Label JSON
"accountCreation": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Some of the information provided is not in proper format. Please correct them to continue.",
"401": "Session has expired. Please <a href='/employer/createaccount' style='color:#000000; text-decoration: underline;'>restart</a> the Account creation process.",
"409": "Account already exists with the provided details.",
"A-AC-001": "Your account is locked for 24 hours, please try again later.",
"AC-001": "Multiple records found.",
"AC-002": "Emirates ID exists for this IBAN and DOB. Please register using Emirates ID.",
"AC-003": "Account with this IBAN and DoB is already registered.",
"AC-004": "Details do not exist, click continue to register as Guest.",
"AC-006": "UAE nationality and Emirates ID do not exist. Please update.",
"AC-007": "This Emirates ID is already registered.",
"AC-009": "Username is not valid.",
"AC-010": "Username already in use. Please use a different username.",
"AC-011": "You cannot modify the existing fields.",
"AC-012": "Multiple records found for this Emirates ID.",
"AC-013": "Invalid Emirates ID. Please enter the correct Emirates ID.",
"AC-014": "Security questions not found. Please contact GPSSA to update your contact details and submit OTP.",
"AC-015": "Your answer is incorrect.",
"AC-022": "We were unable to find your date of birth in our records or you are below 18 years.",
"accountNotFound": "We were unable to find your record linked to the entered Emirates ID.",
"alreadyRegistered": "Have you registered with GPSSA using IBAN?",
"alternateEmailAddressLabelPlaceholder": "Alternate Email ID",
"alternateEmailAddressPlaceholder": "Enter alternate email ID",
"back": "Back",
"close": "Close",
"closeButton": "Close",
"completeProfileLabel": "Please enter your details below",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"confirmPasswordPlaceholder": "Enter confirm password",
"continue": "Continue",
"corporateEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Corporate Email ID",
"corporateEmailPlaceholder": "",
"countryCodePlaceholder": "971",
"countryListError": "List of countries cannot be fetched at the moment. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"creationModeDescription": "Welcome. You can create your account through the UAE PASS or by signing up directly with GPSSA.",
"creationModeHeading": "Create your account",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"edit": "Edit",
"email": "Email ID",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "123-4567-8910111-2",
"emiratesUAELabel": "Emirates ID",
"enforceEmiratesId": "An Emirates ID was found against data provided. Please Select Emirates ID and proceed with the flow",
"enterEmailMobileDescription": "Please enter the details below.",
"enterEmiratesIDHeading": "Please enter your Emirates ID if you are a UAE citizen or a resident.",
"error_checkUserExist_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_checkUserExist_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_checkUserExist_409": "An account with the Emirates ID/Passport Number you provided exists already.",
"error_checkUserExist_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getNationalityData_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_getNationalityData_404": "Country Data not found.",
"error_getNationalityData_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getRegistrationToken_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation flow",
"error_getRegistrationToken_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_otpValidation_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_OTP001": "OTP on both email & mobile has expired.",
"error_otpValidation_OTP002": "OTP on email has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP003": "OTP on mobile has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP004": "OTP on both email & mobile are not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP005": "OTP on email is not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP006": "OTP on mobile is not valid",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_409": "An account with the Email/Mobile Number you provided already exists.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_409": "An account with the Email provided already exists.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_409": "An account with the Mobile Number you provided already exists.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_userInfo_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userInfo_401": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_409": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userRegistration_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userRegistration_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_userRegistration_409": "An account with the Email/Mobile Number you provided already exists.",
"error_userRegistration_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"errorRecaptchaVerify": "Please verify the CAPTCHA code.",
"facebookLink": "",
"firstName": "First Name",
"firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter First Name",
"gender": "Gender",
"gpssaButton": "Register with GPSSA credentials",
"hasRelation": "Do you have any existing relation with GPSSA?",
"home": "Home",
"infoBarLinkUrl": "",
"informationDetails": "Contact Details",
"informationDetailsDesc": "Please enter or update your contact details.",
"instagramLink": "",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter Last Name",
"loginLink": "Log in here",
"loginText": "Already have an account?",
"middleName": "Middle name(s)",
"middleNamePlaceholder": "Enter Middle Name",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile Number",
"mobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Mobile Number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "971523456789",
"modalBody": "Thank you for registering with GPSSA. Please click Home to return to the Login page.",
"modalHeading": "Registration complete",
"name": "Name",
"nameInputLabel": "First Name Last Name",
"nameInputLabelPlaceholder": "Please enter your name",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDefault": "Please Select your Nationality",
"no": "No",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpInputLabel": "Verification code via",
"otpReSentHeading": "Verification code re-sent successfully.",
"otpScreenDescription": "To proceed, you need to confirm your identity via OTP.",
"otpScreenHeading": "Confirm your identity",
"otpViaEmail": "Verification code via email",
"otpViaEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by email",
"otpViaMobileNumber": "Verification code via SMS",
"otpViaMobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by SMS",
"passportNumberLabel": "Please enter your Passport Number",
"passportNumberPlaceholder": "123456789012345",
"password": "Password",
"passwordDescription": "Password should be a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, lowercase character, numeric character, and special character (!#%^&<>/).",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Enter password",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"profileFormDescription": "Please fill in the following information to complete your registration. Fields marked * are mandatory.",
"profileFormHeading": "Complete your registration",
"registrationError": "Registration error",
"resendOtp": "Didn’t receive verification code?",
"selectCountryDescription": "Are you a UAE national or a resident?",
"selectCountryHeading": "Create your account",
"sendCode": "Send code",
"sendOTP": "Send OTP",
"submit": "Submit",
"termsandconditionError": "Please put a check on the checkbox to continue.",
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "Select Title",
"titles": "Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.",
"titlesEn": "Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.",
"tncContent": "I have read and agreed to the",
"tncLinkText": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkUrl": "",
"twitterLink": "",
"uaeButton": "Register with",
"upassConfirmHeading": "No data found in our records. If you have an existing account press \"Yes\" or continue with \"No\".",
"updateEIDOffline": "Please reach out to GPSSA and update your Emirates ID details offline.",
"userInfo_500": "Currently we are unable to access your existing data",
"yes": "Yes",
"youtubeLink": ""
"title": "Account Creation"
"accountNavigation": {
"field_list": {
"addressDetails": "Addresses",
"backTo": "Back to",
"companyDetails": "Basic information",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"establishmentDetails": "Establishment and License Details",
"executiveDetails1": "Executive details - level 1",
"executiveDetails2": "Executive details - level 2",
"headerquaterAndBranches": "Headquarters & branches",
"incomplete": "Incomplete",
"licenseDetails": "License details",
"navCompanyOverview": "Employer overview",
"navDocuments": "Documents",
"navFinancial": "Financial details",
"navManagedEmployees": "Manage employees",
"navManageEmployees": "Manage employees",
"navManageEmployerAdmins": "Manage employer admins",
"navMyProfile": "My profile",
"parentsAndSubsidiariesDetails": "Parents & subsidiaries"
"title": "AccountNavigation"
"addressLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addAddress": "Add new address",
"addAddressMessage": "Would you like to add address?",
"addressCountry": "Country",
"addressDetails": "Address details",
"addressLine1": "Address line 1",
"addressLine2": "Address line 2",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"city": "City",
"country": "Country",
"emirate": "Emirate",
"heading": "Address",
"isCurrent": "Is current",
"isUae": "Is this address in the UAE?",
"pinCode": "Postal code",
"postalCode": "Pin code",
"state": "State",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Address"
"bankLabels": {
"field_list": {
"accountHolderName": "Account holder name",
"accountName": "Account Holder Name",
"actExistErr": "You have already added a bank account with this IBAN.",
"addBank": "Add new bank account",
"addMore": "Would you like to add bank account?",
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"bankDocument": "Upload documents",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"bic": "BIC",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Bank details",
"iban": "IBAN",
"mandFieldErr": "Please provide IBAN and bank name.",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"yourEntity": "Does this bank account belong to your entity?"
"title": "Bank account details"
"benefitExchange": {
"field_list": {
"benefitAmount": "End of service benefit of previous service",
"days": "days",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"mergeCostTncInfo": "I hereby agree to pay any merge cost applicable to me as a result GPSSA's calculation.",
"months": "months",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pensionAuthorityName": "Name of pension authority/fund",
"previousEmploymentTitle": "Previous employment",
"previuosEmployerName": "Previous employer name",
"specifyEmployerName": "Specify employer name",
"totalMergeServicePeriod": "Total merge service period",
"totalPurchaseServicePeriod": "Total purchase service period",
"years": "years"
"title": "Benefit Exchange service"
"breadcrumbLabels": {
"field_list": {
"account": "Employer account",
"address": "Address",
"branches": "Headquarters & branches",
"companyoverview": "Employer overview",
"contact": "Contact details",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial",
"license": "License details",
"linknewparent": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"manageadmins": "Manage Employer Admins",
"managedby": "Agent-Caretaker-Guardian",
"managedmembers": "Managed members",
"manageemployee": "Manage Employees",
"medical": "Medical",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"newadmin": "Employer admin",
"newdependent": "Add dependent",
"parents": "Parents & subsidiaries",
"passport": "Passport",
"personal": "Personal"
"title": "breadcrumbLabels"
"bulkSalary": {
"field_list": {
"batchId": "Batch ID",
"bulkSalaryAPIError": "We found some issues while syncing salary for some employees and we are unable to find the reason for this exception.",
"bulkSalaryExceptionTitle": "Bulk Salary Detail",
"caseCreated": "Refer to the case details from case id - ",
"downloadExceptionList": "Download Exception List",
"emirateId": "Emirates ID",
"exceptionDownloadError": "Something went wrong! Please try again to download file.",
"exceptionFile": "Your file is being generated",
"failedRecords": "Failed records",
"insuredName": "Insured Name",
"reason": "Reason",
"successRecords": "Success records",
"totalRecords": "Total records"
"title": "Bulk Salary"
"case-details": {
"field_list": {
"acceptDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Accept\" button in the form to update case status.",
"additionalSupportingDocumentLbl": "Additional supporting documents",
"admin": "Admin",
"alertHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure you want to Submit the request to admin?",
"cancelBtnLbl": "Cancel Request",
"cancelReasonCharacterLimit": "Maximum 500 characters",
"cancelRequestHeadingLbl": "Are you sure you want to cancel your request?",
"cancelRequestTitleLbl": "Please share your reason (s) for cancellation (mandatory).",
"cancelSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"caseClosedDisclaimer": "This request has been closed as the requested information was not provided within 2 working days. Please create a new request if you need further support.",
"caseDetailMsgLabelPlaceholder": "Message",
"caseDetailMsgOptionalText": "Maximum 1000 characters",
"caseDetailMsgSendBtnLabel": "Post Message",
"caseDetailTitle": "Request details",
"categoryLbl": "Category",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "Continue",
"continueDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Continue\" button in the form to update case status.",
"createdByLbl": "Created by",
"createdLbl": "Created on",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dueDate": "Due date",
"employer": "Employer",
"goBackBtnLbl": "Go back",
"gpssa": "GPSSA Administrator",
"infoRequestedDisclaimer": "If the requested information is not provided within 2 working days, your request will be rejected automatically.",
"initiatedBy": "Initiated by",
"inputPlaceholder": "Please enter your message",
"lastUpdatedBy": "Last updated by",
"lastUpdatedLbl": "Last updated on",
"linkedIdLabel": "Linked request ID",
"LinkedIdLabelPlaceholder": "Insert here",
"linkedIdPlaceholder": "Start typing",
"linkedIdSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"memberComment": "Member comment",
"msgSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View request details",
"relationLbl": "Do you have any relation with GPSSA?",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestDetailsLbl": "Request details",
"requestIdLbl": "Request ID",
"serviceTypeLbl": "Service name",
"statusLbl": "Status",
"subcategoryLbl": "Subcategory",
"submitBtnLbl": "Send",
"submitButtonLbl": "Submit Request",
"submitDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Submit\" button in the form to update case status.",
"supportingDocumentLbl": "Supporting documents",
"system": "System",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request is updated",
"thankuHeadingLabelCancel": "Your cancellation request has been submitted.",
"thankuHeadingSubmitSuccessLabel": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeLbl": "Type",
"uploadBtnLbl": "Upload",
"uploadDocumentTitle": "The uploading of documents depends on the type of request.",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size.",
"yourRequest": "Your request",
"visitProfilePage": "Please visit the <a href='/employer/account' style='text-decoration: underline;'> profile </a> page to take action on this request. You can still use this page to post comment on the request."
"title": "Case details"
"certificateTypes": {
"field_list": {
"noObjectionCertificate": "No Objection Certificate",
"noObjectionCertificate_ar": "شهادة عدم ممانعة",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate": "Registration Certificate",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate_ar": "شهادة تسجيل",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate": "Outstanding Obligations Certificate",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate_ar": "شهادة الإلتزامات المستحَقة"
"title": "types of certificate"
"common": {
"field_list": {
"abuDhabi": "Abu Dhabi",
"addMoreDocumentsLabel": "Add more documents",
"allowedFileLbl": "Only .XLS and .XLSX files of 5 MB max size are allowed",
"ajman": "Ajman",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveButton": "Approve",
"availed": "Availed",
"back": "Back",
"backButton": "Back",
"brother": "Brother",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabel": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"cancelRequest": "Cancel Request",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "Captcha Verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"clickHere": "Click here",
"closeButton": "Close",
"comingSoonTitle": "Coming Soon",
"commonErrorMsg": "Something went wrong!",
"commonErrorMsgCloseAction": "Click to close the notification bar.",
"connectToAuthPerson": "Please contact the authorized person to provide you with necessary access.",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"continueButton": "Continue",
"daughter": "Daughter",
"days": "Days",
"days11above": "Days",
"days2": "Days",
"delete": "Delete",
"deregisterCaretakerDocument": "Removal of caretaker certificate*",
"deregisterGuardianAdultDocument": "Confirmation of maturity certificate*",
"deregisterGuardianMinorDocument": "Removal of guardianship certificate*",
"divorced": "Divorced",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescription": "Document description",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"documentFetchError": "Error occured while downloading report. Please try again later.",
"documentsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"download": "Download",
"dubai": "Dubai",
"editPhoto": "Edit photo",
"emailSendError": "Error occured while sending email. Please try again later.",
"emailSent": "Email sent successfully",
"emailSentToAuthPerson": "An email has been sent to the authorized person to inform them about your request.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employerId": "Employer ID",
"employerSector": "Employer Sector",
"eosCivil": "End of service - Civil",
"errorTrace": "Error reference id:",
"errorTraceInfo": "By simply clicking on it, you have the ability to copy the error reference id. This distinctive identifier can be utilized as a point of reference for any communication with our technical team.",
"errorTraceTitle": "Click to copy the Error Reference ID",
"father": "Father",
"federal": "Federal Government",
"female": "Female",
"fileExistError": "These files already exist",
"fujairah": "Fujairah",
"genderFemale": "Female",
"genderMale": "Male",
"giban": "GIBAN",
"goToProfile": "Go to profile",
"gpssaId": "GPSSA ID",
"gpssaWillRespond": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"granddaughter": "Granddaughter",
"grandson": "Grandson",
"greaterThan0Allowed": "Value should be greater than 0.",
"headerBannerTitle": "Dear employer, this is only a beta launch of the new pension administration platform, which provides you with read only access to your profile details and employees data. We hope you take the time to review your data and in case of any inaccuracy please contact GPSSA on the available contact channels to request update. Note that you can not avail any services through this beta version, except the creation of admin accounts for your future use. All GPSSA services will become accessible through this member portal upon formal launch of the new pension administration platform in the near future.",
"home": "Home",
"idleAppModalBody": "You will be logged out in 60 sec. Click Cancel to Continue.",
"inPercentage": "(in %)",
"insertHere": "Insert here",
"learnmoreUrl": "",
"local": "Local Government",
"logout": "Logout",
"male": "Male",
"mandatoryDocs": "Uploading these documents is mandatory",
"married": "Married",
"max100": "Maximum 100 is allowed",
"max2Decimal": "This field can have a maximum of 2 decimal places",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"military": "Military",
"min0": "Minimum 0 is allowed",
"month": "month",
"monthNamesFull": "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December",
"monthNamesPartial": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"monthNamesPartial_ar": "يناير,فبراير,مارس,أبريل,مايو,يونيو,يوليو,أغسطس,سبتمبر,أكتوبر,نوفمبر,ديسمبر",
"monthNamesPartial_en": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"months": "Months",
"months11above": "Months",
"mother": "Mother",
"newRequest": "Create new request",
"next": "Next",
"no": "No",
"noAccessLevel": "You do not have sufficient access for this service.",
"noButton": "No",
"noDocuments": "No documents are needed",
"notAvailed": "Not Availed",
"onHold": "On Hold",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"optionalDocs": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"panelFontSizeHeading": "Font size",
"panelHeading": "Accessibility panel",
"panelNarratorHeading": "Narrator",
"panelThemeHeading": "Color Blindness Option",
"panelZoomHeading": "Zoom",
"pocLinkedWithEmployer": "${0} has been linked with ${1} successfully.",
"pocLinkedWithEmployerRejected": "Request has been rejected successfully.",
"private": "Private",
"profileProgressBarMessage": "Profile: Please complete the mandatory fields.",
"progressBarProgressMessage": "Your Profile is ${0} Complete",
"rasAlKhaimah": "Ras Al Khaimah",
"reject": "Reject",
"requestSubmittedToGpssa": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"saveChanges": "Save changes",
"select": "Select",
"selectService": "Please select your service and complete the form.",
"selectTypeOfRequest": "Select the type of request",
"serviceDashboard": "Service Dashboard",
"servicePeriod": "Service period",
"serviceRequest": "Service",
"services": "Services",
"sharjah": "Sharjah",
"sister": "Sister",
"son": "Son",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitButton": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been submitted successfully.",
"supportRequest": "Support",
"tncBody": "<h1>In order to complete your verification and access the GPSSA portal, please read and accept our terms & conditions.</h1><p> </p><h2>Terms and Conditions of Use</h2><p>Your access to and use of the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA) website is subject to the following terms and conditions, as well as UAE laws.</p>",
"tncCheckboxLabel": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncHeading": "Terms and Conditions",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"typeOfRequest": "Type of request",
"typeOfService": "Service name",
"uaeAccessError": "User access level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"ummAlQuwain": "Umm Al Quwain",
"unmarried": "Unmarried",
"update": "Update",
"updateRequest": "Your changes have been updated successfully.",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully updated your ${0}",
"uploadButton": "Upload",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload the following document",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of maximum size 5 MB",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Upload documents",
"validationDateFormate": "${0} must be a date type",
"validationEmail": "${0} must be a valid email",
"validationMax": "Maximum ${0} characters are allowed",
"validationMin": "Minimum ${0} characters are allowed",
"validationNumberOnly": "Only number is allowed",
"validationRequired": "This field is required",
"view": "View",
"widow": "Widow",
"widowed": "Widowed",
"widower": "Widower",
"year": "year",
"years": "years",
"years11above": "Years",
"yes": "Yes",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your requests",
"more": "more",
"validationMaxNum": "Maximum value allowed is ${0}",
"validationMinNum": "Minimum value allowed is ${0}",
"pensionEmailAriallLabel": "Click here to email the pension breakdown.",
"downloadAriaLabel": "Click here to download the breakdown.",
"myCorporateEmailId": "I understand my roles and responsibilities as a Super Admin and accept full accountability of all actions I perform on Ma’ashi platform.",
"proceed": "Proceed"
"title": "common"
"contactLabels": {
"field_list": {
"alternateEmailAddress": "Alternate email ID",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"contactDetails": "contact details",
"contactDocument": "Upload document",
"continue": "Continue",
"email": "email address",
"emailAddress": "Email ID",
"emergencyContactName": "Emergency contact name",
"emergencyContactPhoneNumber": "Emergency contact phone number",
"emergencyContactRelationship": "Relationship to member",
"faxNumber": "Fax number",
"heading": "Contact details",
"invalidOTP": "This OTP is not valid, please try again.",
"mobileNo": "mobile number",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"OTPModalHeader": "A verification code will be sent to you via your ${0}",
"OTPSentHeader": "We just sent you a verification code to your ${0}",
"OTPSuccessMessage": "You have successfully verified your ${0}",
"OTPVia": "Verification code via ${0}",
"phoneNumber": "Phone number",
"resendOTP": "Resend verification code",
"sms": "SMS",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateNotAllowed": "You cannot update your email and mobile number at the same time.",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"website": "Website"
"title": "Contact details"
"contributionPayments": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "Contribution Payments",
"viewAllInvoices": "View all invoices",
"viewAllInvoicesDesc": "View the summary of all your invoices and track their payment status.",
"viewAllMandates": "View all mandates",
"viewAllMandatesDesc": "View all the details of your mandates such as date of creation, purpose and track their payment status.",
"viewAllProformas": "View all proformas",
"viewAllProformasDesc": "View the summary of all your proformas and track their payment due dates and status."
