": "Basic information",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified Number"
"title": "Basic information"
"benefactorDeceasedLabels": {
"field_list": {
"benefactorEmiratesIDPassport": "Benefactor's Emirates ID/passport",
"benefactorFullName": "Benefactor's full name",
"beneficiaryStatus": "Beneficiary status",
"effectiveDateEnd": "Effective date end",
"effectiveDateStart": "Effective date start",
"heading": "Benefactor (Deceased)",
"relationshipToBenefactor": "Relationship to benefactor",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Please upload the documents mentioned below"
"title": "Benefactor (Deceased)"
"benefactorLabels": {
"field_list": {
"benefactorEmiratesId": "Benefactor's Emirates ID",
"benefactorEmiratesIDPassport": "Benefactor's Emirates ID/Passport",
"benefactorFullName": "Benefactor's full name",
"benefactorName": "Benefactor's name",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"effectiveEndDate": "Effective end date",
"effectiveStartDate": "Effective start date",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service flag",
"heading": "Benefactor",
"relationshipToBenefactor": "Relationship to benefactor",
"relationshipWithBenefactor": "Relationship with benefactor",
"status": "Status",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload documents"
"title": "Benefactor"
"beneficiaryOtherPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addMore": "Would you like to add pension?",
"addOtherPension": "Add other pension",
"benefactorName": "Benefactor's name",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"monthlyPensionInstallment": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"otherNameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority (Other)",
"otherSourceOfBeneficiaryPension": "Do you have any other source of beneficiary pension?",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"pensionEndDate": "Pension end date",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"pensionType": "Pension type",
"relationshipWithBenefactor": "Relationship with benefactor",
"scheme": "Scheme",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes"
"title": "Other beneficiary pension details"
"beneficiaryPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"beneficiaryPension": "beneficiary pension details",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Beneficiary pension details",
"installmentAmount": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"lastPensionDisbursement": "Last pension Disbursement (in AED)",
"lastPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Last pension entitlement update date",
"lastPensionPayment": "Last pension disbursement (in AED)",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Next pension entitlement update date",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDueDate": "Next pension entitlement update due date",
"pensionDisbursement": "Last Pension Disbursement (in AED)",
"pensionEndDate": "Pension end date",
"pensionEntitlement": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionEntitlementAmount": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionInstallment": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"pensionInstallmentAmount": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"pensionType": "Type of pension",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Beneficiary pension details"
"benefitExchange": {
"field_list": {
"benefitAmount": "Benefit Amount from Pension Authority",
"days": "days",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"mergeCostTncInfo": "I hereby agree to pay any merge cost applicable to me as a result GPSSA's calculation.",
"months": "months",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pensionAuthorityName": "Name of pension authority/funds",
"previousEmploymentTitle": "Previous employment",
"previuosEmployerName": "Previous employer name",
"specifyEmployerName": "Specify employer name",
"specifyPensionAuthority": "Specify Pension Authority",
"totalMergeServicePeriod": "Total merge service period",
"totalPurchaseServicePeriod": "Total purchase service period",
"years": "years"
"title": "Benefit Exchange service"
"breadcrumbLabels": {
"field_list": {
"account": "My profile",
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"contact": "Contact",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial",
"financialSummary": "Financial Summary",
"managedby": "Agent-Caretaker-Guardian",
"managedmembers": "Managed members",
"mandatedetails": "Mandate Details",
"mandateId": "DDS mandate details - ${0}",
"mandates": "Mandate List",
"medical": "Medical",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"newdependent": "Add dependent",
"passport": "Passport",
"personal": "Personal"
"title": "breadcrumbLabels"
"cancelServicePurchaseLbl": {
"field_list": {
"activeServiceListLbl": "Choose active merge or purchase service for cancellation",
"alreadyInProgress": "This service is already in process. You can not cancel it now.",
"cmHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel the ${0} that are pending payment?",
"dataFetchingIssue": "Unable to fetch the list of request(s)",
"days": "days",
"errorCancelRequest": "Error occurred during cancel request!",
"heading": "Service periods merge/purchase",
"infoLb2": "The service periods that are paid for will be considered and added to your total service periods.",
"infoLbl": "The service periods that are paid for will be considered and added to your total service periods. In case monthly installment claim is in progress and already initiated, the cancelation request will be processed and considered from next month's installment.",
"months": "months",
"reasonLbl": "Reason for cancelation",
"reasonPlaceholder": "Unable to continue paying installments",
"requestedCostLbl": "Cost",
"requestedTimePaidLbl": "Service periods already paid for and applied",
"requestedTimePendingLbl": "Service periods pending payment",
"requestedTimeTotalLbl": "Total service period requested",
"smHeading": "Your request has been successfully processed. An updated payment certificate will be sent to your registered email ID.",
"years": "years",
"customError001": "This service request is under Cost Recalculation and cannot be cancelled."
"title": "Cancel Service Purchase labels"
"caretakerEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"caretakerCertificate": "Caretaker certificate",
"caretakerFor": "Does the member you want to become caretaker for holds an Emirates ID?",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"errorMessageEmiratesIdInvalid": "Your Emirates ID details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageMemberIsMinor": "Enrollment of caretaker is only permitted for adult members. For minor beneficiaries, please select the guardian option.",
"errorMessageMemberNotBeneficiaryButPensioner": "This user is not a beneficiary. Please select the pensioner option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA.",
"errorMessageMemberNotPensioner": "This user is not a pensioner. Please select the beneficiary option to proceed.",
"errorMessageMemberPassedAway": "You cannot enroll as a caretaker for a deceased member.",
"errorMessagePassportInvalid": "Your Passport details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"memberEmirates": "Enter the member's Emirate ID",
"memberEmiratesOrPassport": "Enter the member's Passport Number",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionerAndBeneficiary": "Pensioner and beneficiary",
"serviceNameArabic": "تسجيل مشرف",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Caretaker Enrollment"
"title": "Caretaker Enrollment"
"case-details": {
"field_list": {
"acceptDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Accept\" button in the form to update case status.",
"additionalSupportingDocumentLbl": "Additional supporting documents",
"admin": "Admin",
"alertHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure to Submit the request to admin",
"cancelBtnLbl": "Cancel Request",
"cancelReasonCharacterLimit": "Maximum 500 characters",
"cancelRequestHeadingLbl": "Are you sure you want to cancel your request?",
"cancelRequestTitleLbl": "Please state your reason(s) for cancellation (this is mandatory).",
"cancelSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"caseClosedDisclaimer": "This request has been closed because the requested information was not provided within 2 working days. Please create a new request if you need further support.",
"caseDetailMsgLabelPlaceholder": "Message",
"caseDetailMsgOptionalText": "Maximum 1000 characters",
"caseDetailMsgSendBtnLabel": "Post Message",
"caseDetailPlaceholder": "Just type here...",
"caseDetailTitle": "Request details",
"categoryLbl": "Category",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "Continue",
"continueDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Continue\" button in the form to update case status.",
"createdByLbl": "Created by",
"createdLbl": "Created on",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dueDate": "Due date",
"employer": "Employer",
"goBackBtnLbl": "Go back",
"gpssa": "GPSSA Administrator",
"infoRequestedDisclaimer": "If the requested information is not provided within 2 working days, your request will be rejected automatically.",
"initiatedByLbl": "Initiated by",
"inputPlaceholder": "Please enter your message",
"lastUpdatedBy": "Last updated by",
"lastUpdatedLbl": "Last updated on",
"linkedIdLabel": "Linked request ID",
"LinkedIdLabelPlaceholder": "Insert here",
"linkedIdPlaceholder": "Start typing",
"linkedIdSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"memberComment": "Member comment",
"msgSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View request details",
"relationLbl": "Do you have any relation with GPSSA?",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestDetailsLbl": "Request details",
"requestIdLbl": "Request ID",
"serviceTypeLbl": "Service name",
"statusLbl": "Status",
"subcategoryLbl": "Subcategory",
"submitBtnLbl": "Send",
"submitButtonLbl": "Submit Request",
"submitDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Submit\" button in the form to update case status.",
"supportingDocumentLbl": "Supporting documents",
"system": "System",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request is updated",
"thankuHeadingLabelCancel": "Your cancellation request has been submitted.",
"thankuHeadingSubmitSuccessLabel": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeLbl": "Type",
"uploadBtnLbl": "Upload",
"uploadDocumentTitle": "The uploading of documents depends on the type of request.",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size ",
"yourRequest": "Your request",
"visitProfilePage": "Please visit the <a href='/member/account' style='text-decoration: underline;' class='active'> profile </a> page to take action on this request. You can still use this page to post comment on the request.",
"visitProfilePageCopy2": "To ensure your request is processed by GPSSA, please update your <a href='/member/account' style='text-decoration: underline;' class='active'> profile </a> with the required information within 2 working days. Only requests submitted from the profile page will be reviewed. You can only send messages from this page. Please note that sending messages will not submit your request for admin review."
"title": "Case details"
"certificates": {
"field_list": {
"aboutDescription": "Certificates required by employers, government, and other external entities can be generated, viewed and downloaded from here. Please click start and complete the required fields to generate your certificate.",
"aboutTitle": "About",
"beneficiaryCertificateDescription": "Individuals may request this certificate as proof of the monthly beneficiary salary they receive from GPSSA.",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"circulations": "Circulations",
"createCertificate": "Start",
"eosRewardCertificateDescription": "The insured can apply for the End of Service (EoS) Reward Certificate highlighting the end of service gratuity value.",
"mergePreviousServicePeriodsCertificateDescription": "The insured can choose to merge previous service periods to their current service period. This certificate provides complete details of the service periods merged.",
"notReceivingPensionCertificateDescription": "Individuals may request this certificate as proof that they do not receive a monthly pension salary from GPSSA.",
"pensionCompensationCertificateDescription": "Military pensioners are granted a monthly compensation in addition to their pension which tops up to equal the last monthly salary received before retirement and lasts for a period of two years. This certificate details the amount of compensation along with start/end dates.",
"pensionSalaryCertificateDescription": "Pensioners may request this certificate which specifies the monthly pension salary they receive from GPSSA.",
"pleaseSeeBelow": "Certificates available for download are listed below",
"purchaseOfServicePeriodsCertificateDescription": "The insured can purchase additional service periods from GPSSA to increase their pension value. These additional service periods are deemed by Pension Law as actual periods of contribution. This certificate provides complete details of the service periods purchased.",
"serviceDescription": "This service enables you to generate a certificate."
"title": "Certificates"
"certificateTypes": {
"field_list": {
"beneficiarySalaryCertificate": "Beneficiary Salary Certificate",
"beneficiarySalaryCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة راتب المستحق",
"eosRewardCertificate": "End of Service Benefits Certificate",
"eosRewardCertificate_enOrar": "End of Service Benefits Certificate",
"insuredCertificate": "Insured Certificate",
"insuredCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة المؤمن عليه",
"mergePreviousServicePeriodsCertificate": "Merge Previous Service Periods Certificate",
"mergePreviousServicePeriodsCertificate_enOrar": "شهـادة ضـم مـدد خدمـة سابقـة",
"noObjectionCertificate": "No Objection Certificate",
"noObjectionCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة عدم ممانعة",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate": "No Registered Insured Certificate",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة عدم وجود مؤمن عليهم مسجلين",
"notReceivingPensionCertificate": "Not Receiving Pension Certificate",
"notReceivingPensionCertificate_enOrar": "عدم استلام شهادة معاش",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate": "Outstanding Obligations Certificate",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة مبالغ الالتزامات المستحقة",
"pensionCompensationCertificate": "Pension Compensation Certificate",
"pensionCompensationCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة تعويض المعاش",
"pensionSalaryCertificate": "Pension Salary Certificate",
"pensionSalaryCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة المعاش التقاعدي",
"purchaseOfServicePeriodsCertificate": "Purchase Service Periods Certificate",
"purchaseOfServicePeriodsCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة شراء مدة خدمة اعتبارية",
"viewCertificate": "View Certificate",
"endOfServiceRemunerationCertificate": "End Of Service Remuneration Certificate",
"endOfServiceBenefitExchangeCertificate": "End Of Service Benefit ExchangeCertificate",
"endOfServiceNoBenefitCertificate": "End Of Service No Benefit Certificate",
"endOfServiceRemunerationCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة مكافأة نهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServiceBenefitExchangeCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة تبادل المنافع لنهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServiceNoBenefitCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة لا منافع لنهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServicePensionCertificate": "End of Service Pension Certificate",
"endOfServicePensionCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة معاش نهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServicePensionOptimalRewardCertificate": "End Of Service Pension Optimal Reward Certificate",
"endOfServicePensionOptimalRewardCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة المكافأة المثلى لمعاش نهاية الخدمة",
"endOfServiceCertificate": "End Of Service Certificate",
"endOfServiceCertificate_enOrar": "شهادة نهاية الخدمة"
"title": "types of certificate"
"common": {
"field_list": {
"abuDhabi": "Abu Dhabi",
"abudhabiPensionAuthority": "Abu Dhabi Pension Fund",
"accept": "Accept",
"accountHomepageTitle": "Member Profile Page",
"addMoreDocumentsLabel": "Add additional documents",
"aed": "AED",
"agree": "Agree",
"ajman": "Ajman",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveButton": "Approve",
"atLeastOneDocIsMandatory": "Uploading one of the below documents is mandatory",
"availed": "Availed",
"back": "Back",
"backButton": "Back",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryPension": "Beneficiary Pension",
"brother": "Brother",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelIdleButton": "Yes, cancel",
"cancelLabel": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "CAPTCHA Verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"caseDetailsFlow": "is case Details Flow",
"characters": "Characters",
"closeButton": "Close",
"comingSoonTitle": "Coming Soon",
"commonErrorMsg": "Something went wrong!",
"commonErrorMsgCloseAction": "Click to close the notification bar.",
"confirmButton": "Confirm",
"confirmEmploymentConsent": "Please click 'Continue' to submit consent for not working at any non-GPSSA employer",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"confirmPensionConsent": "Please click 'Continue' to submit consent for not receiving any active pension from non-GPSSA pension authority",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"continueButton": "Continue",
"continueIdleButton": "No, continue",
"dateNotAvailable": "NA",
"daughter": "Daughter",
"days": "Days",
"days11above": "Days",
"days2": "Days",
"delete": "Delete",
"dependents": "Dependents",
"dependentsPlaceholder": "dependents",
"deregisterCaretakerDocument": "Removal of caretaker certificate",
"deregisterGuardianAdultDocument": "Confirmation of maturity certificate",
"deregisterGuardianMinorDocument": "Proof of non-continuity of guardianship",
"disabilityCardExpired": "ID expired on",
"disagree": "Disagree",
"divorced": "Divorced",
"documenntsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescription": "Document description",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"documentFetchError": "Error occured while downloading report. Please try again later.",
"documentsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"download": "Download",
"dubai": "Dubai",
"editPhoto": "Edit photo",
"eidExpired": "Emirates ID expired on",
"emailSendError": "Error occured while sending email. Please try again later.",
"emailSent": "Email sent successfully",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdExpDate": "Emirates ID expiration date",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "e.g. 784198625684545",
"emirati": "Yes",
"empEndDateError": "Employment end date should not precede employment start date",
"empEndFutureDateError": "Employment end date can not be future date",
"empStartDateError": "Employment start date can not be future date",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"errorTrace": "Error reference ID:",
"errorTraceInfo": "By simply clicking on it, you have the ability to copy the error reference id. This distinctive identifier can be utilized as a point of reference for any communication with our technical team.",
"errorTraceTitle": "Click to copy the Error Reference ID",
"expDate": "Expiration Date",
"father": "Father",
"female": "Female",
"fileExistError": "These files already exist",
"fujairah": "Fujairah",
"genderFemale": "Female",
"genderMale": "Male",
"goToProfile": "Go to profile",
"gpssaHeading": "GPSSA",
"gpssaId": "GPSSA ID",
"granddaughter": "Granddaughter",
"grandfather": "Grandfather",
"grandfther": "Grandfather",
"grandson": "Grandson",
"hello": "Hello",
"home": "Home",
"husband": "Husband",
"idleAppModalBody": "You will be logged out in 60 secs. Would you like to continue ?",
"inactivityLogout": "You have been logged out due to inactivity.",
"insertHere": "Insert here",
"invalidOtp": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"kebabMenu": "menu",
"listenReader": "Listen",
"logout": "Logout",
"makeCorrections": "Request amendments",
"male": "Male",
"mandatoryDocs": "Uploading these documents is mandatory",
"married": "Married",
"max100": "Maximum 100 characters are allowed",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"maxCharacters1024": "1024 characters max",
"maximum": "Maximum",
"mobBackPress": "Back button",
"mobBackToLogin": "Back to log in page",
"mobCloseDrawerMenu": "close drawer menu",
"mobDownloadSuccessMsg": "Your file is successfully downloaded",
"mobErrorOccurredMsg": "An Error Occurred",
"mobNavigationMenu": "Navigation Menu",
"mobSelectedLang": "Selected language English",
"mobUnverifiedUaePassAccount": "User has account with UAE Pass but is not verified.",
"mobUserNeedsToRegister": "User needs to register first.",
"monthNamesFull": "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December",
"monthNamesPartial": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"monthNamesPartial_ar": "يناير,فبراير,مارس,إبريل,مايو,يونيو,يوليو,أغسطس,سبتمبر,أكتوبر,نوفمبر,ديسمبر",
"monthNamesPartial_en": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"months": "Months",
"months11above": "Months",
"more": "more",
"mother": "Mother",
"newRequest": "Create a new request",
"next": "Next",
"no": "No",
"noAppInstalledToViewFile": "No app available in device to view the file",
"noButton": "No",
"noDataMsg": "No data available",
"noDocuments": "No Documents are needed",
"noInternetConnectionMsg": "No Internet Connection",
"nonEmirati": "No",
"noOption": "No option",
"notAvailed": "Not Availed",
"ok": "OK",
"onHold": "On Hold",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"optionalDocs": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"other": "Other",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your registered email ID: ${0}",
"panelFontSizeHeading": "Font size",
"panelHeading": "Accessibility panel",
"panelNarratorHeading": "Narrator",
"panelThemeHeading": "Color Blindness Option",
"panelZoomHeading": "Zoom",
"passportExpired": "Passport expired on",
"pensionDetails": "Pension Details",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionStartDateError": "Pension start date can not be a future date",
"pleaseWait": "Please wait...",
"present": "Present",
"pressIAccept": "Once you have reviewed all required sections, please click '${0}' to send your information to GPSSA for review.",
"profileProgressBarMessage": "Your profile is ${0}% complete, please complete the mandatory fields",
"progressBarProgressMessage": "Your profile is ${0}% complete",
"rasAlKhaimah": "Ras Al Khaimah",
"recOtherEmpQues": "Are you currently working with a non-GPSSA employer?",
"recOtherPensionQues": "Are you currently receiving pension from non-GPSSA pension authority?",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectReason": "Please provide reject reason",
"releaseMessage1": "Welcome to the Member Portal from the General Pension and Social Security Authority, where you can avail a wealth of services provided for your convenience.",
"releaseMessage2": "You can also visit our main portal on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size:0.75rem;color:#996f31;\"></a> for general information.",
"requiredEmiratesHeadquarter": "is required Emirates headquarter",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"retirementPension": "Retirement Pension",
"search": "search",
"select": "Select",
"selectService": "Please fill this form to create your request.",
"selectTypeOfRequest": "Select the type of request",
"serviceDashboard": "Service Dashboard",
"servicePeriod": "Service Period",
"serviceRequest": "Service",
"sharjah": "Sharjah",
"sister": "Sister",
"son": "Son",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitButton": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been submitted successfully.",
"supportRequest": "Support",
"testLabel": "testLabel",
"tncBody": "<h1>In order to complete your verification and access the GPSSA portal, please read and accept our terms & conditions.</h1><p> </p><h2>Terms and Conditions of Use</h2><p>Your access to and use of the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA) website is subject to the following terms and conditions, as well as UAE laws.</p>",
"tncCheckboxLabel": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncContent": " I have read and agree to the",
"tncHeading": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkText": " Terms and Conditions",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"typeOfRequest": "Type of request",
"typeOfService": "Service name",
"uaeAccessError": "User access level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"ucBenefitsRedirectMsg": "Your request has been submitted but you have unclaimed benefits. You will be redirected.",
"ummAlQuwain": "Umm Al Quwain",
"unmarried": "Unmarried",
"update": "Update",
"updateRequest": "Your changes have been updated successfully.",
"updateSuccess": "Your changes are saved successfully.",
"uploadButton": "Upload",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload the following document",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of maximum size 5 MB",
"uploadSecondaryMsg_mobile": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size.",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Upload documents",
"userLoginCancelError": "User cancelled the login",
"validationDateFormate": "${0} must be a date type",
"validationEmail": "${0} must be a valid email",
"validationMax": "Maximum ${0} characters are allowed",
"validationMaxNum": "Maximum value allowed is ${0}",
"validationMinNum": "Minimum value allowed is ${0}",
"validationNumberOnly": "Only number is allowed",
"validationPositiveNumber": "Only positive numbers are allowed",
"validationRequired": "This is a required field",
"view": "View",
"widow": "Widow",
"widowed": "Widowed",
"widower": "Widower",
"wife": "Wife",
"years": "Years",
"years11above": "Years",
"yes": "Yes",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your Requests",
"gpssaWillRespond": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"profileIncompleteWarning": "You have a few sections in your profile that require review and updates to ensure completeness. Here are the details for each section:",
"sectionReview": "Sections needing review",
"sectionUpdate": "Sections needing updates",
"pensionEmailAriallLabel": "Click here to email the pension breakdown.",
"downloadAriaLabel": "Click here to download the breakdown.",
"updateSuccessButDocumentFailed": "Your changes have been successfully saved, but the document upload failed. Please attach the documents again to complete the update."