"title": "Contribution Payments"
"contributions": {
"field_list": {
"accuredPenaltyAmount": "Accrued penalty amount",
"tableHeadDelayedDays": "Number of delayed days",
"allProformasLbl": "All proformas",
"alreadyInclude": "It is already included in #ProformaId",
"amount": "Amount",
"contributionPayments": "Contributions Payments",
"contributionProformas": "Contribution proformas",
"contributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"create": "Create",
"createProforma": "Create proforma",
"dayPlaceholder": "dd",
"downloadOutstandingContribution": "Download Outstanding Contributions",
"emiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeName": "Employee name",
"employeeNameOrEmiratesId": "Search by employee name or Emirates ID",
"employementEmdDateRange": "Filter by employment end date range",
"employementStartDateRange": "Filter by employment start date range",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"emptyDatePlaceholder": "Multiple",
"errorDownloading": "Unable to download outstanding contribution employees at this moment. Please try again",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByPeriod": "Filter by period",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by status",
"governmentContribution": "Government Obligation",
"includeInProforma": "Include in proforma",
"legacyContribution": "Legacy Contribution",
"loading": "loading",
"makePayment": "Make Payment",
"monthPlaceholder": "mm",
"noOutstandingRecords": "No outstanding contributions are available.",
"noProformas": "No proformas are available or you do not have view permission.",
"outstandingContributions": "Outstanding contributions",
"overdueDisclaimer": "Please note that you remain legally responsible for paying contribution and any other amounts due to the Authority. The Authority retains the full right to demand and collect these amounts by all legal means, even if they are not displayed on the platform.",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"pendingGovernmentContribution": "Pending government obligation",
"period": "Period",
"pgTitle": "GPSSA | View all proformas",
"pnfTooltip": "Penalty payment failure",
"pnpTooltip": "Penalty payment is due",
"pnsTooltip": "Penalty amount is successfully paid",
"proformaCaseCreated": "Your request is submitted successfully. You will receive a notification when proforma is ready for review.",
"proformaConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to create proforma for selected employees?",
"proformaCreated": "Proforma ${0} has been created successfully.",
"proformaId": "Proforma #",
"proformasTooltip": "This is the list of proformas that are not paid yet, if any.",
"proformaType": "Proforma Type",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Showing",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchByProformaNumber": "Search by proforma number",
"selectAll": "Select All",
"selectPeriod": "Select period",
"showChangedContribution": "Show records with changed contributions from previous month",
"showOpenProformas": "Show open proformas",
"status": "Status",
"tableHeadEmployerContributionFederal": "Employer contribution",
"totalAccuredPenalty": "Total accrued penalty",
"totalActualAccruedPenaliy": "Total actual accrued penalty",
"totalActualOutstandingContributions": "Total actual outstanding contributions",
"totalExpectedAccruedPenaliy": "Total expected accrued penalty",
"totalExpectedOutstandingContributions": "Total expected outstanding contributions",
"totalOutstandingContributions": "Total outstanding contributions",
"viewTutorials": "About the service",
"yearPlaceholder": "yyyy",
"proformasCreateError": "Unable to create proforma now, please try again.",
"bulkProformaCreate": "Proforma will be created for all the available records.",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"selectAllTooltip": "Click this checkbox to select all records",
"selectAllProformaPopupHeading": "By selecting 'select all,' proforma will be generated for all the applicable records. Total records - ${0}, Total actual outstanding contributions - ${1}",
"isProformaGeneratedErrorMsg": "A proforma request is already in progress. Please try again.",
"getProforma001": "No outstanding contributions are available.",
"proformaCreationError": "Unable to create proforma now, please try again.",
"tableHeadNoOfContributionDays": "Number of contribution days",
"monthlyProforma": "Monthly Proforma",
"outstandingProforma": "Outstanding Proforma",
"legacyProforma": "Legacy Proforma"
"title": "Contributions"
"create-case": {
"field_list": {
"aboutus-button": "Create case button updated sub array",
"aboutus-button1": "Create case button updated 1 sub array",
"aboutus-title": "Create case updated sub array",
"additionalDocuments": "Additional documents",
"cancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"cancelHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabelPlaceholder": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"caseRequestSubTitle": "Please fill this form to create your support request",
"caseRequestTitle": "Create support request",
"categoryFormSelect": "Select category",
"categoryLabel": "Category",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "Yes, I want more information",
"descriptionLabel": "Description",
"descriptionOptionalText": "Maximum 1024 characters",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "e.g. I need some advice regarding…",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dontContinueButtonLabel": "No, thank you",
"faqHeading": "Here are some FAQs to help you",
"faqLabel": "Do you still need help?",
"linkedIdFormSelect": "Select an existing request to link",
"linkedIdLabel": "Related request",
"linkedIdTooltipLabel": "In the case of a related request, please enter request ID.",
"loading": "loading",
"newRequest": "New support request",
"noButtonLabel": "No",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | Create a New Request",
"requestDataSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"requestFor": "Request on behalf of",
"requestTypeFormSelect": "Select the type of request",
"requestTypeLabel": "Type of support request",
"resetRelatedRequest": "Reset Related Request",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"services": "Services",
"subCategoryFormSelect": "Select sub category",
"subCategoryLabel": "Sub category",
"submitButtonLabel": "Submit",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request has been submitted successfully.",
"uploadDocumentLabel": "Please upload",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload (optional).",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size.",
"uploadSubTitleLabel": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Supporting documents",
"yesButtonLabel": "Yes"
"title": "Create Case"
"createDDSMandate": {
"field_list": {
"addNewBank": "Add New Bank",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"card": "Debit/credit card",
"cardExpDate": "Debit/credit card expiry date",
"cardHolderName": "Debit/credit card holder name",
"cardType": "Debit/credit number",
"iban": "IBAN",
"invalidIban": "IBAN is not valid",
"invalidIban_errorValidateIBAN01": "We were unable to verify the provided IBAN with our downstream systems.",
"invalidMobileNumber": "We could not find a UAE country code in your contact details. Please visit your <a href='/employer/account/contact' style='text-decoration: underline;color: white;'>profile</a> and update your contact details.",
"mandateDisclaimer": "After you submit this request, a standing instruction is created with Central Bank. The installment amount will be deducted on the 15th of every month. Pending installment will be cancelled if user does not pay for 3 months. User minimum EMI amount should be less than 25% of user contribution salary.",
"mandateDisclaimer2": "After you submit this request, a mandate will be created to claim the amount from Central Bank.",
"provideMandateDetails": "Please provide your mandate details",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"requiredFieldMissing": "One of following fields ( License Number/Decree, Company Email address, Company phone number ) is missing.",
"selectPaymentMode": "Select payment mode",
"submit": "Submit"
"title": "Create DDS mandate"
"createMandateErrors": {
"field_list": {
"error1": "Unable to create mandate",
"error2": "Unable to fetch mandate list"
"title": "Create mandate errors"
"dashboardNotificationLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actionRequired": "Action required",
"ago": "ago",
"day": "day",
"days": "days",
"goodAfternoon": "Good afternoon,",
"goodEvening": "Good evening,",
"goodMorning": "Good morning,",
"hour": "hour",
"hours": "hours",
"min": "min",
"mins": "mins",
"mobNotificationTitle": "There are somethings you need to do",
"month": "month",
"months": "months",
"noNotificationMsg": "Currently, there are no tasks which require your action.",
"notification_1059": "Proforma #$ProformaNumber submitted for your review",
"notification_1060": "Proforma #$ProformaNumber update is required",
"notification_107": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_108": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1088": "Request for End of Service #$caseId has been sent to $insuredName_en for review.",
"notification_109": "#$caseId is approved. Please register as a beneficiary. Rate our service.",
"notification_1090": "Review End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1093": "Update End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en.",
"notification_1096": "End of Service request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_110": "#$caseId service request is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1102": "End of Service request #$caseId is on hold.",
"notification_1106": "End of Service request #$caseId is on hold.",
"notification_1108": "TBD",
"notification_1109": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_111": "Please register as a beneficiary for $DeceasedNameEng.",
"notification_1111": "Provide additional information for End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1113": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_1115": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $insuredName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_1118": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1119": "Review End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1122": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_1125": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_113": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1131": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1132": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1135": "End of Service Request #$caseId has been updated.",
"notification_114": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1140": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1145": "Provide additional information for $ServiceName_en request #$caseId",
"notification_1146": "$ServiceName_en request #$caseId for $employeeName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_115": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_118": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_120": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_1205": "Support request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1207": "Support request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1208": "Legal notice 1 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1209": "Legal notice 2 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1210": "Legal notice 3 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1213": "Overpayment case initiated - #$caseId",
"notification_1214": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_123": "مزيد من المعلومات مطلوبة للطلب رقم #$caseId.",
"notification_1235": "License is expiring on $expirationDate. Kindly update the new license details as soon as possible.",
"notification_1236": "License has expired on $expirationDate. Kindly update the new license details as soon as possible.",
"notification_124": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_125": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service",
"notification_126": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1266": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId",
"notification_1267": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1268": "Service request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1269": "Service awareness request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service",
"notification_127": "The beneficiary deregistration request has been approved. You are no longer a beneficiary of $pensionerName_en.",
"notification_1270": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1272": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1273": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1274": "Service request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1275": "Service awareness request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1276": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_131": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_133": "Request to cancel #$caseId is approved. Rate our service",
"notification_134": "Request to cancel #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_135": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_137": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_138": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_139": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_150": "Information required for #$caseId",
"notification_156": "Additional Information required for #$caseId",
"notification_169": "Request #$caseId has been cancelled",
"notification_173": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_174": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_176": "Insured Registration request #$caseId approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_178": "Provide additional information for Insured registration request #$caseId",
"notification_180": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_182": "Insured registration request #$caseId for $InsuredName is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_185": "Review End of Service request #$caseId",
"notification_187": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_189": "$DocumentType is expiring soon. Please update before $ExpiryDate.",
"notification_190": "Update insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_191": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_192": "Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_194": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_195": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_197": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled . Rate our services.",
"notification_199": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_200": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_201": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_202": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_203": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service .",
"notification_204": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_205": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_206": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_207": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_208": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_209": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_210": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_211": "Your pension salary has been updated to $pensionAmount",
"notification_216": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_218": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_219": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_220": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_221": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_250": "#$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_252": "Request #$caseId to update employer profile submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_253": "Provide additional information for request #$caseId to update employer profile.",
"notification_254": "Employer profile request #$caseId approved by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_255": "Employer profile request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_258": " تم تحديث $UpdatedFieldNames_en. أرسل الآن للمراجعة.",
"notification_259": " لقد انتهت صلاحية $documentName_en. قم بالتحديث في أقرب وقت.",
"notification_268": "Injury compensation request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA",
"notification_270": "Additional information required for #$caseId",
"notification_271": "Injury compensation request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_272": "Injury compensation request #$caseId approved.",
"notification_274": "Injury compensation request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA.",
"notification_300": "Please initiate de-registration process for $companyName_en",
"notification_303": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_304": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_305": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_306": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_307": "Provide additional information for employer de-registration request #$caseId",
"notification_312": "Please review and approve request #$caseId",
"notification_313": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_315": "\"تمت الموافقة على طلب الدفع #$caseId.قيم خدماتنا\"",
"notification_317": "\"تمت الموافقة على طلب الدفع #$caseId من جهة العمل.قيم خدماتنا\"",
"notification_320": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_321": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId pending for review. Rate our service.",
"notification_322": "\"تمت الموافقة على طلب الدفع #$caseId من جهة العمل.قيم خدماتنا\"",
"notification_323": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_328": "Merge service periods request #$caseId pending for review.",
"notification_329": "Request #$caseId has been closed. Rate our service",
"notification_330": "Merge service periods request #$caseId rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_336": "Merge service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_340": "#$caseId has been cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_341": "Review contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_342": "Review contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_343": " [Month/YYYY] proforma has been updated. Please review the details and take required action.",
"notification_348": "Contribution proforma $proformaNumber pending for payment.",
"notification_349": "Some employees were excluded from proforma #$period. View details here.",
"notification_352": "Payment received for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_353": "Payment failed for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_355": "Payment failed for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_359": "There are outstanding contributions pending payment. Please make a payment here.",
"notification_360": "There are outstanding contributions pending payment. Please make a payment here.",
"notification_363": "Penalty payment pending for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_364": "Penalty payment received for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_366": "Please take required action on #$caseId.",
"notification_377": "Request #$caseId is submitted.",
"notification_379": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_380": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_381": "Provide additional information for merge years request #$caseId",
"notification_382": "Merge years request #$caseId rejected. Rate our services.",
"notification_384": "Merge years request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_387": " تم تحديث $UpdatedFieldNames. أرسل الآن للمراجعة.",
"notification_388": "Please take required action on #$caseId.",
"notification_389": " تم تحديث $UpdatedFieldNames. أرسل الآن للمراجعة.",
"notification_390": "#$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_391": "#$caseId has been rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_392": "#$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_393": "#$caseId has been rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_394": "Additional Information required for #$caseId",
"notification_396": "Request #$caseId has been cancelled",
"notification_421": "Salary update required for $employeeName_en",
"notification_425": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_427": "Initiate $ServiceName request for $EmployeeName",
"notification_428": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_430": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_435": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_436": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_437": "Payment due for Benefits exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_438": "Provide additional information for Benefits Exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_443": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_448": "Review transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_461": "Update Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_463": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_467": "Provide additional information for Benefits Exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_469": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_471": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_473": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId initiated.",
"notification_474": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId initiated.",
"notification_475": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId accepted by employee.",
"notification_479": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId accepted by employee",
"notification_483": "Update Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_486": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_488": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled . Rate our services.",
"notification_490": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_492": "Provide additional information for Benefits exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_501": "Service purchase request #$caseId approved",
"notification_505": "Initiate insured registration for $insuredName_en.",
"notification_506": "End of service request #$caseId closed.",
"notification_508": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_510": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_512": "Benefit exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_514": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_516": "$ServiceName_en refund #$caseId successfully initiated.",
"notification_517": "$ServiceName_en refund #$caseId successfully completed.",
"notification_520": "Reminder for payment for end of service request #$caseId",
"notification_521": "Reminder for payment for transfer request #$caseId",
"notification_527": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_529": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_530": "#$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_531": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_541": "$UpdatedFieldNames_en are updated. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_542": "You have updated $UpdatedFieldNames_en. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_543": "$documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_544": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_550": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_553": "Review transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_556": "Transfer request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_558": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_561": "Transfer request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_562": "Provide additional information for transfer request #$caseId",
"notification_564": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_566": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_569": "Transfer request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_572": "Review Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_574": "Update Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_575": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_577": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"notification_579": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_581": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_583": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_585": "Provide additional information for Insured registration request #$caseId",
"notification_588": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_590": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_592": "Approve contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_593": "Request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_594": "Additional information required for #$caseId ",
"notification_595": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_596": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_598": "#$caseId is closed. Rate our service.",
"notification_599": "Request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_600": "End of service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_602": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_604": "Benefit exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_606": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_607": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_608": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_609": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_610": "Provide valid IBAN for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_611": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_619": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_620": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_621": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_622": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_623": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_625": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_626": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_627": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_628": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_629": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service. ",
"notification_630": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_631": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_632": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_633": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_634": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_635": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_636": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_637": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_638": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_639": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_640": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_641": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_642": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_643": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_644": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_645": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_646": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_647": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_648": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_649": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_650": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_651": "Reminder- Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_652": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_653": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_654": "Submit $MemberNameEng's Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_655": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_656": "$documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_657": "Reminder - $MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_658": "Reminder - $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_659": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_660": "Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_661": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_665": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_666": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_667": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_668": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_669": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_670": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_671": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_672": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is cancelled.",
"notification_673": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_674": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_675": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_676": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_677": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amountRate our service.",
"notification_678": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_679": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_680": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_681": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_682": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_683": "#$caseId is approved with excess amount due to GPSSA and an update to pension. Rate our service.",
"notification_684": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_685": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_686": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_688": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_689": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_697": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_698": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_704": "Clear outstanding liabilities for employer de-registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_708": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_710": "Merge service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_750": "Employer profile request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_1288": "Request received for Work fitness assessment - #$caseId",
"notification_1289": "Work fitness assessment request #$caseId is approved.",
"notification_1290": "Work fitness assessment request #$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_1291": "Additional information required for work fitness assessment request #$caseId",
"notification_1318": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1340": "Need More Information on Case #$caseId",
"notification_1341": "10% Additional Penalty Applied by GPSSA",
"notification_1342": "Outstanding contribution payment proforma not generated due to invalid records.",
"notification_1343": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1138": "End of Service request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_1143": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1365": "Registration of GCC national request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1367": "Registration of GCC national request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1368": "Provide additional information for registration of GCC national request #$caseId",
"notificationsHeading": "Notifications",
"notificationTitle": "Please complete the following requirements at the earliest.",
"sec": "sec",
"secs": "secs",
"viewMyAccount": "View employer account",
"year": "year",
"years": "years",
"notification_1386": "Provide additional information for End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1388": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1390": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services."
"title": "Personal dashboard Notification labels"
"ddsErrorCodes": {
"field_list": {
"0": "Accepted CLAIMED AMOUNT",
"1": "Accepted PARTIAL AMOUNT",
"2": " ",
"3": " ",
"4": " ",
"5": " ",
"6": " ",
"7": " ",
"8": " ",
"9": " ",
"A": "Account Closed",
"B": " ",
"C": "Compliance Issues",
"D": "Payer Deceased",
"E": "Card Blocked",
"F": "Card Expired",
"G": "Card Cancelled",
"H": " ",
"I": "Insufficient Funds",
"J": " ",
"K": " ",
"L": "Card Limit Exceeded",
"M": "Claim dishonored at the request of the Sponsoring Bank / Originator",
"N": "Dormant Account",
"O": "DDA Cancelled",
"P": "Payment Not Honored by Paying Bank - Payer to Contact Bank",
"Q": " ",
"R": "DDR details inconsistent with DDA details",
"S": "Payment Stopped/Refused",
"T": "Technical Issues at Paying Bank - Auto No-Pay Response from UAEDDS",
"U": "Amount Not Yet Due",
"V": "Account Closed - Mandated by CBUAE / Law Enforcement / Judiciary",
"W": "Account Closed - Internal Compliance / Commercial Issues",
"X": "Account blocked by Judiciary",
"Y": "Account blocked by Law Enforcement Agency",
"Z": "Account blocked by Central Bank of the UAE"
"title": "DDS Error labels"
"degreeLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bachelor": "Bachelor",
"diploma": "Diploma",
"doctoral": "Doctoral",
"higherEducation": "Higher Education",
"lowerSecondaryEducation": "Lower Secondary Education",
"master": "Master",
"noFormalEducation": "No Formal Education",
"primaryEducation": "Primary Education"
"title": "Degree labels"
"documents": {
"field_list": {
"acquisitionDocumentDoc": "Acquisition document",
"addAdditionalDoc": "Add additional documents",
"additionalDoc": "Add additional document",
"additionalDocumentsDoc": "Additional documents",
"anOfficialLetterStatingTheNationalityWithdrawalDoc": "An Official letter stating the Nationality Withdrawal",
"attendanceReportDoc": "Attendance report",
"attendanceReportForTheDateOfInjuryDoc": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"authDocFromEmployer": "Authorization document from employer",
"authorizationDoc": "Authorization Document",
"authorizationDocForSignatoryAuth": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"authorizationDocFromSignatoryAuth": "Authorization Document from Signatory Authority",
"authorizationDocumentOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"bankAccountStatementDoc": "Bank account statement for the last 3 years",
"bankOwenerDoc": "Authorization letter of account owner",
"bankruptcyDocumentDoc": "Bankruptcy document",
"bankStatementDoc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years",
"bankStatementForTheLast3Years/PayrollRecordForEmployees.Doc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years/payroll record for employees.",
"branchDoc": "Proof of headquarter branch relationship",
"businessLicenseDoc": "Business License",
"certificateFromFundsDoc": "Certificate from pension fund",
"certificateFromPensionAuthorityDoc": "Certificate from pension authority",
"companyRegistrationContractDoc": "Copy of company registration contract (with amendments if any)",
"copyOfSADoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"courtJudgmentDoc": "Court judgment",
"courtRuling/DecisionDocumentDoc": "Court ruling / decision document",
"deathCertificateDoc": "Death certificate",
"deathInvestigationReportDoc": "Death investigation report",
"decreeDoc": "Decree or law of establishment",
"decreeOrLawOfEstablishmentDoc": "Decree or law of establishment",
"deductionsSupportingDocumentDoc": "Deductions supporting document",
"disagreeReasonDocumentDoc": "Disagree Reason Document",
"disciplinaryDecisionDoc": "Disciplinary decision",
"disputeReasonDocumentDoc": "Dispute Reason Document",
"dissolutionOfEmployerDocumentDoc": "Dissolution of employer document",
"emiratesIDCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOwnerDoc": "Emirates ID of owner",
"emiratesIdOwnerPartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"employeeConsentDocumentDoc": "Employee consent document",
"employerAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employer Acknowledgment Letter",
"employerDecreeDoc": "Employer Decree",
"employmentAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employment Acknowledgment Letter",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment Contract",
"employmentDecreeDoc": "Employment contract/decree",
"employmentContract/DecreeDoc": "Employment contract/decree",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "End of Service Certificate",
"eOSDecreeDoc": "EOS Decree",
"establishmentCard/CardOfSignatoryAuthoritiesDoc": "Establishment Card/Card of Signatory Authorities",
"establishmentCardDoc": "Establishment card / Card of signatory authorities",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"federalDecreeDoc": "Federal decree",
"hRPolicyDoc": "HR Policy",
"humanResoucesDoc": "List of human resources laws applied by the entity",
"humanResourcesAndRegulationDoc": "Human resources and regulation",
"humanResourcesPolicyDoc": "Human Resources Policy",
"iBANCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"ibanCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"inheritanceCertificateDoc": "Inheritance certificate",
"investigationCommitteeVerdictFromTheEmployerDoc": "Investigation Committee Verdict from the employer",
"investigationReportDoc": "Investigation Report",
"lateRegistrationDocumentDoc": "Late registration document",
"lawForIncorporationOfEstablishmentDoc": "Law of incorporation of establishment",
"letterOfRegistrationIntentDoc": "Letter of registration intent",
"liabilitySupportingDocumentDoc": "Liability supporting document",
"liquidationDocumentDoc": "Liquidation document",
"listIfHumanResourcesLawsAppliedByTheEntityDoc": "List of human resources laws applied by the entity",
"localDecreeDoc": "Local decree",
"medicalFitnessCertificateDoc": "Medical fitness certificate",
"medicalReportDoc": "Medical report",
"medicalReportSelfDoc": "Medical report proving fitness to work (issued not more than 3 months ago)",
"memorandumOfAssociationDoc": "Memorandum of association",
"newNationalityIDDoc": "New nationality ID",
"non-WorkInjuryMedicalReportDoc": "Non-work injury medical report",
"otherReasonsLetterDoc": "Other reasons letter",
"passportCopyOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Passport Copy of the Owner/Partner",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport Number",
"passportOwnerDoc": "Passport of owner",
"passportOwnerPartnerDoc": "Passport copy or Emirates ID of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"pensionSalaryDoc": "Pension salary certificate",
"policeReportDoc": "Police report",
"powerOfAttorneyDoc": "Power Of Attorney",
"previousEIDDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEIdDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEmiratesIdDoc": "Previous Emirates ID",
"professionalLicenseDoc": "Professional license",
"proofOfAcquiredNationalityDoc": "Proof of acquired nationality",