"title": "common"
"contactLabels": {
"field_list": {
"alternateEmailAddress": "Business Email ID",
"alternateEmailAddress1": "Alternate Email ID",
"businessEmailAddress": "Business Email ID",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cellPhoneNumber": "Mobile number",
"close": "Close",
"contactDetails": "contact details",
"contactDocument": "Upload document",
"continue": "Continue",
"countryCode": "Country Code",
"email": "email address",
"emailAddress": "Personal Email ID",
"emergencyContactName": "Emergency contact name",
"emergencyEmailAddress": "Emergency Email ID",
"emergencyContactPhoneNumber": "Emergency contact phone number",
"emergencyContactRelationship": "I am their...",
"emergencyContactSameAsDependentError": "The number you have entered is already being used as the contact number of one of your dependents thus it cannot be used as your emergency contact number.",
"faxNumber": "Fax number",
"heading": "Contact details",
"homePhoneNumber": "Alternate phone number",
"invalidOTP": "This OTP is not valid, please try again.",
"mobileNo": "mobile number",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"OTPModalHeader": "A verification code will be sent to you via your ${0}",
"OTPSentHeader": "We just sent you a verification code to your ${0}",
"OTPSuccessMessage": "Your OTP is successfully verified. However, you still need to click on the ‘Save changes’ button to save the ${0}.",
"OTPVia": "Verification code via ${0}",
"personalEmailAddress": "Personal Email ID",
"personalEmailTooltipContent": "Please use your personal email address so you can receive GPSSA notifications even after current employment is ceased",
"resendOTP": "Resend verification code",
"sms": "SMS",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateNotAllowed": "You cannot update your email and mobile number at the same time.",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"icpTooltipContent": "This information is automatically updated from UAE pass."
"title": "Contact details"
"costRecalculate": {
"field_list": {
"serviceHeading": "Cost Recalculation",
"revisedDetailsHeading": "Revised merge request details",
"selectPayment": "Select payment option",
"retainPeriod": "Retain requested period from original request",
"retainCost": "Retain total cost from original request",
"cancelRemaining": "Cancel request (Default option).",
"cancelRemainingTooltip": "System shall apply this option if no response is received from member by ${0}. Paid service period will not be cancelled. Member can raise another request for merge/purchase using online services.",
"selectCalculationOption": "Select option from below:",
"totalAmount": "Total Amount",
"originalRequestedServicePeriod": "Original Requested Service Period",
"originalPaidServicePeriod": "Original Paid Service Period",
"periodValue": "${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D",
"paidAmount": "Paid Amount",
"revisedRequestedServicePeriod": "Revised Requested Service Period",
"revisedPaidPeriod": "Revised Paid Period",
"revisedTotalAmount": "Revised Total Amount",
"refundAmount": "Refund Amount",
"remainingAmount": "Remaining Amount",
"servicePeriod": "Service period",
"revisedServicePeriod": "Revised service period",
"totalCostForPayment": "Total cost for payment",
"totalRevisedAmount": "Total revised amount",
"remainingPayment": "Remaining Payment",
"revisedDetailsInfoIncrease": "'Revised Requested Service Period' and 'Revised Paid Period' are already applied by the system.",
"revisedDetailsInfoDecrease": "'Revised Paid Peiod' is already applied by the system.",
"estimatesHeading": "Recalculated request details",
"downpaymentAmount": "Downpayment amount",
"installmentAmount": "Installment amount",
"payee": "Payee",
"employer": "Employer",
"employee": "Insured"
"title": "Cost recalculate"
"create-case": {
"field_list": {
"about-us-new-button": "testing test",
"aboutus-button": "Create case button updated sub array",
"aboutus-button1": "Create case button updated 1 sub array",
"aboutus-title": "Create case updated sub array",
"additionalDocuments": "Additional documents",
"cancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"cancelHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabelPlaceholder": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"caseRequestSubTitle": "Please fill this form to create your support request",
"caseRequestTitle": "Create support request",
"categoryFormSelect": "Select category",
"categoryLabel": "Category",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "I need more information",
"descriptionLabel": "Description",
"descriptionOptionalText": "Maximum 1024 characters",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Please enter your message",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dontContinueButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"faqHeading": "Here are some FAQs to help you",
"faqLabel": "Do you still need help?",
"gpssaWillRespond": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"linkedIdFormSelect": "Select an existing request to link",
"linkedIdLabel": "Related request",
"linkedIdTooltipLabel": "In the case of a related request, please enter request ID.",
"loading": "loading",
"newRequest": "New support request",
"noButtonLabel": "No",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | Create a New Request",
"requestDataSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"requestFor": "Request on behalf of",
"requestTypeFormSelect": "Select the type of request",
"requestTypeLabel": "Type of support request",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"services": "Services",
"subCategoryFormSelect": "Select subcategory",
"subCategoryLabel": "Subcategory",
"submitButtonLabel": "Submit",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request has been submitted successfully",
"uploadDocumentLabel": "Please upload",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload (optional)",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of maximum size 5 MB",
"uploadSubTitleLabel": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Supporting documents",
"yesButtonLabel": "Yes"
"title": "Create Case"
"createDDSMandate": {
"field_list": {
"addNewBank": "Add New Bank Account",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"card": "Debit/ Credit card",
"cardExpDate": "Debit/ Credit card expiry date",
"cardHolderName": "Debit/ Credit card holder name",
"cardType": "Debit/ Credit number",
"createMandateError": "Error while creating a mandate",
"iban": "IBAN",
"installmentsBeyondCardExpiry": "Your card will not be covering all the installments as it expires before all the installments are paid.",
"invalidIban": "IBAN is not valid",
"invalidIban_errorValidateIBAN01": "We were unable to verify the provided IBAN with our downstream systems.",
"invalidMobileNumber": "We could not find a UAE country code in your contact details. Please visit your <a href='/member/account/contact' style='text-decoration: underline;color: white;'>profile</a> and update your contact details.",
"mandateDisclaimer": "After you submit this request, a standing instruction is created with Central Bank. The installment amount will be deducted on the 15th of every month. Pending installment will be cancelled if user does not pay for 3 months. User minimum EMI amount should be less than 25% of user contribution salary.",
"mandateDisclaimer2": "After you submit this request, a mandate will be created to claim the amount from Central Bank.",
"provideMandateDetails": "Please provide your mandate details",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"selectPaymentMode": "Select payment mode",
"submit": "Submit"
"title": "Create DDS mandate"
"dashboardComponentsLbl": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"benefactors": "benefactors",
"benefactorsBtnLbl": "View details",
"benefactorsCardHeading": "Benefactors",
"certificatesBtnLbl": "Generate a certificate",
"certificatesCardHeading": "Certificates",
"dependents": "dependents",
"dependentsBtnLbl": "View details",
"dependentsCardHeading": "Dependents",
"generateCertificatebBodyTitle": "You can issue certificates required by employers, government and other external entities.",
"generateCertificatebBodyTitleInsured": "You can issue certificates required by employers, government and other external entities.",
"linkedMember": "Linked member",
"linkedMembersBtnLbl": "View details",
"linkedMembersCardHeading": "Linked members",
"linkedMembersTtile": "managed members",
"managedMembersBtnLbl": "View details",
"managedMembersCardHeading": "Managed members",
"mobCertificateCardMsg": "Do you need a certificate?",
"noBenefactorsTitle": "You have no benefactors",
"noDependentsTitle": "You have no dependents",
"noLinkedMembersTtile": "You have no managed members",
"noProvidersTitle": "You have no providers",
"oneBenefactorTitle": "You have 1 benefactor",
"oneDependentTitle": "You have 1 dependent",
"oneLinkedMemberTtile": "You have 1 managed member",
"oneProviderTitle": "You have 1 provider",
"providers": "providers",
"providersBtnLbl": "View details",
"providersCardHeading": "Providers",
"theseAreYour": "These are your",
"youHave": "Number of dependents: "
"title": "Personal dashboard card components labels"
"dashboardNotificationLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actionRequired": "Action required",
"ago": "ago",
"day": "day",
"days": "days",
"goodAfternoon": "Good afternoon,",
"goodEvening": "Good evening,",
"goodMorning": "Good morning,",
"hello": "Hello, ",
"hour": "hour",
"hours": "hours",
"min": "min",
"mins": "mins",
"mobNotificationTitle": "There are somethings you need to do",
"mobNotificationTitleMsg": "Please complete the below as soon as possible.",
"month": "month",
"months": "months",
"noNotificationMsg": "Currently, there are no tasks which require your action.",
"notification_1000": "End of service request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_1001": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1002": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1003": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1004": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1005": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1008": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1009": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1010": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1011": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1016": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1019": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1020": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1021": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update before $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1022": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1023": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_1030": "Additional information required for Pension entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1031": "Additional information required for Pension entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1032": "Visit CHC for Pension Entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1033": "Visit CHC for Pension Entitlement Update request #$caseId.",
"notification_1034": "Pension Entitlement Update request cancelled #$caseId.",
"notification_1035": "Pension Entitlement Update request cancelled #$caseId.",
"notification_1036": "Pension Entitlement Update Request #$caseId Completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_1037": "Pension Entitlement Update Request #$caseId Completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_1042": "#$caseId is approved with excess amount due to GPSSA and an update to pension. Rate our service.",
"notification_1056": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_107": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId. ",
"notification_108": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1087": "Review End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en.",
"notification_109": "#$caseId is approved. Please register as a beneficiary. Rate our service.",
"notification_1094": "Review End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en.",
"notification_1097": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_110": "#$caseId service request is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1103": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is on hold.",
"notification_1107": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is on hold.",
"notification_1108": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_111": "Please register as a beneficiary for $DeceasedNameEng.",
"notification_1110": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1112": "Provide additional information for End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1114": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_1116": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from you. Rate our services.",
"notification_1117": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1123": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_113": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_114": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_115": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId. ",
"notification_118": "#$caseId is approved. ",
"notification_120": "#$caseId is approved. ",
"notification_1200": "Submit no objection certificate for military pension - #$caseId",
"notification_1201": "Submit no objection certificate for military pension - #$caseId",
"notification_1204": "Support request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1206": "Support request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1215": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_123": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_124": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId. ",
"notification_125": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service",
"notification_1253": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_1254": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_126": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_127": "The beneficiary deregistration request has been approved. You are no longer a beneficiary of $pensionerName_en.",
"notification_131": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_1319": "Shourak Payment #$caseId request has been raised.",
"notification_1320": "Shourak Payment #$caseId request has been approved.",
"notification_1321": "Shourak Payment #$caseId request has been rejected.",
"notification_133": "Request to cancel #$caseId is approved. Rate our service",
"notification_134": "Request to cancel #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_135": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_137": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_138": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_139": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_146": "Your profile is only $ProfileCompletionPercentage complete. Please update all the mandatory fields.",
"notification_172": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_175": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_177": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_179": "GPSSA requested more information from employer for Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_181": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_183": "Insured registration request #$caseId from $EmployerName is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_185": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_186": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_187": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_189": "$DocumentType is expiring soon. Please update before $ExpiryDate.",
"notification_191": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_192": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_193": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_194": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_195": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_196": "Insured registration request #$caseId from submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_197": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId.",
"notification_198": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_199": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_200": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service",
"notification_201": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_202": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_203": "Insured registration request #$caseId from $EmployerName is rejected by $AgentName. Rate our services.",
"notification_204": "GPSSA requested more information from employer for Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_205": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_206": "Review insured registration request #$caseId",
"notification_207": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_208": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_210": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_211": "Your pension salary has been updated to $pensionAmount",
"notification_212": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_216": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_218": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_219": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_220": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_221": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_250": "#$caseId is rejected. ",
"notification_253": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId",
"notification_254": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_255": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_257": "Your profile is only $ProfileCompletionPercentage complete. Please update all the mandatory fields.",
"notification_258": "$UpdatedFieldNames_en are updated. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_259": "$documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_269": "Injury compensation request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA",
"notification_273": "Injury compensation request #$caseId approved.",
"notification_275": "Injury compensation request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA.",
"notification_309": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_310": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_311": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_314": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_315": "Payment request for request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service",
"notification_317": "Payment request for Request #$caseId has been approved by your employer. Rate our service.",
"notification_319": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_320": "Request #$caseId has been cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_322": "Payment request for request #$caseId is approved by your employer. Rate our service",
"notification_325": "Merge service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_326": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_327": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_330": "Request #$caseId has been rejected. Rate our service",
"notification_331": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_332": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_333": "Request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_335": "Merge service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_338": "Merge service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service",
"notification_369": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_370": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_378": "Request #$caseId is submitted.",
"notification_379": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_380": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_383": "Merge years request #$caseId rejected. Rate our services.",
"notification_385": "Merge years request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_422": "Salary has been updated by your employer $companyName_en. click here for more details.",
"notification_424": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_426": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_429": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_431": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_434": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_444": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_447": "Review Transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_454": "Cancel request #$caseId completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_456": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId accepted.",
"notification_464": "Benefits exchange request from $companyName_en submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_468": "Provide additional information for Benefits Exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_470": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_472": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_477": "Benefits exchange request pending for review #$caseId",
"notification_478": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_484": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_487": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_489": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled . Rate our services.",
"notification_491": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_493": "GPSSA requested more information for Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_494": "Review Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_502": "Service purchase request #$caseId approved",
"notification_504": "Transfer request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_507": "End of service request #$caseId closed.",
"notification_509": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_511": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_513": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_515": "Transfer request #$caseId closed.",
"notification_522": "Payment pending for end of service request #$caseId",
"notification_527": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_529": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_530": "#$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_531": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_540": "$MemberNameEng's profile is only $ProfileCompletionPercentage complete. Please update all the mandatory fields.",
"notification_541": "$UpdatedFieldNames_en are updated. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_542": "You have updated $UpdatedFieldNames_en. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_543": "$documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_544": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_551": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_554": "Review transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_557": "Transfer request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_559": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_560": "Transfer request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_563": "Provide additional information for $ServiceName_en request #$caseId",
"notification_565": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_567": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_568": "Transfer request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_571": "Review Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_578": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"notification_580": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_582": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_584": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA.",
"notification_586": "GPSSA requested more information from employer for Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_587": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_589": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_591": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_597": "$ServiceName_en information updated by $companyName_en",
"notification_601": "End of service request #$caseId by $companyName_en is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_603": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_605": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_606": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_607": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_608": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_609": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_610": "Provide valid IBAN for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_611": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_619": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_620": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_621": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_622": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_623": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_625": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_626": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_627": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_628": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_629": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service. ",
"notification_630": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_631": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_632": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_633": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_634": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_635": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_636": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_637": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_638": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_639": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_640": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_641": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_642": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_643": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_644": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_645": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_646": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_647": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_648": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_649": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_650": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_651": "Reminder- Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_652": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_653": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_654": "Submit $MemberNameEng's Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_655": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_656": "$documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_657": "Reminder - $MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_658": "Reminder - $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_659": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_660": "Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_661": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_665": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_666": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_667": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_668": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_669": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_670": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_671": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_672": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is cancelled. ",
"notification_673": "#$caseId is cancelled. ",
"notification_674": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_675": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_676": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_677": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amountRate our service.",
"notification_678": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_679": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_680": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_681": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_682": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_683": "#$caseId is approved with excess amount due to GPSSA and an update to pension. Rate our service.",
"notification_684": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_685": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_686": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_688": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_689": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_691": "Overpayment case initiated - #$caseId",
"notification_692": "Payment pending for overpayment case - #$caseId",
"notification_693": "Legal notice 1 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_694": "Legal notice 2 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_695": "Legal notice 3 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_700": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_701": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_703": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_705": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId submitted.",
"notification_706": "Merge service periods request #$caseId submitted.",
"notification_709": "Merge service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_711": "Cancel request #$caseId completed. Rate our services.",
"notification_744": "Insured registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_99": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_999": "Due date for Pension Entitlement Update has passed, #$caseId is under review.",
"notification_1139": "End of Service request #$caseId from $companyName_en submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_1141": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1144": "$ServiceName_en request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1147": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notificationsHeading": "Notifications",
"notificationTitle": "Please complete the following requirements at the earliest.",
"sec": "sec",
"secs": "secs",
"viewMyAccount": "View my profile",
"year": "year",
"years": "years",
"notification_1266": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId",
"notification_1267": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1270": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1272": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1273": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1276": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1274": "Service request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1275": "Service awareness request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1328": "Merge case #$caseId will be autocancelled as two installments has been rejected.",
"notification_1330": "Purchase case #$caseId will be autocancelled as two installments has been rejected.",
"notification_1332": "Purchase service request #$serviceCaseId has been autocancelled.",
"notification_1333": "Merge service request #$serviceCaseId has been autocancelled.",
"notification_1334": "Recalculate Merge service request #$caseId has been created.",
"notification_1335": "Recalculate Purchase service request #$caseId has been created.",
"notification_1336": "Merge service request #$serviceCaseId has been recalculated.",
"notification_1337": "Purchase service request #$serviceCaseId has been recalculated.",
"notification_1338": "Recalculation Merge service request #$caseId has been closed.",
"notification_1339": "Recalculation Purchase service request #$caseId has been closed.",
"notification_268": "Injury compensation request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA",
"notification_1350": "Installment rejected for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1029": "Request #$caseId for pension entitlement update submitted successfully.",
"notification_1053": "Request #$caseId for pension entitlement update submitted successfully.",
"notification_1393": "Merge service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1395": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1397": "Merge service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1399": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1407": "ICP Family Sync service request #$caseId has been completed. Rate our service.",
"notification_1408": "ICP Dependent information update failed. Please try again."
"title": "Personal dashboard Notification labels"
"ddsErrorCodes": {
"field_list": {
"0": "Accepted CLAIMED AMOUNT",
"1": "Accepted PARTIAL AMOUNT",
"2": " ",
"3": " ",
"4": " ",
"5": " ",
"6": " ",
"7": " ",
"8": " ",
"9": " ",
"A": "Account Closed",
"B": " ",
"C": "Compliance Issues",
"D": "Payer Deceased",
"E": "Card Blocked",
"F": "Card Expired",
"G": "Card Cancelled",
"H": " ",
"I": "Insufficient Funds",
"J": " ",
"K": " ",
"L": "Card Limit Exceeded",
"M": "Claim dishonored at the request of the Sponsoring Bank / Originator",
"N": "Dormant Account",
"O": "DDA Cancelled",
"P": "Payment Not Honored by Paying Bank - Payer to Contact Bank",
"Q": " ",
"R": "DDR details inconsistent with DDA details",
"S": "Payment Stopped/Refused",
"T": "Technical Issues at Paying Bank - Auto No-Pay Response from UAEDDS",
"U": "Amount Not Yet Due",
"V": "Account Closed - Mandated by CBUAE / Law Enforcement / Judiciary",
"W": "Account Closed - Internal Compliance / Commercial Issues",
"X": "Account blocked by Judiciary",
"Y": "Account blocked by Law Enforcement Agency",
"Z": "Account blocked by Central Bank of the UAE"
"title": "dds error codes"
"death-registration": {
"field_list": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabel": "All your progress will be lost",
"closeButton": "Close",
"dateOfCertificate": "Certificate issued on",
"deathCertificate": "Death certificate",
"deathCertificateNumber": "Death certificate number",
"deathMessage": "This benefactor's death has not been reported to GPSSA. Please fill the following form to complete your request.",
"documenntsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID of deceased",
"emiratesIdDropdown": "Emirates ID",
"enterEmiratesId": "Enter Emirates ID",
"enterPassportNumber": "Enter passport number",
"errorGreaterThanDeathDate": "The death certificate issue date cannot be earlier than the date of death.",
"errorMessageAlreadyDeathReported": "This member's death has already been reported <a href=\"/BeneficiaryRegistration\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to register as beneficiary</a>.",
"errorMessageLengthValidationEmiratesOrPassport": "Emirates ID must be 15 digits or passport number must not be empty",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>",
"insertHere": "Insert here",
"noButton": "No",
"placeOfDeath": "Place of death",
"selectDate": "Date of death",
"selectProvider": "Select a provider",
"selectTheMember": "Please enter details of the deceased",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Upload your documents",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"deceasedPersonName" : "Deceased person name"
"title": "Death Registration"
"degreeLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bachelor": "Bachelor",
"diploma": "Diploma",
"doctoral": "Doctoral",
"higherEducation": "Higher Education",
"lowerSecondaryEducation": "Lower Secondary Education",
"master": "Master",
"noFormalEducation": "No Formal Education",
"primaryEducation": "Primary Education"
"title": "Degree labels"
"dependentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"fullName": "Full name",
"gender": "Gender",
"heading": "Dependent",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status"
"title": "Dependent"
"disabilityLabels": {
"field_list": {
"attentionDeficit": "Attention Deficit/ Hyperactive Disorder",
"autismSpectrum": "Autism Spectrum",
"communicationDisorder": "Communication Disorder",
"deafBlindDisability": "Deaf-Blind Disability",
"disabilityDate": "Disability Date",
"disabilityDetails": "Disability details",
"disabilityDocument": "Upload documents",
"disabilityPercentage": "Disability percentage",
"disabilityType": "Disability type",
"formOfDisability": "Form of disability",
"heading": "People of determination",
"hearingImpairment": "Hearing Impairment",
"intellectualDisability": "Intellectual Disability",
"medicalReportExpiryDate": "Medical report expiry date",
"ministryOfCommunityDevelopment": "Ministry of Community Development",
"multipleDisability": "Multiple Disability",
"none": "None",
"other": "Other",
"permanant": "Permanent",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"personOfDetermination": "Are you a person of determination?",
"personOfDeterminationAuthority": "Person of determination card issuing authority",
"personOfDeterminationCard": "Do you have person of determination card?",
"personOfDeterminationExpiryDate": "ID expiration date",
"personOfDeterminationId": "Person of determination ID",
"physicalDisability": "Physical Disability",
"psychoEmotionalDisorders": "Psycho/Emotional Disorders",
"reasonForDisability": "Reason for disability",
"specialNeeds": "Special needs",
"specificLearningDisorder": "Specific Learning Disorder",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"visualImpairment": "Visual Impairment",
"zayedHigherOrganizationForPOD": "Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination",
"addDisability": "Add people of determination",
"addMore": "Would you like to add people of determination?",
"startDate": "Start date",
"disabilityConsentNo": "Please proceed by clicking 'Continue' to indicate that you do not consider yourself a person of determination.",
"disabilityEndDate": "End date",
"disabilityStartDate": "Start date",
"overlappingDisability": "Start date can not be earlier than previous disability end date",
"endDateError": "End date can not be greater than 24 months from start date",
"endDateDesc": "Please update your profile before ${0}",
"endDateErrorv2": "End date should be actual end date or 24 months from current end date whichever is earlier."