"proofOfCourtRulingOfLossDoc": "Proof of court ruling of loss",
"proofOfDesertionDoc": "Proof of desertion",
"proofOfDisassociation": "Proof of disassociation of previous authorized person",
"proofOfRevocationOfCitizenshipDoc": "Proof of revocation of citizenship",
"proofOfSalaryDetailsDoc": "Proof of salary details",
"reasonToFireDoc": "Reason to fire",
"rejectionReasonDocumentDoc": "Rejection Reason Document",
"resignationLetterDoc": "Resignation letter",
"restructuringDecreeDoc": "Restructuring Decree",
"retirementLetterDoc": "Retirement Letter",
"signatoryAuthDoc": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"specializedPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Specialized power of attorney",
"statementOfNominalPeriodDoc": "Statement of nominal period",
"statementOfPreviousServicePeriodsDoc": "Statement of previous service periods",
"statmnetOfAdditonalPurchasedServicePeriodDoc": "Statement of additional purchased service period",
"subsidiaryDoc": "Proof of parent subsidiary relationship",
"terminationLetterDoc": "Termination letter",
"tradeLicenseDoc": "Trade license",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDoc": "Transfer acceptance letter",
"transferDecisionLetterDoc": "Transfer decision letter",
"transferRequestLetterDoc": "Transfer request letter",
"transferLetterDoc": "Transfer letter",
"undertakingLetterDoc": "Undertaking Letter",
"windingUpDocumentDoc": "Winding Up document",
"workInjuryInvestigationReportDoc": "Work injury investigation report",
"workplaceFitnessAssessmentFormDoc": "Workplace fitness assessment form",
"medicalExaminationReportDoc": "Medical examination report",
"recentPersonalPhotoDoc": "Recent personal photo",
"previousEmiratesIDDoc": "Previous Emirates ID",
"proofOfAccquiredNationalityDoc": "Proof of accquired nationality",
"employerRegistrationRequestDoc": "Employer registration request",
"statementOfServicePeriodsDoc": "Statement of service periods",
"insuranceProtectionExtensionProgramUnifiedFormDoc": "Insurance Protection Extension Program Unified Form",
"salHistoryDoc": "Salary history document"
"title": "Documents"
"employeeSalaryDetail": {
"field_list": {
"allProformasLbl": "All Proformas",
"back": "Back",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance",
"contributablePercentage": "Contributable percentage",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable salary",
"contributableSupplementaryAmt": "Contributable amount of supplementary allowance",
"contributableToolTipInfo": "Maximum contributable salary for local/federal government sector is AED 300,000",
"contributionDetails": "Contribution details",
"contributionPayments": "Contribution Payments",
"effectiveDate": "Effective Date",
"emiratesIDNumber": "Emirates ID Number:",
"empContriToGpssa": "Employee contribution to GPSSA (5%)",
"employerContriToGpssa": "Employer contribution to GPSSA (12.5%)",
"generalAllownace": "General/nutrition allowance",
"govtContriToGpssa": "Government share to GPSSA (2.5%)",
"grossSalary": "Gross Salary",
"heading": "Salary Details",
"houseAllowance": "Housing allowance",
"in": "in",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"infoSalaryUpdate": "Please note that changes you make to the salary details will be reflected in system immediately.",
"inPercent": "in %",
"livingCostAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"miscellaneousAllownace": "Additional miscellaneous allowances",
"nationalAllowance": "Social allowance (also known as national allowance)",
"otherAllowances": "Other allowances",
"percent": "%",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"reviewAllProformas": "Review all Proformas",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"salaryChangesNotification": "Please note that changes you make to the salary details will be reflected in system immediately",
"salaryDetails": "Salary Details",
"salaryUpdateDate": "Effective date for salary update",
"save": "Save",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"supplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"totalContributions": "Total contributions(20%)",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"transportationAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"workAllownace": "Nature of work allowance"
"title": "Employee Salary Detail"
"employeesSummary": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"activeEmployees": "Total employees",
"enrollmentInProgress": "Enrollment in progress",
"heading": "Employees Summary",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"activeNoCon": "Active - no contribution",
"inActiveNoCon": "Inactive - no contribution",
"status": "Status",
"viewDetails": "View employee details"
"title": "Employees summary"
"employerDeRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"dateOfClosing": "Date Of closing down",
"docUploadLabel": "Upload Document",
"employerDeRegistrationDetails": "Employer deregistration details",
"haveLiability": "You have outstanding liability, therefore you cannot create request for de-registration.",
"notEligibleForDeregistration": "De-registration is allowed only when there are no active employees",
"pendingDeRegistrationModalBody": "Previous service is still in pending",
"pendingDeRegistrationModalHeading": "Previous service is still in pending",
"proofOfAcquistionLabel": "Proof of Acquisition",
"proofOfBankruptcyLabel": "Proof of Bankruptcy",
"proofOfClosurelabel": "Proof of Closure",
"proofOfDefaultLabel": "Employer to attach relevant document",
"proofOfDissolutionLabel": "Proof of Dissolution",
"proofOfLiquidationLabel": "Proof of Liquidation",
"proofOfOtherLabel": "Employer to attach relevant document",
"proofOfResturcuringLabel": "Restructuring Decree Human Resource Policy",
"reasonAcquistionLabel": "Acquisition",
"reasonBankruptcyLabel": "Bankruptcy",
"reasonDissolutionLabel": "Dissolution",
"reasonForClosingLabel": "Reason for closing down",
"reasonForClosingTooltip": "Reason for shutting down the business",
"reasonForOther": "Please enter your reason",
"reasonLiquidationLabel": "Liquidation",
"reasonOtherLabel": "Other",
"reasonRestructuringLabel": "Restructuring",
"reasonWindingUpLabel": "Winding Up",
"tncCheckboxLabel": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncHeading": "Terms and Conditions",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"dashboardApiError": "We are having trouble identifying eligibility to request this service"
"title": "Employer DeRegistration"
"employerRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account Holder Name",
"accountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"accountType": "Account type",
"addAdditionalPointOfContacts": "Add additional point of contacts",
"additionalAllowance": "Additional miscellaneous allowance",
"addMember": "Do you want to add the member who initiated the employer registration as an authorized representative?",
"addNewPOC": "Add new point of contact",
"address": "Employer address",
"addressLine1": "Address line 1",
"addressLine2": "Address line 2",
"alternativeEmailId": "Alternative email ID",
"areYouPOA": "Do you have a notarized power of attorney to act on behalf of the signatory authority?",
"areYouSignatoryAuthority": "Are you the signatory authority of the company?",
"authInformation": "Signatory authority/notarized power of attorney details",
"authorisation": "Authorization",
"bankAccountDetails": "Bank account details",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"basicInformation": "Basic information",
"BasicSalary": "Basic salary",
"bic": "BIC",
"branch": "Branch",
"BS": "Basic salary",
"CA": "Children allowance",
"ChildrenAllowance": "Child allowance",
"city": "City",
"close": "Close",
"closeLabel": "Close",
"COLA": "Cost of living allowance",
"companyContactDetails": "Organization contact details",
"companyEmailPlaceholder": "",
"companyNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"companyNameArabicPlaceholder": "أدخل اسم صاحب العمل",
"companyNameEnglish": "Employer name (English)",
"companyNameEnglishPlaceholder": "Enter the entity name of the Employer",
"companyPhoneNumber": "Phone number",
"companySubtype": "Employer sub-type",
"companyType": "Employer sector",
"companyWebsite": "Website",
"companyWebsitePlaceholder": "",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"contactAndAddress": "Contact & address",
"contactNumberPlaceholder": "50 555 5555",
"continue": "Continue",
"ContributableSalary": "Contributable Salary (20%)",
"contributableSupplementaryAmt": "Contributable amount (of supplementary allowance)",
"contributableSupplementaryAmtPercentage": "(in %)",
"corporateEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Corporate Email ID",
"CostOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"country": "Country",
"countryCode": "Phone country code",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"decree": "Decree or law of establishment number",
"deleteSection": "Delete section",
"disallowedSubsidiaryParentErrorMessage": "The selected employer cannot be added as a parent as it already exists in the list of current employer's subsidiaries",
"doYouWantToContinue": "This employer should be registered with ${0} pension authority. Do you still want to continue?",
"doYouWantToContinueTooltip": "Since the employer is registered in ${0}, the entity will therefore be registered with the ${0} Pension Fund, but you can register with us for certain reasons, such as the need to register nationals of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC).",
"duplicateParentErrorMessage": "Employer cannot have duplicate parents. Only one parent is allowed.",
"effectiveFrom": "Effective from",
"effectiveUntil": "Effective until",
"emailId": "Organization email ID",
"emirate": "Emirate",
"emirateHeadquarter": "Select Emirate of headquarters",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employerDetails": "Employer details",
"employment": "Employment",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"enterReason": "Enter reason",
"establishmentCardNumber": "Establishment card number",
"establishmentCardNumberToolTip": "Establishment card number",
"establishmentDate": "Establishment date",
"facebookId": "Facebook ID",
"facebookPlaceholder": "",
"federalGovernment": "Federal government",
"financialDetails": "Financial details",
"firstName": "First name",
"freezone": "Freezone",
"generalAllownace": "General/nutrition allowance",
"GPSSADefaultPercentage": "The defaulted percentages are as per GPSSA law.",
"grossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"heading": "Employer Registration",
"headquarters": "Headquarters",
"homePhoneNumber": "Home phone number",
"HRA": "Housing allowance",
"infoOptional": "The information in this section is optional",
"initiatorEmailId": "Requester corporate Email ID",
"initiatorRole": "Requester role",
"inPercentage": "(%)",
"instagramId": "Instagram ID",
"instagramPlaceholder": "@dummytext",
"invalidOtp": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"isHeadquarterOrBranch": "Is this entity the headquarters or a branch?",
"isPrimary": "Is this address primary?",
"lastName": "Last name",
"learnmore": "Learn more",
"licenseDetails": "License details",
"licenseExpirationDate": "License expiration date",
"licenseIssueDate": "License issue date",
"licenseNumber": "License number",
"licenseNumberToolTip": "Refer to your business license",
"licenseType": "License type",
"licensingAuthority": "Licensing authority",
"licensingEmirate": "Licensing emirate",
"localGovernment": "Local government",
"mainland": "Mainland",
"memberName": "Requester name",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"military": "Military",
"minuteLabel": "minute",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"natureOfWorkAllowance": "Nature of work allowance",
"NCA": "Non-contributable allowance",
"no": "No",
"NonContributableAllowance": "Other non-contributable allowance",
"OA": "Other allowance",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowance": "Gross salary",
"otherAllowances": "Other allowances",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your corporate email ID: ${0}",
"otpValidationSuccessContent": "Click close to return to registration",
"otpValidationSuccessHeading": "OTP verified successfully",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"pleaseProvideSignAuth": "Signatory authority details",
"pleaseSelectSalary": "Please select the salary components relevant to your entity.",
"POAExpiryDate": "Notarized power of attorney expiration date",
"postalCode": "Postal code",
"primaryIndustry": "Primary industry",
"private": "Private",
"reason": "You can continue to register with us for the below reason:",
"reason1": "Seconded insured management",
"reason2": "GCC insured management",
"reason3": "GCC Nationals Registration",
"redirectToHome": "Your entries will be discarded and you will be redirected the previous page.",
"referlicense": "Refer to your business license",
"registrationNumber": "Registration number",
"requestEmployerRegistration": "Request employer registration",
"requestToBecomeAPoc": "Do you want to become an authorized representative for this employer?",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"respondMsg": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"role": "Role",
"SA": "Supplementary allowance",
"SAEmailId": "Corporate email ID of the signatory authority",
"SAEmiratesId": "Emirates ID of the Signatory authority",
"salaryCalculationHeadingDesc": "The basic monthly salary of the insured, in addition to monthly bonuses and allowances granted thereto, namely: Bonus of the living costs, social allowance for children, social allowance for nationals , living allowance decided according to the level thereof. The living allowance shall be estimated on a monthly basis with regards to persons receiving such allowance on an annual basis, and such by dividing it on the number of months per year , provided that the salary of subscription calculation of the insured does not exceed that of the Minister.",
"salaryCalculationHeadingLbl": "As per Article 1 Federal law for Pension and Social Security, contribution components for government entities are calculated as follows:",
"salaryComponents": "Salary details",
"salaryDetails": "Salary details",
"SAorPOAholder": "What is your role with this entity?",
"secondaryIndustry": "Secondary industry",
"secondsLabel": "seconds",
"selectYourEmirate": "Select emirate",
"selfEmployed": "Are you self employed?",
"sendVerificationOtp": "Send verification OTP",
"sentForDigitalConsent": "Your request has been sent to the signatory authority to provide digital consent.",
"services": "Services",
"signatoryAuthorityInformation": "Authorization Information",
"skip": "Skip",
"snapchatId": "Snapchat ID",
"snapchatPlaceholder": "Example: @MoAmer",
"SOA": "Social Allowance",
"SocialAllowance": "Social allowance",
"state": "Emirate",
"submittedForReview": "Your changes have been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"supplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"SupplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"timeRemaining": "remaining",
"title": "Employer Registration",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions.",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"transportAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"twitterId": "Twitter ID",
"twitterPlaceholder": "@dummy_text",
"uaeName": "United Arab Emirates",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully submitted your details.",
"vatNumber": "VAT number",
"whatsAppNumber": "WhatsApp number",
"whatsAppNumberCountryCode": "WhatsApp country code",
"whichCountry": "Which country is your company registered in?",
"yes": "Yes",
"yourCorporateEmailId": "Your corporate Email ID"
"title": "Employer Registration"
"employmentActivity": {
"field_list": {
"commenceActivityDate": "Date of commencement of activity",
"establishmentDate": "Date of memorandum of association",
"heading": "Employment activity",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"otherPensionAuth": "Other pension authority",
"pensionAuthority": "Select a pension authority",
"pensionOtherSource": "Are you receiving pension from another authority?",
"professionExpDate": "Expiry date of permit to practice profession",
"selectAuthority": "Select a pension authority"
"title": "Employment activity"
"employmentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"activeCaseInfo1": "A request is in progress with Request Id",
"activeCaseInfo2": ". The details will remain locked unless the existing request is completed.",
"addLeaveBtn": "Report leave",
"addSecondmentBtn": "Report secondment",
"authorised": "Authorized",
"authSecondedTo": "Authority seconded to",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"contigousLabel": "Contiguous",
"countryOfEmployment": "Country of employment",
"datecorrectAndContigous": "Date Correct, Contiguous",
"dateCorrectLabel": "Date Correct",
"dateIncorrectLabel": "Incorrect date",
"disclaimer1": "The grey fields are only editable by your employer.",
"disclaimer21": "Please",
"disclaimer22": "with GPSSA if any of these details are incorrect.",
"documentUploadError": "We have created a request successfully. However, we encountered an issue while uploading the document in your request. Please try uploading the document in request - ",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeID": "Employee ID",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"employerNumber": "Employer number",
"employerSecondedTo": "Employer seconded to",
"employerSector": "Employer sector",
"employerTransfferedFrom": "Employer transferred from",
"employerTransfferedTo": "Employer transferred to",
"employerType": "Employer type",
"employmentContract": "Employment Contract",
"employmentDetails": "Employment Details",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentId": "Employment ID",
"employmentStartDate": "Contribution start date",
"employmentStatus": "Employment status",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service status",
"eosHeading": "End of Service Details - Request ID:",
"eosReason": "EoS reason",
"heading": "Employment details",
"jobInformation": "Job information",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"leaveCertificate": "Leave Certificate",
"leaveDetails": "Leave details",
"leaveDisclaimer": "If you are not able to find previously submitted leave request, please reach out to GPSSA.",
"leaveEndDate": "End date",
"leaveStartDate": "Start date",
"leaveStatus": "Leave Status",
"leaveType": "Leave type",
"leaveTypeAr": "الإبلاغ عن إجازة",
"name": "Name",
"nationalityDetails": "Nationality Details",
"occupation": "Occupation",
"overlapAndContigousLabel": "Overlap, Contiguous",
"overlapAndDateCorrectLabel": "Overlap, Date Correct",
"overlapDateCorrectContigous": "Overlap, DateCorrect, Contiguous",
"overlapLabel": "Overlapping dates",
"overlappingLeave": "Provided leave dates are overlapping with exiting leaves, please recheck.",
"passportDetails": "Passport Details",
"payementStatus": "Payment status",
"paymentStatus": "Approval status",
"penAuthSecondedTo": "Pension authority seconded to",
"personalDetails": "Personal Details",
"personOfDeterminationDetails": "Person of Determination",
"recordNumber": "100001",
"reqStatus": "Request Status",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"salaryCaseDetailHeading": "Employee Case Details",
"salaryDetails": "Salary details",
"salaryDraftDeleteError": "Error deleting salary draft.",
"salaryDraftUpdateError": "Error submitting salary draft.",
"salaryHistoryUpdateError": "Error updating salary history.",
"salaryTypeAr": "راتب",
"secodmentDecisionDocument": "Secondment Decision Document",
"seconded": "Secondment",
"secondedEndDate": "Secondment end date",
"secondedStartDate": "Secondment start date",
"secondmentDetails": "Secondment details",
"secondmentTypeAr": "الإبلاغ عن إعارة",
"sector": "Sector",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"unauthorised": "Unauthorized leave",
"unpaidSuspension": "Unpaid suspension",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"proofOfLeaveTmpl": "Proof of leave template.",
"endDateMissing": "Active employees cannot have an end date for their latest salary."
"title": "Employment details"
"endOfService": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"accountHolderNameTooltip": "This name should match the IBAN certificate.",
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"add": "Add another liability",
"apiDocumentFetchError": "Unable to fetch list of required documents. Please try again after some time.",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch data at the moment. Please try again after some time.",
"back": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"benefitsExchangeDate": "Benefits exchange date",
"benefitsExchangeDateTooltip": "This date should be the starting date with the new employer. Contribution will be collected until one day before the date provided.",
"benefitsExchangeEmployer": "Select new employer name",
"benefitsExchangePensionAuthority": "Pension authority/fund associated with new employer",
"contributionCost": "Contribution cost",
"courtDoc": "Court decision document",
"currency": "AED",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"daysDeductedTooltip": "Number of days excluded from the total employment period due to unpaid contributions as result of leave or non payment.",
"deathDocumentInfo": "Below mentioned documents are needed to be uploaded as supporting documents for this case. You can do so by adding them in the 'Additional supporting documents' section in the sidebar with appropriate title.",
"deathIssueAuthorityFallback": "Ministry of Health and Prevention",
"deathIssuingEntity": "Entity issuing the death certificate",
"deathIssuingEntityTooltip": "Entity name should be the same as on death certificate",
"deathPlace": "Place of death",
"disagree": "Disagree",
"dispute": "Dispute",
"eligibility_error_01": "Provided Emirates ID is not associated with the current employer.",
"eligibility_error_02": "A case already exists for this Emirates ID.",
"eligibility_error_02_BE": "A Benefits Exchange case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"eligibility_error_02_EOS": "An End of Service case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"emailAddress": "Employee's Email ID",
"emiratesId": "Insured Emirates ID",
"employeeEmiratesIdLabel": "Employee Emirates ID:",
"employeeShare": "Employee share",
"employemntEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerShare": "Employer share",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentEndDateTooltip": "This is the last working day with the current employer.",
"employmentSectionHeading": "Employment Details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"endOfServiceDateTooltip": "Benefits will be calculated based on this date.",
"eosDeathDate": "Date of death",
"eosReason": "Reason for end of service",
"eosReason1": "Reason 1",
"eosReason2": "Reason 2",
"eosRejected": "Your request has been rejected",
"eosSubmitted": "Your end of service request has been successfully submitted",
"eosSubReason": "Specify sub-reason",
"eosTransferDate": "Transfer date (Employment start date with the new employer)",
"eosTransferTo": "Transfer to",
"eosUpdated": "Your end of service request has been successfully updated",
"firstName": "First name",
"heading": "People of determination",
"iban": "IBAN number",
"ibanTooltip": "It must be the same bank for the salary account.",
"initiatePayment": "Initiate payment",
"insuredAcceptAlert": "I verify that all the above information is correct and hereby provide my consent to process the End of Service request",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name",
"lastWorkingDate": "Last working date",
"law-A": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"law-B": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"liabilityAmount": "Liability amount (Consider pending payments only)",
"liabilityDisclaimer": "Any unsettled financial liabilities due with employee should be directly settled with employer. GPSSA will not be responsible to deduct and pay any such amount to the employer from the benefits exchange amount.",
"liabilityRadioLegend": "Is there any other unsettled financial liability due on employee?",
"liabilitySectionHeading": "Unsettled Liabilities",
"liabilityType": "Liability type",
"liabilityTypeTooltip": "Unsettled liabilities provides an opportunity to request deductions from the end of service benefits of Insured. However deduction and subsequent payments to employer are subject to GPSSA approval.",
"makeCorrections": "Make corrections",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"middleName": "Middle name(s)",
"nationalityCancelDate": "Effective date of nationality cancellation",
"nationalityList": "New nationality",
"newEmployer": "New employer name",
"other": "Other",
"pendingPaymentDesc": "As per records, there are pending payments. Any pending payments remaining after 5 days of submission of this request will be cancelled and service period will be adjusted accordingly for benefit computation.<br /><br />Based on the end-of-service request submitted, our records show that you have not paid the contribution for the end-of-service month. Please note that you have (5) working days to pay the contribution due to the Authority. It must be noted that in the event of non-payment, the value of the unpaid contributions will be deducted from the insured’s service period.",
"pendingPayments": "Pending payments",
"provideAmendmentReason": "Please provide what you need to amend for the End of Service request.",
"provideConsent": "I hereby provide my consent to share my personal and employment details with the other pension authority.",
"provideDisagreeReason": "Please provide reason for disagreeing to End of Service amendment request.",
"provideDisagreeReasonBE": "Please provide reason for disagreeing to Benefits Exchange Amendment request.",
"provideDisputeReason": "Please provide reason for disputing End of Service request.",
"provideDisputeReasonBE": "Please provide reason for disputing Benefits Exchange request.",
"provideRejectReason": "Please provide reason for rejecting End of Service request.",
"provideRejectReasonBE": "Please provide reason for rejecting Benefits Exchange request.",
"purchaseCost": "Purchase cost",
"reason": "Reason",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectDispute": "Reject dispute",
"remove": "Remove liability",
"reportDispute": "Submit to GPSSA",
"requestAmendment": "Request Amendment",
"retirementAgeIneligible": "This member is not eligible to opt for retirement. The minimum age for retirement is 50.",
"returnTowork": "Do you wish to return to work?",
"salarySectionHeading": "Salary account details",
"startTyping": "Start typing",
"submit": "Submit",
"returnToEmployee": "Return to employee",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to employee for review.",
"successModalHeadingDeath": "Your request has been successfully sent to GPSSA for review.",
"successModalSubHeading": "Employee is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"successModalSubHeadingDeath": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"totalLiabilityAmount": "Total liability amount",
"trainingCourses": "Do you want to take training courses?",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the approval letter by the GPSSA employer",
"transferDisclaimer": "Please settle all financial obligations before submitting transfer request.",
"transferRequestLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the request letter from the new employer under other pension fund/authority to the GPSSA employer",
"unclaimedBenefitsTitle": "Unclaimed Benefits",
"updateCaseFailError": "Unable to update case request details.",
"verifiedSalary": "I have reviewed and verified <a class='salaryDetailsLink' target='_blank' href='/employer/account/manageemployee/${0}-${1}?tab=salary'>salary details</a>",
"verifiedSalaryMobile": "I have reviewed and verified salary details",
"volunteer": "Do you wish to volunteer?",
"penaltyBoxHeading": "Penalty for late End of service",
"penaltyBoxAmount": "Penalty amount",
"penaltyBoxDays": "Number of days",
"raiseInquiryButton": "Raise inquiry",
"penaltyTnC": "Penalty for late End of service may be applied by GPSSA as governed by law.",
"eosOtherReason": "Other reason"
"title": "End Of Service"
"endOfServiceMilitary": {
"field_list": {
"accountHolderName": "Account holder name",
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Date on which employee acquired UAE nationality",
"addBenefit": "Add another benefit",
"additionalAllowance": "Additional allowance",
"additionalOneTimeAllowance": "Additional one time allowance amount",
"additionalServicePeriod": "Additional service period",
"addLiability": "Add another liability",
"addPeriod": "Add another period",
"aed": "AED",
"backBtn": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount",
"benefitPeriod": "Benefit period",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance",
"civil": "Civil",
"close": "Close",
"contributionRefundAmount": "Contribution refund amount",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"deathIssuingEntity": "Entity issuing the death certificate",
"deathIssuingEntityTooltip": "Entity name should be the same as on death certificate",
"deathPlace": "Place of death",
"designation": "Designation",
"disabilityAmount": "Disability %",
"disabilityType": "Disability type",
"documentsSectionTitle": "Documents",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeCategory": "Select employee category",
"employeeDetailsSectionTitle": "Employee details",
"employeePersonalEmail": "Employee personal email address",
"employeePersonalMobile": "Employee personal mobile number",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employmentDetailsSectionTitle": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"endOfServiceReason": "End of service reason",
"eosDeathDate": "Date of death",
"eosReason": "End of service reason",
"eosSubReason": "End of service sub-reason",
"iban": "IBAN",
"ibanTooltip": "It must be the same bank for the salary account.",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"increasePensionAmount": "Increase pension amount",
"isUAENational": "Is employee UAE national by birth?",
"liabilityAmount": "Liability Amount (Consider pending payments only)",
"liabilityRadioLegend": "Is there any other unsettled financial liability of the employee?",
"liabilityRadioPlaceholder": "Is there any unsettled financial liability of the employee?",
"liabilitySectionTitle": "Unsettled Financial Liabilities",
"liabilityType": "Liability type",
"mergePeriodLabel": "Select merged period",
"mergePeriodRadio": "Does the employee have any merged service period?",
"military": "Military",
"militaryCategory": "Select military category:",
"militaryNumber": "Military Number",
"militaryRank": "Military rank",
"ministryOfHealth": "Ministry of health",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nextBtn": "Next",
"nominalPeriodHeading": "Nominal service period is the non actual service period deemed by the pension law that can be added to enhance the insurance benefits in account:",
"nominalPeriodHeadingClauseOne": "(i) if the training and academic programme, secondment or mission or leave period as per the provisions stipulated in the law",
"nominalPeriodHeadingClauseTwo": "(ii) if the military personnel's age reached 40 years upon joining the service, then a period of 5 years is added to his service in case he doesn't have sufficient service period to add to his overall service period after merging.",
"nominalPeriodLabel": "Select nominal period",
"nominalServicePeriodPlaceholder": "Nominal service period",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance",
"pensionAuthority": "Pension authority",
"percentage": "(%)",
"previousServicePeriodSectionTitle": "Previous service periods",
"purchasePeriodLabel": "Select purchase period",
"purchasePeriodRadio": "Does the employee have any additional purchased service period?",
"removeBenefit": "Remove benefit",
"removeLiability": "Remove liability",
"removePeriod": "Remove period",
"salaryAccountDetailsSectionTitle": "Salary account details",
"salaryDetailsSectionTitle": "Salary details",
"servicePeriodsSectionTitle": "Service periods",
"specialBenefitsRadioLabel": "Is there any special benefits for this employee?",
"specialBenefitsRadioPlaceholder": "Is there any special benefits for this employee?",
"specialBenefitsSectionTitle": "Special benefits",
"specialBenefitType": "Special benefit type",
"submitBtn": "Submit",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review",
"successModalSubHeading": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"totalGross": "Total gross salary",
"totalGrossTooltipText": "The total gross salary is the sum of the basic salary and basic salary allowances.",
"totalLiabilityAmount": "Total liability amount",
"uid": "Unified Number",
"verifyEmiratesIdBtn": "Verify Emirates ID",
"verifyFaicBtn": "Verify with FAIC"
"title": "End Of Service - Military"
"errorMessage": {
"field_list": {
"access_denied": "User cancelled the login",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch data at the moment. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"browserNotSupported": "Your browser is not currently supported! <br /><br />GPSSA Portal works best on Chrome, Firefox, IE Edge and Safari.",
"caseAlreadyInProgress": "Request is already in progress and the status is '${0}'",
"cmsApiFailed": "We are unable to access the servers right now, try again by reloading the page.",
"commonError": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"corporateEmailInsteadOfPersonal": "Do not enter your personal email id.",
"createRequest_400": "Error in submitting your request. Please recheck the requirements and try again.",
"createRequest_500": "Error in submitting your request. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"createRequest_faicCallFailed": "We are unable to fetch the details from FAIC at the moment. Please try again later.",
"createRequest_getFAIC001": "We were unable to fetch any information linked to your Emirates ID",
"createRequest_getFAIC002": "Critical information not present in FAIC",
"createRequest_guestAccount": "Insured should have a guest account",
"docDropError": "Document could not be added because it is either not a valid document type or it is more than 5 MB in size.",
"document_upload_failed": "Document upload failed, please try again.",
"dwnldEmpError": "Error in fetching employees details. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"EMAIL_NOT_AVAILABLE": "We are unable to find your email address with the selected employer.",
"EMP_REG_UNIQUE001": "Employer with the same name already exists, please use a different name.",
"employerNotFound": "Employer is not active.",
"error_400": "Something went wrong, please try again.",
"executive_not_found": "Unable to find matching record, use different Emirates ID.",
"executiveInvalid": "The information provided is invalid. Please recheck the details and try again.",
"executiveIsInsured": "This service is not applicable for the Emirates ID provided, please try again with different details.",
"fetchDetailsError": "Unable to fetch details, please try again.",
"getFAIC001": "We were unable to fetch any information linked to your Emirates ID",
"getFAIC002": "Critical information not present in FAIC",
"insuredEligibilityFailed": "Insured did not match eligibility criteria.",
"invalid_request": "Login was unsuccessful!",
"invalidDataInFile": "You might be using an older version of the template. Please download the template again and reprocess the file using new template.",
"licenseError": "Unable to validate license number, please try again.",
"LINK-001": "Employer is already linked with you.",
"login_required": "User cancelled the login",
"notEligibleToCreateInsured": "You are not eligible to initiate New Employee registration because you are self employed.",
"portalrestriction": "Please logout from the current portal to be able to login to the other portal.",
"REGISTER001": "Unable to create employer code, please try again.",
"REGISTER002": "Unable to update details, please try again.",
"REGISTER003": "Unable to create case, please try again.",
"REGISTER004": "Unable to send OTP, please try again.",
"REGISTER005": "Unable to fetch employer roles, please try again.",
"REGISTER006": "Unable to fetch employer case, please try again.",
"REGISTER007": "Unable to fetch employer case details, please try again.",
"REGISTER008": "Unable to create cookie for newly created employer, please try again.",
"REGISTER009": "Unable to create cookie, please try again.",
"REGISTER010": "Employer with the same name already exists, please use a different name.",
"REGISTER011": "Employer with the same name already exists. You can resume your registration process by clicking on the cancel button and then selecting resume registration of the employer from the dropdown menu.",
"REGISTER012": "Unable to update the Job title. Please try again.",
"requestDetail_caseUpdate001": "Error in updating request details.",
"requestDocUpload_400": "Error in uploading documents. Please recheck the requirements and try again. Your request has been generated.",
"requestDocUpload_500": "Error in uploading documents. Please try again after a few minutes. Your request has been created.",
"SAEmailInsteadOfPersonal": "Your Email and Signatory Authority Email cannot be same.",
"SAEmiratedIdInsteadOfPersonal": "Your Emirates ID and Signatory Authority Emirates ID cannot be the same.",
"salaryComputationError": "System encountered issue while computing gross salary and contribution details.",
"salaryElementsGrossSalary": "Total gross salary must be greater than 0.",
"salComponentIsRequired": "At least one salary component is required and it should be bigger than zero.",
"sameEmiratesId": "Your Emirates ID and Signatory Authority Emirates ID cannot be same.",
"sameExecutiveDetails": "Same Emirates ID is not allowed to be attached to multiple executives",
"sop1Error": "You are not eligible to access this service. Your account is either not upgraded or you have a visitor account. Please contact GPSSA E-portal to access the services.",
"tokenParseError": "Login failed. Please try again by clicking on login button.",
"UNIQUE001": "Another employer with the same license number already exists. Please provide a unique license number.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE": "An error occurred while fetching your information from our records. Please login in again.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE_DEAD": "Login failed. The member you are trying to login with appears as deceased in the system.",
"USER_PERSONA_NOT_FOUND": "We are not able to identify you as a valid user in the system.",
"createRequest_A-AC-002": "Family information is not available in FAIC for the provided Emirates ID. Please contact them for further assistance.",
"roleNotFound": "Unable to find role '${0}' for the employer, please connect with your super admin for further assistance.",
"requestNotLoaded": "Unable to fetch details of request ${requestId}, please try again."