"title": "Disability"
"documents": {
"field_list": {
"acquisitionDocumentDoc": "Acquisition document",
"addAdditionalDoc": "Add additional documents",
"additionalDoc": "Add additional document",
"additionalDocumentsDoc": "Additional Documents",
"amendmentReasonDocumentDoc": "Amendment Reason Document",
"anOfficialLetterStatingTheNationalityWithdrawalDoc": "An Official letter stating the Nationality Withdrawal",
"attendanceReportDoc": "Attendance report",
"attendanceReportForTheDateOfInjuryDoc": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"authDocFromEmployer": "Authorization document from employer",
"authorizationDoc": "Authorization Document",
"authorizationDocForSignatoryAuth": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"authorizationDocFromSignatoryAuth": "Authorization Document from Signatory Authority",
"bankAccountStatementDoc": "Bank account statement for the last 3 years",
"bankOwenerDoc": "Authorization letter of account owner",
"bankruptcyDocumentDoc": "Bankruptcy document",
"bankStatementDoc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years",
"bankStatementForTheLast3Years/PayrollRecordForEmployees.Doc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years/payroll record for employees.",
"businessLicenseDoc": "Business License",
"certificateFromFundsDoc": "Certificate from funds",
"certificateFromPensionAuthorityDoc": "Certificate from pension authority",
"companyRegistrationContractDoc": "Copy of company registration contract (with amendments if any)",
"copyOfSADoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"courtJudgmentDoc": "Court judgment",
"courtRuling/DecisionDocumentDoc": "Court ruling / decision document",
"deathCertificateDoc": "Death certificate",
"deathInvestigationReportDoc": "Death investigation report",
"decreeDoc": "Decree or law of establishment",
"deductionsSupportingDocumentDoc": "Deductions Supporting Document",
"disciplinaryDecisionDoc": "Disciplinary Decision",
"disputeReasonDocumentDoc": "Dispute Reason Document",
"dissolutionOfEmployerDocumentDoc": "Dissolution of Employer document",
"emiratesIDCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOwnerDoc": "Emirates ID of owner",
"emiratesIdOwnerPartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"employeeConsentDocumentDoc": "Employee consent document",
"employerAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employer Acknowledgment Letter",
"employerDecreeDoc": "Employer decree",
"employmentAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employment Acknowledgment Letter",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment contract",
"employmentDecreeDoc": "Employment decree/contract",
"employmentContract/DecreeDoc": "Employment contract/decree",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "End of Service Certificate",
"eOSDecreeDoc": "EoS Decree",
"establishmentCard/CardOfSignatoryAuthoritiesDoc": "Establishment Card/Card of Signatory Authorities",
"establishmentCardDoc": "Establishment card / Card of signatory authorities",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"federalDecreeDoc": "Federal decree",
"hRPolicyDoc": "HR Policy",
"humanResoucesDoc": "List of human resources laws applied by the entity",
"humanResourcesAndRegulationDoc": "Human Resources and Regulation",
"humanResourcesPolicyDoc": "Human Resources Policy",
"iBANCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"inheritanceCertificateDoc": "Inheritance certificate",
"investigationCommitteeVerdictFromTheEmployerDoc": "Investigation Committee Verdict from the employer",
"investigationReportDoc": "Investigation Report",
"lateRegistrationDocumentDoc": "Late registration document",
"lawForIncorporationOfEstablishmentDoc": "Law of incorporation of establishment",
"letterOfRegistrationIntentDoc": "Letter of registration intent",
"liabilitySupportingDocumentDoc": "Liability supporting document",
"liquidationDocumentDoc": "Liquidation document",
"localDecreeDoc": "Local decree",
"medicalFitnessCertificateDoc": "Medical fitness certificate",
"medicalReportDoc": "Medical report",
"medicalReportSelfDoc": "Medical report proving fitness to work (issued not more than 3 months ago)",
"memorandumOfAssociationDoc": "Memorandum of association",
"newNationalityIDDoc": "New nationality ID",
"non-WorkInjuryMedicalReportDoc": "Non-work injury Medical Report",
"otherPensionAuthDoc": "Certificate from other pension authority",
"otherReasonsLetterDoc": "Other reasons letter",
"passportCopyOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Passport Copy of the Owner/Partner",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport Copy",
"passportOwnerDoc": "Passport of owner",
"passportOwnerPartnerDoc": "Passport copy of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"pensionSalaryDoc": "Pension salary certificate",
"policeReportDoc": "Police report",
"powerOfAttorneyDoc": "Power Of Attorney",
"previousEIdDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEmiratesIdDoc": "Previous Emirates ID",
"professionalLicenseDoc": "Professional licenses",
"proofOfAccquiredNationalityDoc": "Proof of accquired nationality",
"proofOfCourtRulingOfLossDoc": "Proof of court ruling of loss",
"proofOfDesertionDoc": "Proof of desertion",
"proofOfDisassociation": "Proof of disassociation of previous authorized person",
"proofOfRevocationOfCitizenshipDoc": "Proof of revocation of citizenship",
"proofOfSalaryDetailsDoc": "Proof of salary details",
"reasonToFireDoc": "Reason to fire",
"rejectionReasonDocumentDoc": "Rejection Reason Document",
"resignationLetterDoc": "Resignation letter",
"restructuringDecreeDoc": "Restructuring Decree",
"retirementLetterDoc": "Retirement Letter",
"signatoryAuthDoc": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"specializedPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Specialized power of attorney",
"statementOfNominalPeriodDoc": "Statement of nominal period",
"statementOfPreviousServicePeriodsDoc": "Statement of previous service periods",
"statmnetOfAdditonalPurchasedServicePeriodDoc": "Statmnet of additonal purchased service period",
"terminationLetterDoc": "Termination letter",
"tradeLicenseDoc": "Trade license",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDoc": "Transfer acceptance letter",
"transferDecisionLetterDoc": "Transfer decision letter",
"transferRequestLetterDoc": "Transfer request letter",
"transferLetterDoc": "Transfer letter",
"undertakingLetterDoc": "Undertaking Letter",
"windingUpDocumentDoc": "Winding Up document",
"workInjuryInvestigationReportDoc": "Work injury investigation report",
"salaryCertificateDoc": "Salary Certificate",
"mergeModelDoc": "Merge Model",
"iBANNoLiabilityDocumentDoc": "No Liability Document",
"previousEIDDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEmiratesIDDoc": "Previous Emirates ID"
"title": "Documents"
"educationLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addEducation": "Add education",
"addMore": "Would you like to add education?",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"city": "City",
"completedDate": "End date",
"country": "Country",
"duplicateEducationData": "The data with the given qualification and/or major is already present.",
"educationDegree": "Education degree",
"educationDetails": "education details",
"educationDocument": "Upload document",
"heading": "Education",
"instituteCity": "City",
"instituteCountry": "Country",
"instituteName": "Institute name",
"major": "Major",
"other": "Other",
"qualification": "Qualification",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"startDate": "Start date",
"endDateDesc": "End date should be actual end date or 6 months from start date whichever is earlier.",
"overlappingEducation": "Start date can not be earlier than previous education end date",
"endDateError": "End date can not be greater than 6 months from start date.",
"endDateDescv2": "End date should be actual end date or 6 months from current end date whichever is earlier."
"title": "Education"
"employeeSalaryDetail": {
"field_list": {
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary"
"title": "Employee Salary Detail"
"employerRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"accountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankName": "Bank name"
"title": "Employer Registration"
"employmentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"authSecondedTo": "Authority seconded to",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"countryOfEmployment": "Country of employment",
"disclaimer1": "The grey fields are only editable by your employer.",
"disclaimer21": "Please",
"disclaimer22": "with GPSSA if any of these details are incorrect.",
"employeeId": "Employment ID",
"employeeID": "Employee ID",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"employerNumber": "Employer number",
"employerSecondedTo": "Employer seconded to",
"employerSector": "Employer sector",
"employerTransfferedFrom": "Employer transferred from",
"employerType": "Employer type",
"employmentContract": "Employment Contract",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentId": "Employment ID",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"employmentStatus": "Employment Status",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service status",
"eosHeading": "End of Service Details",
"eosReason": "EOS reason",
"heading": "Employment details",
"jobInformation": "Job information",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"leaveCertificate": "Leave Certificate",
"leaveDetails": "Leave details",
"leaveDisclaimer": "If you are not able to find previously submitted leave request, please reach out to GPSSA.",
"leaveEndDate": "End date",
"leaveStartDate": "Start date",
"leaveStatus": "Leave Status",
"leaveType": "Leave type",
"occupation": "Occupation",
"payementStatus": "Payment status",
"paymentStatus": "Payment status",
"penAuthSecondedTo": "Pension authority seconded to",
"raiseComplaint": "Create a request",
"reqStatus": "Request Status",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying ",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"salaryDetails": "Salary details",
"secodmentDecisionDocument": "Secondment Decision Document",
"seconded": "Secondment",
"secondedEndDate": "Secondment end date",
"secondedStartDate": "Secondment start date",
"secondmentDetails": "Secondment details",
"sector": "Sector",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"unauthorised": "Unauthorised",
"unpaidSuspension": "Unpaid Suspension",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"workCountry": "Work country"
"title": "Employment details"
"endOfService": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"accountHolderNameTooltip": "This name should match the IBAN certificate.",
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"add": "Add another liability",
"additionalDocumentsDoc": "Additional Documents",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch some data.",
"back": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"benefitsExchangeCaseAlreadyExists": "A Benefits Exchange case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"benefitsExchangeDate": "Benefits exchange date",
"benefitsExchangeDateTooltip": "This date should be the starting date with the new employer. Contribution will be collected until one day before the date provided.",
"benefitsExchangeEmployer": "New employer name",
"benefitsExchangePensionAuthority": "Pension authority/fund associated with new employer",
"caseUpdateError": "Error in updating case request details.",
"contributionCost": "Contribution cost",
"courtDoc": "Court decision document",
"currency": "AED",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"daysDeductedTooltip": "Number of days excluded from the total employment period due to unpaid contributions as a result of leave or non payment.",
"deathIssueAuthorityFallback": "Ministry of Health and Prevention",
"deathIssuingEntity": "Entity issuing the death certificate",
"deathIssuingEntityTooltip": "Entity name should be the same as on death certificate",
"deathPlace": "Place of death",
"disagree": "Disagree",
"dispute": "Dispute",
"eligibility_error_02": "A case already exists with this Employer with request Id - ",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeEmiratesIdLabel": "Employee Emirates ID:",
"employeeShare": "Employee share",
"employemntEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerNameLabel": "Employer name: ",
"employerShare": "Employer share",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentEndDateTooltip": "This is the last working day with the current employer.",
"employmentSectionHeading": "Employment Details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"endOfServiceDateTooltip": "Benefits will be calculated based on this date.",
"eosCaseAlreadyExists": "An End of Service case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"eosDeathDate": "Date of death",
"eosp": "End Of Service",
"eosReason": "Reason for end of service",
"eosReason1": "Reason 1",
"eosReason2": "Reason 2",
"eosRejected": "Your request has been rejected",
"eosSubmitted": "Your request has been successfully sent to GPSSA for review",
"eosSubmittedSubHeading": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"eosSubReason": "Specific sub-reason",
"eosTransferDate": "Transfer date (employment start date with the new employer)",
"eosTransferTo": "Transfer to",
"eosUpdated": "Your end of service request has been successfully updated",
"firstName": "First name",
"heading": "People of determination",
"iban": "IBAN",
"ibanTooltip": "Bank must be the salary account.",
"initiatePayment": "Initiate payment",
"insuredAcceptAlert": "I confirm to have verified all the above information and hereby provide my consent to process the End of Service Request.",
"insuredDetails": "Insured Details",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name",
"lastWorkingDate": "Last working date",
"liabilityAmount": "Liability Amount (Consider pending payments only)",
"liabilityRadioLegend": "Is there any other unsettled financial liability due on employee?",
"liabilitySectionHeading": "Unsettled liabilities",
"liabilityType": "Liability type",
"liabilityTypeTooltip": "Unsettled liabilities provides an opportunity to request deductions from the end of service benefits of Insured. However deduction and subsequent payments to employer are subject to GPSSA approval.",
"linkedEmployersFetchError": "An error occurred while fetching your active employment details. Please try again.",
"makeCorrections": "Make corrections",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"nationalityCancelDate": "Effective date of nationality cancellation",
"nationalityList": "New nationality",
"newEmployer": "New employer name",
"paymentOption": "Payment Option",
"paymentOptionTooltip": "Select the payment option below, selecting Shourak will hold your End of service benefit for a limited time period or till you are registered with a new employer, whichever comes first.",
"pendingPaymentDesc": "As per records, there are pending payments. Any pending payments remaining after 5 days of submission of this request will be cancelled and service period will be adjusted accordingly for benefit computation.<br /><br />Based on the end-of-service request submitted, our records show that you have not paid the contribution for the end-of-service month. Please note that you have (5) working days to pay the contribution due to the Authority. It must be noted that in the event of non-payment, the value of the unpaid contributions will be deducted from the insured’s service period.",
"pendingPayments": "Pending payments",
"provideAmendmentReason": "Please provide what you need amended for End of Service Request",
"provideAmendmentReasonBE": "Please provide what you need amended for Benefits Exchange request.",
"provideConsent": "I hereby provide my consent to share my personal and employment details with the other pension authority.",
"provideDisputeReason": "Please provide reason for disputing End of Service Request",
"provideDisputeReasonBE": "Please provide reason for disputing Benefits Exchange request.",
"provideRejectReason": "Please provide reason for rejecting End of Service request",
"provideRejectReasonBE": "Please provide reason for rejecting Benefits Exchange Request.",
"purchaseCost": "Purchase cost",
"reason": "Reason",
"reasonsListFetchError": "An error occurred while fetching some data. Please try again after some time.",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectDispute": "Reject Dispute",
"remove": "Remove liability",
"reportDispute": "Report Dispute",
"requestAmendment": "Request amendments",
"retirementAgeIneligible": "You are not eligible to opt for retirement. The minimum age for retirement is 50.",
"returnTowork": "Do you wish to return to work?",
"salarySectionHeading": "Salary account details",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been successfully sent to employer for review",
"submitRequestSubHeading": "Employer is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to employee for review.",
"successModalSubHeading": "Employee is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"totalLiabilityAmount": "Total liability amount",
"trainingCourses": "Do you wish to take training courses?",
"unclaimedBenefitsTitle": "Unclaimed Benefits",
"verifiedSalary": "I have reviewed and verified <a class='salaryDetailsLink' target='_blank' href='/member/account/employment/${0}/employment?tab=salary'>salary details</a>",
"verifiedSalaryMobile": "I have reviewed and verified salary details",
"volunteer": "Do you wish to volunteer?",
"shoreq": "Shourak",
"paymentOptionLimitInfo": "Payment option cannot be selected as Shourak Payment since you are 60 or above years old.",
"eosOtherReason": "Other reason"
"title": "End Of Service"
"endOfServiceMilitary": {
"field_list": {
"other": "Other"
"title": "End Of Service Military"
"eosCalculator": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"ageLimitMessage": "Age must range from 18 years up to 60 years.",
"combinationInvalid": "Combination of Age and Service period is invalid. Period of Service exceeds the number of legal years a person could have served based on legal working age.",
"calculateBtn": "Calculate",
"clearBtn": "Clear",
"contributedSalary": "Average contribution salary (AED)",
"elibilityMsg": "Eligibility",
"eosBenefitMsg": "End of service benefit",
"eosOptimalReward": "Optimal retirement reward",
"eosPensionMsg": "Monthly pension salary",
"government": "Government",
"msg1": "The fields in this simulator are populated by default based on your current records with GPSSA.",
"msg2": "The end of service is calculated based on the type resignation. Try out possible future scenarios to evaluate benefits you might be eligible for.",
"msg3": "The results displayed are estimates based on the values entered in the simulator. GPSSA is not liable to any decisions made based on these results. Please contact HR/finance department in your company to validate these results. GPSSA is not liable for its accuracy.",
"msg4": "You need to complete a minimum of 11 months and 1 days of service to be eligible for an end of service.",
"notElibilityMsg": "Not eligible",
"notEligibleMsg": "Not eligible for any benefits",
"private": "Private",
"sector": "Sector",
"servicePeriod": "Service period",
"servicePeriodTooltip": "The total service duration of the insured with the current employer, including the transfer and secondment periods, and all previously merged and purchased service periods that have been paid for completely.",
"yourAge": "Your age",
"yourresult": "Your potential benefits"
"title": "End of Service Calculator"
"errorLabels": {
"field_list": {
"error_400": "Information entered in incorrect format. Please re-enter in correct format to continue.",
"error_401": "Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in again.",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"error_contactedit": " You can update your email and mobile number only after 24 hours of account creation.",
"error_emailexists": "This email address is already linked to an account.",
"error_mobilenumberexists": "This mobile number is already linked to an account."