"title": "Error Message"
"executiveLabels": {
"field_list": {
"corporateEmailAddress": "Corporate email address",
"designation": "Designation",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"fieldPrefix": "ED",
"firstName": "First name",
"fullNameArabic": "Full name (Arabic)",
"fullNameEnglish": "Full name (English)",
"heading": "Executive details",
"lastName": "Last name",
"level": "Level",
"level1": "Level 1",
"level2": "Level 2",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"phoneNumber": "Phone number",
"role": "Role"
"title": "Executive details"
"financeSummaryLbl": {
"field_list": {
"accruedPenaltyTooltip": "Accrued penalty is 0.1% penalty calculated on unpaid contributions.",
"aed": "AED",
"allSelect": "All",
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"amountOutstanding": "Outstanding contribution",
"amountPaid": "Amount paid",
"and": "and",
"barGraph": "Bar Graph",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryBreakdown": "Beneficiary salary breakdown",
"beneficiarySalary": "Beneficiary salary",
"beneficiarySalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"beneficiarySummary": "Beneficiary salary summary",
"breakdownTableTitle": "Contribution Breakdown -",
"cancelled": "Amount cancelled",
"cbOverdueTooltipText": "Pay all overdue amount",
"civilian": "Civilian",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"contributionDue": "Contribution due",
"contributionPaid": "Contribution paid",
"contributions": "Contributions and penalties",
"contributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"contributionsBodyLbl": "View the contributions and penalties which are paid and due.",
"contributionsDescription": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"contributionStatement": "Contribution statement",
"contributionSummaryHeading": "Contributions and penalties",
"creditDate": "Date",
"ddsMandates": "Payment history",
"ddsMandatesBodyLbl": "View your payment history",
"download": "Download",
"downloadDetailed": "Download detailed report",
"downloadDetailedReportLbl": "Download detailed report",
"downloadEmployerStatementTooltip": "The password is formed of eight digits which are the digits that make the Company's Employer ID with GPSSA, preceded by zeros. For example, suppose the Company's employer ID is 1234, then the password will be 00001234.",
"downloadSummaryReportLbl": "Download summary report",
"downloadTooltip": "You can access your outstanding contributions by downloading them using the provided link.",
"email": "Email",
"emailDetailed": "Email detailed report",
"emailDetailedReportLbl": "Email detailed report",
"emailSummaryReportLbl": "Email summary report",
"emiratesIdLabel": "Show data for a specific employee",
"employeeContributionDue": "Employee contribution",
"employer": "Employer",
"employerContributionDue": "Employer contribution",
"eosBenefits": "End of service benefits",
"eosBenefitsDescription": "View the amount applicable for end of service benefits from your previous employers.",
"error_downloadReport_400": "Something went wrong while generating report",
"error_downloadReport_500": "Something went wrong in server while generating report",
"error_emailNotFound": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try again.",
"error_emailReport_400": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try again.",
"error_emailReport_404": "We are unable to find the report.",
"error_emailReport_500": "Something went wrong on the server while sending report to email.",
"error_emailStatement_400": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try again.",
"error_emailStatement_404": "We are unable to find the statement for the selected month.",
"error_emailStatement_500": "Something went wrong on the server while sending statement email.",
"error_getFinancialSummary_404": "Financial summary not found.",
"error_getFinancialSummary_500": "Something went wrong on server.",
"error_getStatementMonths_404": "Could not find statements generated in last 12 months.",
"error_getStatementMonths_500": "Something went wrong in server.",
"error_mergePurchase_unAuthorizedSummary": "You are not authorized to view the details for given Emirates ID",
"error_reportPasswordPolicyMissing": "Emirates ID, mobile number or date of birth required to generate report.",
"errorNotFoundLbl": "You do not have data for the selected time period. Please choose another start and end date",
"financialSummary": "Financial Summary",
"governmentContributionDue": "Government contribution",
"insured": "Insured",
"invoicedPenaltyHeaderLabel": "Invoiced unpaid penalty",
"invoicedPenaltyTooltip": "Invoiced penalty is final penalty amount on delayed registrations, end of service or contribution payments.",
"last12Months": "last 12 months",
"last3Months": "last 3 months",
"last6Months": "last 6 months",
"lineGraph": "Line Graph",
"loading": "loading",
"mandates": "Mandates",
"mergePurchase": "Purchase & merge service period",
"mergePurchaseDescription": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests.",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriod": "Purchase & merge service period",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriodBodyLbl": "View the paid and due payments against purchase & merge service requests.",
"military": "Military",
"mobPasswordProtected": "Your statements are password-protected.",
"mobStatements": "Statements",
"mobSummaryReport": "Summary report",
"mpAmountCancelledLabel": "cancelled",
"mpAmountOverdueLabel": "Amount Overdue",
"mpAmountPaidLabel": "Amount Paid",
"mpAmountUpcomingLabel": "Amount Upcoming",
"mpAnd": "and",
"mpCardPaidBy": "Paid by",
"mpD": "D",
"mpDueToday": "Due today",
"mpEmployer": "Employer",
"mpFuturePayments": "Future payments",
"mpM": "M",
"mpMergeCardTitle": "Merge service period",
"mpNoRequests": "No requests to show",
"mpPageTitle": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mpPaymentMethod": "Payment method",
"mpPreviousRequestsDisclaimer": "Cards displayed below shows details of requests availed with past employers. Current and future end of service or pension salary calculations will not consider the periods merged/purchased that have been applied in the past.",
"mpPreviousRequestsLinkText": "View previously availed merge/purchase requests",
"mpPurchaseCardTitle": "Purchase service period",
"mpPurchasePeriodLabel": "Periods paid and applied",
"mpRequestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"mpTotalCost": "Total cost",
"mpTotalDue": "Outstanding payments",
"mpTotalPeriod": "Total periods requested",
"mpY": "Y",
"netBeneficiarySalary": "Net beneficiary salary",
"netPensionerSalary": "Net pension",
"noContributionData": "No contribution details available",
"outstandingContributionLabel": "Outstanding contribution (with accrued penalty)",
"outstandingPayments": "Remaining payments",
"overdueContributionPayment": "Overdue contribution payment",
"overduePaymentDistributionTooltip": "Your request will get cancelled after 3 installment payment failures.",
"overduePayments": "Outstanding payment",
"paidAfterDueDate": "Paid after due date",
"paidBy": "Paid by",
"paidByDueDate": "Paid by due date",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"paymentMethod": "Payment method",
"payments": "Payments",
"paymentsMandates": "Payments",
"paymentsMandatesDescription": "View your payments history",
"penaltyAccrued": "Penalty Accrued",
"penaltyDue": "Penalty due",
"penaltyInvoiced": "Penalty Invoiced",
"penaltyPaid": "Penalty Paid",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last four digits of your Emirates ID, followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last four digits of your Emirates ID is 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"pension": "Pension",
"pensionerBreakdown": "Pension summary breakdown",
"pensionerSalary": "Pension",
"pensionerSalaryAll": "Total pension",
"pensionerSalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"pensionSummary": "Pension summary",
"presetPeriod": "Select pre-set reporting period",
"purchasePeriod": "Purchased service periods (Paid & applied)",
"reportDownloadSuccess": "Your summary has been downloaded.",
"reportEmailSuccess": "Your summary has been mailed.",
"requestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"selectGraphDataLabelPlaceholder": "Select the data to display",
"selectGraphDataPlaceholder": "Select",
"selectMonth": "Select a month to view contribution breakdown and generate statement",
"startAndEndDate": "Customize start and end date",
"statementDownloadSuccess": "Your statement has been downloaded",
"statementEmailSuccess": "Your statement has been mailed",
"summaryOverview": "Welcome to your financial overview, where you can view your financial summary, payment breakdown and previous statements. Your fully interactive graph will allow you to set dates, view your payments over time periods and download financial reports.",
"timePeriod": "Time period",
"totalBeneficiary": "Total beneficiary salary",
"totalContribution": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionDue": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionPaid": "Total contribution paid",
"totalDeduction": "Total deduction",
"totalNetBeneficiarySummary": "Total net beneficiary salary",
"totalNetPensionSummary": "Net pension salary",
"totalPenalty": "Total penalty",
"totalPenaltyPaid": "Total penalty paid",
"totalPenaltyPaidTooltip": "This is the total penalty paid",
"totalPensionSummary": "Total pension salary",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"turnDashboardLabel": "Return to dashboard",
"upcomingPayment": "Future payment",
"vamountPaid": "Paid contribution"
"title": "Finance Summary"
"financialDetails": {
"field_list": {
"contriPercentage": "Contribution percentage",
"heading": "Financial details",
"incomeBracket": "Income bracket",
"monthlyContri": "Monthly contribution"
"title": "Financial details"
"fitnessAssessment": {
"field_list": {
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"createCaseApiError": "Error occurred while creating the case. Please try again later.",
"updateCaseApiError": "Error occured while updating the case. Please try again later.",
"caseAlreadyInProgress": "A fitness assessment request is already in progress with request id - ",
"employeeDetailsHeading": "Insured details",
"fitnessAssessmentHeading": "Fitness assessment",
"emirateIdNotValid": "Provided Emirates ID is not linked with employer code. Please try different Emirates ID.",
"emirateIdNotEligible": "Provided Emirates ID is not eligible.",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"typeOfIllness": "Type of illness",
"dateOfIllness": "Date of illness",
"assessmentReason": "Reason for assessment",
"otherAssessmentReason": "Other assessment reason",
"fitnessAssessmentSuccessMessage": "Your workplace fitness assessment request has been successfully submitted.",
"tncContent1": "I accept the",
"tncContent2": "associated with this service",
"tncContentApiError": "Could not fetch Terms & Conditions data",
"tncLinkText": "terms & conditions",
"requestLinkContent1": "Request",
"requestLinkContent2": "was raised for this employee less than six months ago.",
"comments": "Comments",
"decisionGpssa": "Decision by GPSSA",
"decision": "Decision",
"fitToWork": "Fit to work",
"unfitForWork": "Unfit for work",
"fitnessFormDownloadContent1": "Please click",
"fitnessFormDownloadContent2": "here",
"fitnessFormDownloadContent3": "to download workplace fitness assessment form",
"medicalReportDocTooltip": "Medical report as on start date of employment.",
"changeNatureOfWork": "Change nature of work",
"transferToSpecializedDoctor": "Transfer to specialized doctor"
"title": "Fitness assessment"
"footerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"happinessMeter": "Happiness Meter"
"title": "footer labels"
"generateCertificate": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiaryPensionDetails": "Beneficiary pension c/o ${0} - ${1}",
"certificate": "Certificate",
"certificateFailed": "Something went wrong! Please try generating your certificate again.",
"certificateInProgress": "Your certificate is being generated. Please click view/download/email again after a few minutes.",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"createNewCertificate": "Generate Certificates",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"emailSent": "Your certificate was sent to your registered email.",
"emiratesIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your Emirates ID has expired.",
"endOfServiceRequestsAvailed": "The end of service requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the details you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"enterYourReason": "Enter your reason",
"fieldsToHideInCertificate": "The following details are included by default in your certificate. If you wish to hide any detail, select the box.",
"from": "from",
"generateCertificate": "GPSSA | Generate Certificates",
"generatingCertificate": "Your certificate is being generated",
"GPSSA": "Civil",
"iban": "IBAN/Bank Name",
"legalDisclaimerCreatePage": "I declare that how I use the generated certificate is my sole responsibility. GPSSA shall not be held responsible for its use or validity for external parties.",
"legalDisclaimerViewPage": "This page will appear only once when you request the certificate and will not be accessible from your Profile or Service Requests pages. To save a copy, you can either download or email the certificate to your email address.",
"licenseExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your business license has expired.",
"licenseExpiredBlankErr": "You cannot request a certificate because business license expiry date is not there.",
"maxCharacters": "maximum 500 characters",
"mergeOfServicePeriodRequests": "The Merge Previous Service Period requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"MILITARY": "Military",
"MOF": "MOF",
"monthlyCompensationAmount": "Monthly Compensation Amount",
"multipleBeneficaryPensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple beneficiary salaries. Please select the salary you want to be reflected on your certificate.",
"multiplePensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple pensions. Please select the pension you want to be reflected on your certificate.",
"netSalary": "Monthly Pension Salary Amount, Monthly Amount Deducted, Net Monthly Pension Salary Amount",
"noDataFound": "No data found for generating certificate.",
"noEmailConfigured": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try generating the certificate again.",
"noRegisteredInsuredErr": "You cannot request a certificate because you have active Insured.",
"passportIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your passport has expired.",
"pensionDetails": "${0} pension (Retirement Date: ${1})",
"purchaseOfServiceRequests": "The purchase of service periods requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to reflect on the required certificate.",
"reasonForRequest": "Reason for request",
"selectYourCertificate": "Select a certificate",
"serviceRequestedOn": "Service requested on",
"services": "Services",
"view": "View",
"viewCertificate": "View your certificate"
"title": "Generate Certificate"
"governmentContribution": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"amountPlaceholder": "Enter amount",
"apiFetchError": "Error fetching government contribution details.",
"governmentObligationAmount": "Government Obligation Amount",
"invalidAmount": "Invalid amount",
"makePaymentDescription": "Please make the payment for outstanding government contributions.",
"paymentSummary": "Payment Summary",
"remainingAmount": "Total amount remaining",
"tncContent1": "I accept the",
"tncContent2": "associated with this service.",
"tncContentApiError": "Could not fetch Terms & Conditions data.",
"tncLinkText": "terms & conditions",
"totalAmountPaid": "Total amount being payed",
"totalPendingContribution": "Total Pending Contributon"
"title": "Government Contribution"
"headerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"agentLinkedMembers": "Agent Linked Members",
"caretakerLinkedMembers": "Caretaker Linked Members",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"employerAccountType": "Employer account",
"gpssaLogo": "GPSSA Logo",
"guardianLinkedMembers": "Guardian Linked Members",
"localeArabic": "عربي",
"localeEnglish": "English",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Logout",
"memberPortalAccountType": "Member account",
"modalHeading": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"no": "No",
"primaryAccount": "(Primary Account)",
"register": "Register",
"selectEmployer": "Home",
"support": "Help & Support",
"uaeGovtLogo": "UAE Government Logo",
"userProfile": "User Profile",
"viewMyAccount": "View profile",
"yes": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your Requests",
"maashiLogo": "Ma'ashi Logo",
"updateCorporateEmail": "Update corporate Email ID"
"title": "header labels"
"headquartersAndBranches": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "Headquarters & branches",
"linkParent": "Link new headquarters or branches"
"title": "Headquarters & branches"
"helpAndSupport": {
"field_list": {
"createNewRequest": "Create new support request",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_400": "No FAQ Found for this Category!",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_404": "No FAQ Found!",
"helpAndSupportTabList_404": "No service List Found!",
"pageHeading": "Help & Support",
"pageSubHeading": "Having some difficulties? We're here to help",
"sidebarDescription": "You may refer to FAQs to obtain more information on a specific category or click on the button below to raise a new request."