"title": "Error Labels"
"errorMessage": {
"field_list": {
"access_denied": "User cancelled the login",
"accountExists": "We have identified that an account already exists in our system with either of these details - email/mobile/Emirate's ID. <br />Please connect with happiness centre for more details.",
"agentEnroll002": "The member you are trying to enroll is already linked to you.",
"browserNotSupported": "Your browser is not currently supported! <br /><br />GPSSA Portal works best on Chrome, Firefox, IE Edge and Safari. <hr> متصفح الإنترنت المستخدم غير مدعوم حاليا. <br /> <br /> تعمل البوابة الإلكترونية للهيئة بشكل أفضل إذا كان متصفح الإنترنت واحد من التالي: Chrome أو Firefox أو IE Edge أو Safari.",
"cmsApiFailed": "We are unable to access the servers right now, try again by reloading the page.",
"commonError": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"createRequest_400": "Error in submitting your request. Please recheck the requirements and try again.",
"createRequest_500": "Error in submitting your request. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"createRequest_agent001": "A case is already in progress for this member",
"createRequest_agentEnroll002": "The member you are trying to enroll is already linked to you.",
"createRequest_beneficiaryRequestInProgress": "Registration of beneficiary request is already in progress for this member, a new request cannot be logged until it is closed.",
"createRequest_benreg001": "You are already registered as a beneficiary to the provided benefactor.",
"createRequest_benreg002": "Please enter the correct benefactor's Emirates ID.",
"createRequest_benreg003": "Registration of beneficiary request is already opened for this member.",
"createRequest_benreg004": "The relationship associated with the benefactor is invalid. Please select a valid relationship.",
"createRequest_BenReg100": "A Beneficiary Registration request is already logged for the selected benefactor.",
"createRequest_caseCreate001": "A case is already in progress for this member",
"createRequest_death001": "Sorry, you can not report your own death.",
"createRequest_deathRequestInProgress": "Death of Member request is already in progress for this member, a new request cannot be logged until that is closed.",
"createRequest_getFAIC001": "We were unable to fetch any information linked to your Emirates ID",
"createRequest_mergeCaseWithEmployer": "A merge years request is already open, please wait until that request is completed.",
"createRequest_purchaseCaseWithEmployer": "A purchase years request is already open, please wait until that request is completed.",
"docDropError": "Document could not be added as it is either not a valid document type or more than 5 MB in size",
"emiratesPassportValidation_500": "Error in validating your Emirates ID. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"error_400": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"errorPageTitle": "Error",
"fetchDataGeneric_500": "Error in fetching some data. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"fetchDocumentsFromProfile_500": "Error in fetching documents from profile. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"invalid_request": "Login was unsuccessful!",
"login_required": "User cancelled the login",
"managedMemberDashboard": "You are currently viewing your managed member's dashboard. Please switch to your own account to submit this request.",
"memberValidation_400": "Error in validating the member detail(s) entered. Please recheck requirements and re-enter.",
"memberValidation_500": "Error in validating Benefactor's details. Kindly <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#ffffff; text-decoration:underline\">contact</a> GPSSA for further assistance.",
"memberValidation_getDeathDetails001": "We can't find user details in the system",
"memberValidation_memberDoesNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>",
"personaError": "We are unable to fetch your information. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"portalrestriction": "Please logout from the current portal to be able to login to the other portal.",
"requestDetail_caseUpdate001": "Error in updating request details",
"requestDocUpload_400": "Error in uploading documents. Please recheck the requirements and try again. Your request has been generated.",
"requestDocUpload_500": "Error in uploading documents. Please try again after a few minutes. Your request has been created.",
"requestInProgress": "This request is already submitted.",
"sop1Error": "You are not eligible to access this service. Your account is either not upgraded or you have a visitor account. Please contact GPSSA E-portal to access the services.",
"timeout": "We are facing temporary poor connection. Please try again in a few minutes.",
"tokenParseError": "Login failed. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"unverifiedUserSop1Error": "Your account is unverified. Please upgrade your account following instructions on the UAE PASS app.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE": "An error occurred while fetching your information from our records. Please login again.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE_DEAD": "Login failed. The member you are trying to login is appearing as dead in the system.",
"USER_PERSONA_NOT_FOUND": "We are not able to identify you as a valid user in the system.",
"createRequest_A-AC-002": "Family information is not available in FAIC for the provided Emirates ID. Please contact them for further assistance.",
"requestNotLoaded": "Unable to fetch details of request ${requestId}, please try again."
"title": "Error Message"
"familyBookCityLables": {
"field_list": {
"abudhabi": "Abu Dhabi",
"abumosa": "Abu Mosa",
"abusamrah": "Abu Samrah",
"ajman": "Ajman",
"ajmansantar": "Ajman Santar",
"alain": "Al Ain",
"alaweer": "Al Aweer",
"albado": "Al Bado",
"albado-ajman": "Albado-Ajman",
"albadoajman": "Albado-Ajman",
"albidyah": "Al Bidyah",
"aldigdagah": "Al Digdagah",
"alfaliya": "Al Faliya",
"algharfa": "Al Gharfa",
"alghazyah": "Al Qaryah",
"alhaditha": "Al Haditha",
"alhajour": "Al Hajour",
"alhamham": "Al Hamham",
"alhamraisland": "Al Hamra Island",
"alhili": "Al Hili",
"alhudaiba": "Al Hudaiba",
"alhuwail": "Al Huwail",
"aljimi": "Al Jimi",
"aljuwais": "Al Juwais",
"alkharaan": "Al Kharaan",
"alkhatem": "Al Khatem",
"almaliha": "Al Maliha",
"almanama": "Al Manama",
"almerfa": "Al Merfa",
"almuareed": "Al Muareed",
"almudam": "Al Mudam",
"almutared": "Al Mutared",
"alqatarah": "Al Qatarah",
"alqeer": "Al Qeer",
"alrams": "Al Rams",
"alruwais": "Al Ruwais",
"alsaja": "Al Saja",
"alseih": "Al Seih",
"alsiji": "Al Siji",
"alsila": "Al Sila",
"alsraidat": "Al Sraidat",
"alyahar": "Al Yahar",
"alzayoud": "Al Zayoud",
"asimah": "Asimah",
"deba": "Deba",
"debaalhoson": "Deba Alhoson",
"debafujairah": "Deba Fujairah",
"deira": "Deira",
"delma": "Delma",
"dhaid": "Dhaid",
"dubai": "Dubai",
"falajalmoalla": "Falaj Al Moalla",
"fujairah": "Fujairah",
"gadfaa": "Gadfaa",
"ghalila": "Ghalila",
"ghayathi": "Ghayathi",
"habhab": "Habhab",
"hatta": "Hatta",
"kalba": "Kalba",
"khawaneej": "Khawaneej",
"khorfakkan": "Khorfakkan",
"khorkalba": "Khor Kalba",
"khorkhowair": "Khor Khowair",
"khutt": "Khutt",
"liwa": "Liwa",
"madinatzayed": "Madinat Zayed",
"margham": "Margham",
"masafi": "Masafi",
"masfoot": "Masfoot",
"medek": "Medek",
"murbeh": "Murbeh",
"nakhilshaml": "Nakhil Shaml",
"qattarah": "Qattarah",
"rasalkhaimah": "Ras Al Khaimah",
"sadrouh": "Sadrouh",
"shaem": "Shaem",
"sharjah": "Sharjah",
"sirbonairisland": "Sir Bonair Island",
"thanha": "Thanha",
"ummalquwain": "Umm Al Quwain",
"wadialabadlah": "Wadi Alabadlah",
"wadialabili": "Wadi Al Abili",
"wadialmunaiai": "Wadi Al Munaiai",
"wadialqoor": "Wadi Al Qoor",
"wadialshoki": "Wadi Al Shoki",
"wadialsidr": "Wadi Alsidr",
"wadiasfini": "Wadi Asfini",
"wadikoob": "Wadi Koob",
"zaabisland": "Zaab Island"
"title": "Family Book City labels"
"familyBookLabels": {
"field_list": {
"familyBook": "Family book details",
"familyBookCityId": "City Code",
"familyBookCityName": "Family book city name",
"familyBookDate": "Family book date",
"familyBookDocument": "Upload document",
"familyBookId": "Family book ID",
"familyBookIssuingEmirate": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyId": "Family sequence",
"heading": "Family Information",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Please upload the documents below"
"title": "Family book"
"familyLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addAsDependent": "Add as dependent",
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"addDependentDisclaimer": "Add only those family members who are financially dependent on you (Son, daughter, brothers, sisters, parents, wife, husband, grandchildren).",
"addDependentMessage": "Would you like to add dependent?",
"addDependentSuccessMessage": "You have successfully added a new dependent to your profile.",
"addNewDependent": "Add new dependent",
"benefactor": "Benefactor",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"continue": "Continue",
"dependent": "Dependent",
"dependentAlreadyExists": "This dependent is already linked to your account. Please visit the Family Details page to view their details.",
"dependentCommonError": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"dependentDetailsDoNotMatch": "Dependent details are incorrect. Please recheck the data you have entered.",
"dependentDetailsTryAfter24Hours": "Dependent details are incorrect. Please try again after 24 hours.",
"dependentIsDead": "Sorry, the dependent you want to add is deceased.",
"dependentRemovalReason": "Please select the reason",
"dependentRemoved": "You have successfully removed a dependent from your profile",
"eitherEmiratesOrPassport": "Either Emirates ID or Passport Number is required",
"emergencyContactSameError": "Mobile number provided for dependent is already in use as your own emergency contact number.",
"emiratesPassport": "Emirates ID/Passport",
"error_persona001": "Sorry, the dependent you want to add is deceased.",
"familyBookIssuingEmirate": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyDocuments": "Upload document",
"father": "Father",
"fatherDetails": "Father's details",
"fatherDetals": "Father's details",
"fatherEmiratesId": "Father's Emirates ID",
"fatherName": "Father's Name",
"fatherPassportNumber": "Father's Passport Number",
"fullName": "Full name",
"grandFather": "Grandfather",
"heading": "Family",
"mother": "Mother",
"motherDetails": "Mother's details",
"motherEmiratesId": "Mother's Emirates ID",
"motherName": "Mother's Name",
"motherPassportNumber": "Mother's Passport Number",
"nonNullEidPnum": "Please provide either Emirates ID or passport number.",
"passportEidAlreadyExists": "Member with this Emirates ID/Passport Number is already linked to another family member.",
"provider": "Provider",
"removeDependent": "Remove dependent",
"removeDependentConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to remove them as dependent?",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Please upload the documents below",
"notifyMessage": "You will receive notification once the information is updated",
"previousRequestMessage1": "Your",
"previousRequestMessage2": "previous request",
"previousRequestMessage3": "is under progress",
"invalidFatherEidPnum" : "You can not add yourself as father.",
"invalidMotherEidPnum" : "You can not add yourself as mother."
"title": "Family"
"financeSummaryLbl": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"allSelect": "All",
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"amountOutstanding": "Amount outstanding",
"amountPaid": "Amount paid",
"amountPaidAfterDueDate": "Amount paid after due date",
"amountPaidByDueDate": "Amount paid within due date",
"and": "and",
"barGraph": "Bar Graph",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryBreakdown": "Beneficiary salary breakdown",
"beneficiarySalary": "Beneficiary salary",
"beneficiarySalaryAll": "Beneficiary salary from all",
"beneficiarySalaryAllOtherLang": "معاش المستحق من الجميع",
"beneficiarySalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"beneficiarySalaryDeductionsOtherLang": "الخصومات",
"beneficiarySalaryOtherLang": "معاش المستحق",
"beneficiarySummary": "Beneficiary salary summary",
"breakdownTableTitle": "Contribution Breakdown -",
"cancelled": "Amount cancelled ",
"cbOverdueTooltipText": "Pay all overdue amount",
"civilian": "Civilian",
"civilianOtherLang": "مدني",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable salary",
"contributableSalary_legendTooltip": "Sum of all contributable salary components",
"contributionDue": "Outstanding contribution",
"contributionDue_legendTooltip": "Amount yet to be paid to GPSSA",
"contributionPaid": "Contribution paid",
"contributionPaid_legendTooltip": "Amount paid to GPSSA as monthly contribution",
"contributionPaidAfter": "Contribution paid after due date",
"contributionPaidAfter_legendTooltip": "Contribution paid after the due date has passed",
"contributionPaidWithin": "Contribution paid within due date",
"contributionPaidWithin_legendTooltip": "Contribution paid before the due date.",
"contributions": "Contributions",
"contributionSalary": "Contribution salary tooltip",
"contributionSalary_legendTooltip": "Sum of all contributable salary components",
"contributionsBodyLbl": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"contributionsDescription": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"contributionStatement": "Contribution statement",
"contributionSummaryHeading": "Contribution Summary",
"creditDate": "Date",
"creditDateOtherLang": "التاريخ",
"ddsMandates": "Transactions and DDS mandates",
"ddsMandatesBodyLbl": "View your transactions history and direct debit mandates details",
"download": "Download",
"downloadDetailed": "Download detailed report",
"downloadEmployerStatementTooltip": "The password is formed from eight digits which are the digits that make the Company's Employer ID with GPSSA, preceded by zeros. For example, suppose the Company's employer ID is 1234, then the password will be 00001234.",
"downloadStatementTooltip": "Once you download your statement, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by last four digits of your Emirates ID. For example, if the last four digits of your mobile number are 6789 and the last four digits of your Emirates ID are 3456, then the password will be 67893456, without commas.",
"downloadTooltip": "You can access your outstanding contributions by downloading them using the provided link.",
"email": "Email",
"emailDetailed": "Email detailed report",
"emiratesIdLabel": "Show data for a specific employee",
"employeeContributionDue": "Your contribution",
"employer": "Employer",
"employerContributionDue": "Employer contribution",
"eosBenefits": "End of service benefits",
"eosBenefitsDescription": "View the amount applicable for end of service benefits from your previous employers.",
"error_downloadReport_400": "Something went wrong while generating report",
"error_downloadReport_500": "Something went wrong in server while generating report",
"error_emailNotFound": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try again.",
"error_emailReport_400": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try again.",
"error_emailReport_404": "We are unable to find the report",
"error_emailReport_500": "Something went wrong in server while sending report email",
"error_emailStatement_400": "Error in sending email. Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try again.",
"error_emailStatement_404": "We are unable to find the statement for the selected month.",
"error_emailStatement_500": "Something went wrong on server while sending statement email",
"error_getFinancialSummary_404": "Financial summary not found",
"error_getFinancialSummary_500": "Something went wrong on the server",
"error_getStatementMonths_404": "Could not find statements generated in last 12 months",
"error_getStatementMonths_500": "Something went wrong in server",
"error_reportPasswordPolicyMissing": "Emirates ID or mobile number or date of birth required to generate report",
"errorNotFoundLbl": "You do not have data for the selected time period. Please choose another start and end date.",
"financialSummary": "Financial Summary",
"governmentContributionDue": "Government share",
"insured": "Insured",
"last12Months": "last 12 months",
"last3Months": "last 3 months",
"last6Months": "last 6 months",
"lineGraph": "Line Graph",
"loading": "loading",
"mandates": "Mandates",
"mergePurchase": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mergePurchaseDescription": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests.",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriod": "Merge/Purchase service period",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriodBodyLbl": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests.",
"military": "Military",
"militaryOtherLang": "عسكري",
"mobPasswordProtected": "Your statements are password-protected.",
"mobStatements": "Statements",
"mobSummaryReport": "Summary report",
"mpAmountCancelledLabel": "cancelled ",
"mpAmountOverdueLabel": "Amount Overdue ",
"mpAmountPaidLabel": "Amount Paid ",
"mpAmountUpcomingLabel": "Amount Upcoming ",
"mpAnd": "and",
"mpCardPaidBy": "Paid by",
"mpD": "D",
"mpDueToday": "Due today",
"mpEmployer": "Employer",
"mpM": "M",
"mpMergeCardTitle": "Merge service periods",
"mpNoRequests": "No requests to show",
"mpPageTitle": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mpPaymentMethod": "Payment method",
"mpPreviousRequestsDisclaimer": "Cards displayed below showcase details for requests availed with past employers. Current and future end of service or pension salary calculations will not consider the periods merged/purchased that have been applied in the past.",
"mpPreviousRequestsLinkText": "View previously availed merge/purchase requests",
"mpPurchaseCardTitle": "Purchase service periods",
"mpPurchasePeriodLabel": "Periods paid and applied",
"mpRequestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"mpTotalCost": "Total cost",
"mpTotalDue": "Total due as of today (All employees)",
"mpTotalPeriod": "Total periods requested",
"mpY": "Y",
"netBeneficiarySalary": "Net beneficiary salary",
"netBeneficiarySalaryOtherLang": "صافي المعاش للمستحق",
"netPensionerSalary": "Net pension",
"netPensionerSalaryOtherLang": "صافي المعاش التقاعدي",
"noContributionData": "No contribution details available",
"outstandingContributionLabel": "Outstanding contribution as of today (including penalties)",
"outstandingPayments": "Remaining payments",
"overdueContributionPayment": "Overdue contribution payment",
"overduePaymentDistributionTooltip": "Your request will get cancelled after 3 installment payment failures.",
"overduePayments": "Outstanding payment",
"paidAfterDueDate": "Paid after due date",
"paidBy": "Paid by",
"paidByDueDate": "Paid by due date",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"passwordInfoMsg2": "Click here to download a report summary of this data.",
"paymentMethod": "Payment method",
"payments": "Payments",
"paymentsMandates": "Payments",
"paymentsMandatesDescription": "View your payments history",
"penaltyAccrued": "Penalty Accrued",
"penaltyDue": "Penalty due",
"penaltyInvoiced": "Penalty Invoiced",
"penaltyPaid": "Penalty Paid",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last four digits of your Emirates ID, followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last four digits of your Emirates ID is 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"pension": "Pensioner",
"pensionerBreakdown": "Pension summary breakdown",
"pensionerSalary": "Total Pension",
"pensionerSalaryAll": "Total pension",
"pensionerSalaryAllOtherLang": "إجمالي المعاش التقاعدي",
"pensionerSalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"pensionerSalaryDeductionsOtherLang": "الخصومات",
"pensionerSalaryOtherLang": "المعاش التقاعدي",
"pensionSummary": "Pension summary",
"pensionSummaryPeriod": "Pension summary period",
"presetPeriod": "Select preset reporting period",
"purchasePeriod": "Purchased service periods (paid & applied)",
"reportDownloadSuccess": "Your summary has been downloaded.",
"reportEmailSuccess": "Your summary has been emailed.",
"requestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"selectGraphDataLabelPlaceholder": "Select the data to display",
"selectGraphDataPlaceholder": "Select",
"selectMonth": "Select a month to view contribution breakdown and generate statement",
"startAndEndDate": "Customize start and end date",
"statementDownloadSuccess": "Your statement has been downloaded",
"statementEmailSuccess": "Your statement has been emailed",
"summaryOverview": "Welcome to your financial overview where you can view your financial summary, payment breakdown and previous statements. Your fully interactive graph will allow you to set dates, view your payments over time periods and download financial reports.",
"timePeriod": "Time period",
"totalBeneficiary": "Total beneficiary salary",
"totalContribution": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionDue": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionPaid": "Total contribution paid",
"totalDeduction": "Total deduction",
"totalNetBeneficiarySummary": "Total net beneficiary salary",
"totalNetPensionSummary": "Net pension salary",
"totalOutstandingContribution": "Total outstanding contribution",
"totalOutstandingContributionAll": "Total outstanding contribution (as of today)",
"totalPenalty": "Total penalty",
"totalPensionSummary": "Total pension salary",
"totalSalary": "Gross Salary",
"totalSalary_legendTooltip": "Sum of contributable and non-contributable salary components",
"turnDashboardLabel": "Return to dashboard",
"upcomingPayment": "Future payment"
"title": "Finance Summary"
"footerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"happinessMeter": "Happiness Meter"
"title": "footer labels"
"forgotUsername": {
"field_list": {
"backBtn": "Back",
"confirmLink": "Didn't receive an e-mail?",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"email404": "This email address is not registered with GPSSA. Please enter the email address used at the time of registration.",
"emailDescription": "If you do not have an Emirates ID, please enter your email below.",
"emailLabel": "Email",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"emiratesDescription": "Please enter your Emirates ID to retrieve your username.",
"emiratesId404": "This Emirates ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please enter the ID used at the time of registration.",
"emiratesIdDescription": "Please enter your Emirates ID to retrieve your username.",
"emiratesIdLabel": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "e.g. 784198625684545",
"heading": "Forgot your username",
"home": "Return to login",
"loadingPlaceholder": "Loading",
"modalBody": "Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password",
"modalHeading": "Your username has been sent to your registered email address",
"radioGroupLegends": "Emirates ID or e-mail address",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"retryAttemptError1": "You’ve reached the maximum retry attempts. Please click on this",
"retryAttemptError2": " link",
"retryAttemptError3": "to start again.",
"retryAttemptWarning": "Please note that you have already made 2 attempts to retrigger the email. You will have to start over again after the third attempt."
"title": "Forgot Username"
"generateCertificate": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiaryPensionDetails": "Beneficiary pension c/o ${0} - ${1}",
"certificate": "Certificate",
"certificateFailed": "Something went wrong! Please try generating your certificate again.",
"certificateInProgress": "Your certificate generation is taking more time than expected. Please click view/download/email again after some time.",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"certificateUnauthorizedErr": "You are not authorized to generate this certificate.",
"createNewCertificate": "Generate Certificate",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"emailSent": "Your certificate was sent to your registered email.",
"emiratesIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your Emirates ID has expired.",
"endOfServiceRequestsAvailed": "The end of service requests that you have been successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the details you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"enterYourReason": "Enter your reason",
"fieldsToHideInCertificate": "The following details are included by default in your certificate. If you wish to hide any detail, select the box.",
"from": "from",
"generateCertificate": "GPSSA | Issue Certificates",
"generatingCertificate": "Your certificate is being generated",
"GPSSA": "Civil",
"iban": "IBAN/Bank Name",
"legalDisclaimer": "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.",
"legalDisclaimerCreatePage": "I declare that the way I use the generated certificate is my sole responsibility. GPSSA shall not be held responsible for its use or validity for external parties.",
"legalDisclaimerViewPage": "This page will appear only once when you request the certificate and will not be accessible from your Profile or Service Requests pages. To retain a copy, you can either download or email the certificate to your email address.",
"maxCharacters": "maximum 500 characters",
"mergeOfServicePeriodRequests": "The merge previous service period requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"MILITARY": "Military",
"MOF": "MOF",
"monthlyCompensationAmount": "Monthly Compensation Amount",
"multipleBeneficaryPensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple beneficiary salaries. Please select the salary you want to be reflected in your certificate.",
"multiplePensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple pensions. Please select the pension you want to be reflected in your certificate.",
"netSalary": "Monthly Pension Salary Amount, Monthly Amount Deducted, Net Monthly Pension Salary Amount",
"noDataFound": "No data found for generating certificate",
"noEmailConfigured": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and then try generating the certificate again.",
"noEosData": "You cannot generate this certificate because you have not requested any End of service request.",
"noMergeData": "You cannot generate this certificate because you have not requested any Merge service period request.",
"noPurchaseData": "You cannot generate this certificate because you have not requested any Purchase service period request.",
"passportIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your Passport has expired.",
"pensionDetails": "${0} pension (Retirement Date: ${1})",
"purchaseOfServiceRequests": "The purchase of service period requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to reflect in the required certificate.",
"reasonForRequest": "Reason for request",
"selectServiceId": "Select Service ID",
"selectYourCertificate": "Select a certificate",
"serviceRequestedOn": "Service requested on",
"services": "Services",
"view": "View",
"viewCertificate": "View your certificate",
"mobErrorOccurredMsg":"Oops! It seems like you didn't specify the location where you want to save your certificate. Please select a valid path and try again."