"title": "Help And Support"
"injuryCompensation": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"alreadyInProgress": "You can not raise an Injury Compensation Request for this employee as previous request still under review.",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"attandanceReport": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"backBtn": "Back",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"bankDetailsTooltip": "Please fill the details. This must be the insured's bank account number and will be used for indemnity once the request is approved.",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"compensationAmount": "Compensation amount",
"dateOfInjury": "Date of injury",
"disabilityCausedDueToWorkInjury": "Has this injury resulted in any disability?",
"disabilityPercentage": "Disability percentage",
"emirateIdNotValid": "Provided Emirates ID is not linked with employer code. Please try different Emirates ID.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "123-4567-8910111-2",
"employeeDetailsHeading": "Insured details",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"enterTypeInjury": "Enter type of injury",
"eosLinkMsg": "Please click ${0} to raise an end of service request",
"ibanCertificate": "IBAN Certificate of insured",
"injuryCaseSuccess": "Your injury compensation request has been successfully submitted",
"injuryDetails": "Injury details",
"injuryDetailsSectionTitle": "Injury compensation",
"isCauseInjury": "Is the cause of disability due to work injury?",
"isFitAfterInjury": "Is the person fit to work after injury?",
"isWorkInjury": "Is this work related injury?",
"medicalReport": "Medical report",
"nextBtn": "Submit",
"notAllowedToCompensation": "Injury compensation can be requested only for injury that resulted from the execution of work",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"typeInjury": "Type of injury/disability",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"unableToGetBankList": "Unable to fetch bank list, please try again.",
"uploadDocuments": "Upload documents",
"uploadMandatory": "Uploading of these documents is mandatory",
"viewRequestDetails": "to view the request details.",
"workInvestigationReport": "Work injury investigation report"
"title": "Injury Compensation"
"insuredRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"abpf": "ABPF",
"acquiredNationality": "Acquired nationality",
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Acquired nationality date",
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowances": "Additional miscellaneous allowance",
"aed": "AED",
"alive": "Person is alive",
"alreadyActiveInsured": "Employee with the provided emirates ID is already registered under the same employer",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"applicablePensionLawTooltip": "Applicable pension law drives the contribution calculations for insured. Applicability of the law may change during approval of the request.",
"law-A": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"law-B": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"penaltyBoxHeading": "Penalty for late registration",
"penaltyBoxAmount": "Penalty amount",
"penaltyBoxDays": "Number of days",
"raiseInquiryButton": "Raise inquiry",
"fncActiveEmployee": "Employee with the provided Emirates ID is a member of Federal National Council and cannot be registered",
"amountInAED": "Amount in AED",
"areYouPersonOfDetermination": "Is insured a Person of Determination?",
"basicInformation": "Basic information",
"benefitsExchange": "Benefits Exchange",
"bs": "Basic Salary",
"ca": "Child Allowance",
"cardIssuingAuthority": "Card issuing authority",
"caseIsInProgressErrorMsg": "New Employee Registration is already in progress and case ID is",
"changeContributionDeviates": "The change in contributable % deviates from GPSSA law and it will be sent to GPSSA admin for approval.",
"city": "City",
"clearEndDate": "Clear end date",
"closedRequestHeading": "Your request has been closed successfully",
"cola": "Cost of living allowance",
"completionDate": "Completion date",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"contributablePercent": "Contributable %",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary",
"contributableSalaryTooltip": "Maximum contributable salary for local/federal government sectors is AED 300,000",
"contributionAmount": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionDetailsHeading": "Contribution details",
"contributionDetailsInfo": "Contribution would be calculated from employment start date. Any delay in paying contribution will lead to daily penalty.",
"contributionPercentage": "Contribution percentage",
"contributionPercentageTooltip": "% of which is included in contributable salary",
"contributionSalaryPercent": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionSectionGovtLawTxt": ", and the government must contribute ${0}%. Government share ${0}% will not be included in contribution proforma. This amount will be paid by government",
"contributionSectionLawTxt": "According to Federal <span class='lawText'>${0}</span> for Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equals to ${1}% of the employee salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis. While the employee must contribute ${2}% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute ${3}% of the employee's salary",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"councilMembers": "Council Members",
"country": "Country",
"countryOfIssue": "Country of issue",
"dateOfAcquiredNationality": "Date of acquired nationality",
"dateOfAcquiredNationalityTooltip": "Contributions would be collected based on the acquired nationality date",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"decree": "Decree",
"educationDetailsHeading": "Education details",
"eligibilityCriteria": "Eligibility criteria",
"eligibilityCriteriaLower": "eligibility criteria",
"emailAddress": "Email ID",
"emailTooltip": "This email ID will be used to notify the employee for updates.",
"emiratesIdExpiryDate": "Emirates ID expiry date",
"emiratesIdToolTip": "Provide employee's Emirates ID who will be registered as an Insured with GPSSA",
"employee": "Employee",
"employeeCategory": "Employee category",
"employeeCategoryToolTip": "Employee category is determined based on the employer type i.e. Federal, Local or Private employer",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeEmiratesId": "Employee Emirates ID: ${0}",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"employmentContractType": "Employment contract type",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentSalary": "Employment & salary",
"employmentStartDate": "Contribution start date",
"employmentStartDateErr": "If person is dead, then Employment start date cannot be more than date of death",
"employmentWithFederal": "Employee can have one employment with federal entity",
"expiryDate": "Expiry date",
"familyBookCityId": "Family book city ID",
"familyBookCityName": "Family book city name",
"familyBookDate": "Family book date",
"familyBookEmirateName": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyBookHeading": "Family Book",
"familyBookId": "Family book ID",
"familyNumber": "Family number",
"firstName": "First name (English)",
"firstNameArabic": "First name (Arabic)",
"formOfDisability": "Form of disability",
"gender": "Gender",
"generalAllowance": "General/Nutrition allowance",
"governmentContribution": "Government share",
"gpssa": "GPSSA",
"grossSalaryInfo": "Gross salary is under AED 1000",
"grossSalaryMaxLimit": "Maximum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"grossSalaryMinLimit": "Minimum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"guestAccount": "Insured has an account with GPSSA",
"havePersonOfDeterminationId": "Do you have person of Determination ID?",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance",
"hra": "Housing allowance",
"idExpiryDate": "ID expiry date",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"instituteName": "Institute name",
"insuredDetailsHeading": "Insured details",
"insuredEligibilityNotMatched": "This user does not match",
"insuredInformation": "Insured details displayed below are as per GPSSA's record",
"issueDate": "Issue date",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name (English)",
"lastNameArabic": "Last name (Arabic)",
"lateRegistrationReason": "Late registration reason of employer",
"lateRegistrationReasonInsured": "Late registration reason of insured",
"major": "Major",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status",
"medicalFitnessCertificateDocTooltip": "Medical fitness certificate should be provided by a government hospital. Certificates from private hospitals are not accepted .",
"medicalReportDocTooltip": "Medical fitness certificate should be provided by a government hospital. Certificates from private hospitals will not be accepted .",
"middleName": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"middleNameArabic": "Middle name(s) (Arabic)",
"military": "Military",
"militaryPensionerContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured because you are a military pensioner. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service.",
"minimumEligibleAge": "Employee's age should be more than 15 years.",
"minister": "Minister",
"ministryOfCommunityDevelopment": "Ministry of Community Development",
"minorContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being less than 18. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits upon employment end of service.",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDetailsHeading": "Nationality",
"natureOfWorkAllowance": "Nature of work allowance",
"navigateToEmployeeProfile": "to navigate to this employee profile.",
"nca": "Non Contributable Allowance",
"totalsalary": "Total Salary",
"newRegistration": "New Registration",
"none": "None",
"notEligible": "Not eligible",
"oa": "Other allowance",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowancesHeading": "Other allowances",
"otherJobTitle": "Other job title",
"outstandingContributionMsg": "Your outstanding contribution is pending for",
"outstandingContributionPay": "This request is subject to GPSSA approval. The overdue contribution will be applied along with penalty.",
"passportDetailsHeading": "Passport details",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pendingShourakPayment": "This member cannot be onboarded due to some pending Shourak Payments available on their name.",
"pensionAuthority": "Select a pension authority",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"personalHeading": "Personal",
"personalInformationHeading": "Personal information",
"personOfDeterminationHeading": "Person of determination",
"personOfDeterminationId": "Person of determination Id number",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"placeOfIssue": "Place of issue",
"proofOfLateRegistration": "Late registration reason document upload",
"proofOfSalaryDetailsDocTooltip": "This is a is self-procedure document processed by HR",
"qualification": "Qualification",
"raiseBenefitsExchange": "Please raise <a href='/employer/service' style='text-decoration:underline'>Benefits Exchange</a> request",
"raiseTransfer": "Please raise <a href='/employer/service' style='text-decoration:underline'>Transfer</a> request",
"receivingPensionFromOthers": "Are you currently receiving a pension from another pension authority?",
"registrationType": "Registration type",
"registrationTypeToolTip": "Select the registration type based on contract type",
"rejectReason": "Please provide reject reason",
"residentUae": "Is this insured a resident in UAE?",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"sa": "Supplementary allowance",
"salaryComponent": "Salary Component",
"salaryDetailsHeading": "Salary details",
"selfEmployed": "Insured is not an active self employed",
"selfEmployerNotInsured": "Self-employed cannot be registered as Insured.",
"seniorCitizenContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being above 60. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits upon employment end of service.",
"sharjahPensionAuthority": "Sharjah Pension Authority",
"soa": "Social Allowance",
"submitModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to ${0} for review",
"submitModalSubHeading": "${0} is expected to respond in ${1} working days",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"title": "Title (English)",
"titleArabic": "Title (Arabic)",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncCheckboxLbl1": "Person is qualified and fit to work as per provided job profile.",
"tncCheckboxLbl2": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncCheckboxLbl3": "Penalty for late registration may be applied by GPSSA as governed by law.",
"tooltipContributableSalary": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. the maximum contributable salary is AED ${0} for public sector.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivate": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The maximum contributable salary for private sector = AED ${0}. For private sector, if salary is less than AED ${1}, then AED ${2} will be considered for contribution.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivateNewLaw": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The components considered for this calculation may differ based on whether the salary is less than or is greater than equal to 20,000.",
"tooltipGrossSalary": "This is the sum of contributable and non-contributable salary components.",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"transfer": "Transfer",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the approval letter by the GPSSA employer",
"transferDecisionLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the agreement provided by both employers' management",
"transferRequestLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the request letter from the new employer under other pension fund/authority to the GPSSA employer",
"transportationAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"uaeNationalByBirth": "Is this employee a UAE national by birth?",
"uaeNationality": "EID has nationality = UAE",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified Number",
"userNotElibile": "User is not eligible to become insured",
"validEid": "Insured has a valid EID",
"workedForMilitary": "Have you previously worked for military employer?",
"workedInGovtSec": "Worked in government sector for more than 25 years?",
"workingForAnotherEmployer": "Are you currently working for another employer?",
"zayedHigherOrganizationForPeopleOfDetermination": "Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination.",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"contributionFullMonthInfo" : "Monthly contributions are fully calculated for the month in which service begins for insured, in accordance with Federal Law No. (57) of 2023.",
"employmentType": "Employment type",
"full_time": "Full time",
"part_time": "Part time",
"government": "Government",
"private": "Private",
"local": "Local",
"federal": "Federal",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"pension": "Pension"
"title": "Insured registration"
"invoiceDetails": {
"field_list": {
"breadcrumbHeading": "Invoice details",
"contributionPeriod": "Contribution period",
"filterButtonLabel": "Download invoice",
"filterInvoiceButtonLabel": "Email invoice",
"heading": "Invoice details",
"invoiceNumber": "Invoice number",
"penaltyPeriod": "Penalty start date - end date",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by employee name, Emirates ID or service",
"status": "Status",
"tableHeadEmiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"tableHeadEmployeeName": "Employee name",
"tableHeadExpectedContributionPayment": "Expected contribution payment",
"tableHeadPenaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"totalPenaltyAmount": "Total penalty amount"
"title": "Invoice details"
"invoices": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"cancelPayment": "Cancel payment",
"cancelPaymentAll": "Cancel all payments?",
"cancelPaymentModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for the request ID ${0}. Do you want to:",
"cancelPaymentSingle": "Cancel selected payment?",
"cancelPaymentSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} cancelled successfully.",
"close": "Close",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"createSupportTicket": "Create support request",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"downloadInvoice": "Download invoice",
"downloadReceipt": "Download receipt",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByDueDate": "Filter by payment due date",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by Status",
"filterByType": "Filter by Type",
"heading": "Payment history",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceDownloadFailed": "Could not download invoice",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"invoiceNo": "Invoice #",
"mandateId": "Mandate #",
"mandateUpdateFailed": "Could not update mandate",
"next": "Next",
"noInvoice": "No Invoices present",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"paymentFailureReason": "Rejection reason",
"paymentMode": "Payment mode",
"paymentModeUpdateFailed": "Could not update payment mode",
"paymentRejectionReason": "Payment processing failed due to below error",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"payNowAll": "all installments?",
"payNowModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to initiate payment for:",
"payNowSingle": "selected installment?",
"payNowSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} initiated successfully.",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"receiptDownloadFailed": "Could not download receipt",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resubmit": "Resubmit payment",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"searchByType": "Search by Type",
"status": "Status",
"supportRequestCreated": "Support request - #${0} created successfully.",
"type": "Type",
"updateMandate": "Update mandate",
"updateMandateAll": "all payments?",
"updateMandateModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to update mandate for:",
"updateMandateSingle": "selected payment?",
"updateMandateSuccessHeading": "Mandate for Request ID ${0} updated successfully.",
"updatePaymentMode": "Update payment mode",
"updatePaymentModeSuccessHeading": "Payment mode for Request ID ${0} updated successfully.",
"downloadInvoiceTooltip" : "Enter the last four digits of your mobile number and the last four digits of your Emirates ID as invoice password."
"title": "Invoices"
"iqrarLabels": {
"field_list": {
"adminReviewHeading": "Your action is required",
"adminSubmitMessage": "Your request has been submitted for review, click below button to see the request.",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "Captcha verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"close": "Close",
"confirmIqrar": "I acknowledge that all the information entered and the documents provided are correct, and I pledge to provide GPSSA with any developments or amendments in the event of their occurrence or as requested by GPSSA, and I also bear full legal responsibility if it appears otherwise.",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"fileExistError": "these files already exist",
"IAcceptBtn": "I accept",
"important": "Important",
"incompleteDetails": "You need to add executive details before you submit your changes.",
"iqrarFieldChanges": "You have made changes to:",
"iqrarSubmitMessage": "You have successfully submitted your Pension Entitlement Update",
"legalTerms": "Legal Terms and Conditions",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
"reviewHeading": "Pension Entitlement Update",
"reviewSection": "Please review all sections marked in red.",
"submitBtn": "Submit",
"trackServiceBtn": "Track service request",
"uaeAccessError": "User access level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"updateBelowDocuments": "Please update the below documents"
"title": "iqrarLabels"
"legacyContribution": {
"field_list": {
"downloadExcelTemplate": "Please download the excel template for legacy contribution",
"invalidRecords": "Uploaded data does not contain any valid records",
"legacyContributionDoc": "Legacy contribution document",
"legacyContributionCardText": "Employers can use this feature to pay contribution amounts which are pending prior to October 2024 and not reflected on outstanding contributions.",
"legacyError": "Something went wrong.",
"legacySuccess": "Your request is submitted successfully. You will receive a notification when proforma is ready for review.",
"serviceDescription": "What is legacy contribution?",
"excelDataError": "Invalid input. Please provide valid information in row no: ${row} in attached excel",
"referenceExcelText": "Sample reference file",
"caseCreated": "Refer to the case details from case id - ",
"confirmationPopupHeading": "Please verify that the Excel template has been filled out correctly, following the exact format and structure of the sample reference file.",
"invalidDataInFile": "You might be using an older version of the template. Please download the template again and reprocess the file using new template."
"title": "Legacy Contribution"
"linkBranches": {
"field_list": {
"cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
"companyOfficeType": "Employer office type",
"employerId": "Please enter the employer ID of the parent/subsidiary",
"heading": "Link headquarters & branches",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully linked a new headquarter or branch."
"title": "Link headquarters & branches"
"linkEmployer": {
"field_list": {
"authInformation": "Authorization information",
"authorizedPerson": "Select authorized person who can provide you the access",
"authRepresentative": "Authorized representative",
"corporateEmailId": "Corporate email ID",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"heading": "Request access to registered employer",
"initiatorName": "Initiator name",
"isAssociated": "Is authorized person still associated with the selected employer?",
"pleaseContact": "Please contact the authorized person to link you to this employer",
"POAExpDate": "Does the notarized power of attorney have an expiration date?",
"POAExpriyDate": "Notarized power of attorney expiration date",
"powerOfAttorneyHolder": "Notarized power of attorney holder",
"SAEmiratesId": "Emirates ID of the Signatory authority",
"selectAppropriateOption": "What is your role with this entity?",
"signatoryAuth": "Signatory authority",
"startTyping": "Type the first letters of the employer name to search",
"whyNotAssociated": "Reason for disassociation",
"yourCorporateEmailId": "Your corporate email ID"
"title": "Link employer"
"linkParentsAndSubsidiaries": {
"field_list": {
"cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
"companyOfficeType": "Employer office type",
"employerId": "Please enter the employer ID of the parent/subsidiary",
"heading": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"linkParent": "Link new parent or subsidiary",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully linked a new parent or subsidiary."
"title": "Link parents & subsidiaries"
"login": {
"field_list": {
"backBtn": "Back",
"confirmLink": "Didn't Receive an Email?",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"email": "Email",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"facebookLink": "",
"forgotPasswordDescription": "Enter your registered username and we will email you instructions to reset your password.",
"forgotPasswordLink": "Forgot your password?",
"forgotPasswordPageHeading": "Forgot your password?",
"forgotUsernameLink": "Forgot your username ?",
"instagramLink": "",
"invalidCredentials": "Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.",
"loggedOutInactivityMsg": "Due to inactivity, you have been logged out. Please log back in.",
"loginBtn": "Log in",
"loginPageDescription": "Welcome. You can now log in to your account using your UAE PASS.",
"loginPageHeading": "Log in to your account",
"loginTrustMessage": "A single trusted digital identity for all citizens, residents and visitors.",
"loginWithGpssa": "Log in with GPSSA credentials",
"loginWithUAE": "Sign in with UAE pass",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "971523456789",
"modalBody": "Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password",
"modalHeading": "A link has been sent to your registered email",
"newPassword": "New Password",
"notFound": "This account does not exist",
"or": "Or",
"passwordLabel": "Password",
"passwordMatchError": "Password doesn't match",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Type here...",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"rememberMe": "Remember me",
"requiredValidation": "This is a required field",
"resetModalDescription": "Your password has been changed successfully. You can now log in.",
"resetModalHeading": "Password has been changed",
"resetPasswordDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"resetPasswordPageHeading": "Reset password",
"signUpLink": "Register here",
"signUpText": "Don't have an account?",
"twitterLink": "",
"usernameLabel": "Username",
"youtubeLink": "",
"underMaintenanceTitle": "Website under maintenance",
"underMaintenanceSubTitle": "This website is currenctly undergoing scheduled maintenance. We should be back shortly.",
"maintenanceSite": "Maintenance site"
"title": "Login"
"manageAdmins": {
"field_list": {
"activate": "Activate",
"active": "Active",
"addCustomRole": "Add a new custom role",
"added": "Added",
"addEmployerAdmin": "Add an employer admin",
"addRoleHead": "Add New Role",
"admins": "Admins",
"all": "All",
"attorneyDocName": "Document name for notarized power of attorney",
"attroneyDate": "Notarized power of attorney date",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelChanges": "Cancel",
"cancelMessage": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"cancelMessageHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"close": "Close",
"customRoleTitle": "Role Name In English",
"customRoleTitleArabic": "Role Name In Arabic",
"deactivate": "Deactivate",
"designation": "Designation",
"edit": "Edit",
"editRoleHead": "Edit Role",
"emailId": "Company Email ID",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"error_editaccess_500": "We are not able to process your request to update employer role access",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_404": "Accesses data not found for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your accesses for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_404": "No employer admins are found",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_500": "Something went wrong while fetching employer admins",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_404": "Roles & Privileges data not found.",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_500": "Something went wrong while fetching Roles & Privileges",
"error_roleAdded_500": "Something went wrong while creating new role",
"error_roleDeleted_501": "Something went wrong while deleting new role",
"error_roleDuplicate": "Role with the same name already exists, please try with a different role name.",
"error_roleUpdated_500": "Something went wrong while updating new role.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while saving accesses for Roles & Privileges.",
"error_statusChange_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the data and resubmit.",
"error_statusChange_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_statusChange_500": "Something went wrong while changing the user's account status.",
"error_updateEmployerRole_500": "Something went wrong while updating employer role.",
"errorRoleDeletion": "An error occurred while deleting the role",
"filterByCreatedAt": "Filter by date created",
"filterByRole": "Filter by role",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by status",
"filterByUpdatedAt": "Filter by last updated",
"filters": "Filters",
"FullAccess": "Full Access",
"fullname": "Full Name",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"manageAdminsHeading": "Manage Employer Admins",
"manageRoleAccessHeading": "Manage Role Access",
"newRoleHead": "Update Employer Role",
"no": "No",
"NoAccess": "No Access",
"noFilterRoleOption": "All",
"noFilterStatusOption": "All",
"privilegesHeading": "Privileges",
"ReadOnlyEnglish": "Read Only",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filters",
"role": "Role",
"roleAccessDeleteTitle": "Delete Role",
"roleAccessEditTitle": "Edit Access",
"roleAccessUpdated": "Role access has been updated successfully.",
"roleCreated": "Role has been created successfully. Please proceed to setup the access level for the services.",
"roleDeleted": "Role has been deleted successfully.",
"roleDeleteNotAllow": "This role is already assigned to an employer admin, thus it can not be deleted.",
"roleDeletionHeading": "Are you sure you want to delete this role?",
"roleGenericMsg": "Something went wrong. Please try again!",
"rolesAndPrivileges": "Roles & privileges",
"rolesHeading": "Roles",
"rolesSavedSuccessHeading": "Your changes have been saved successfully.",
"roleUpdated": "Role has been updated successfully",
"roleViewDetailTitle": "View Details",
"saveChanges": "Save changes",
"searchLabel": "Please enter Emirates ID or name",
"select": "Select",
"setAccess": "Set up access",
"statusChangeToActiveSuccess": "You have successfully activated ${0}'s profile. This user will be able to access the portal.",
"statusChangeToInactiveSuccess": "You have successfully deactivated ${0}'s profile. This user will no longer be able to access the portal.",
"successMsg": "Employer role has been updated successfully.",
"updateAdminRole": "Employer Admin Details",
"updated": "Updated",
"user": "user",
"userActive": "User is active",
"userInactive": "User is inactive",
"ViewOnly": "View Only",
"warningMessageToActive": "Are you sure you want to activate ${0}'s profile?",
"warningMessageToInactive": "Are you sure you want to deactivate ${0}'s profile?",
"yes": "Yes",
"ViewOnlyEnglish": "View Only",
"updateCorporateEmail": "Update corporate Email ID",
"corporateEmailUpdated": "Corporate Email ID updated successfully."
"title": "Manage Admins"
"manageEmployees": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"activeNoContribution": "Active- no contribution",
"allowedFileLbl": "Only .XLS and .XLSX files of 5 MB max size are allowed",
"bulkSalaryUpdate": "Bulk Salary Update",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"caseCreated": "Refer to the case details from case id - ",
"documents": "Documents",
"downloadEmployeeDetails": "Download Employee Details",
"downloadTemplateBtn": "Download template",
"downloadTemplateLbl": "Download template",
"downloadTemplateMsg": "Download this template and make the necessary changes. Once done, upload the same document.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID:",
"employeesSalaryDetailsLbl": "Employee salary details",
"employment": "Employment details",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_404": "Access data not found for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your access for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_404": "No employer admins are found",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_500": "Something went wrong while fetching employer admins",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_404": "Roles & Privileges data not found",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_500": "Something went wrong while fetching Roles & Privileges",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while saving accesses for Roles & Privileges.",
"error_statusChange_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the data and resubmit.",
"error_statusChange_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_statusChange_500": "Something went wrong while changing the user's account status.",
"filerEmpStartDateLbl": "Filter by employment start date",
"filterByCountry": "Filter by country",
"filterByCreatedAt": "Filter by date created",
"filterByRole": "Filter by role",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by status",
"filterByStatusLbl": "Filter by status",
"filterByUpdatedAt": "Filter by employment start date",
"filters": "Filters",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"personal": "Personal",
"reqSubSuccessMsg": "Request has been submitted successfully",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"reuploadTemplateLbl": "Reupload template",
"searchLabel": "Search by name or Emirates ID",
"select": "Select",
"viewEmployeesHeading": "View Employees",
"lawA": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"lawB": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"referenceExcelText": "Click here to download sample reference excel file.",
"confirmBulkUpload": "By proceeding, you acknowledge that the data entered in the Excel template has been verified against the provided sample reference file and is accurate and complete.",
"downloadContributionCalculation": "Download contribution calculation",
"downloadContributionCalculationHeader": "Select month and year to download contribution calculation"
"title": "Manage Employees"
"mandateDetails": {
"field_list": {
"back": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"comment": "Comment",
"employerEmailId": "Employer email ID",
"employerMobileNumber": "Employer mobile number",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerType": "Employer type",
"heading": "Mandate details",
"iban": "IBAN",
"payerDetails": "Payer details",
"providePaymentDetails": "Please provide your payment details",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"setupYourMandate": "Setup your mandate",
"tradeLicenseNumber": "Trade license number"
"title": "Mandate details"
"mandates": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"dds": "DDS",
"fts": "FTS",
"heading": "All mandates",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"lastUpdated": "Last updated",
"mandateId": "Mandate Id",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"select": "Select",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"status": "Status",
"type": "Type"
"title": "Mandates"
"mandateSetup": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "Mandate setup"
"title": "Mandate setup"
"mergeServiceEmp": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"acceptConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Accept the merge request?",
"acceptConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Accept the purchase request?",
"approveSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully sent to GPSSA for approval.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"confirmationMsg": "Do you want to approve or reject the payment request raised by the Insured for this service?",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeCost": "Cost to be paid by Employee",
"employerCost": "Cost to be paid by the Employer",
"insuredName": "Name of Insured",
"periodsRequested": "Periods Requested",
"provideRejectionReason": "Reason for rejecting",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Reject the merge request ?",
"rejectConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Reject the purchase request ?",
"rejectSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully rejected.",
"requestDetails": "Request Details",
"serviceName": "Name of Service",
"titleMsgMerge": "You have been requested to make a service merge payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"titleMsgPurchase": "You have been requested to make a service purchase payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below and proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"totalCost": "Total Cost",
"yes": "Yes"
"title": "Merge Service Employer"
"mergeServicePeriod": {
"field_list": {
"selectInstallmentPeriodInfo": "Minimum monthly payment should be 25% of your contributable salary and installment period should end before you become 60 year old."
"title": "Merge Service Period"
"militaryMerge": {
"field_list": {
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowancesLabel": "Additional allowance",
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowancesPlaceholder": "e.g. 1,000",
"addPreviousServicePeriod": "Add previous service period",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"asPerFaicRecord": "Enter information as per FAIC records",
"basicInformation": "Basic information",
"basicSalaryLabel": "Employee's basic salary",
"basicSalaryPlaceholder": "e.g. 10,000.00",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"caseSuccess": "Your military merge request has been successfully submitted",
"checkBoxButtonLabel": "I confirm that employee has already given their consent to submit this request",
"childrenAllowanceLabel": "Child allowance",
"childrenAllowancePlaceholder": "e.g. 5,000",
"currenceyLabel": "(in AED)",
"daysDeducted": "Days Deducted",
"designationsListError": "Unable to get Designations",
"dobLabel": "dd/mm/yyyy",
"dobPlaceholder": "Employee's date of birth",
"docConsentPeriod": "Employee's consent period",
"docEmirateId": "Emirates ID",
"docPreviousServicePeriod": "Statement of previous service periods",
"docUploadLabel": "Documents",
"emmiratesIdLabel": "e.g. 785-6897523-6565-1",
"emmiratesIdPlaceHolder": "Employee Emirates ID",
"employeeDesignationLabel": "Designation",
"employeeEmailLabel": "Employee email address",
"employeeEmailLabelPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"employeeNominalPeriodLabel": "Select nominal period",
"employeePhoneNumberLabel": "Employee phone number",
"employementEndDateLabel": "Employment end date",
"employementMerge": "Please select the employments you would like to merge",
"employementStartDateLabel": "Employment start date",
"employementStartDatePlaceholder": "dd/mm/yyyy",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"endOfServiceAmount": "End of service amount",
"error_101": "Case already in progress for employer",
"error_102": "This insured is currently employed with another employer and the process cannot be initiated.",
"error_103": "The process cant be initiated as this insured is dead. Please raise EOS death.",
"error_104": "We could not find details with this Emirates ID in our system.",
"fillForm": "Please fill this form to create your request",
"heading": "Merge Service Periods",
"invalidEmirateId": "Invalid Emirates ID",
"invalidEmployee": "We could not verify this unified number associated with the provided Emirates ID.",
"mergeDetails": "Merge details",
"mergeServicePeriodInfobar": "The details that will be submitted with this merge service period request is subject to GPSSA review.",
"mergeServicePeriodLabel": "Requested merge service period:",
"mergeUpload": "Merge, upload & submit.",
"militaryMergeDocListError": "Unable to get required documents",
"militaryNoLabel": "Military Number",
"militaryRankLabel": "Military Rank",
"militaryRankListError": "Unable to get military rank",
"militaryStudent": "Military student?",
"nominalPeriodDaysPlaceholder": "Days",
"nominalPeriodMonthsPlaceholder": "Months",
"nominalPeriodYearsPlaceholder": "Years",
"noPreviousServicePeriod": "No Previous Period Found",
"otherEmployerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"otherEmployerNameEnglish": "Employer name (English)",
"otherOption": "Other",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority/fund",
"pensionAuthorityListError": "Unable to get pension authority",
"previousEmploymentDetails": "Previous employment details",
"previousPeriod": "Previous service period",
"previousServicePeriodDocListError": "Unable to get required documents",
"removePreviousServicePeriod": "Remove previous service period",
"startTyping": "Start typing",
"statementOfPreviousServicePeriodsDocTooltip": "Details of current employment",
"totalServicePeriod": "Total service period for employment",
"totalServicePeriodLabel": "Total service period:",
"unifiedNoLabel": "e.g. 1221345455656565655",
"unifiedNoPlaceholder": "Unified number",
"verifyButtonLabel": "Verify"
"title": "Military Merge"
"monthlyContribution": {
"field_list": {
"approvedButtonLabel": "View proforma",
"currency": "AED",
"dueBy": "Due by",
"heading": "Contributions summary",
"noOutstandingContributions": "No outstanding contributions",
"noProforma": "No proforma details available",
"outstandingContributionLabel": "Outstanding contributions",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"overdueTooltipContent": "This is the outstanding contribution amount",
"paidButtonLabel": "View proforma",
"paidContributions": "Paid contributions",
"pendingButtonLabel": "Review proforma",
"pendingPayment": "Pending payment by",
"previousMonth": "Previous month",
"proformaOverdue": "Proforma overdue",
"proformaPaymentOverdue": "Proforma payment overdue",
"reviewedButtonLabel": "Approve proforma",
"viewOutstanding": "View outstanding contributions",
"overdueDisclaimer": "Please note that you remain legally responsible for paying contribution and any other amounts due to the Authority. The Authority retains the full right to demand and collect these amounts by all legal means, even if they are not displayed on the platform."
"title": "Monthly contribution"
"otpModalTemplateLabels": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"closeLabel": "Close",
"completeLabel": "Complete",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"minuteLabel": "minute",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your corporate email ID: ${0}",
"otpSentHeadingEmail": "We just sent you a verification code to ${0}",
"otpSentHeadingMobile": "Verify your identity by entering the one-time password (OTP) sent on your registered mobile number: ${0}",
"otpValidationSuccessHeading": "OTP verified successfully",
"registrationInprogressMsg": "You have ${0} employer registration request(s) in progress. Please select a specific from the selection list on the page to resume with the relevant request.",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"secondsLabel": "seconds",
"timeRemaining": "remaining"
"title": "otp modal template labels"
"overdueContribution": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"btnLabel": "View penalty details",
"heading": "Accrued penalty",
"headingTooltip": "Accrued penalty is 0.1% penalty calculated on unpaid contributions",
"noOverdueMessage": "No Overdues",
"overdueMessage": "You must settle overdue contributions immediately. Penalties will continue to accrue on a daily basis until you make the payment."
"title": "Overdue contribution"
"pageTitles": {
"field_list": {
"account": "Employer account",
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"address": "Addresses",
"addressDetails": "Address details",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"companyDetails": "Basic information",
"contact": "Contact details",
"dashboard": "Employer overview",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment details",
"executiveDetails": "Executive details",
"executiveDetails1": "Executive details - level 1",
"executiveDetails2": "Executive details - level 2",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial details",
"licenseDetails": "License details",
"licensedetails": "Establishment and License details",
"linkParentOrSubsidiary": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"manageadmin": "Manage Admins",
"manageAdmins": "Manage Admins",
"managedBy": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"managedMembers": "Managed members",
"manageEmployees": "Manage employees",
"medical": "Medical status",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"newadmin": "New employer admin",
"parentAndSubsidiaries": "Parents & subsidiaries",
"passport": "Passport details",
"personal": "Personal",
"termsAndCondition": "Terms and Conditions"
"title": "Page Title"
"parentsAndSubsidiaries": {
"field_list": {
"branch": "Branch",
"heading": "Parents & subsidiaries",
"headquarter": "Headquarter",
"headquarterEmployerName": "Headquarter employer name",
"isParent": "Is employer parent or subsidiary?",
"linkParent": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"Name": "Parent employer name",
"parent": "Parent",
"parentEmployerName": "Parent employer name",
"startTyping": "Start typing",
"subsidiary": "Subsidiary"
"title": "Parents & subsidiaries"
"penalities": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"btnLabel": "View penalty details",
"heading": "Invoiced penalty",
"headingTooltip": "Invoiced penalty is final penalty amount on delayed registrations, end of service or contribution payments.",
"initiatePayment": "Initiate payment",
"noPenaltyMessage": "No Penalties",
"penaltyMessage": "You must pay this amount immediately to avoid any legal action."
"title": "Penalties"
"penalty": {
"field_list": {
"actualPaymentDate": "Actual payment date",
"heading": "Penalty details",
"invoiceNumber": "Invoice number",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"paymentMode": "Mode of payment",
"paymentStatus": "Payment status",
"penaltyAmountDue": "Penalty amount due",
"penaltyReason": "Reason of penalty",
"proformaId": "Proforma ID"
"title": "Penalty"
"penaltyPayment": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"amountSelectedForPayment": "Amount selected for payment",
"back": "Back",
"businessReferenceId": "Business reference",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"paymentConfirmationMessage": "You're about to confirm a payment of amount AED ${amount}. Click 'Proceed' to continue.",
"contributionAmount": "Contribution amount",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByPeriod": "Filter by period",
"getPenaltyCaseDetailsError": "Error fetching the case details for penalty payment. Please try again after sometime.",
"getPendingPenaltiesError": "Error fetching pending penalties.",
"inProgressPenalty": "Payment in progress",
"inProgressPenaltyAmount": "Payment in progress",
"month": "Month",
"noDataFound": "No data found",
"noOfDaysDelayed": "Days delayed",
"noOfDays": "No. of overdue days",
"noPenaltyDataMessage": "You have no pending penalties.",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View or Pay penalities",
"pay": "Pay Amount",
"paymentAmount": "Payment amount",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount (AED)",
"penaltyAmountPositiveValue": "Payment amount must be greater than 0",
"penaltyAmountValidation": "Penalty amount can have a maximum of 7 digits and upto 2 decimal places",
"penaltyAmountValue": "Payment amount cannot be more than the remaining penalty amount",
"penaltyDetailsSubTitle": "Enable the checkbox to add to penalty payment",
"penaltyDetailsTitle": "Penalty details",
"penaltyPaymentSuccessHeading": "Penalty payment request submitted succesfully",
"penaltyPaymentSuccessSubheading": "Thank You. Your payments have been recorded.",
"period": "Period",
"referenceNumber": "Reference number",
"remainingPenalty": "Remaining penalty",
"remainingPenaltyAmount": "Remaining penalty",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filters",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchByBusinessReferenceId": "Search by business reference",
"searchByReferenceNumber": "Search by reference number",
"settledPenalty": "Settled penalty",
"settledPenaltyAmount": "Settled penalty amount",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitPenaltyPaymentAmountError": "Error submitting penalty payments",
"summaryTitle": "Penalty summary",
"toggleFilterOnlySelected": "Show only selected penalities for payment",
"totalPenalty": "Total penalty",
"totalPenaltyPaid": "Total penalty paid",
"transactionDate": "Transaction date",
"viewPaymentSummary": "View payment summary",
"year": "Year",
"transactionType": "Transaction type",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"penaltyType": "Penalty type",
"selectAll": "Select All ${count} record",
"viewDetails": "View details",
"raiseEnquiry": "Raise enquiry",
"totalRemainingAmount": "Total remaining amount -",
"filterByPenaltyType": "Filter by penalty type",
"lateRegistration": "Late Registration Penalty",
"lateEndOfServicePenalty": "Late End of Service Penalty",
"contributionPenalty": "Contribution Penalty",
"tenAdditionalPenalty": "10% Additional Penalty",
"legacyPenalty": "Legacy Penalty",
"tooltipContent": "Filter by period is applicable only for Contribution Penalty",
"previousSalary": "Old contributable salary",
"newSalary": "New contributable salary",
"outstandingContributions": "Outstanding contributions",
"emiratesId": "Emirates Id: ${emiratesId}",
"employeeName": "Employee Name: ${employeeName}",
"invoiceNumber": "Invoice number",
"contributionMonth": "Contribution month",
"contributionYear": "Contribution year",
"additionalpenaltyAmount": "10% Penalty (AED)"
"title": "Penalty Payment"
"personalDashboardLbl": {
"field_list": {
"Approved": "Approved",
"Closed": "Closed",
"Closed by employee": "Closed by employee",
"Closed by employer": "Closed by employer",
"Complete": "Complete",
"createNewRequest": "Create a new request",
"Employer did not respond": "Employer did not respond",
"infoRequestedByAdmin": "Info requested by Admin",
"Information updated by employer": "Information updated by employer",
"InformationRequestedByAdmin": "Information requested by Admin",
"InfoUpdatedByUser": "Information updated by user",
"Insured did not respond": "Insured did not respond",
"Insured requested amendment": "Insured requested amendment",
"is": "is",
"mobDashboardTab": "Dashboard",
"mobFinancialTab": "Financial",
"mobHappinessTab": "Happiness",
"mobRequestCardMsg": "Here are your existing requests. You can create new ones for support related enquires, complaints, suggestions or service related requests.",
"mobRequestsTab": "Requests",
"mobServicesTab": "Services",
"noRequestLbl": "You have no existing requests.",
"noRequestsHeading": "Your requests",
"Open": "Open",
"pageTabTitle": "GPSSA | Personal Dashboard",
"Pending admin approval": "Pending GPSSA approval",
"Pending employee review": "Pending employee review",
"Pending employer review": "Pending employer review",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"Rejected by GPSSA": "Rejected by GPSSA",
"request": "request",
"requestHeading": "Your requests",
"requestLbl": "Your existing requests are listed below.",
"requestTypeHeading": "Service & support requests",
"Resolved": "Resolved",
"service": "service",
"Submitted": "Submitted",
"support": "support",
"viewAllRequest": "View all requests",
"visitToChc": "Visit to CHC",
"your": "Your",
"yourRequestStatus": "The status of your ${0} request #${1} is '${2}'"
"title": "Personal dashboard labels"
"profilePictureLabels": {
"field_list": {
"close": "Close",
"editPhoto": "Edit picture",
"imgAcceptedFormat": "image/tiff,image/bmp,image/jpeg,image/png",
"imgAcceptMsg": "Only .bmp, .jpeg, .tiff, or .png images are allowed",
"profileImg": "Upload profile picture",
"profileImgFailMsg": "Profile picture upload failed",
"profileImgSuccessMsg": "You have uploaded your profile picture successfully",
"save": "Save",
"updateCompanyLogo": "Update company logo",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload a profile picture",
"uploadMandatory": "Uploading a profile picture is mandatory"
"title": "Profile picture"
"proformaDetails": {
"field_list": {
"accuredPenaltyAmount": "Accrued penalty amount",
"actualAmount": "Actual amount",
"amount": "Amount",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveProforma": "Approve",
"approveProformaModal": "Are you sure you want to approve the proforma?",
"approverComments": "Approver comments",
"backToReviewer": "Request will be sent back to reviewer.",
"bulkSalaryUpdate": "Bulk Salary Update",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"canNotBeEdited": "Proforma can not be edited once approved.",
"close": "Close",
"commentsDisclaimer": "Comments are for internal reference only and not shared with GPSSA",
"confirmSubmit": "Are you sure you want to submit?",
"contributionInfoChanged": "Proforma details have been changed after review. Please reject the proforma to resubmit for review.",
"contributionInfoIfCaseInProgress": "Proforma Case is in Progress, Please wait.",
"dateFilterEndLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment end date range",
"dateFilterStartLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment start date range",
"dds": "DDS",
"downloadError": "Something went wrong while downloading the proforma. Please try again.",
"downloadProforma": "Download proforma",
"employeeLeftMsg": "If an employee has left the company, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to initiate the End of Service request.",
"employeeMissingMsg": "If an employee is missing, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to be redirected to New Employee Registration.",
"emptyDatePlaceholder": "Multiple",
"exceptedAmount": "Expected amount",
"exceptionalEmployeeTooltip": "Employee's data has been changed or joined after proforma generation",
"fieldUpdateError": "An error occurred during field update. Please try again!",
"filterButtonLabel": "Filters",
"fts": "FTS",
"goToProfile": "Go to my profile",
"heading": "Proforma details",
"leaveContributionsFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Show records with leave contributions",
"leaveContributionsTooltipMsg": "Please select this option if you want to view employees' leave contributions ",
"no": "No",
"noEmployees": "No employees are available",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"PaymentPreferenceSetup": "Payment preference setup",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"period": "Period",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"proformaApproved": "You have successfully approved the proforma.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg1": "Mandate request has been sent to central bank for approval.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg2": "You will be notified once it is approved.",
"proformaNotApprovedMsg": "If payment is not made by the due date, penalties will be imposed.",
"proformaNotEditable": "Proforma cannot be edited once submitted.",
"proformaNumber": "Proforma #",
"proformaRejected": "You have successfully returned the proforma for correction.",
"proformaRejectedByFinance": "The proforma has been returned for correction. Please find below additional comments.",
"proformaRejectReason": "Please provide a reason for correction.",
"rejectProforma": "Return for correction",
"reportLeave": "Report leave",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Showing",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"reviewerComments": "Reviewer comments",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by employee name or Emirates ID",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"selectReason": "Select reason",
"sendForApproval": "Send for approval",
"sendProformaToFinance": "Are you sure you want to send the proforma for approval?",
"sentProformaToFinance": "Proforma has been sent for approval.",
"setupPaymentPreference": "No payment preference has been set up, please select the payment mode.",
"status": "Proforma status",
"statusUpdateError": "An error occurred during proforma status update. Please try again!",
"submit": "Submit",
"tableHeadContributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"tableHeadEmiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"tableHeadEmployeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"tableHeadEmployeeName": "Employee name",
"tableHeadEmployerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"tableHeadEmployerContributionFederal": "Employer contribution",
"tableHeadIncludeInProforma": "Include in proforma",
"tableHeadTotalContribution": "Total contribution",
"tableHeadWorkingDays": "Number of days",
"tableHeadDelayedDays": "Number of delayed days",
"updateContributionsFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Show records with updates from previous month",
"updateSalary": "Update salary",
"viewMandate": "View mandate",
"wantToApprove": "Are you sure you want to approve?",
"yes": "Yes",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch proforma data. Please try again!",
"excludeReasonMandatory": "Please provide exclusion reason for the EmiratesId(s) - ${0}",
"oldLawPenaltyCalculationMsg": "Additional amount for late payment for Law No. 07 of 1999 is calculated on 20% of contributable salary.",
"newLawPenaltyCalculationMsg": "Additional amount for late payment for Law No. 57 of 2023 is calculated on actual amount payable by employer.",
"rejection": "Are you sure you want to submit proforma for review?",
"sampleContributionRef": "Please download sample contribution calculations for reference.",
"moveToOutstandingContribution": "Are you sure to move this insured record to outstanding contribution. You will not be able to revert this change.",
"confirmDeleteHeading": "Are you sure you want to delete this proforma?",
"deleteProforma": "Delete proforma",
"proformaDeleteError": "Something went wrong while deleting the proforma. Please try again after some time.",
"proformaDeleteSuccess": "Proforma has been deleted successfully.",
"confirmCancelInvoiceHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel this invoice?",
"cancelInvoice": "Cancel Invoice",
"cancelInvoiceError": "Something went wrong while cancelling the invoice. Please try again after some time.",
"noInvoiceFoundError": "No Invoice is available for this proforma.",
"cancelInvoiceSuccess": "Invoice has been cancelled successfully."
"title": "Proformas details"
"proformas": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "All proformas"
"title": "All proformas"
"register-beneficiary": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"addNewBeneFactor": "Add new benefactor",
"agentPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Agent notarized power of attorney",
"benefactorDetails": "Benefactor details",
"benefactorRelationship": "Relationship with benefactor - I am the:",
"benefactorRelationshipAgent": "Relationship with benefactor",
"beneficiaryCourtJudgementDoc": "Beneficiary court judgement",
"beneficiaryDocuments": "Beneficiary registration documents",
"cancelAddingBenefactor": "Remove benefactor",
"caretakerCertificateDoc": "Caretaker Certificate",
"certificateOfStudyContinuationDoc": "Certificate of Study Continuation",
"clearanceCertificateDoc": "Clearance Certificate",
"continuationOfStudyCertificateDoc": "Continuation of Study Certificate",
"courtJudgementDoc": "Court Judgement",
"deathcertificateDoc": "Death Certificate",
"degreeCertificate": "Degree Certificate",
"dependencyCertificateDoc": "Dependency Certificate",
"disabilityCardDoc": "Disability Card",
"disabilityCertificateDoc": "Disability Certificate",
"divorceCertificateDoc": "Divorce Certificate",
"eitherOrValidation": "Uploading either ${0} or ${1} is mandatory",
"eitherSelectOrAdd": "Either select benefactor from the dropdown or add a new benefactor.",
"emiratesId": "Benefactor's Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdDoc": "Emirates ID",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment Contract",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "EoS certificate",
"enrollmentLetter": "Enrollment Letter",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"fathersDeathCertificateDoc": "Father's Death Certificate",
"guardianCertificateDoc": "Guardian Certificate",
"ibanCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"inCompleteBankDetails": "Bank details are incomplete in your profile. Please provide all details to proceed.",
"inCompleteProfile": "Your profile is incomplete. Please provide all mandatory information to proceed.",
"isNotRetired": "The provided user is not a pensioner.",
"legalHeirsCertificateDoc": "Legal Heirs Certificate",
"marriageCertificateDoc": "Marriage Certificate",
"medicalReport": "Medical report",
"medicalReportDoc": "Medical Report",
"nameChangeCertificateFromCourtDoc": "Name Change Certificate from court",
"nationalIdDoc": "National ID",
"nationalServiceCertificateDoc": "National Service Certificate",
"noPensionCertificateDoc": "No Pension Certificate",
"notValidEmiratesId": "This Emirates ID is not registered with GPSSA. <a href='/createnewrequest/support' style='color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;'>Click here to raise support request</a>.",
"otherBeneficiaryPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"otherPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"passportDoc": "Passport",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport number",
"pensionCertificateDoc": "Pension Certificate",
"pensionerId": "Benefactor's Pensioner ID",
"peopleOfDeterminationCertificateDoc": "People of Determination Certificate",
"registerMinor": "Register a minor beneficiary",
"salaryCertificateDoc": "Salary Certificate",
"selectIban": "Select IBAN",
"selectTheName": "Select name",
"socialStatusCertificateDoc": "Social Status Certificate",
"underReviewProfile": "Your profile is under review",
"unemploymentCertificateDoc": "Unemployment Certificate",
"usersDocuments": "${0} ${1}'s Documents"
"title": "Register Beneficiary"
"requestFeedbackModal": {
"field_list": {
"appreciateFeedback": "We appreciate your feedback.",
"completeThisSurvey": "Please rate our services by taking a short survey. Your inputs will help us serve you better.",
"feedbackReceived": "We have received your feedback.",
"giveFeedback": "Was this information helpful?",
"loggingYourRequest": "Logging your request",
"noThankYou": "No, thank you",
"rateTheFollowing": "Please rate our services.",
"ratingScale": "Rating scale: 1 – Very satisfied, 2 – Satisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Unsatisfied, 5 – Very unsatisfied",
"resolvingYourRequests": "Resolving your request",
"startSurvey": "Start survey",
"surveyHeading": "Feedback survey",
"thankyouForSurvey": "Thank you for taking the survey. Your feedback is very important in helping us improve your future experience with GPSSA.",
"yourOverallExperience": "Your overall experience"
"title": "feedback modal"
"requestsSummary": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"btnLabel": "View contribution details",
"count": "Count",
"heading": "Requests summary",
"overdueMessage": "You must settle overdue contributions immediately. Penalties will continue to accrue on a daily basis until you make the payment.",
"pendingEmployeeUpdate": "Pending employee update",
"pendingEmployerUpdate": "Pending employer update",
"resolved": "Resolved",
"totalRequets": "Total requests: "
"title": "Requests summary"
"roleServiceName": {
"field_list": {
"approve_contribution_proforma": "Approve contribution Proforma",
"benefits_exchange": "Benefits Exchange",
"cancel_service_purchase": "Cancel Merge/Purchase Service Period",
"company_overview": "Company Overview",
"employer_deregistration": "Employer DeRegistration",
"employer_documents": "Employer Documents",
"employer_financial_summary": "Employer financial summary",
"end_of_service": "End of Service",
"financial_details": "Financial Details",
"generate_certificates": "Generate Certificates",
"generate_reports": "Generate Reports",
"government_obligation": "Government Obligation",
"injury_compensation": "Injury compensation",
"insured_registration": "Insured Registration",
"legacy_contribution": "Legacy Contribution",
"manage_employees": "Manage Employees",
"manage_employer_admins": "Manage Employer Admins",
"manage_employer_roles": "Manage Employer Roles",
"mandate_management": "Mandate management",
"merge_service_period": "Merge Service Period",
"military_end_of_service": "Military End of Service",
"military_merge": "Military Merge",
"payment_management": "Payment management",
"purchase_service_period": "Purchase Service Period",
"register_complaints_and_suggestions": "Register complaints and suggestions",
"review_contribution_proforma": "Review contribution proforma",
"service_awareness": "Service awareness",
"registration_of_gcc_nationals" : "Registration of GCC Nationals",
"bulk_penalty_payment": "Bulk Penalty Payment",
"reject_contribution_proforma": "Reject Contribution Proforma",
"fitness_assessment": "Workplace Fitness Assessment",
"end_of_service_of_gcc_nationals" : "End of Service of GCC Nationals"
"title": "Manage Service Name Role Access"
"salaryLabels": {
"field_list": {
"activeCaseInfo1": "A request is in progress with Request Id",
"activeCaseInfo2": ". The details will remain locked unless the existing case is completed.",
"additionalComments": "Additional Comments",
"addSalaryLabel": "Add Salary",
"aed": "AED",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary (in AED)",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance (in AED)",
"closeBtn": "Close",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable salary",
"contributionAmountLbl": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionAmountSubLbl": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionDetailsLbl": "Contribution details",
"contributionPara": "According to Federal Law No.7 of 1999 for Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equal to 20% of the employee's salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis. While the employee must contribute 5% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute 12.5% of the employee's salary, and the government must contribute 2.5%.",
"costOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance (in AED)",
"deleteBtn": "Delete",
"deleteDraftLabel": "Delete Draft",
"draftMode": "You are currently viewing the salary details in draft mode. Please submit once all changes have been completed.",
"effectiveDateSalUpdate": "Effective date for salary update",
"effectiveDateSalUpdateToolTip": "As per Article 10, any change in the salary will take effect as of the following year (January) if the updates are done post January during the current year.",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeContributiontoGpssa": "Employee contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"employer": "Employer name",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"employerContributiontoGpssa": "Employer contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"endDate": "End date",
"endDateSalUpdate": "End date for salary update",
"eosBenefitDesc": "Based on your total eligible service period as of today, you are entitled to receive an end of service amount of AED",
"eosBenefitHeading": "Potential End of service benefits",
"governmentContribution": "Government share",
"governmentContributiontoGpssa": "Government share to GPSSA (in AED)",
"grossSalary": "Gross Salary",
"heading": "Salary details",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance (in AED)",
"labelAfterSalaryDraftSubmission": "Kindly confirm that you have verified all salary details.",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance (in AED)",
"rentAllowance": "Rent allowance (in AED)",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"salaryDetailsToolTip": "If any salary updates happen during the year, then contribution salary will be auto updated as of the effective date.",
"salaryDraftDeletionErrorMessage": "Error deleting salary draft.",
"salaryDraftDeletionSuccessMessage": "Salary draft has been deleted.",
"salaryDraftSubmissionSuccessMessage": "Employee salary has been updated successfully.",
"salaryStartDateInvalid": "Salary start date cannot preceed the employment start date",
"socialAllowance": "Social allowance (in AED)",
"specialAllowance": "Special allowance (in AED)",
"startDate": "Start date",
"startDateSalUpdate": "Start date for salary update",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"submitDraftLabel": "Submit Draft",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"updateSalaryMessageLabel": "Salary has been saved successfully in draft mode. Please use Submit Draft from previous screen once all changes are complete.",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"tenPerPenCaseIdLabel": "10% penalty update case is already in progress.",
"bulkSalaryUpdateCaseIdLabel": "Bulk salary update case is already in progress.",
"recalcInProgressError": "A Cost recalculation request is in progress. The details will remain locked unless the process is completed.",
"confirmDraftItemDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"draftDeleteSuccess": "Record has been deleted successfully.",
"confirmDraftDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete salary draft? It will discard all the changes."