"title": "Generate Certificate"
"guardianEnrollment": {
"field_list": {
"addNewBeneficiaryButton": "Add new beneficiary",
"deleteButton": "Delete",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"errorMessageEmiratesIdInvalid": "Your Emirates ID details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageMemberNotExist": "This user is not registered with GPSSA",
"errorMessageMemberNotValid": "Enrollment of guardian is only permitted for minor members. For adult beneficiaries, please select the caretaker option.",
"errorMessageMemberPassedAway": "You cannot enroll as a guardian for a deceased member.",
"errorMessagePassportInvalid": "Your passport details are invalid/expired or incomplete. Please update the information to proceed with the enrollment.",
"errorMessageSingleDependentOnly": "You can only enroll as a guardian for multiple beneficiaries. Since this user is a dependent, please raise a separate guardian enrollment request for them.",
"guardianCertificateTitle": "Guardian certificate",
"guardianFor": "Does the member you want to become guardian for holds an Emirates ID?",
"memberEmirates": "Enter the member's Emirate ID",
"memberEmiratesOrPassport": "Enter the member's Passport Number",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"serviceNameArabic": "تسجيل وصي",
"serviceNameEnglish": "Guardian Enrollment"
"title": "Guardian Enrollment"
"hamburgerMenu": {
"field_list": {
"mobAboutGpssa": "About GPSSA",
"mobAllRightsReserved": "All Rights Reserved (C) 2023 | GPSSA",
"mobContactUs": "Contact us",
"mobDarkMode": "B&W colors",
"mobDisclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"mobLoginWithGpssa": "Log in with GPSSA credentials",
"mobLoginWithUAEPass": "Log in with UAE Pass",
"mobLogout": "Log out",
"mobPrivacyPolicy": "Privacy policy",
"mobRateThisApp": "Rate this app",
"mobSettings": "Settings",
"mobSignInUaePass": "Sign in with UAE Pass",
"mobTermsAndConditions": "Terms and Conditions",
"mobTextToSpeech": "Text to speech",
"rateAppRedirectionError": "Unable to redirect to App Store"
"title": "Hamburger Menu Labels"
"headerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"agentLinkedMembers": "Agent Linked Members",
"caretakerLinkedMembers": "Caretaker Linked Members",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"employerPortalAccountType": "Employer account",
"gpssaLogo": "GPSSA Logo",
"guardianLinkedMembers": "Guardian Linked Members",
"hello": "Hello, ",
"localeArabic": "عربي",
"localeEnglish": "English",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Logout",
"managedMembers": "Managed Members",
"managedMembersTooltip": "Click to see details of ${0}",
"memberPortalAccountType": "Member account",
"modalHeading": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"no": "No",
"primaryAccount": "(Primary Account)",
"register": "Register",
"selectEmployer": "Select Employer",
"uaeGovtLogo": "UAE Logo",
"userProfile": "Your profile",
"viewMyAccount": "View profile",
"yes": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your Requests",
"maashiLogo": "Ma'ashi Logo"
"title": "header labels"
"helpAndSupport": {
"field_list": {
"createNewRequest": "Create new support request",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_400": "No FAQ found for this category!",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_404": "No FAQ found!",
"helpAndSupportTabList_404": "No service List Found!",
"pageHeading": "Help & Support",
"pageSubHeading": "Having some difficulties? We’re here to help",
"sidebarDescription": "You may refer to FAQs to obtain more information on a specific category or click on the button below to raise a new request."
"title": "Help And Support"
"injuryCompensation": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"alreadyInProgress": "You can not raise an Injury Compensation Request for this employee as previous request still under review.",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"attandanceReport": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"backBtn": "Back",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"compensationAmount": "Compensation amount",
"dateOfInjury": "Date of injury",
"disabilityCausedDueToWorkInjury": "Has this injury resulted in any disability?",
"disabilityPercentage": "Disability percentage",
"emirateIdNotValid": "Provided Emirates ID is not linked with employer code. Please try different Emirates ID.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "000-0000-0000000-0",
"employeeDetailsHeading": "Employee details",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"enterTypeInjury": "Enter type of injury",
"eosLinkMsg": "Please click ${0} to raise an end of service request",
"ibanCertificate": "IBAN Certificate of insured",
"injuryCaseSuccess": "Your injury compensation request has been successfully submitted",
"injuryDetails": "Injury Details",
"injuryDetailsSectionTitle": "Injury compensation",
"isCauseInjury": "Is the disability cause due to work injury?",
"isFitAfterInjury": "Is the person fit to work after injury?",
"isWorkInjury": "Is this work related injury?",
"medicalReport": "Medical report",
"nextBtn": "Submit",
"notAllowedToCompensation": "Injury compensation can be requested only for injury that resulted from the execution of work.",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"typeInjury": "Type of injury/disability",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"unableToGetBankList": "Unable to fetch bank list, please try again.",
"uploadDocuments": "Upload documents",
"uploadMandatory": "Upload of these documents is mandatory",
"workInvestigationReport": "Work injury investigation report"
"title": "Injury Compensation"
"insuredFinancialSummary": {
"field_list": {
"contributions": "Contributions",
"contributionsBodyLbl": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"ddsMandates": "Transactions and DDS mandates",
"ddsMandatesBodyLbl": "View your transaction history and direct debit mandate details",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriod": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriodBodyLbl": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests."
"title": "Insured Financial Summary"
"insuredRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"abpf": "ABPF",
"acquiredNationality": "Acquired nationality",
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Acquired nationality date",
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowances": "Additional miscellaneous allowance",
"aed": "AED",
"amountInAED": "Amount in AED",
"areYouPersonOfDetermination": "Are you a person of determination?",
"basicSalary": "Basic Salary",
"benefitsExchange": "Benefits Exchange",
"birth": "Birth",
"bs": "Basic Salary",
"ca": "Child allowance",
"changeContributionDeviates": "The change in contributable % deviates from GPSSA law and it will be sent to GPSSA admin for approval",
"childrenAllowance": "Child allowance",
"city": "City",
"closedRequestHeading": "Your request has been closed successfully",
"cola": "Cost of living allowance",
"completionDate": "Completion date",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"contributablePercent": "Contributable %",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary",
"contributableSalaryTooltip": "Maximum contributable salary for local/federal government sectors is AED 300,000",
"contributionAmount": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionDetailsHeading": "Contribution details",
"contributionDetailsInfo": "Contribution would be calculated from employment start date. Any delay in paying contribution will lead to daily penalty.",
"contributionPercentage": "Contribution percentage",
"contributionPercentageTooltip": "X% of which is included in contributable salary",
"contributionSalaryPercent": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionSectionGovtLawTxt": ", and the government must contribute ${0}%. Government share ${0}% will not be included in contribution proforma. This amount will be paid by government",
"contributionSectionLawTxt": "According to Federal <span class='lawText'>${0}</span> on Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equals to ${1}% of the employee salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis.While the employee must contribute ${2}% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute ${3}% of the employees's salary.",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"correctionsReasonHeading": "Please provide reason/documents for making corrections so that your employer can review.",
"costOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"councilMembers": "Council Members",
"country": "Country",
"countryOfIssue": "Country of issue",
"dateOfAcquiredNationality": "Date of acquired nationality",
"dateOfAcquiredNationalityTooltip": "Contributions will be collected based on the acquired nationality date",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"decree": "Decree",
"disagreeReasonHeading": "Please provide details for disagreeing on your employment details. The request will be closed once submitted.",
"educationDetailsHeading": "Education details",
"emailAddress": "E-mail ID",
"emailTooltip": "This e-mail ID will be used to notify the employee of updates.",
"emiratesIdDateExpired": "Your Emirates ID date has expired, please update the date on your <a href=\"/member/account/nationality\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: white\">profile</a> before proceeding with this request.",
"emiratesIdExpiryDate": "Emirates ID expiry date",
"employee": "Employee",
"employeeCategory": "Employee category",
"employeeCategoryToolTip": "Employee category tooltip data",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeEmiratesId": "Employee Emirates ID: ${0}",
"employer": "Employer",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"employmentContractType": "Employment contract type",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"expiryDate": "Expiry date",
"familyBookCityId": "Family book city ID",
"familyBookCityName": "Family book city name",
"familyBookDate": "Family book date",
"familyBookEmirateName": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyBookHeading": "Family Book",
"familyBookId": "Family book ID",
"familyNumber": "Family number",
"firstName": "First name (English)",
"formOfDisability": "Form of disability",
"gender": "Gender",
"generalAllowance": "General/nutrition allowance",
"governmentContribution": "Government share",
"gpssa": "GPSSA",
"grossSalaryMaxLimit": "Maximum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"grossSalaryMinLimit": "Minimum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"houseRentAllowance": "House rent allowance",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance",
"hra": "Housing allowance",
"idExpiryDate": "ID expiry date",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"instituteName": "Institute name",
"insuredDetails": "Insured Details",
"lateRegistrationReasonInsured": "Late registration reason of insured",
"iqrarIncomplete": "There is one or more profile update case in progress (PEU). You can track the case(s) <a href=\"/member/updaterequest/$caseId\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration:underline;\">here</a>",
"issueDate": "Issue date",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name (English)",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"applicablePensionLawTooltip": "Applicable pension law drives the contribution calculations for insured. Applicability of the law may change during approval of the request.",
"law-A": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"law-B": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"lateRegistrationReason": "Late registration reason of employer",
"major": "Major",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status",
"middleName": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"military": "Military",
"militaryPensionerContributionMsg": "You were identified as a non-contributing insured as you are a military pensioner. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service.",
"minister": "Minister",
"minorContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being less than 18. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDetailsHeading": "Nationality",
"natureOfWorkAllowance": "Nature of work allowance",
"nca": "Non-Contributable allowance",
"newRegistration": "New Registration",
"none": "None",
"oa": "Other allowance",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance",
"otherAllowancesHeading": "Other allowances",
"otherNonContributableAllowance": "Non-Contributable allowance",
"outstandingContributionMsg": "Your outstanding contribution is pending for",
"outstandingContributionPay": "This request is subject to GPSSA approval. The overdue contribution will be applied along with penalty.",
"passportDetailsHeading": "Passport details",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pensionAuthority": "Select a pension authority",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"personalInformationHeading": "Personal information",
"personOfDeterminationHeading": "Person of determination",
"personOfDeterminationId": "Person of determination ID",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"placeOfIssue": "Place of issue",
"profileIncomplete": "Your profile is incomplete, please update all mandatory information on your <a href=\"/member/account\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: blue\">profile</a> before proceeding with this request.",
"proofOfAcquiredNationality": "Acquired nationality document",
"qualification": "Qualification",
"receivingPensionFromOthers": "Are you currently receiving a pension from another pension authority?",
"registrationType": "Registration type",
"registrationTypeToolTip": "Registration type tooltip data",
"residentUae": "Is this insured a resident in UAE?",
"reviewPersonalInfo": "Please review your profile details <a id=\"reviewProfile\" href=\"\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: black\">here</a> before proceeding with the request.",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"sa": "Supplementary allowance",
"salaryComponent": "Salary Component",
"salaryDetailsHeading": "Salary details",
"seniorCitizenContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being above 60. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service",
"sharjahPensionAuthority": "Sharjah Pension Authority",
"soa": "Social allowance",
"socialAllowance": "Social allowance",
"submitModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to ${0} for review",
"submitModalSubHeading": "${0} is expected to respond in ${1} working days",
"supplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"title": "Title (English)",
"tncCheckboxLbl1": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncCheckboxLbl2": "I accept to share my personal information, including education, nationality, person of determination information and family details.",
"tncCheckboxLbl3": "I accept that ${0} shall be applicable for this employment.",
"tooltipContributableSalary": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. the maximum contributable salary is AED ${0} for public sector.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivate": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The maximum contributable salary for private sector = AED ${0}. For private sector, if salary is less than AED ${1}, then AED ${2} will be considered for contribution.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivateNewLaw": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The components considered for this calculation may differ based on whether the salary is less than or is greater than equal to 20,000.",
"tooltipGrossSalary": "This is the sum of contributable and non-contributable salary components",
"totalContribution": "Total contribution (20%)",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"transfer": "Transfer",
"transportationAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"uaeNationalByBirth": "Are you a UAE national by birth?",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified Number",
"updateProfile": "If you wish to make any updates, please visit <a href=\"/member/account\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;\">my profile.</a>",
"vevIncomplete": "There is one or more profile update case in progress (VEV). You can track the case(s) <a href=\"/member/updaterequest/$caseId\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration:underline;\">here</a>",
"workedForMilitary": "Have you previously worked for military employer?",
"workedInGovtSec": "Worked in government sector for more than 25 years?",
"workingForAnotherEmployer": "Are you currently working for another employer?",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"contributionFullMonthInfo" : "Monthly contributions are fully calculated for the month in which service begins for insured, in accordance with Federal Law No. (57) of 2023.",
"employerNameEnglish": "Employer name (English)",
"employerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"employerSector": "Employer sector",
"employerCountry": "Employer country",
"contributionStartDate": "Contribution start date",
"livingExpensesAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"grossSalary": "Gross salary",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"educationDegree": "Education degree",
"address": "Address",
"receivePension": "Does insured receive a pension from another authority?",
"no" : "No",
"yes" : "Yes",
"local" : "Government",
"private" : "Private",
"employeeContributionGCC": "Employee contribution",
"employmentType": "Employment type",
"full_time": "Full time",
"part_time": "Part time"
"title": "Insured registration"
"invoices": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"cancelPayment": "Cancel payment",
"cancelPaymentAll": "Cancel all payments?",
"cancelPaymentModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to:",
"cancelPaymentSingle": "Cancel selected payment?",
"cancelPaymentSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} cancelled successfully.",
"close": "Close",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"createSupportTicket": "Create support request",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"downloadCertificate": "Download certificate",
"downloadInvoice": "Download invoice",
"downloadReceipt": "Download receipt",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByDueDate": "Filter by payment due date",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by Status",
"filterByType": "Filter by Type",
"heading": "Payment history",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceDownloadFailed": "Could not download invoice",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"invoiceNo": "Invoice #",
"mandateId": "Mandate #",
"mandateUpdateFailed": "Could not update mandate",
"next": "Next",
"noInvoice": "No Invoices present",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"paymentFailureReason": "Rejection reason",
"paymentMode": "Payment mode",
"paymentRejectionReason": "Payment processing failed due to below error",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"payNowAll": "all installments?",
"payNowModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to initiate payment for:",
"payNowSingle": "selected installment?",
"payNowSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} initiated successfully.",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"receiptDownloadFailed": "Could not download receipt",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resubmit": "Resubmit payment",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"searchByType": "Search by Type",
"status": "Status",
"supportRequestCreated": "Support request #${0} created successfully.",
"type": "Type",
"updateMandate": "Update mandate",
"updateMandateAll": "all payments?",
"updateMandateModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to update mandate for:",
"updateMandateSingle": "selected payment?",
"updateMandateSuccessHeading": "Mandate for Request ID ${0} updated successfully.",
"downloadInvoiceTooltip" : "Enter the last four digits of your mobile number and the last four digits of your Emirates ID as invoice password."
"title": "Invoices"
"iqrarLabels": {
"field_list": {
"adminReviewHeading": "Your action is required",
"adminSubmitMessage": "You have successfully submitted the changes for review.",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "Captcha verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"confirmAdmin": "Please submit these changes for processing.",
"confirmAdminprofileIncomplete": "You can submit the request once all the critical/mandatory fields are updated",
"confirmIqrar": "Please click 'Submit' to submit your information to GPSSA. In clicking 'Submit', you acknowledge that all the information and documents you provided are correct, and you pledge to inform GPSSA of any developments or amendments to the information or documents you have submitted as they occur or as requested by GPSSA, and that you bear full legal responsibility if information is found to be incorrect.",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"extIqrarRaisedDisclaimer": "Your pension entitlement update raised by an external source is under review, updating some information and documents will be disabled.",
"fileExistError": " these files already exist",
"IAcceptBtn": "I accept",
"important": "Important",
"iqrarDocumentChanges": "You have made changes to document.",
"iqrarFieldChanges": "You have made changes to: ",
"iqrarRaisedDisclaimer": "Your pension entitlement update is under review, updating some information and documents will be disabled.",
"iqrarSubmitMessage": "You have successfully submitted your details to GPSSA for review.",
"legalTerms": "Legal Terms and Conditions",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
"reviewHeading": "Pension Entitlement Update",
"reviewSection": "Please review all sections marked in red.",
"submitBtn": "Submit",
"trackServiceBtn": "Track service request",
"uaeAccessError": "User Access Level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"updateBelowDocuments": "Please update the below documents",
"updateExpiredItems": "Please update following expired items before submitting for GPSSA review"
"title": "iqrarLabels"
"login": {
"field_list": {
"backBtn": "Back",
"confirmLink": "Didn't Receive an Email?",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"email": "Email",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"error_account_disabled": "Your account is locked because you have exceeded the maximum number of allowed attempts. Please use the Forgot Password feature to unlock your account.",
"error_invalid_credentials": "Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.",
"facebookLink": "",
"federalLogoAccessibilityLabel": "Federal Emblem of the United Arab Emirates",
"forgotPasswordDescription": "Enter your registered username and we will email you instructions to reset your password.",
"forgotPasswordLink": "Forgot your password?",
"forgotPasswordPageHeading": "Forgot Your password",
"forgotUsernameLink": "Forgot your username ?",
"gpssaLogoAccessibilityLabel": "Logo of the General Pension and Social Security Authority",
"instagramLink": "",
"invalidCredentials": "Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.",
"invalidPasswordHistoryMessage": "You cannot use your last 3 passwords. Please enter a different password.",
"loggedOutInactivityMsg": "Due to inactivity, you have been logged out. Please log back in.",
"loginBtn": "Log in",
"loginPageDescription": "Welcome. You can now log in to your account using your UAE Pass.",
"loginPageHeading": "Log in to your account",
"loginTrustMessage": "A single trusted digital identity for all citizens, residents and visitors.",
"loginWithGpssa": "Log in with GPSSA credentials",
"loginWithUAE": "Log in with UAE Pass",
"mobAllRightsReserved": "All Rights Reserved (C) 2023 | GPSSA",
"mobForgotPassword": "Forgot Password",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "9711234567890",
"mobLoginPageDescription": "You can now log in to your account using your GPSSA username and password or your UAE Pass.",
"mobLoginPageHeading": "Welcome",
"mobSignInUaePass": "Sign in with UAE Pass",
"modalBody": "Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password",
"modalHeading": "A link has been sent to your registered email",
"newPassword": "New Password",
"notFound": "This account does not exist",
"or": "Or",
"passwordLabel": "Password",
"passwordMatchError": "Password doesn't match",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Type here...",
"passwordStrength0": "No Password",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"passwordStrength4": "Strong",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"rememberMe": "Remember me",
"requiredValidation": "This is a required field",
"resetModalDescription": "Your password has been changed successfully. You can now log in.",
"resetModalHeading": "Password has been changed",
"resetPasswordDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"resetPasswordPageHeading": "Reset password",
"signUpLink": "Register here",
"signUpText": "Don't have an account?",
"twitterLink": "",
"usernameLabel": "Username",
"usernameNote": "If you are entering your mobile number, please do not include country code prefix or 0.",
"usernamePlaceholder": "Enter Emirates ID / Email ID / Mobile number",
"youtubeLink": "",
"underMaintenanceTitle": "Website under maintenance",
"underMaintenanceSubTitle": "This website is currenctly undergoing scheduled maintenance. We should be back shortly.",
"maintenanceSite": "Maintenance site"
"title": "Login"
"managedBy": {
"field_list": {
"deregisterAgent": "Remove as my Agent",
"deregisterCaretaker": "Remove as my Caretaker",
"deregisterGuardian": "Remove as my Guardian",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"heading": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"removeAgentHeading": "Are you sure you want to be removed as their Agent?",
"removeCaretakerHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"removeGuardianHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"successfullyRemovedAgentHeading": "You have successfully de-registered as Agent.",
"successfullyRemovedCaretakerHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"successfullyRemovedGuardianHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review."