"title": "Salary details"
"search": {
"field_list": {
"documentSectionLabel": "Documents",
"mobSeeMoreTag": "See more",
"noResultError": "No results match your search",
"pageSectionLabel": "Pages",
"previousSearchLabel": "Your previous search",
"resultCharacterError": "Suggestions: Use a minimum of 3 characters. Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Try different search terms. Try more general search terms. Try fewer search terms",
"searchInputPlaceHolder": "Search"
"title": "Search Component"
"selectEmployer": {
"field_list": {
"addNew": "New employer registration",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"continue": "Continue",
"emailIdMissing": "Please update your email address in your profile before continuing on self-employer registration.",
"heading": "Please select the employer or service to proceed",
"linkEmployer": "Request access to registered employer",
"linkEmployerToolTip": "Become a point of contact (POC) of an existing employer under GPSSA",
"linkOrRegister": "Link to new employer or register new employer",
"or": "Or",
"pendingReview": "(Pending review)",
"registerAsSelf": "Register as self employed",
"registerAsSelfToolTip": "Registration of UAE national who are self-employed and have their own businesses under the pension law umbrella",
"registerAsSelfToolTipDisabled": "You are not eligible to register as self-employed",
"registerNewEmployer": "Register new employer",
"registerNewEmployerToolTip": "Registration of public and private sector employers in order to extend the social security umbrella to all UAE & GCC national employees working for these entities",
"resume": "(Resume Registration)",
"selectEmployer": "Select employer",
"tractRequest": "Track existing employer registration request",
"userverificationrequired": "(Pending user verification)",
"enterCorporateEmailId": "Please enter your corporate email ID"
"title": "Select employer"
"serviceAwareness": {
"field_list": {
"afternoon": "Afternoon",
"audiencePersona": "Audience Category",
"awareCaseError": "An error occured while creating your request.",
"awarenessCaseSuccess": "Your request has been successfully submitted for GPSSA review",
"awarenessdoc": "Awareness Document",
"employerAdmins": "Employer admins",
"expectedNoOfAttendees": "Expected number of attendees (min 10 attendees)",
"insured": "Insured",
"location_details": "Location details",
"location_pin": "Location pin",
"minimumAttendees": "Minimum 10 attendees",
"morning": "Morning",
"myDateFlexible": "My dates are flexible (+/- 3 days)",
"online": "Online Session",
"onPremise_Employer": "On Premise - Employer",
"onPremise_GPSSA": "On Premise - GPSSA",
"other": "Other",
"otherTopic": "Enter the topic",
"pensionLawProcedure": "Pension law and Procedure - UAE",
"pensionLawProcedureGCC": "Pension law and procedure - GCC",
"preferredDelivery": "Preferred delivery method",
"preferredLocation": "Select preferred location",
"preferredSessionDate": "Preferred session date",
"preferredSessionTime": "Preferred session time",
"purpose": "Purpose of Request",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestTraningMaterial": "Request for training materials",
"requestTraningSession": "Request for training session",
"service": "Service",
"sessionObjectives": "Session Objectives",
"topic": "Topic",
"trainingMaterial": "Training Material",
"virtual": "Virtual Session"
"title": "Service Awareness"
"serviceNames": {
"field_list": {
"BenefitsExchangeInward": "Benefits Exchange - Inward",
"BenefitsOutward": "Benefits Exchange - Outward",
"CONTRIBUTION": "Contribution",
"ContributionPenality": "Contribution Penalty",
"EmployerDeRegistration": "Employer De-Registration",
"EndOfService": "Apply for End of service - Civil",
"EosMilitary": "Apply for End Of Service - Military",
"GovernmentObligation": "Government Obligation",
"InjuryCompensation": "Workplace Injury Compensation",
"FitnessAssessment": "Workplace Fitness Assessment",
"InsuredRegistration": "Registration of an Insured",
"LegacyContribution": "Legacy Contribution",
"MergeYears": "Merge Years",
"MilitaryMerge": "Merge Service Period - Military",
"PurchaseYears": "Purchase Additional Years",
"ServiceAwareness": "Service Awareness Request",
"EosGcc": "End of service of GCC nationals",
"RegistrationOfGCCNationals": "Registration Of GCC Nationals"
"title": "Service Names"
"services": {
"field_list": {
"channels": "Channels",
"classification": "Classification",
"createCertificate": "Create Certificate",
"createCertificateDescription": "This service allows you to get a Certificate",
"createRequest": "Create request",
"createRequestDescription": "This service allows you to create a request",
"createServiceLabel": "You can submit a request for service by clicking on the button",
"dashboardHeading": "Services",
"estimatedTime": "Estimated Time",
"helpfulLinks": "Helpful Links",
"noData": "No service details found!",
"noDataFound": "No data found",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"process": "Process",
"serviceDashBoardTitle": "Service Dashboard",
"serviceDetails_404": "No service details found!",
"serviceFees": "Service Fees",
"serviceList_404": "No service List Found!",
"servicePageTitle": "Service Page",
"start": "Request Service",
"topFaq": "Top Frequently Asked Questions",
"users": "Users",
"viewFaq": "View FAQs",
"viewTutorials": "About the service"
"title": "Services"
"transfer": {
"field_list": {
"transferDate": "Transfer date",
"transferedFrom": "Transferred from"
"title": "Transfer service"
"validationMsg": {
"field_list": {
"alphabetNumberFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"alphaNumericWithArabicFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"arabicOnly": "Invalid input. Please provide value in Arabic only.",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount can have a maximum of 7 digits and up to 2 decimal digits.",
"benefitsExchangeDateMismatch": "Benefits exchange date should not be after date of death.",
"companyNameArabicInvalid": "Invalid input. Only Arabic alphabets, numbers and special characters [. / - () &] are allowed",
"companyNameEnglishInvalid": "Invalid input. Only English alphabets, numbers and special characters [. / - () &] are allowed",
"dateLessThanBirthDate": "Entered date cannot be less than the birth date of the user.",
"dateOfAcquiredNationality": "Date of acquired nationality cannot be greater than the employment start date",
"deadPersonTransferInvalid": "You cannot initiate transfer for a dead person.",
"decreeInvalid": "Invalid input. Decree or law of establishment must not contain any special character except _ - / \\",
"documentDescriptionFormat": "Maximum 100 characters are allowed. Only numbers, alphabets, Arabic letters and the following special characters () - _ are allowed.",
"emailFormat": "Invalid email, only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), period (.), underscore (_) and dash (-) are allowed.",
"emiratesIdFormat": "Invalid input. The Emirates ID must be a 15 digit valid number. It must not contain alphabets, special characters or spaces",
"endDateInvalid": "End date should be greater than start date",
"englishOnly": "Invalid input. Please provide value in English only.",
"eosCivilEmpDateMismatch": "Employment end date should not be after date of death",
"eosDeathBeforeBenefits": "Cannot trigger benefits for a person who died before benefits start.",
"eosDeathDateMismatch": "Date of death should not be before employment end date.",
"eosDeathDateMismatchMilitary": "End of service date should be same as date of death.",
"eosEmpDateMismatch": "Employment end date should be the same as date of death",
"establishmentCardNumber": "Invalid input. Establishment card number must not contain any special character except _ - / \\",
"genericError": "Invalid input. Please provide valid information.",
"governmentObligationAmtInvalid": "The amount entered cannot be greater than the pending obligation amount",
"ibanFormat": "IBAN format is invalid.",
"max": "Maximum 2000 characters allowed",
"max200": "Maximum 200 characters allowed",
"max2Decimal": "Only numbers with up to 2 decimal places are allowed",
"max300": "Maximum 300 characters allowed",
"max50": "Maximum 50 characters allowed",
"max500": "Maximum 500 characters allowed",
"max900": "Maximum 900 characters allowed",
"maxCaseDescription": "Description cannot exceed 1024 characters",
"maxDescription": "Maximum 1000 characters allowed",
"mobileFormat": "Phone number must not contain alphabets or special characters.",
"mobileNumberLength": "Mobile number should be numeric and must have 7 to 13 digits.",
"nameValidation": "Only English characters are allowed.",
"noMore3MonthsInFuture": "The date should not be greater than 3 months from now",
"onlyFutureDate": "Please select a future date",
"onlyNumber": "Only English numbers are allowed",
"onlyPastDate": "Please do not select a future date",
"otpFormat": "OTP can only be a 6-digit number",
"passportNumberFormat": "Passport number can be of maximum 15 characters",
"passwordMatch": "This should be the same as password",
"phoneNumber": "Phone number must be 9 digits.",
"positiveIntegerOnly": "Only positive whole numbers are allowed",
"previousEmploymentEndDate": "Employment end date cannot be less than start date and must not be future date",
"previousEmploymentEndDateOverlap": "Previous employment end date should be less than the current employer's start date",
"previousEmploymentStartDate": "Employment start date cannot be greater than the end date and must not be a future date.",
"radioGroup": "Please select one of the available options",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"required": "This is a required field",
"requiredCaseCategory": "Please choose a category",
"requiredCaseDescription": "Description is required field",
"requiredCaseRequestType": "Please select type of support request",
"requiredCaseSubCategory": "Please choose a subcategory",
"salaryValueValidation": "Salary values can have a maximum of 7 digits with 2 decimal places",
"selectOption": "Please select an option",
"specialCharacterCheck": "Invalid input. Description must not contain any new line or any special character except . ( ) , -",
"startDateBeforeEndDate": "Start date should be before end date",
"unifiedNumberFormat": "Invalid input. The Unified number must be a string of maximum 15 characters.",
"uploadDocument": "Uploading this document is mandatory",
"website": "Website URL format is invalid.",
"whatsAppNumberLength": "WhatsApp Number should have minimum 7 digits and should not exceed 13 digits.",
"personalAndCorporateEmail": "Please enter your corporate email id which should be different from personal email id."
"title": "validationMsg"
"viewRequests": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"agent": "Agent",
"caretaker": "Caretaker",
"categoryFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by category",
"categoryFilterPlaceholder": "Select category",
"country": "Country",
"createdByMe": "Created by me",
"dateFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by created date",
"dayPlaceholder": "dd",
"emiratesId": "Emirates Id",
"emiratesID": "Emirates Id",
"employeeName": "Employee Name",
"employer": "Employer",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment Start Date",
"filter": "Filter",
"guardian": "Guardian",
"infoRequested": "Information requested by admin",
"initiatedByFilter": "Initiated by",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"monthPlaceholder": "mm",
"noData": "No requests available",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View all your requests",
"pendingEmployeeUpdate": "Pending employee update",
"pendingEmployerUpdate": "Pending employer update",
"pendingGpssaReview": "Pending GPSSA review",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resolved": "Resolved",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by request ID",
"serviceFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by service name",
"serviceFilterPlaceholder": "Select service name",
"serviceRequests": "Service requests",
"showFiltersButtonLabel": "Filter",
"showFiltersNewRequestButtonLabel": "Create new request",
"showFiltersNewSupportRequestButtonLabel": "Create new support request",
"status": "Status",
"statusFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by status",
"statusFilterPlaceholder": "Select status",
"supportRequests": "Support requests",
"system": "System",
"tableHeadCategory": "Category",
"tableHeadCreatedBy": "Created by",
"tableHeadDateCreated": "Date created",
"tableHeadDescription": "Description",
"tableHeadDueDate": "Due date",
"tableHeadInitiatedBy": "Initiated by",
"tableHeadLastUpdated": "Last updated",
"tableHeadLastUpdatedByEmail": "Last updated by",
"tableHeadRequestId": "Request ID",
"tableHeadService": "Service name",
"tableHeadStatus": "Status",
"tableHeadSubCategory": "Subcategory",
"tableHeadType": "Support request type",
"total": "Total",
"typeFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by type",
"typeFilterPlaceholder": "Select type",
"viewAllRequests": "View requests",
"viewRequestsLbl": "View requests",
"yearPlaceholder": "yyyy",
"yourRequest": "Your request",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law"
"title": "Requests List"
"viewStatementLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiarySalaryStatement": "Beneficiary salary statements",
"document": "Document",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"mobLoadOlderStatements": "Load older statements",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number ID followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download your statement, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by last four digits of your Emirates ID. For example, if the last four digits of your mobile number are 6789 and the last four digits of your Emirates ID are 3456, then the password will be 67893456, without commas.",
"pensionSalaryStatement": "Pension summary statements",
"select": "Select",
"selectMonthlyStatement": "Select monthly statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"viewStatement": "View statement"
"title": "Finance Summary View statement"
"penaltyModalLbl": {
"field_list": {
"businessReference": "Business Reference",
"penaltyType": "Penalty Type",
"emiratesId": "Emirates Id",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"lastSubmissionDateByEmployer": "Last submission date by Employer",
"approvalDateByGPSSA": "Approval Date by GPSSA",
"totalNoOfDays": "Total number of days",
"daysWithGPSSA": "Days with GPSSA",
"daysWithEmployer": "Days with Employer",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty Amount",
"employerName": "Employee Name",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment Start Date",
"employeeNameEng": "Employee Name English",
"employeeNameAr": "Employee Name Arabic",
"employerCode": "Employer code",
"contributionMonth": "Contribution Month",
"contributionYear": "Contribution Year",
"contributionDueDate": "Contribution Due date",
"contributionAmountPaid": "Contribution Amount paid",
"contributionPaymentDate": "Contribution Payment date",
"numberOfOverDueDays": "Number of overdue days"
"title": "Penalty modals"
"salaryDetails": "Salary Details",
"email":"Email address",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"basicInformation":"Basic information",
"homeNationalId": "Home National ID",
"contactNumberPlaceholder": "50 555 5555",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment Start Date",
"designation": "Designation",
"educationDegree": "Education Degree",
"isReceivingPension": "Does insured receive a pension from another authority?",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review"
"title": "GCC Registration Nationals"
"errorLabels": {
"field_list": {
"error_400": "Information entered in incorrect format. Please re-enter in correct format to continue.",
"error_401": "Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in again.",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"error_contactedit": " You can update your email and mobile number only after 24 hours of account creation.",
"error_emailexists": "This email address is already linked to an account.",
"error_mobilenumberexists": "This mobile number is already linked to an account."
"title": "Error Labels"
"accountCreation": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Some of the information provided is not in proper format. Please correct them to continue.",
"401": "Session has expired. Please <a href='/employer/createaccount' style='color:#000000; text-decoration: underline;'>restart</a> the Account creation process.",
"409": "Account already exists with the provided details.",
"A-AC-001": "Your account is locked for 24 hours, please try again later.",
"AC-001": "Multiple records found.",
"AC-002": "Emirates ID exists for this IBAN and DOB. Please register using Emirates ID.",
"AC-003": "Account with this IBAN and DoB is already registered.",
"AC-004": "Details do not exist, click continue to register as Guest.",
"AC-006": "UAE nationality and Emirates ID do not exist. Please update.",
"AC-007": "This Emirates ID is already registered.",
"AC-009": "Username is not valid.",
"AC-010": "Username already in use. Please use a different username.",
"AC-011": "You cannot modify the existing fields.",
"AC-012": "Multiple records found for this Emirates ID.",
"AC-013": "Invalid Emirates ID. Please enter the correct Emirates ID.",
"AC-014": "Security questions not found. Please contact GPSSA to update your contact details and submit OTP.",
"AC-015": "Your answer is incorrect.",
"AC-022": "We were unable to find your date of birth in our records or you are below 18 years.",
"accountNotFound": "We were unable to find your record linked to the entered Emirates ID.",
"alreadyRegistered": "Have you registered with GPSSA using IBAN?",
"alternateEmailAddressLabelPlaceholder": "Alternate Email ID",
"alternateEmailAddressPlaceholder": "Enter alternate email ID",
"back": "Back",
"close": "Close",
"closeButton": "Close",
"completeProfileLabel": "Please enter your details below",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password",
"confirmPasswordPlaceholder": "Enter confirm password",
"continue": "Continue",
"corporateEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Corporate Email ID",
"corporateEmailPlaceholder": "",
"countryCodePlaceholder": "971",
"countryListError": "List of countries cannot be fetched at the moment. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"creationModeDescription": "Welcome. You can create your account through the UAE PASS or by signing up directly with GPSSA.",
"creationModeHeading": "Create your account",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"edit": "Edit",
"email": "Email ID",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "123-4567-8910111-2",
"emiratesUAELabel": "Emirates ID",
"enforceEmiratesId": "An Emirates ID was found against data provided. Please Select Emirates ID and proceed with the flow",
"enterEmailMobileDescription": "Please enter the details below.",
"enterEmiratesIDHeading": "Please enter your Emirates ID if you are a UAE citizen or a resident.",
"error_checkUserExist_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_checkUserExist_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_checkUserExist_409": "An account with the Emirates ID/Passport Number you provided exists already.",
"error_checkUserExist_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getNationalityData_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_getNationalityData_404": "Country Data not found.",
"error_getNationalityData_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_getRegistrationToken_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation flow",
"error_getRegistrationToken_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_otpValidation_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_otpValidation_OTP001": "OTP on both email & mobile has expired.",
"error_otpValidation_OTP002": "OTP on email has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP003": "OTP on mobile has expired",
"error_otpValidation_OTP004": "OTP on both email & mobile are not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP005": "OTP on email is not valid",
"error_otpValidation_OTP006": "OTP on mobile is not valid",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_409": "An account with the Email/Mobile Number you provided already exists.",
"error_reSendOtpToEmailMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_409": "An account with the Email provided already exists.",
"error_sendOtpToEmail_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_409": "An account with the Mobile Number you provided already exists.",
"error_sendOtpToMobile_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"error_userInfo_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userInfo_401": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_409": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userInfo_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your information",
"error_userRegistration_400": "Some data entered in the form seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_userRegistration_401": "Session has expired. Please restart the Account creation process.",
"error_userRegistration_409": "An account with the Email/Mobile Number you provided already exists.",
"error_userRegistration_500": "We are unable to access the servers right now.",
"errorRecaptchaVerify": "Please verify the CAPTCHA code.",
"facebookLink": "",
"firstName": "First Name",
"firstNamePlaceholder": "Enter First Name",
"gender": "Gender",
"gpssaButton": "Register with GPSSA credentials",
"hasRelation": "Do you have any existing relation with GPSSA?",
"home": "Home",
"infoBarLinkUrl": "",
"informationDetails": "Contact Details",
"informationDetailsDesc": "Please enter or update your contact details.",
"instagramLink": "",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"lastNamePlaceholder": "Enter Last Name",
"loginLink": "Log in here",
"loginText": "Already have an account?",
"middleName": "Middle name(s)",
"middleNamePlaceholder": "Enter Middle Name",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile Number",
"mobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Mobile Number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "971523456789",
"modalBody": "Thank you for registering with GPSSA. Please click Home to return to the Login page.",
"modalHeading": "Registration complete",
"name": "Name",
"nameInputLabel": "First Name Last Name",
"nameInputLabelPlaceholder": "Please enter your name",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDefault": "Please Select your Nationality",
"no": "No",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpInputLabel": "Verification code via",
"otpReSentHeading": "Verification code re-sent successfully.",
"otpScreenDescription": "To proceed, you need to confirm your identity via OTP.",
"otpScreenHeading": "Confirm your identity",
"otpViaEmail": "Verification code via email",
"otpViaEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by email",
"otpViaMobileNumber": "Verification code via SMS",
"otpViaMobileNumberLabelPlaceholder": "Enter the verification code sent by SMS",
"passportNumberLabel": "Please enter your Passport Number",
"passportNumberPlaceholder": "123456789012345",
"password": "Password",
"passwordDescription": "Password should be a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase character, lowercase character, numeric character, and special character (!#%^&<>/).",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Enter password",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"profileFormDescription": "Please fill in the following information to complete your registration. Fields marked * are mandatory.",
"profileFormHeading": "Complete your registration",
"registrationError": "Registration error",
"resendOtp": "Didn’t receive verification code?",
"selectCountryDescription": "Are you a UAE national or a resident?",
"selectCountryHeading": "Create your account",
"sendCode": "Send code",
"sendOTP": "Send OTP",
"submit": "Submit",
"termsandconditionError": "Please put a check on the checkbox to continue.",
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "Select Title",
"titles": "Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.",
"titlesEn": "Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.",
"tncContent": "I have read and agreed to the",
"tncLinkText": "Terms and Conditions",
"tncLinkUrl": "",
"twitterLink": "",
"uaeButton": "Register with",
"upassConfirmHeading": "No data found in our records. If you have an existing account press \"Yes\" or continue with \"No\".",
"updateEIDOffline": "Please reach out to GPSSA and update your Emirates ID details offline.",
"userInfo_500": "Currently we are unable to access your existing data",
"yes": "Yes",
"youtubeLink": ""
"title": "Account Creation"
"accountNavigation": {
"field_list": {
"addressDetails": "Addresses",
"backTo": "Back to",
"companyDetails": "Basic information",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"establishmentDetails": "Establishment and License Details",
"executiveDetails1": "Executive details - level 1",
"executiveDetails2": "Executive details - level 2",
"headerquaterAndBranches": "Headquarters & branches",
"incomplete": "Incomplete",
"licenseDetails": "License details",
"navCompanyOverview": "Employer overview",
"navDocuments": "Documents",
"navFinancial": "Financial details",
"navManagedEmployees": "Manage employees",
"navManageEmployees": "Manage employees",
"navManageEmployerAdmins": "Manage employer admins",
"navMyProfile": "My profile",
"parentsAndSubsidiariesDetails": "Parents & subsidiaries"
"title": "AccountNavigation"
"addressLabels": {
"field_list": {
"addAddress": "Add new address",
"addAddressMessage": "Would you like to add address?",
"addressCountry": "Country",
"addressDetails": "Address details",
"addressLine1": "Address line 1",
"addressLine2": "Address line 2",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"city": "City",
"country": "Country",
"emirate": "Emirate",
"heading": "Address",
"isCurrent": "Is current",
"isUae": "Is this address in the UAE?",
"pinCode": "Postal code",
"postalCode": "Pin code",
"state": "State",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents"
"title": "Address"
"bankLabels": {
"field_list": {
"accountHolderName": "Account holder name",
"accountName": "Account Holder Name",
"actExistErr": "You have already added a bank account with this IBAN.",
"addBank": "Add new bank account",
"addMore": "Would you like to add bank account?",
"bankAccountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"bankDocument": "Upload documents",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"bic": "BIC",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"heading": "Bank details",
"iban": "IBAN",
"mandFieldErr": "Please provide IBAN and bank name.",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"yourEntity": "Does this bank account belong to your entity?"