"title": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian"
"managedMembers": {
"field_list": {
"deregisterAgent": "Deregister as Agent",
"deregisterCaretaker": "Deregister as Caretaker",
"deregisterGuardian": "Deregister as Guardian",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"error_multipleRequests": "We found an existing request of ${0} de-enrollment for the same member.",
"heading": "Managed Members",
"removeAgentHeading": "Are you sure you want to be removed as their Agent?",
"removeCaretakerHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"removeGuardianHeading": "Please upload the following document",
"successfullyRemovedAgentHeading": "You have successfully de-registered as Agent.",
"successfullyRemovedCaretakerHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"successfullyRemovedGuardianHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"viewBtnPrefix": "View ",
"viewBtnSuffix": "s account",
"error_deenroll002": "You cannot initiate a new Deregister request as a Deregister case is already in progress."
"title": "Managed Members"
"mandateDetails": {
"field_list": {
"accountHolderNameLabel": "Account holder name",
"back": "Back",
"bankNameLabel": "Bank name",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"formSubHeading": "Please provide your payment details",
"heading": "DDS mandate details",
"iban": "IBAN",
"maxAmtLabel": "Maximum amount",
"noBankDataTitle": "No Bank details present. Please add bank details in profile to create a new mandate.",
"noDataForIdText": "No record for given Mandate ID exists",
"purposeLabel": "Purpose",
"submit": "Submit",
"successModalTitle": "Mandate created successfully",
"tncCheckBoxContent": "I agree to allow GPSSA to deduct the amounts reflected on the monthly proforma from my account"
"title": "Mandate Details Form"
"mandates": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount",
"cancel": "Cancel mandate",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"dds": "DDS",
"filter": "Filter",
"fts": "FTS",
"heading": "All mandates",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"lastUpdated": "Last Updated",
"mandateId": "Mandate Id",
"noMandate": "No mandates present",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resubmit": "Resubmit mandate",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"searchByMandateNumber": "Search by mandate number",
"select": "Select",
"selectDDSMandate": "Please select a mandate from the list below.",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"status": "Status",
"type": "Type"
"title": "Mandates"
"mergeCalculator": {
"field_list": {
"addNewTimePeriod": "Add new time period",
"addTotalServicePeriods": "Add total service periods",
"aed": "AED",
"blankNominalLabel": "-",
"calculateBtn": "Calculate",
"clearBtn": "Clear",
"costOfMerging": "Cost of merging",
"from": "From",
"monthlyAmountTooltip": "This amount is 20% of the contribution salary that the employer must pay to GPSSA on behalf of an insured employee. For UAE nationals, it is divided as follows: Public Sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee and 15% from the employer. Private sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee, 12.5% from the employer, and 2.5% from the government.",
"monthlyContrubuted": "Monthly contribution salary (AED)",
"monthlyContrubutedAmount": "Monthly contribution amount (AED)",
"msg1": "The fields in this simulator are populated by default based on your current records with GPSSA.",
"msg2": "You can use this simulator to view the cost required to merge your employment periods in different scenarios.",
"msg3": "Please note that the displayed results are approximate amounts that are based on the inputs you provided. GPPSA is not liable to any decisions taken based on the result given by the simulator.",
"msg4": "The results displayed are estimates based on the values entered in the simulator. GPSSA is not liable to any decisions made based on these results.",
"serviceOneByOne": "Add service periods one by one",
"servicePensionPeriod": "Service/pension period to be merged",
"servicePeriodTooltip": "Service period considered include periods served with employers under GPSSA as well as periods served with other pension authorities as recorded with GPSSA. Periods highlighted may also include pension periods that an insured is eligible to merge within one year of going back to work.",
"shortDay": "D",
"shortMonth": "M",
"shortYear": "Y",
"to": "To",
"totalPeriodMerge": "Total periods to be merged",
"totalServicePeriod": "Total service period",
"valueAsLabel": "10000",
"yourresult": "Your Results"
"title": "Merge Period Simulator"
"mergePeriodsSimulator": {
"field_list": {
"calculate": "Calculate",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"costOfMerging": "Cost of merging",
"currency": "AED",
"days": "Days",
"disclaimer": "The results displayed are estimates only and based on the values entered into the simulator. GPSSA is not liable for the accuracy of these results nor any decisions made based on these results. Please contact the HR/finance department in your organization to validate these results.",
"heading": "Merge periods",
"message1": "The fields in this simulator are populated by default based on your current records with GPSSA.",
"message2": "You can use this simulator to view the cost required to merge your employment periods in different scenarios.",
"monthlyContributionAmount": "Monthly contribution amount (AED)",
"monthlyContributionAmountTooltip": "This amount is 20% of the contribution salary that the employer must pay to GPSSA on behalf of an insured employee. For UAE nationals, it is divided as follows: Public Sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee and 15% from the employer Private sector (20% of the salary): 5% from the employee, 12.5% from the employer, and 2.5% from the government.",
"monthlyContrubutionSalary": "Monthly contribution salary (AED)",
"monthlyContrubutionSalaryTooltip": "For government sector, the monthly contribution salary constitutes an employee’s basic monthly salary, social allowance, children's allowance, cost of living allowance, and accommodation allowance. <br /><br /> For private sector, the monthly contribution salary is mentioned in the employment contract and includes basic salary, gratuities, and allowances (that are paid regularly or monthly).",
"months": "Months",
"servicePeriods": "Service periods to be merged",
"servicePeriodsTooltip": "Values displayed in the drop-down list are the maximum periods you are eligible to merge as per GPSSA's records. It includes previous service periods with GPSSA and other UAE pension authorities (if applicable). You can change these values as per your requirements.",
"shortDay": "D",
"shortMonth": "M",
"shortYear": "Y",
"startMergeYears": "Start merge years services",
"totalServicePeriod": "Total service period",
"years": "Years",
"yourResults": "Your results"
"title": "Merge periods simulator"
"mergeServiceEmp": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"acceptConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Accept the merge request ?",
"acceptConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Accept the purchase request ?",
"approveSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully approved.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"confirmationMsg": "Do you want to approve or reject the payment request raised by the Insured for this service?",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeCost": "Cost to be paid by Employee",
"employerCost": "Cost to be paid by the Employer",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"insuredName": "Name of Insured",
"periodsRequested": "Periods Requested",
"provideRejectionReason": "Reason for rejecting",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Reject the merge request ?",
"rejectConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Reject the purchase request ?",
"rejectSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully rejected.",
"requestDetails": "Request Details",
"serviceName": "Name of Service",
"titleMsgMerge": "You have been requested to make a service merge payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below and proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"titleMsgPurchase": "You have been requested to make a service purchase payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below and proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"totalCost": "Total Cost",
"yes": "Yes",
"bankAccountType": "Bank Account",
"uaeBankAccount": "UAE Bank Account",
"gccBankAccount": "GCC Bank Account"
"title": "merge service emp"
"mergeServicePeriod": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"amount": "Amount",
"amountShareLimitError": "Cost share cannot be less than 1 or more than ${0}",
"back": "Back",
"backButton": "Back",
"clickHereQuotation": "Click to download quotation.",
"close": "Close",
"continueButton": "Continue",
"costSummaryCardHeader": "Estimated total cost",
"creditDebitCard": "Credit or debit card",
"currEmployerServicePeriodLabel": "Total service period",
"currEmployerServicePeriodLabelForMerge": "Total service period available for merge",
"currEmployerServicePeriodLabelForPurchase": "Total service period available for purchase",
"days": "Days",
"downloadQuotationLink": "",
"downPayment": "Downpayment",
"downPaymentError": "Downpayment cannot be greater than employee amount or total cost.",
"downPaymentInfo": "By default, the downpayment amount displayed represents the End of Service benefit received against the equivalent service period to be merged. You can enter a different value based on your preference.",
"downPaymentInfoPurchase": "By default, the downpayment amount displayed represents the End of Service benefit received against the equivalent service period to be purchased. You can enter a different value based on your preference.",
"downPaymentLabel": "Enter the downpayment amount",
"downPaymentLessThanMinimumError": "Downpayment must be greater than or equal to 50% of total cost (AED ${0}).",
"downPaymentLessThanPensionError": "Downpayment must be greater than or equal to Pension Merge cost (AED ${0}).",
"downpaymentLimitError": "Downpayment amount cannot be more than ${0}",
"employeeAmountShareError": "Employee should bear the Pension Merge cost.",
"EosDisclaimer": "EoS process may result in the EoS benefit even after merging pension.",
"genericApiError": "Some data could not be fetched. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"iban": "IBAN",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"inPercent": "(in %)",
"installment": "Installment",
"installmentAdjustments": "Your last installment amount would be adjusted so as to match the total cost and ensure no additional amount is deducted.",
"installmentAndDownPayment": "Installment & down payment",
"installmentMonths": "Months",
"mainInfo": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the My Account page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for merging the eligible and desired service period.",
"mainInfo1": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the",
"mainInfo2": " page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for merging the eligible and desired service period.",
"mainInfoLink": "My Account",
"mainInfoMerge": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the <a href='/member/account'>View Profile</a> page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for merging the eligible and desired service period.",
"mainInfoPurchase": "If the data displayed below does not accurately reflect the actual periods served with GPSSA and/or other authorities, please visit the <a href='/member/account'>View Profile</a> page and update your details. After the changes are successfully reviewed and updated, you may apply for purchasing the desired service period.",
"mergeCostApiError": "Unable to fetch service period merging cost",
"mergeCostError": "Unable to get total merging cost",
"mergePensionWarning": "Do you want to merge Pension ?",
"mergePeriodApiError": "Unable to fetch service period",
"mergePeriodError101": "Non contributing members cannot avail the service.",
"mergePeriodError102": "This service is unavailable for FNC members.",
"mergePeriodError103": "Your service period is less than the minimum requirement to continue with the service.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge101": "This service is not applicable for Non-Contributing Insured.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge102": "This service is not applicable for FNC-Council members.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge103": "The age of the insured cannot be more than or equal to 55 years.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge104": "The pension can be merged only within ${0} year(s) of joining current employer.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge105": "The employment is ineligible.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge106": "You cannot initiate a new Merge request as a merge case is already in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge107": "Member not eligible for merge years because End of Service is in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorMerge111": "You cannot initiate a new Merge request as a Cost recalculation on your previous merge case is in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase101": "This service is not applicable for Non-Contributing Insured.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase102": "This service is unavailable for FNC members.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase103": "The service period should be equal to or more than ${0} years to be eligible for purchase service",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase106": "You cannot initiate a new Purchase request as a purchase case is already in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase107": "Member not eligible for purchase years because End of Service is in progress.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase109": "There's no eligible service period available for purchase.",
"mergePeriodErrorPurchase111": "You cannot initiate a new Purchase request as a Cost recalculation on your previous purchase case is in progress.",
"monthlyContributionSalary": "Monthly contributable salary",
"monthlyEMI": "Monthly EMI",
"months": "Months",
"months1": "Month",
"months2": "Months",
"no": "No",
"oneTimePayment": "One-time payment",
"ongoingMergeError": "You have an ongoing merge request, you cannot proceed.",
"paidByBoth": "Paid by both me and employer",
"paidByBothInfo1": "By default, the amount to be paid by the employer excludes the end of service amount received by you for the equivalent period. You can enter different values based on your preference.",
"paidByBothInfo2": "After you click Continue, you will be able set up the payment details to settle your share of the cost through a one-time payment or through installments.",
"paidByEmployer": "Paid by employer",
"paidByMe": "Paid by me",
"payByEmployerQuotation": "Want to share the payment quotation with your employer before submission?",
"pensionCostofMerging": "Total cost for pension service periods",
"percentShareLimitError": "Cost percentage share cannot be less than 1 or more than 100",
"prevEmployerServicePeriodLabel": "Total service period for pension",
"provideDetails": "Please provide the required details to pay for this service.",
"purchaseCostPeriodApiError": "Unable to fetch service period purchasing cost",
"selectEmployer": "Select Employer",
"selectIbanDropdownLabel": "Select IBAN",
"selectInstallmentPeriod": "Considering your current age and salary, you're eligible for a maximum of ${0} months of installments, please select the installment period.",
"selectInstallmentPeriodInfo": "Minimum Monthly payment should be 25% of your contributable salary and installment period should end before you become 60 year old.",
"selectMergePeriodError": "Merge period cannot be greater than total service period",
"selectPayee": "Select payee option",
"selectPaymentModeLabel": "Select payment modes",
"selectPaymentType": "Select payment type",
"selectPeriodInfo": "The default values displayed in the fields below reflect the maximum service periods that you are eligible to merge. You can modify the selection and choose different values.",
"selectPurchasePeriodInfo": "The default values displayed in the fields below reflect the maximum service periods that you are eligible to purchase. You can modify the selection and choose different values.",
"selectPurchasePeriodError": "Purchase Period cannot be greater than your available purchase limit",
"selectPurchasePeriodHeading": "Select service periods to purchase",
"selectServicePeriodHeading": "Select service periods to merge",
"shareOfCost": "Share of total cost",
"submissionWarningText": "Are you sure you want to proceed with the submission?",
"submitButton": "Submit",
"submitWarningText": "Are you sure you want to proceed with the payment?",
"successMessage": "Case is created successfully and sent to GPSSA for review.",
"successMessageUpdate": "Case is updated successfully.",
"successRequestSentToEnployer": "The payment request has been successfully sent to your employer for approval.",
"tncContent1": "I accept the",
"tncContent2": " associated with this service.",
"tncLinkText": "terms & conditions",
"toBePaidByEmployer": "To be paid by the employer",
"toBePaidByMe": "To be paid by me",
"totalAmountPaidByEmployer": "Total amount to be paid by the employer",
"totalAmountPaidByMe": "Total amount to be paid by me",
"totalCost": "Total cost",
"totalCostForMerge": "Total cost for merging service periods",
"totalCostForPurchase": "Total cost for purchasing service periods",
"totalInstallmentAmount": "Total installment amount",
"years": "Years",
"yes": "yes",
"salaryCertificateDocTooltip": "Detailed and recent salary certificate containing 5% deduction for insured.",
"acquisitionDocumentDocTooltip": "This is a proof of citizenship document that must be uploaded if the insured wishes to merge service periods prior to obtaining citizenship.",
"bankAccountType": "Bank Account",
"uaeBankAccount": "UAE Bank Account",
"gccBankAccount": "GCC Bank Account",
"gccBankAccountInfo" : "As a UAE National with GCC Bank account, the payment will be made by the employer."
"title": "merge Service Period labels"
"monthlySummaryLbl": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"beneficiaryPension": "Beneficiary Pension",
"beneficiarySalary": "Total beneficiary salary",
"civil": "Civil",
"civilianAndMilitaryPension": "Gross monthly pension",
"civilianPension": "Pension (civilian)",
"contributions": "Contributions",
"currentMonthlyContribution": "Monthly contribution amount",
"deductions": "Deductions",
"employer": "Employer ",
"government": "Government ",
"insuredSalarySummary": "Monthly contributable salary",
"loading": "loading",
"military": "Military",
"militaryPension": "Pension (military)",
"militaryPensionMonthlySummary": "Pension (military)",
"monthlyBeneficiarySalary": "Monthly beneficiary salary",
"monthlyPension": "Total retirement pension",
"monthlyStatementHeading": "Monthly summary",
"netPension": "Net Pension",
"pension": "Pension",
"pensionAndBeneficiary": "Net Retirement + Beneficiary Pension",
"percent": "%",
"retirementPension": "Retirement Pension",
"tooltipBeneficiary": "Your beneficiary salary for this month.",
"tooltipInsured": "Sum of your contributions and employer contrbution for this month.",
"tooltipInsuredPensionerBeneficiary": "Sum of your contributions, pension, and beneficiary salary for this month.",
"tooltipPensionAndBeneficiary": "Sum of your net retirement pension and net beneficiary salary for this month.",
"tooltipPensioner": "Your net pension and deductions for this month.",
"totalBeneficiarySalary": "Total beneficiary pension",
"totalDeduction": "Total deduction",
"viewInDetail": "View details",
"yourContribution": "Employee "
"title": "Personal dashboard monthly summary labels"
"nationalityLabels": {
"field_list": {
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Acquired nationality date",
"acquiredNationalityMethod": "Acquired nationality method",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdExpiaryDate": "Emirates ID expiration date",
"heading": "Nationality",
"homeInsuredId": "Home insured ID",
"homeNationalId": "Home national ID",
"isGcc": "Are you a GCC national?",
"isResident": "Are you resident in the UAE?",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDetails": "nationality details",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified number",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Nationality"
"newRequestFeedbackModal": {
"field_list": {
"appreciateFeedback": "We appreciate your feedback.",
"completeThisSurvey": "Please rate our services by taking a short survey. Your inputs will help us serve you better.",
"feedbackReceived": "We have received your feedback.",
"giveFeedback": "Was this information helpful?",
"loggingYourRequest": "Logging your request",
"noThankYou": "No, thank you",
"rateTheFollowing": "Please rate our services.",
"ratingScale": "Rating scale: 1 – Very Satisfied, 2 – Satisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Unsatisfied, 5 – Very Unsatisfied",
"resolvingYourRequests": "Resolving your request",
"startSurvey": "Start survey",
"surveyHeading": "Feedback survey",
"thankyouForSurvey": "Thank you for taking the survey. Your feedback is very important in helping us improve your future experience with GPSSA.",
"yourOverallExperience": "Your overall experience"
"notifications": {
"field_list": {
"notificationsHeading": "Notifications"
"title": "notificcations"
"otherEmploymentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"abpf": "Abu Dhabi Pension Fund",
"addMore": "Add previous or current employment that are not under GPSSA",
"addOtherEmployment": "Add employment",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"country": "Country",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"effectiveSalaryUpdateDate": "Effective date of salary update",
"empCountry": "Country",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceAmount": "End of service amount",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service status",
"endOfServiceStatus": "End of service status",
"eosAmount": "End of service amount",
"federal": "Federal",
"government": "Government",
"heading": "Other Employment details",
"hereLbl": "here",
"local": "Local",
"mergedPeriod": "Merged period",
"mergePeriod": "Merge period",
"mergeServicePeriodDay": "Merge Service Period Days",
"mergeServicePeriodMonth": "Merge Service Period Months",
"mergeServicePeriodYr": "Merge Service Period Years",
"military": "Military",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of Pension Authority",
"nameOfPensionAuthorityOther": "Name of Pension Authority (Other)",
"noBenefit": "No benefit",
"nominalPeriod": "Nominal period",
"nominalServicePeriodDay": "Nominal Service Period Days",
"nominalServicePeriodMonth": "Nominal Service Period Months",
"nominalServicePeriodYr": "Nominal Service Period Years",
"other": "Other",
"otherEmploymentConsent": "Other Employment Consent",
"pension": "Pension",
"private": "Private",
"purchasedPeriod": "Purchased period",
"purchasePeriod": "Purchase period",
"purchaseServicePeriodDay": "Purchase Service Period Days",
"purchaseServicePeriodMonth": "Purchase Service Period Months",
"purchaseServicePeriodYr": "Purchase Service Period Years",
"raiseComplaint": "create a request",
"remuneration": "Remuneration",
"salary": "Salary",
"sector": "Sector",
"selectCountry": "Select country",
"sharjahPensionAuthority": "Sharjah Pension Authority",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"updatePensionLbl": "Please update your pension details",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"gccNationalsOnly": "Only employment within GCC countries is eligible for declaration. Employment in non-GCC countries must not be included.",
"employmentCountry": "Employment country"
"title": "Other Employment details"
"otherSalaryLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addMore": "Would you like to add salary?",
"addOtherSalary": "Add other salary",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary (in AED)",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"employeeContributionToPension": "Employee contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"employeeContributionToPensionFund": "Employee contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"employer": "Other employer name",
"employerContributionToPension": "Employer contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"employerContributionToPensionFund": "Employer contribution to pension fund (in AED)",
"governmentContributionToPension": "Government share to pension fund (in AED)",
"governmentContributionToPensionFund": "Government share to pension fund (in AED)",
"heading": "Other salary details",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"otherEmployerName": "Other employer name",
"otherPensionSource": "Other employer name",
"otherSalary": "other salary",
"otherSourceOfSalary": "Do you have any other source of salary?",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of Pension Authority",
"relatedEmployerName": "Related employer name",
"rentAllowance": "Rent allowance (in AED)",
"specialAllowance": "Special allowance (in AED)",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Other salary details"
"otpModalTemplateLabels": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"closeLabel": "Close",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"minuteLabel": "minute",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your registered email ID: ${0}",
"otpSentHeadingMobile": "Verify your identity by entering the one-time password (OTP) sent on your registered mobile number: ${0}",
"otpValidationSuccessHeading": "OTP verified successfully",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"secondsLabel": "seconds",
"timeRemaining": "remaining"
"title": "otp modal template labels"
"overpayment": {
"field_list": {
"amountPaid": "Amount Paid",
"apiError": "Unable to fetch overpayment details.",
"costSummaryCardHeader": "Payment Summary",
"overpaymentAmount": "Overpayment Amount",
"overpaymentDeduction": "Overpayment Deductions",
"overpaymentDetail": "Overpayment Details",
"overpaymentRecipt": "Overpayment Receipt",
"pensionElementDescription": "Pension Element Description",
"recoveryDetails": "Recovery Details",
"title": "Overpayment",
"totalAmountRecovered": "Total Amount Recovered",
"totalAmountRemaining": "Total Amount Remaining",
"totalCostForOverPayment": "Total Overpayment Amount",
"transactionDate": "Transaction Date",
"transactionReference": "Transaction Reference",
"transactionType": "Transaction Type"
"title": "OverPayment"
"pageTitles": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"contact": "Contact details",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment details",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial",
"managedBy": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"managedMembers": "Managed members",
"mandates": "Mandate Details",
"mandatoryUploadDocument": "Uploading these documents is mandatory",
"medical": "Medical status",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"passport": "Passport details",
"personal": "Personal",
"personalDetails": "Personal details",
"termsAndCondition": "Terms and Conditions",
"title": "Title English"
"title": "Page Title"
"passportLabels": {
"field_list": {
"countryOfIssue": "Country of issue",
"expiryDate": "Expiration date",
"heading": "Passport details",
"issueDate": "Issue date",
"passportDetails": "passport details",
"passportDocument": "Upload document",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"placeOfIssue": "Place of issue",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully updated your passport details",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"passportDoc": "Passport Copy"
"title": "Passport details"
"pensionerOtherPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addMore": "Would you like to add pension?",
"addOtherPension": "Add other pension",
"benefactorName": "Benefactor's name",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"confirmPensionConsent": "-",
"heading": "Pension details",
"monthlyPensionInstallment": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"nameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority",
"otherNameOfPensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority (Other)",
"otherPensionConsent": "Other Pension Consent",
"otherSourceOfPensionerPension": "Do you have any other source of pension?",
"otherSourceOfSalary": "Do you have any other source of pension?",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of Pension Authority",
"pensionEndDate": "Pension end date",
"pensionerOtherPension": "pensioner other pension details",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"pensionType": "Pension type",
"relatedEmployerName": "Related employer name",
"scheme": "Scheme",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Other pension details"
"pensionerPensionLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Pension details",
"installmentAmount": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"lastPensionDisbursement": "Last pension disbursement (in AED)",
"lastPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Last pension entitlement update date",
"lastPensionPayment": "Last pension disbursement (in AED)",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDate": "Next Pension Entitlement Update date",
"nextPensionEntitlementUpdateDueDate": "Next pension entitlement update due date",
"pensionCompensation": "Pension compensation (in AED)",
"pensionEntitlement": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionEntitlementAmount": "Pension entitlement (in AED)",
"pensionerPension": "pensioner pension details",
"pensionInstallment": "Pension installment (in AED)",
"pensionInstallmentAmount": "Monthly pension salary (in AED)",
"pensionStartDate": "Pension start date",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Pension details"
"personalDashboardLbl": {
"field_list": {
"additionalPurchaseInfo": "You can purchase up to <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>",
"aed": "AED",
"ageCheck": "Min. age required: ",
"ageLabelCheck": " if at age ",
"applicableMergeHeading": "Applicable merge service periods",
"applicableMergeInfo": "You can merge up to <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>.",
"applicableMergeRequestButton": "Start request",
"applicableMergeSimulatorButton": "Merge service periods simulator",
"applicableMergeTooltipText": "Lorum Ipsum",
"benefits": "Pension summary",
"cost": "Cost (AED)",
"createNewRequest": "Create a new request",
"dependentsCardTitle": "Dependents",
"dependentsTooltipText": "Registered family members who are financially dependent on you.",
"employments": "Contribution summary",
"eosBenefitCardBody": "Based on your total service period to date, you are entitled to a reward of:",
"eosBenefitCardBtn": "End of service / pension simulator",
"eosBenefitCardTitle": "Your potential benefits",
"eosBenefitCardValue": "AED ${0}",
"eosBenefitStatusFail": "You are not eligible",
"eosBenefitStatusSuccess": "You are eligible",
"eosBenefitTitle": "End of service benefit",
"eosEligibilityCardTitle": "Eligibility status",
"eosNoBenefitBody": "Currently you are not entitled for any benefits.",
"is": "is ",
"maxPensionTooltipText": "Additional period required to achieve the optimal retirement pension(100% of average monthly contributable salary)",
"minPensionTooltipText": "Additional period required to become eligible of retirement",
"mobDashboardTab": "Dashboard",
"mobFinancialTab": "Financial",
"mobHappinessTab": "Happiness",
"mobileLoader": "Loading ...",
"mobMngdMemAccordionAccessibilityLbl": "This will show or hide the managed members.",
"mobRequestCardMsg": "Here are your existing requests. You can create new ones for support related enquires, complaints, suggestions or service related requests.",
"mobRequestsTab": "Requests",
"mobServicesTab": "Services",
"mobViewAllRequest": "View all",
"mobViewMoreRequest": "View more",
"noRequestLbl": "You have no existing requests.",
"noRequestsHeading": "Your Requests",
"notApplicableMergeInfo": "You are not eligible for merge service period but you can still use simulator to check merge service period.",
"ongoingMergeHeading": "Ongoing merge request",
"ongoingPurchaseTitle": "Ongoing purchase request",
"optimalPeriodTooltip": "Optimal retirement period tooltip",
"optimalTitle": "Optimal Retirement Reward",
"overduePeriodLabel": "Overdue payment",
"pageTabTitle": "GPSSA | Personal Dashboard",
"paidPeriodLabel": "Paid & Merged",
"pensionBenefitDisclaimer": "Pension will start when you reach 50 years of age.",
"pensionSalaryTitle": "Pension salary",
"pensionTitle": "Pension",
"period": "Period",
"periodValue": "${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D",
"plannerBtn": "Retirement planner",
"plannerToMaxPension": "Remaining period for optimal retirement <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong>",
"plannerTooltipText": "Total eligible service period including employment period and any purchase or merged sevice period",
"plannerToPension": "Remaining period for minimum retirement <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong>",
"plannerTotal": "Current service period: <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong>",
"profileAutolinked": "Your profile is successfully updated from UAE Pass",
"profileNotAutolinked": "Your profile could not be updated from UAE Pass",
"purchaseNeedsTime": "You need an additional <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> to be able to purchase additional periods",
"purchaseNotAllowed": "You are not eligible to purchase additional periods.",
"purchaseTitle": "Purchase additional period",
"raisedMergeInfo": "You have requested to merge <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>",
"raisedPurchaseInfo": "You have requested to purchase <strong>${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D</strong> for a cost of <strong>AED ${3}</strong>",
"request": "request",
"requestHeading": "Your Requests",
"requestLbl": "Your existing requests are listed below.",
"requestTypeHeading": "Service & support requests",
"retirementPlannerTitle": "Retirement planning",
"sericePeriodCheck": "Min. periods required: ",
"serviceMob": "service",
"supportMob": "support",
"service": "service",
"support": "support",
"total": "Total",
"unpaidServiceDisclaimer": "Unpaid service period is excluded while computing End of Service benefits.",
"unpaidServicePeriod": "Unpaid service period",
"unpaidServicePeriodTooltip": "Unpaid service period tooltip",
"upcomingPeriodLabel": "Upcoming payment",
"viewAllRequest": "View all requests",
"viewDependentDetailsBtn": "View dependent details",
"viewPaymentButton": "View payment details",
"years": "Years",
"yearsServed": "Years served",
"yearsToMax": "Years to maximize your benefits",
"yearsToPension": "Years required for pension",
"your": "Your",
"yourRequestStatus": "The status of your ${0} request #${1} is '${2}'"
"title": "Personal dashboard labels"
"personalDetails": {
"field_list": {
"courtesy": "Title English",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"disclaimer": "Profile name must also be updated on FAIC.",
"divorceDate": "Divorce Date",
"firstNameArabic": "First name (Arabic)",
"firstNameEnglish": "First name (English)",
"gender": "Gender",
"heading": "Personal Profile",
"lastNameArabic": "Last name (Arabic)",
"lastNameEnglish": "Last name (English)",
"maidenNameArabic": "Maiden name (Arabic)",
"maidenNameEnglish": "Maiden name (English)",
"mandatoryUploadDocument": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status",
"maritalStatusValidationMessage": "Selected Marital status date should not precede previous marital status date",
"marriageDate": "Marriage Date",
"middleNameArabic": "Middle name(s) (Arabic)",
"middleNameEnglish": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"personalDetails": "personal details",
"personalDocument": "Upload document",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"title": "Title (English)",
"titleArabic": "Title (Arabic)",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully updated your personal details",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"validationCourtesy": "Maximum 50 characters allowed",
"widowedDate": "Widowed Date",
"updateICPLabels": "Update dependent details from ICP",
"submitAnotherRequest": "You can submit another request on",
"icpApiError": "Error in syncing personal info from ICP",
"updateICPToolTip": "Clicking the button will update your profile information including name and nationality from ICP.",
"updateICPLabelsCommon": "Update Details from ICP",
"goBackToAccount": "To resubmit mandatory information, please go to <a href=\"/member/account\" style=\"text-decoration:underline;color: blue\">profile</a>."
"title": "Personal"
"preLoginLbl": {
"field_list": {
"addressHeading": "Address",
"call": "Call",
"contactUs": "Contact us",
"copyRightText": "All Rights Reserved © 2023 | GPSSA",
"logIntoGpssaMemberAccount": "Log in to GPSSA Member Account",
"openingHours": "Opening hours",
"ourLocations": "Our locations",
"servicesHeading": "Services"
"profilePictureLabels": {
"field_list": {
"close": "Close",
"editPhoto": "Edit picture",
"goToProfle": "Go to profile",
"imgAcceptedFormat": "image/tiff,image/bmp,image/jpeg,image/png",
"imgAcceptMsg": "Only .bmp, .jpeg, .tiff, or .png images are allowed",
"profileImg": "Upload profile picture",
"profileImgFailMsg": "Profile Picture upload failed",
"profileImgSuccessMsg": "You have uploaded your profile picture successfully",
"save": "Save",
"updateCompanyLogo": "update company logo",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload a profile picture",
"uploadMandatory": "Uploading a profile picture is mandatory"
"title": "Profile Picture"
"proformaDetails": {
"field_list": {
"actualAmount": "Actual amount",
"amount": "Amount",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveProforma": "Approve",
"approveProformaModal": "Are you sure you want to approve the proforma?",
"approverComments": "Approver comments",
"backToReviewer": "Request will be sent back to reviewer.",
"bulkSalaryUpdate": "Bulk salary update",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"canNotBeEdited": "Proforma can not be edited once approved.",
"close": "Close",
"confirmSubmit": "Are you sure you want to submit?",
"contributionInfoChanged": "Some information has been changed in contribution. Please use filter to check those details.",
"dateFilterEndLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment end date range",
"dateFilterStartLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment start date range",
"dds": "DDS",
"downloadProforma": "Download proforma",
"employeeLeftMsg": "If an employee has left the employer, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to initiate the End of Service request.",
"employeeMissingMsg": "If an employee is missing, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to be redirected to New Employee Registration.",
"exceptedAmount": "Expected amount",
"exceptionalEmployeeTooltip": "Employee's data has been changed or joined after proforma generation",
"filterButtonLabel": "Filters",
"fts": "FTS",
"goToProfile": "Go to my profile",
"heading": "Proforma details",
"leaveContributionsFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Show records with leave contributions",
"leaveContributionsTooltipMsg": "Please select this option if you want to view employees for whom leave contributions",
"no": "No",
"noEmployees": "No Employees are available",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"PaymentPreferenceSetup": "Payment preference setup",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"period": "Period",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"proformaApproved": "You have successfully approved ${0} proforma.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg1": "Mandate request has been sent to central bank for approval.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg2": "You will be notified once it is approved.",
"proformaNotApprovedMsg": "If proforma is not approved by the due date, penalties will be imposed.",
"proformaNotEditable": "Proforma can not be edited once submitted.",
"proformaNumber": "Proforma #",
"proformaRejected": "You have successfully rejected ${0} proforma",
"proformaRejectedByFinance": "The proforma has been rejected. Please find below additional comments.",
"proformaRejectReason": "Please provide a reason for rejection.",
"rejectProforma": "Reject",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Showing",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"reviewerComments": "Reviewer comments",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by employee name or Emirates ID",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"selectReason": "Select reason",
"sendForApproval": "Send for approval",
"sendProformaToFinance": "Are you sure you want to send the proforma for approval?",
"sentProformaToFinance": "${0} Proforma has been sent for approval.",
"setupPaymentPreference": "No payment preference has been set up, please select the payment mode.",
"status": "Proforma status",
"submit": "Submit",
"tableHeadContributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"tableHeadEmiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"tableHeadEmployeeContribution": "Employee share (5%)",
"tableHeadEmployeeName": "Employee name",
"tableHeadEmployerContribution": "Employee share (5%)",
"tableHeadIncludeInProforma": "Include in proforma",
"viewMandate": "View mandate",
"wantToApprove": "Are you sure you want to approve?",
"yes": "Yes"
"providerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"heading": "Provider",
"providerName": "Provider name",
"relationshipWithProvider": "Relationship with provider"
"title": "Provider"
"reasonLabels": {
"field_list": {
"deceased": "Dependent is deceased",
"divorced": "Dependent is divorced",
"independent": "Dependent is financially independent",
"married": "Dependent is married"
"title": "Reason labels"
"register-beneficiary": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"addNewBeneFactor": "Add new benefactor",
"agentPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Agent power of attorney",
"benefactorAlreadyExists": "Emirates ID you have entered is already available in the benefactor list.",
"benefactorDetails": "Benefactor details",
"benefactorRelationship": "Relationship with benefactor - I am their:",
"benefactorRelationshipAgent": "Relationship with benefactor",
"beneficiaryCourtJudgementDoc": "Beneficiary court judgement",
"beneficiaryDocuments": "Beneficiary registration documents",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelAddingBenefactor": "Remove benefactor",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabel": "All your progress will be lost",
"caretakerCertificateDoc": "Caretaker Certificate",
"clearanceCertificateDoc": "Clearance Certificate",
"closeButton": "Close",
"continuationOfStudyCertificateDoc": "Continuation of Study Certificate",
"courtJudgementDoc": "Court judgement",
"courtJudgmentDoc": "Court judgement",
"deathcertificateDoc": "Death Certificate",
"degreeCertificate": "Degree Certificate",
"disabilityCardDoc": "Disability Certificate or Any Medical Condition",
"divorceCertificateDoc": "Divorce Certificate",
"documenntsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"eitherOrValidation": "Uploading either ${0} or ${1} is mandatory",
"eitherSelectOrAdd": "Either select benefactor from the dropdown or add a new benefactor.",
"emiratesId": "Benefactor's Emirates ID",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "EoS Certificate",
"enrollmentLetter": "Enrollment Letter",
"fathersDeathCertificateDoc": "Father's Death Certificate",
"formValidationsbenefactorDetails": "selecting benefactors is required",
"formValidationscertificateDate": "Death certificate date is a required field",
"formValidationsdeathCertificateNumber": "Death certificate number is a required field",
"formValidationsdeathDate": "Death date is required field",
"formValidationsdeathDropArea": "Death certificate is required",
"formValidationsdeathPlace": "Death place is required field",
"formValidationsemiratesId": "Emirates ID required field",
"formValidationsminorsDropArea": "Minor documents are required",
"formValidationsrelationship": "relationship required field",
"guardianCertificateDoc": "Guardian Certificate",
"iban": "IBAN certificate*",
"inCompleteBankDetails": "Bank details are incomplete in your profile. Please provide all details to proceed.",
"inCompleteProfile": "Please provide information for the sections shown below.",
"isNotRetired": "The provided user is not a pensioner.",
"marriageCertificateDoc": "Marriage Certificate",
"medicalReport": "Medical Report",
"nameChangeCertificateFromCourtDoc": "Name Change Certificate from court",
"nationalIdDoc": "National ID",
"noButton": "No",
"nocDoc": "No objection certificate",
"notValidEmiratesId": "This Emirates ID is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>.",
"notValidPensionerId": "This Pensioner ID is not registered with GPSSA. <a href=\"/member/createnewrequest/support\" style=\"color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;\">Click here to raise support request</a>.",
"otherBeneficiaryPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"otherPensionAuthDoc": "Certificate from other pension authority",
"otherPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"passportDoc": "Passport Copy",
"pensionCertificateDoc": "Pension certificate",
"pensionerId": "Benefactor's Pensioner ID",
"pensionerIdDoc": "Pensioner ID",
"registerMinor": "Register a minor beneficiary",
"selectAmongPensionerIdOrEmiratesIdOfBenefactor": "Select among Pensioner id or Emirates Id of benefactor",
"selectIban": "Select IBAN",
"selectTheName": "Select name",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"underReviewProfile": "Your profile is under review",
"passportSizePhotoDoc": "Passport Size Photo",
"ministryOfCommunityDevelopmentCertificateDoc": "Certificate from United Arab Emirates Ministry of Community Development",
"usersDocuments": "${0} ${1}'s Documents",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"brDuplicateCase": "We have identified a preexisting request to add this individual as a beneficiary. Kindly consider selecting a different person whom you would like to add as a beneficiary.",
"brExistingCase": "You are already linked with this person as beneficiary. Consider selecting different person.",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"emiratesIDDoc": "Emirates ID",
"certificateOfStudyContinuationDoc": "Certificate of Study Continuation",
"dependencyCertificateFromCourtDoc": "Dependency Certificate from Court",
"disabilityCertificateDoc": "Disability Certificate",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment Contract",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"iBANCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"legalHeirsCertificateDoc": "Legal Heirs Certificate",
"medicalReportDoc": "Recent Medical Report from Government Hospital",
"nationalServiceCertificateDoc": "National Service Certificate",
"notReceivingPensionCertificateDoc": "Not Receiving Pension Certificate",
"pensionSalaryCertificateDoc": "Pension Salary Certificate",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport Copy",
"peopleOfDeterminationCertificateDoc": "People of Determination Certificate",
"salaryCertificateDoc": "Salary Certificate",
"socialStatusCertificateDoc": "Social Status Certificate",
"unemploymentCertificateDoc": "Unemployment Certificate",
"husbandsDependencyCertificateDoc": "Husband's Dependency Certificate",
"recentPersonalPhotoDoc": "Recent Personal Photo",
"ibanTitle" : "IBAN",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable Pension Law",
"lawA": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"lawB": "Law No. 57 of 2023"
"title": "Register Beneficiary"
"requestFeedbackModal": {
"field_list": {
"appreciateFeedback": "We appreciate your feedback.",
"completeThisSurvey": "Please rate our services by taking a short survey. Your inputs will help us serve you better.",
"feedbackReceived": "We have received your feedback.",
"giveFeedback": "Was this information helpful?",
"loggingYourRequest": "Logging your request",
"noThankYou": "No, thank you",
"rateTheFollowing": "Please rate our services.",
"ratingScale": "Rating scale: 1 – Very Satisfied, 2 – Satisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Unsatisfied, 5 – Very Unsatisfied",
"resolvingYourRequests": "Resolving your request",
"startSurvey": "Start survey",
"surveyHeading": "Feedback survey",
"thankyouForSurvey": "Thank you for taking the survey. Your feedback is very important in helping us improve your future experience with GPSSA.",
"yourOverallExperience": "Your overall experience"
"title": "feedback modal"
"retirementPlanner": {
"field_list": {
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch some data.",
"apiFetchErrorMerge": "Unable to fetch your mergeable service period data at the moment.",
"apiFetchErrorPurchase": "Unable to fetch your purchasable service period data at the moment.",
"baselineResultsTitle": "Your baseline results",
"currentAge": "Current age",
"currentAgeTooltip": "Eligible as of ${0}, assuming continuous periods of service until this date",
"currentInputsAge": "Age",
"currentInputsGender": "Gender",
"currentInputsTitle": "Your current inputs",
"currentSalary": "Average salary",
"currentServicePeriods": "Current service periods",
"description": "Based on your inputs, here are the benefits you would be earning depending on the age you choose to retire",
"impactButtonText": "Show impact",
"ineligible": "Ineligible",
"info": "This tool is intended to provide estimated figures only. Numbers displayed should not be relied upon as a calculation of the exact amount received at retirement.",
"mergeButtonText": "Start merge years",
"mergeDescription": "Merge your previous service period of:",
"mergeEligibilityError": "Merge your previous service period, however you are not eligible for Merging service period.",
"mergeInputError": "Merge period input should be in the range of ${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D - ${3}Y ${4}M ${5}D",
"minimumRetirement": "Minimum retirement",
"minimumRetirementTooltip": "Eligible as of ${0}, assuming continuous periods of service until this date",
"optimalRetirement": "Optimal retirement",
"optimalRetirementTooltip": "Eligible as of ${0}, assuming continuous periods of service until this date",
"optimisedResultsTitle": "Your optimized results",
"pensionSalary": "Pension Salary",
"purchaseButtonText": "Start purchase years",
"purchaseDescription": "Purchase additional years for the period of:",
"purchaseEligibilityError": "Purchase additional years for the period, however you are not eligible for Purchasing additional service period.",
"purchaseInputError": "Purchase period input should be in the range of ${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D - ${3}Y ${4}M ${5}D",
"retirementAge": "Retirement age",
"selectEmployer": "Select employer",
"selectEmployerLabel": "Select employer to proceed",
"servicePeriods": "Service periods",
"services": "Services",
"sidebarDescription": "You may be able to improve your retirement benefits if you",
"sidebarTitle": "Optimize your results",
"sidebarTooltip": "You can merge or purchase the whole or part of the service periods",
"title": "Retirement Planner",
"totalCost": "Total Cost: ",
"viewOptions": "View more options"
"title": "Retirement Planner"
"salaryLabels": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary (in AED)",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance (in AED)",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary",
"contributionAmountLbl": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionAmountSubLbl": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionDetailsLbl": "Contribution details",
"contributionPara": "According to Federal Law No. 7 of 1999 for Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equal to 20% of the employee's salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis. While the employee must contribute 5% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute 12.5% of the employee's salary, and the government must contribute 2.5%.",
"costOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance (in AED)",
"draftMode": "You are viewing the salary in draft mode.",
"effectiveDateSalUpdate": "Effective date for salary update",
"effectiveDateSalUpdateToolTip": "As per Article 10, any change in the salary will take effect as of the following year (January) if the updates are done post January during the current year.",
"employeeContribution": "Employee share (%)",
"employeeContributiontoGpssa": "Employee contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"employer": "Employer name",
"employerContribution": "Employer share (%)",
"employerContributiontoGpssa": "Employer contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"endDate": "End date",
"endDateSalUpdate": "End date for salary update",
"eosBenefitDesc": "Based on your total eligible service period as of today, you are entitled to receive an end of service amount of AED",
"eosBenefitHeading": "Potential End of Service benefits",
"governmentContribution": "Government share(%)",
"governmentContributiontoGpssa": "Government share to GPSSA (in AED)",
"grossSalary": "Gross Salary",
"heading": "Salary details",
"houseRentAllowance": "House rent allowance",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance (in AED)",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance (in AED)",
"rentAllowance": "Rent allowance (in AED)",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"salaryDetailsToolTip": "If any salary updates happen during the year, then contribution salary will be auto updated as of the effective date.",
"socialAllowance": "Social allowance (in AED)",
"specialAllowance": "Special allowance (in AED)",
"startDate": "Start date",
"startDateSalUpdate": "Start date for salary update",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"tenPerPenCaseIdLabel": "10% penalty update case is already in progress.",
"bulkSalaryUpdateCaseIdLabel": "Bulk salary update case is already in progress."
"title": "Salary details"
"search": {
"field_list": {
"documentSectionLabel": "Documents",
"mobSeeMoreTag": "See more",
"noResultError": "No results match your search",
"pageSectionLabel": "Pages",
"previousSearchLabel": "Your previous search",
"resultCharacterError": "Suggestions: Use a minimum of 3 characters. Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Try different search terms. Try more general search terms. Try fewer search terms.",
"searchInputPlaceHolder": "Search"
"title": "Search Component"
"serviceAwareness": {
"field_list": {
"afternoon": "Afternoon",
"agents": "Agents / Caretakers / Guardians",
"audiencePersona": "Audience Category",
"awareCaseError": "An error occured while creating your request.",
"awarenessCaseSuccess": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"employerAdmins": "Employer admins",
"expectedNoOfAttendees": "Expected number of attendees (min 10 attendees)",
"insured": "Insured",
"location_details": "Location details",
"minimumAttendees": "Minimum 10 attendees",
"morning": "Morning",
"myDateFlexible": "My dates are flexible (+/- 3 days)",
"online": "Online Session",
"onPremise_Employer": "On Premise - Employer",
"onPremise_GPSSA": "On Premise - GPSSA",
"other": "Other",
"otherTopic": "Enter the topic",
"pensioner": "Pensioner",
"pensionLawProcedure": "Pension law and Procedure - UAE",
"pensionLawProcedureGCC": "Pension law and procedure - GCC",
"preferredDelivery": "Preferred delivery method",
"preferredLocation": "Select preferred location",
"preferredSessionDate": "Preferred session date",
"preferredSessionTime": "Preferred session time",
"public": "Public",
"purpose": "Purpose of Request",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestTraningMaterial": "Request for training materials",
"requestTraningSession": "Request for training session",
"service": "Service",
"ServiceAwareness": "Service awareness request",
"sessionObjectives": "Session Objectives",
"topic": "Topic",
"trainingMaterial": "Training Material",
"virtual": "Virtual Session",
"awarenessdoc": "Awareness Document"
"title": "Service Awareness"
"serviceNames": {
"field_list": {
"AgentEnrollment": "Agent Enrollment",
"BeneficiaryRegistration": "Beneficiary Registration",
"CancelServicePurchase": "Cancel Merge / Purchase Service Payments",
"CaretakerEnrollment": "Caretaker Enrollment",
"DeathOfMember": "Report a Death",
"EndOfService": "End of service - Civil",
"EosCalculator": "End of service/pension simulator",
"GuardianEnrollment": "Guardian Enrollment",
"InsuredRegistration": "New Employee Registration",
"MergeCalculator": "Merge periods simulator",
"MergeService": "Merge Service Period - Civil",
"MergeYears": "Merge Years",
"PurchaseYears": "Purchase Years",
"PurchaseYearsService": "Purchase of Service Years",
"RequestServiceID": "Service ID",
"ServiceAwareness": "Service Awareness Request",
"UnclaimedBenefits": "Unclaimed Benefits",
"ShourakPayment": "Shourak",
"RECALCMERGEPURCHASE": "Cost Recalculate",
"InsuredRegistrationGCCUAE": "Registration of UAE national in GCC"
"title": "Service Names"
"services": {
"field_list": {
"channels": "Channels",
"classification": "Classification",
"createCertificate": "Create Certificate",
"createCertificateDescription": "This service allows you to get a Certificate",
"createRequest": "Create request",
"createRequestDescription": "This service allows you to create a request",
"createServiceLabel": "You can submit a request for service by clicking on the button",
"dashboardHeading": "Services",
"estimatedTime": "Estimated Time",
"helpfulLinks": "Helpful Links",
"mobAgentEnrollment": "Agent Enrollment",
"mobBeneficiaryRegistration": "Registration of Beneficiary",
"mobCaretakerEnrollment": "Caretaker Enrollment",
"mobCertificate": "Certificate",
"mobGuardianEnrollment": "Guardian Enrollment",
"mobReportDeath": "Report a death",
"mobViewDownload": "View/Download",
"noData": "No data found",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"process": "Process",
"serviceDashBoardTitle": "Service Dashboard",
"serviceDetails_404": "No service details found!",
"serviceFees": "Service Fees",
"serviceList_404": "No service list found!",
"servicePageTitle": "Service Page",
"start": "Request Service",
"topFaq": "Top Frequently Asked Questions",
"users": "Users",
"viewFaq": "View FAQs",
"viewTutorials": "About the service"
"title": "Services"
"serviceTooltip": {
"field_list": {
"AgentEnrollment": "By definition, an agent is a person who is given permission to represent a pensioner or beneficiary and perform pension-related duties on their behalf. Agents must be enrolled with GPSSA to perform their duties in accordance with the law.",
"CaretakerEnrollment": "By definition, a caretaker is a representative of a pensioner/beneficiary who takes sole access of the pensioner/beneficiaries account and receives the pension payments into their own account, rather than the account of the pensioner/beneficiary they are representing. Caretakers must be enrolled with GPSSA to perform their duties in accordance with the law.",
"GuardianEnrollment": "By definition, a guardian is a representative of a minor beneficiary who is given permission to perform pension-related duties on their behalf. Guardians must be enrolled with GPSSA to perform their duties in accordance with the law."
"title": "service tooltip"
"shourak": {
"field_list": {
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch some data.",
"back": "Back",
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankDetailsHeading": "Account details",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"confirmModalHeading": "Do you want to proceed with this selection?",
"employerName": "Employer name:",
"employerDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"eosReason": "Reason for end of service",
"eosSubReason": "Specify sub-reason",
"noIbanHeading": "No Bank details found",
"noIbanSubHeading": "No Bank details were found in your profile, In order to proceed with this service please add bank details in your profile by clicking on the button below.",
"goToProfile": "Go to profile",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitSuccessHeading": "Your request for initiating payment has been successfully submitted.",
"caseAlreadyExists": "A case for Shourak Payment already exists with details given below. Please visit the request id -",
"iBANNoLiabilityDocument": "No liability document",
"iBANNoLiabilityDocumentTooltip": "No liability document from the bank which was selected when the end of service request by raised",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"remunerationDetails": "Remuneration details",
"remunerationAmount": "Remuneration amount",
"mergePaidServicePeriod": "Merge Paid Service Period",
"periodValue": "${0}Y ${1}M ${2}D"
"title": "Shourak"
"socialMediaLabels": {
"field_list": {
"alternateEmailAddress": "Alternate email ID",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"emailAddress": "Email ID",
"facebookId": "Facebook ID",
"heading": "Social media details",
"instagramId": "Instagram ID",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile Number",
"snapchatId": "Snapchat ID",
"socialMediaDetails": "social media details",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"twitterId": "Twitter ID",
"whatsappNumber": "WhatsApp number"
"title": "Social media details"
"unclaimedBenefits": {
"field_list": {
"disclaimer": "By submitting the attached justification, I hereby declare to GPSSA that my status has remained unchanged during the period when my benefits have been put on hold and that I am eligible to claim them. I understand that my justification will be subject to the acceptance thereof by GPSSA, and that the latter's determination hereon will be binding on me. I warrant and represent that all information provided to GPSSA in the attached justification is true, accurate and not misleading in any way. I understand that if any information I have provided is untrue, inaccurate or misleading in any way, I shall be obliged to pay back to GPSSA any amount(s) unrightfully paid to me, and GPSSA reserves the right to take such action against me as GPSSA deems necessary or required under applicable law.",
"errorMessageAlreadyRequestRaised": "You cannot avail this service because Unclaimed Benefits request is still under review",
"errorMessageNoUnclaimedBenefit": "Cannot raise an Unclaimed Benefits request because you have no benefits to claim",
"errorMessageReasonIBAN": "Cannot raise an Unclaimed Benefits request given that their benefits are being held due to outdated/invalid bank details",
"errorMessageReasonIqrar": "Cannot raise an Unclaimed Benefits request given that their benefits are being held due to un-submitted / In Progress Iqrar",
"iqrarHeading": "Pension Entitlement Update-Unclaimed Benefits",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"para1": "It has been identified that you might have unclaimed benefits with GPSSA which have been written off with reference to: ",
"para2": "If you were hindered from claiming the benefits during the said period, kindly provide supporting documents to justify the reason that stopped you from claiming the benefits. Otherwise, please click on Submit to place your request with GPSSA.",
"para3": "The disbursement of benefits during this period is subject to GPSSA approval.",
"reason": "Reason(s) for not claiming benefits in the past",
"regBeneHeading": "Registration of Beneficiary-Unclaimed Benefits",
"rule1": "Clause (Article 57) of Federal Law No. 07 of 1999 for pension and social security",
"rule1Content": "No claim shall be heard with regards to every pension or benefit whose owner or beneficiary does not request the collection thereof after the elapse of ten years from the due date thereof, or from the date of the last payment of the pension. The said date shall not apply whenever the beneficiary is hindered from claiming the right thereof, provided that such hindrance is accepted by the Director General of the Committee.",
"rule2": "Clause (Article 36) of federal law no 09/2007 for pension and social security",
"rule2Content": "It is not permissible for the pensioner or his beneficiaries to claim the right to a pension or remuneration after the lapse of five years from the date of entitlement or from the date of the last pension disbursement and the sums of the unclaimed benefits shall be paid to the state treasury. The time stipulated in the previous paragraph does not apply whenever there is a valid reason that makes it impossible for the right holder to claim his right during this time.",
"rule3": "Clause (Article 35) of Federal Law No. 08 of 1984 for pension and social security",
"rule3Content": "Pensioners / Insured who are entitled to an end of service benefit / pension salary for beneficiaries, are not allowed to receive their pension or remuneration if 5 years pass from the date of the last payment of the pension or from the due date and before submitting to receive the pension or bonus, without claiming what they are entitled to, unless they are able to justify their case. All remuneration that remain unclaimed within the aforementioned period should be forfeited and are then transferred to the state treasury.",
"rule4": "Clause (Article 33) of Federal Law No. 10 of 2016 for pension and social security",
"rule4Content": "Pensioners / Insured who are entitled to an end of service benefit / pension salary for beneficiaries, are not allowed to receive their pension or remuneration if 5 years pass from the date of maturity or the date of the last payment of the pension without applying to receive the pension or bonus, without claiming what they are entitled to, unless they are able to justify their case. All remuneration that remain unclaimed within the aforementioned period should be forfeited and are then transferred to the state treasury.",
"rule5": "Clause (Article 34) of Federal Law No. 05 of 2007 for pension and social security",
"rule5Content": "If the military personnel is eligible for a benefit but passes away before receiving it, then the benefit will be transferred to the beneficiaries according to the provisions of the law.",
"rule6": "Clause (Article 34) of federal law no 09/2009 for pension and social security",
"rule6Content": "Pensioners / Insured who are entitled to an end of service benefit / pension salary for beneficiaries, are not allowed to receive their pension or remuneration if 5 years pass from the date of maturity or the date of the last payment of the pension without applying to receive the pension or bonus, without claiming what they are entitled to, unless they are able to justify their case. All remuneration that remain unclaimed within the aforementioned period should be forfeited and are then transferred to the state treasury.",
"ucbRedirectMessage": "You might have unclaimed benefits. To claim your benefits, click the below button.",
"unclaimedBenefitsTitle": "Unclaimed Benefits"
"title": "Unclaimed Benefits"
"updatePassword": {
"field_list": {
"changePassword_400": "Something went wrong while updating your password.",
"changePassword_500": "Something went wrong while updating your password.",
"changePassword_AC-023": "You cannot use your last 3 passwords. Please enter a different password.",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm new password",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"incorrectPassword": "The password you entered is incorrect.",
"loginBtn": "Log in",
"newPassword": "New password",
"oldPassword": "Old password",
"pageDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"pageHeading": "Reset password",
"passwordMatch": "The value entered does not match new password.",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Type here...",
"passwordStrength1": "Password strength: Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Password strength: Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Password strength: Strong",
"resetModalDescription": "Your password has been changed successfully. You can now log in.",
"resetModalHeading": "Password has been changed"
"title": "Update Password"
"validationMsg": {
"field_list": {
"_zeroNotAllowed": "Value 0 is not allowed",
"afterDob": "Date should not precede date of birth.",
"alphabetNumberFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"AlphaNumericWithArabicFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets, Arabic and numbers are allowed.",
"alphaNumericWithArabicFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"arabicOnly": "Invalid input. Please provide value in Arabic only.",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount can have a maximum of 7 digits and upto 2 decimal digits.",
"dateOfAcquiredNationalityValid": "Acquired nationality date should be less than employment start date",
"documentDescriptionFormat": "Maximum 100 characters are allowed. Only numbers, alphabets, Arabic letters and the following special characters () - _ are allowed.",
"emailFormat": "Invalid email, only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), period (.), underscore (_) and dash (-) are allowed.",
"emiratesIdFormat": "Invalid input. The Emirates ID must be a 15 digit valid number. It must not contain alphabets, special characters or spaces",
"endDateInvalid": "End date should be greater than or equal to the start date",
"genericError": "Invalid input. Please provide valid information.",
"ibanFormat": "Please enter a valid IBAN",
"max": "Maximum 2000 characters allowed",
"max100": "Maximum 100 characters allowed",
"max1024": "Maximum 1024 characters allowed",
"max200": "Maximum 200 characters allowed",
"max300": "Maximum 300 characters allowed",
"max4": "Maximum 4 characters allowed",
"max50": "Maximum 50 characters allowed",
"max500": "Maximum 500 characters allowed",
"max900": "Maximum 900 characters allowed",
"maxCaseDescription": "Description can not exceed 1024 characters",
"maxDescription": "Description can not exceed 1000 characters.",
"mobileFormat": "Phone number must not contain alphabets or special characters.",
"mobileNumberLength": "Mobile number should be numeric and must have 7 to 13 digits.",
"nameValidation": "Only English characters are allowed.",
"noSameEmail": "Alternate email ID should not be same as Email ID",
"noSameEmergencyAndHomeNumber": "Emergency contact phone number should not be same as home phone number",
"noSameEmergencyContactPhoneNumber": "Emergency contact phone number should not be same as mobile number",
"noSameHomeAndEmergencyNumber": "Home phone number should not be same as emergency contact phone number",
"noSameMobileNumber": "Mobile number should not be same as emergency contact phone number",
"onlyFutureDate": "Please select a future date.",
"onlyNumber": "Only English numbers are allowed",
"onlyPastDate": "Please do not select a future date.",
"otpFormat": "OTP can only be a 6 digit number",
"passportNumberFormat": "Passport number can be of maximum 15 characters",
"passwordMatch": "This should be the same as Password",
"phoneNumberLength": "Phone number should be numeric and must have 7 to 13 digits.",
"radioGroup": "Please select one of the available options",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"required": "This is a required field",
"requiredCaseCategory": "Please choose a category",
"requiredCaseDescription": "Description is required field",
"requiredCaseRequestType": "Please select type of support request",
"requiredCaseSubCategory": "Please choose a subcategory",
"selectOption": "Please select an option",
"specialCharacterCheck": "Invalid input. Description must not contain any new line or any special character except . ( ) , -",
"unifiedNumberFormat": "Invalid input. The Unified number must be a string of maximum 15 characters.",
"unifiedNumberMaxLength": "Unified Number should not exceed 10 digits.",
"uploadDocument": "Uploading this document is mandatory",
"validCardNUmber": "Invalid input. Please provide valid card number.",
"whatsAppNumberLength": "WhatsApp Number should have minimum 7 digits and should not exceed 13 digits."
"title": "validationMsg"
"viewRequests": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"categoryFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by category",
"categoryFilterPlaceholder": "Select category",
"dateFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by created date",
"dayPlaceholder": "dd",
"employer": "Employer",
"infoRequested": "Information requested by admin",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"monthPlaceholder": "mm",
"noData": "No requests available",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View all Your Requests",
"pendingEmployeeUpdate": "Pending employee update",
"pendingEmployerUpdate": "Pending employer update",
"pendingGpssaReview": "Pending GPSSA review",
"pendingMyReview": "Pending my review",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resolved": "Concluded",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": " out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": " results",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by request ID",
"serviceFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by service name",
"serviceFilterPlaceholder": "Select service name",
"serviceRequests": "Service requests",
"showFiltersButtonLabel": "Filter",
"showFiltersNewRequestButtonLabel": "Create new request",
"showFiltersNewSupportRequestButtonLabel": "Create new support request",
"statusFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by status",
"statusFilterPlaceholder": "Select status",
"supportRequests": "Support requests",
"system": "System",
"tableHeadCategory": "Category",
"tableHeadDateCreated": "Date created",
"tableHeadDescription": "Description",
"tableHeadLastUpdated": "Last updated",
"tableHeadLastUpdatedByEmail": "Last updated by",
"tableHeadRequestId": "Request ID",
"tableHeadService": "Service name",
"tableHeadStatus": "Status",
"tableHeadSubCategory": "Subcategory",
"tableHeadType": "Support request type",
"total": "Total",
"typeFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by type",
"typeFilterPlaceholder": "Select type",
"viewAllRequests": "View requests",
"viewRequestsLbl": "View requests",
"yearPlaceholder": "yyyy",
"yourRequest": "Your request"
"title": "Requests List"
"viewStatementLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiarySalaryStatement": "Beneficiary salary statements",
"document": "Document",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"mobLoadOlderStatements": "Load older statements",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"passwordInfoMsg2": "Click here to download a report summary of this data.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download your statement, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by last four digits of your Emirates ID. For example, if the last four digits of your mobile number are 6789 and the last four digits of your Emirates ID are 3456, then the password will be 67893456 without commas.",
"pensionSalaryStatement": "Pension summary statements",
"select": "Select",
"selectMonthlyStatement": "Select monthly statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"viewStatement": "View statement"
"title": "Finance Summary View statement"
"accessibilityModalTemplateLabels": {
"title": "accessibility modal template labels",
"field_list": {
"guildelinesToProceed": "Guidelines To Proceed:",
"accessiblityGuide1": "Scroll down and tap on Accessibility.",
"accessiblityGuide2Android": "From here, you can choose which accessibility service you want to enable (e.g., TalkBack, Select to Speak, Switch Access, etc.)",
"accessiblityGuide2IOS": "Here, you can switch on/off the various options according to your needs. Options include VoiceOver, Zoom, Magnifier, and more.",
"proceedToAccessiblity":"Proceed to Accessibility"
Unique ID