"title": "Bank account details"
"benefitExchange": {
"field_list": {
"benefitAmount": "End of service benefit of previous service",
"days": "days",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"mergeCostTncInfo": "I hereby agree to pay any merge cost applicable to me as a result GPSSA's calculation.",
"months": "months",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pensionAuthorityName": "Name of pension authority/fund",
"previousEmploymentTitle": "Previous employment",
"previuosEmployerName": "Previous employer name",
"specifyEmployerName": "Specify employer name",
"totalMergeServicePeriod": "Total merge service period",
"totalPurchaseServicePeriod": "Total purchase service period",
"years": "years"
"title": "Benefit Exchange service"
"breadcrumbLabels": {
"field_list": {
"account": "Employer account",
"address": "Address",
"branches": "Headquarters & branches",
"companyoverview": "Employer overview",
"contact": "Contact details",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial",
"license": "License details",
"linknewparent": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"manageadmins": "Manage Employer Admins",
"managedby": "Agent-Caretaker-Guardian",
"managedmembers": "Managed members",
"manageemployee": "Manage Employees",
"medical": "Medical",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"newadmin": "Employer admin",
"newdependent": "Add dependent",
"parents": "Parents & subsidiaries",
"passport": "Passport",
"personal": "Personal"
"title": "breadcrumbLabels"
"bulkSalary": {
"field_list": {
"batchId": "Batch ID",
"bulkSalaryAPIError": "We found some issues while syncing salary for some employees and we are unable to find the reason for this exception.",
"bulkSalaryExceptionTitle": "Bulk Salary Detail",
"caseCreated": "Refer to the case details from case id - ",
"downloadExceptionList": "Download Exception List",
"emirateId": "Emirates ID",
"exceptionDownloadError": "Something went wrong! Please try again to download file.",
"exceptionFile": "Your file is being generated",
"failedRecords": "Failed records",
"insuredName": "Insured Name",
"reason": "Reason",
"successRecords": "Success records",
"totalRecords": "Total records"
"title": "Bulk Salary"
"case-details": {
"field_list": {
"acceptDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Accept\" button in the form to update case status.",
"additionalSupportingDocumentLbl": "Additional supporting documents",
"admin": "Admin",
"alertHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure you want to Submit the request to admin?",
"cancelBtnLbl": "Cancel Request",
"cancelReasonCharacterLimit": "Maximum 500 characters",
"cancelRequestHeadingLbl": "Are you sure you want to cancel your request?",
"cancelRequestTitleLbl": "Please share your reason (s) for cancellation (mandatory).",
"cancelSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"caseClosedDisclaimer": "This request has been closed as the requested information was not provided within 2 working days. Please create a new request if you need further support.",
"caseDetailMsgLabelPlaceholder": "Message",
"caseDetailMsgOptionalText": "Maximum 1000 characters",
"caseDetailMsgSendBtnLabel": "Post Message",
"caseDetailTitle": "Request details",
"categoryLbl": "Category",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "Continue",
"continueDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Continue\" button in the form to update case status.",
"createdByLbl": "Created by",
"createdLbl": "Created on",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dueDate": "Due date",
"employer": "Employer",
"goBackBtnLbl": "Go back",
"gpssa": "GPSSA Administrator",
"infoRequestedDisclaimer": "If the requested information is not provided within 2 working days, your request will be rejected automatically.",
"initiatedBy": "Initiated by",
"inputPlaceholder": "Please enter your message",
"lastUpdatedBy": "Last updated by",
"lastUpdatedLbl": "Last updated on",
"linkedIdLabel": "Linked request ID",
"LinkedIdLabelPlaceholder": "Insert here",
"linkedIdPlaceholder": "Start typing",
"linkedIdSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"memberComment": "Member comment",
"msgSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View request details",
"relationLbl": "Do you have any relation with GPSSA?",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestDetailsLbl": "Request details",
"requestIdLbl": "Request ID",
"serviceTypeLbl": "Service name",
"statusLbl": "Status",
"subcategoryLbl": "Subcategory",
"submitBtnLbl": "Send",
"submitButtonLbl": "Submit Request",
"submitDisclaimer": "Kindly press the \"Submit\" button in the form to update case status.",
"supportingDocumentLbl": "Supporting documents",
"system": "System",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request is updated",
"thankuHeadingLabelCancel": "Your cancellation request has been submitted.",
"thankuHeadingSubmitSuccessLabel": "Your request has been successfully submitted",
"typeLbl": "Type",
"uploadBtnLbl": "Upload",
"uploadDocumentTitle": "The uploading of documents depends on the type of request.",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size.",
"yourRequest": "Your request",
"visitProfilePage": "Please visit the <a href='/employer/account' style='text-decoration: underline;'> profile </a> page to take action on this request. You can still use this page to post comment on the request."
"title": "Case details"
"certificateTypes": {
"field_list": {
"noObjectionCertificate": "No Objection Certificate",
"noObjectionCertificate_ar": "شهادة عدم ممانعة",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate": "Registration Certificate",
"noRegisteredInsuredCertificate_ar": "شهادة تسجيل",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate": "Outstanding Obligations Certificate",
"outstandingObligationsCertificate_ar": "شهادة الإلتزامات المستحَقة"
"title": "types of certificate"
"common": {
"field_list": {
"abuDhabi": "Abu Dhabi",
"addMoreDocumentsLabel": "Add more documents",
"allowedFileLbl": "Only .XLS and .XLSX files of 5 MB max size are allowed",
"ajman": "Ajman",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveButton": "Approve",
"availed": "Availed",
"back": "Back",
"backButton": "Back",
"brother": "Brother",
"cancelButton": "Cancel",
"cancelHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabel": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"cancelRequest": "Cancel Request",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "Captcha Verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"clickHere": "Click here",
"closeButton": "Close",
"comingSoonTitle": "Coming Soon",
"commonErrorMsg": "Something went wrong!",
"commonErrorMsgCloseAction": "Click to close the notification bar.",
"connectToAuthPerson": "Please contact the authorized person to provide you with necessary access.",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"continueButton": "Continue",
"daughter": "Daughter",
"days": "Days",
"days11above": "Days",
"days2": "Days",
"delete": "Delete",
"deregisterCaretakerDocument": "Removal of caretaker certificate*",
"deregisterGuardianAdultDocument": "Confirmation of maturity certificate*",
"deregisterGuardianMinorDocument": "Removal of guardianship certificate*",
"divorced": "Divorced",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescription": "Document description",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"documentFetchError": "Error occured while downloading report. Please try again later.",
"documentsUpload": "The uploading of these documents is mandatory:",
"download": "Download",
"dubai": "Dubai",
"editPhoto": "Edit photo",
"emailSendError": "Error occured while sending email. Please try again later.",
"emailSent": "Email sent successfully",
"emailSentToAuthPerson": "An email has been sent to the authorized person to inform them about your request.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employerId": "Employer ID",
"employerSector": "Employer Sector",
"eosCivil": "End of service - Civil",
"errorTrace": "Error reference id:",
"errorTraceInfo": "By simply clicking on it, you have the ability to copy the error reference id. This distinctive identifier can be utilized as a point of reference for any communication with our technical team.",
"errorTraceTitle": "Click to copy the Error Reference ID",
"father": "Father",
"federal": "Federal Government",
"female": "Female",
"fileExistError": "These files already exist",
"fujairah": "Fujairah",
"genderFemale": "Female",
"genderMale": "Male",
"giban": "GIBAN",
"goToProfile": "Go to profile",
"gpssaId": "GPSSA ID",
"gpssaWillRespond": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"granddaughter": "Granddaughter",
"grandson": "Grandson",
"greaterThan0Allowed": "Value should be greater than 0.",
"headerBannerTitle": "Dear employer, this is only a beta launch of the new pension administration platform, which provides you with read only access to your profile details and employees data. We hope you take the time to review your data and in case of any inaccuracy please contact GPSSA on the available contact channels to request update. Note that you can not avail any services through this beta version, except the creation of admin accounts for your future use. All GPSSA services will become accessible through this member portal upon formal launch of the new pension administration platform in the near future.",
"home": "Home",
"idleAppModalBody": "You will be logged out in 60 sec. Click Cancel to Continue.",
"inPercentage": "(in %)",
"insertHere": "Insert here",
"learnmoreUrl": "",
"local": "Local Government",
"logout": "Logout",
"male": "Male",
"mandatoryDocs": "Uploading these documents is mandatory",
"married": "Married",
"max100": "Maximum 100 is allowed",
"max2Decimal": "This field can have a maximum of 2 decimal places",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"military": "Military",
"min0": "Minimum 0 is allowed",
"month": "month",
"monthNamesFull": "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December",
"monthNamesPartial": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"monthNamesPartial_ar": "يناير,فبراير,مارس,أبريل,مايو,يونيو,يوليو,أغسطس,سبتمبر,أكتوبر,نوفمبر,ديسمبر",
"monthNamesPartial_en": "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec",
"months": "Months",
"months11above": "Months",
"mother": "Mother",
"newRequest": "Create new request",
"next": "Next",
"no": "No",
"noAccessLevel": "You do not have sufficient access for this service.",
"noButton": "No",
"noDocuments": "No documents are needed",
"notAvailed": "Not Availed",
"onHold": "On Hold",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"optionalDocs": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"panelFontSizeHeading": "Font size",
"panelHeading": "Accessibility panel",
"panelNarratorHeading": "Narrator",
"panelThemeHeading": "Color Blindness Option",
"panelZoomHeading": "Zoom",
"pocLinkedWithEmployer": "${0} has been linked with ${1} successfully.",
"pocLinkedWithEmployerRejected": "Request has been rejected successfully.",
"private": "Private",
"profileProgressBarMessage": "Profile: Please complete the mandatory fields.",
"progressBarProgressMessage": "Your Profile is ${0} Complete",
"rasAlKhaimah": "Ras Al Khaimah",
"reject": "Reject",
"requestSubmittedToGpssa": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"saveChanges": "Save changes",
"select": "Select",
"selectService": "Please select your service and complete the form.",
"selectTypeOfRequest": "Select the type of request",
"serviceDashboard": "Service Dashboard",
"servicePeriod": "Service period",
"serviceRequest": "Service",
"services": "Services",
"sharjah": "Sharjah",
"sister": "Sister",
"son": "Son",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitButton": "Submit",
"submitRequest": "Your request has been submitted successfully.",
"supportRequest": "Support",
"tncBody": "<h1>In order to complete your verification and access the GPSSA portal, please read and accept our terms & conditions.</h1><p> </p><h2>Terms and Conditions of Use</h2><p>Your access to and use of the General Pension and Social Security Authority (GPSSA) website is subject to the following terms and conditions, as well as UAE laws.</p>",
"tncCheckboxLabel": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncHeading": "Terms and Conditions",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"typeOfRequest": "Type of request",
"typeOfService": "Service name",
"uaeAccessError": "User access level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"ummAlQuwain": "Umm Al Quwain",
"unmarried": "Unmarried",
"update": "Update",
"updateRequest": "Your changes have been updated successfully.",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully updated your ${0}",
"uploadButton": "Upload",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload the following document",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of maximum size 5 MB",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Upload documents",
"validationDateFormate": "${0} must be a date type",
"validationEmail": "${0} must be a valid email",
"validationMax": "Maximum ${0} characters are allowed",
"validationMin": "Minimum ${0} characters are allowed",
"validationNumberOnly": "Only number is allowed",
"validationRequired": "This field is required",
"view": "View",
"widow": "Widow",
"widowed": "Widowed",
"widower": "Widower",
"year": "year",
"years": "years",
"years11above": "Years",
"yes": "Yes",
"yesButton": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your requests",
"more": "more",
"validationMaxNum": "Maximum value allowed is ${0}",
"validationMinNum": "Minimum value allowed is ${0}",
"pensionEmailAriallLabel": "Click here to email the pension breakdown.",
"downloadAriaLabel": "Click here to download the breakdown.",
"myCorporateEmailId": "I understand my roles and responsibilities as a Super Admin and accept full accountability of all actions I perform on Ma’ashi platform.",
"proceed": "Proceed"
"title": "common"
"contactLabels": {
"field_list": {
"alternateEmailAddress": "Alternate email ID",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"contactDetails": "contact details",
"contactDocument": "Upload document",
"continue": "Continue",
"email": "email address",
"emailAddress": "Email ID",
"emergencyContactName": "Emergency contact name",
"emergencyContactPhoneNumber": "Emergency contact phone number",
"emergencyContactRelationship": "Relationship to member",
"faxNumber": "Fax number",
"heading": "Contact details",
"invalidOTP": "This OTP is not valid, please try again.",
"mobileNo": "mobile number",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"OTPModalHeader": "A verification code will be sent to you via your ${0}",
"OTPSentHeader": "We just sent you a verification code to your ${0}",
"OTPSuccessMessage": "You have successfully verified your ${0}",
"OTPVia": "Verification code via ${0}",
"phoneNumber": "Phone number",
"resendOTP": "Resend verification code",
"sms": "SMS",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateNotAllowed": "You cannot update your email and mobile number at the same time.",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"website": "Website"
"title": "Contact details"
"contributionPayments": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "Contribution Payments",
"viewAllInvoices": "View all invoices",
"viewAllInvoicesDesc": "View the summary of all your invoices and track their payment status.",
"viewAllMandates": "View all mandates",
"viewAllMandatesDesc": "View all the details of your mandates such as date of creation, purpose and track their payment status.",
"viewAllProformas": "View all proformas",
"viewAllProformasDesc": "View the summary of all your proformas and track their payment due dates and status."
"title": "Contribution Payments"
"contributions": {
"field_list": {
"accuredPenaltyAmount": "Accrued penalty amount",
"tableHeadDelayedDays": "Number of delayed days",
"allProformasLbl": "All proformas",
"alreadyInclude": "It is already included in #ProformaId",
"amount": "Amount",
"contributionPayments": "Contributions Payments",
"contributionProformas": "Contribution proformas",
"contributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"create": "Create",
"createProforma": "Create proforma",
"dayPlaceholder": "dd",
"downloadOutstandingContribution": "Download Outstanding Contributions",
"emiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeName": "Employee name",
"employeeNameOrEmiratesId": "Search by employee name or Emirates ID",
"employementEmdDateRange": "Filter by employment end date range",
"employementStartDateRange": "Filter by employment start date range",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"emptyDatePlaceholder": "Multiple",
"errorDownloading": "Unable to download outstanding contribution employees at this moment. Please try again",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByPeriod": "Filter by period",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by status",
"governmentContribution": "Government Obligation",
"includeInProforma": "Include in proforma",
"legacyContribution": "Legacy Contribution",
"loading": "loading",
"makePayment": "Make Payment",
"monthPlaceholder": "mm",
"noOutstandingRecords": "No outstanding contributions are available.",
"noProformas": "No proformas are available or you do not have view permission.",
"outstandingContributions": "Outstanding contributions",
"overdueDisclaimer": "Please note that you remain legally responsible for paying contribution and any other amounts due to the Authority. The Authority retains the full right to demand and collect these amounts by all legal means, even if they are not displayed on the platform.",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"pendingGovernmentContribution": "Pending government obligation",
"period": "Period",
"pgTitle": "GPSSA | View all proformas",
"pnfTooltip": "Penalty payment failure",
"pnpTooltip": "Penalty payment is due",
"pnsTooltip": "Penalty amount is successfully paid",
"proformaCaseCreated": "Your request is submitted successfully. You will receive a notification when proforma is ready for review.",
"proformaConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to create proforma for selected employees?",
"proformaCreated": "Proforma ${0} has been created successfully.",
"proformaId": "Proforma #",
"proformasTooltip": "This is the list of proformas that are not paid yet, if any.",
"proformaType": "Proforma Type",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Showing",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchByProformaNumber": "Search by proforma number",
"selectAll": "Select All",
"selectPeriod": "Select period",
"showChangedContribution": "Show records with changed contributions from previous month",
"showOpenProformas": "Show open proformas",
"status": "Status",
"tableHeadEmployerContributionFederal": "Employer contribution",
"totalAccuredPenalty": "Total accrued penalty",
"totalActualAccruedPenaliy": "Total actual accrued penalty",
"totalActualOutstandingContributions": "Total actual outstanding contributions",
"totalExpectedAccruedPenaliy": "Total expected accrued penalty",
"totalExpectedOutstandingContributions": "Total expected outstanding contributions",
"totalOutstandingContributions": "Total outstanding contributions",
"viewTutorials": "About the service",
"yearPlaceholder": "yyyy",
"proformasCreateError": "Unable to create proforma now, please try again.",
"bulkProformaCreate": "Proforma will be created for all the available records.",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"selectAllTooltip": "Click this checkbox to select all records",
"selectAllProformaPopupHeading": "By selecting 'select all,' proforma will be generated for all the applicable records. Total records - ${0}, Total actual outstanding contributions - ${1}",
"isProformaGeneratedErrorMsg": "A proforma request is already in progress. Please try again.",
"getProforma001": "No outstanding contributions are available.",
"proformaCreationError": "Unable to create proforma now, please try again.",
"tableHeadNoOfContributionDays": "Number of contribution days",
"monthlyProforma": "Monthly Proforma",
"outstandingProforma": "Outstanding Proforma",
"legacyProforma": "Legacy Proforma"
"title": "Contributions"
"create-case": {
"field_list": {
"aboutus-button": "Create case button updated sub array",
"aboutus-button1": "Create case button updated 1 sub array",
"aboutus-title": "Create case updated sub array",
"additionalDocuments": "Additional documents",
"cancelButtonLabel": "Cancel",
"cancelHeadingPlaceholder": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"cancelLabelPlaceholder": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"caseRequestSubTitle": "Please fill this form to create your support request",
"caseRequestTitle": "Create support request",
"categoryFormSelect": "Select category",
"categoryLabel": "Category",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"continueButtonLabel": "Yes, I want more information",
"descriptionLabel": "Description",
"descriptionOptionalText": "Maximum 1024 characters",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "e.g. I need some advice regarding…",
"documentSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"dontContinueButtonLabel": "No, thank you",
"faqHeading": "Here are some FAQs to help you",
"faqLabel": "Do you still need help?",
"linkedIdFormSelect": "Select an existing request to link",
"linkedIdLabel": "Related request",
"linkedIdTooltipLabel": "In the case of a related request, please enter request ID.",
"loading": "loading",
"newRequest": "New support request",
"noButtonLabel": "No",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | Create a New Request",
"requestDataSubmitError": "Something went wrong",
"requestFor": "Request on behalf of",
"requestTypeFormSelect": "Select the type of request",
"requestTypeLabel": "Type of support request",
"resetRelatedRequest": "Reset Related Request",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"services": "Services",
"subCategoryFormSelect": "Select sub category",
"subCategoryLabel": "Sub category",
"submitButtonLabel": "Submit",
"thankuHeadingLabel": "Your request has been submitted successfully.",
"uploadDocumentLabel": "Please upload",
"uploadPrimaryMsg": "Browse to upload (optional).",
"uploadSecondaryMsg": "Only .tiff, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, or .pdf files of 5 MB maximum size.",
"uploadSubTitleLabel": "Uploading these documents is optional",
"uploadTitleHeading": "Supporting documents",
"yesButtonLabel": "Yes"
"title": "Create Case"
"createDDSMandate": {
"field_list": {
"addNewBank": "Add New Bank",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"card": "Debit/credit card",
"cardExpDate": "Debit/credit card expiry date",
"cardHolderName": "Debit/credit card holder name",
"cardType": "Debit/credit number",
"iban": "IBAN",
"invalidIban": "IBAN is not valid",
"invalidIban_errorValidateIBAN01": "We were unable to verify the provided IBAN with our downstream systems.",
"invalidMobileNumber": "We could not find a UAE country code in your contact details. Please visit your <a href='/employer/account/contact' style='text-decoration: underline;color: white;'>profile</a> and update your contact details.",
"mandateDisclaimer": "After you submit this request, a standing instruction is created with Central Bank. The installment amount will be deducted on the 15th of every month. Pending installment will be cancelled if user does not pay for 3 months. User minimum EMI amount should be less than 25% of user contribution salary.",
"mandateDisclaimer2": "After you submit this request, a mandate will be created to claim the amount from Central Bank.",
"provideMandateDetails": "Please provide your mandate details",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"requiredFieldMissing": "One of following fields ( License Number/Decree, Company Email address, Company phone number ) is missing.",
"selectPaymentMode": "Select payment mode",
"submit": "Submit"
"title": "Create DDS mandate"
"createMandateErrors": {
"field_list": {
"error1": "Unable to create mandate",
"error2": "Unable to fetch mandate list"
"title": "Create mandate errors"
"dashboardNotificationLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actionRequired": "Action required",
"ago": "ago",
"day": "day",
"days": "days",
"goodAfternoon": "Good afternoon,",
"goodEvening": "Good evening,",
"goodMorning": "Good morning,",
"hour": "hour",
"hours": "hours",
"min": "min",
"mins": "mins",
"mobNotificationTitle": "There are somethings you need to do",
"month": "month",
"months": "months",
"noNotificationMsg": "Currently, there are no tasks which require your action.",
"notification_1059": "Proforma #$ProformaNumber submitted for your review",
"notification_1060": "Proforma #$ProformaNumber update is required",
"notification_107": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_108": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1088": "Request for End of Service #$caseId has been sent to $insuredName_en for review.",
"notification_109": "#$caseId is approved. Please register as a beneficiary. Rate our service.",
"notification_1090": "Review End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1093": "Update End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en.",
"notification_1096": "End of Service request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_110": "#$caseId service request is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1102": "End of Service request #$caseId is on hold.",
"notification_1106": "End of Service request #$caseId is on hold.",
"notification_1108": "TBD",
"notification_1109": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_111": "Please register as a beneficiary for $DeceasedNameEng.",
"notification_1111": "Provide additional information for End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1113": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_1115": "End of Service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is closed because of no response from $insuredName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_1118": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1119": "Review End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1122": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_1125": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_113": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1131": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1132": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1135": "End of Service Request #$caseId has been updated.",
"notification_114": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1140": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1145": "Provide additional information for $ServiceName_en request #$caseId",
"notification_1146": "$ServiceName_en request #$caseId for $employeeName_en is closed because of no response from $companyName_en. Rate our services.",
"notification_115": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_118": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_120": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_1205": "Support request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1207": "Support request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1208": "Legal notice 1 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1209": "Legal notice 2 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1210": "Legal notice 3 received for overpayment case #$caseId",
"notification_1213": "Overpayment case initiated - #$caseId",
"notification_1214": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_123": "مزيد من المعلومات مطلوبة للطلب رقم #$caseId.",
"notification_1235": "License is expiring on $expirationDate. Kindly update the new license details as soon as possible.",
"notification_1236": "License has expired on $expirationDate. Kindly update the new license details as soon as possible.",
"notification_124": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_125": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service",
"notification_126": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1266": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId",
"notification_1267": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1268": "Service request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1269": "Service awareness request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service",
"notification_127": "The beneficiary deregistration request has been approved. You are no longer a beneficiary of $pensionerName_en.",
"notification_1270": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1272": "Additional information required for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_1273": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1274": "Service request #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_1275": "Service awareness request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_1276": "Reminder to provide additional information for service awareness request #$caseId.",
"notification_131": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_133": "Request to cancel #$caseId is approved. Rate our service",
"notification_134": "Request to cancel #$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_135": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_137": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_138": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_139": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_150": "Information required for #$caseId",
"notification_156": "Additional Information required for #$caseId",
"notification_169": "Request #$caseId has been cancelled",
"notification_173": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_174": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_176": "Insured Registration request #$caseId approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_178": "Provide additional information for Insured registration request #$caseId",
"notification_180": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_182": "Insured registration request #$caseId for $InsuredName is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_185": "Review End of Service request #$caseId",
"notification_187": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate.",
"notification_189": "$DocumentType is expiring soon. Please update before $ExpiryDate.",
"notification_190": "Update insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_191": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_192": "Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_194": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId.",
"notification_195": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_197": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled . Rate our services.",
"notification_199": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_200": "Insured registration request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_201": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_202": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_203": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service .",
"notification_204": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_205": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_206": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_207": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_208": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_209": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_210": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_211": "Your pension salary has been updated to $pensionAmount",
"notification_216": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_218": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_219": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_220": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_221": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_250": "#$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_252": "Request #$caseId to update employer profile submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_253": "Provide additional information for request #$caseId to update employer profile.",
"notification_254": "Employer profile request #$caseId approved by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_255": "Employer profile request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_258": " تم تحديث $UpdatedFieldNames_en. أرسل الآن للمراجعة.",
"notification_259": " لقد انتهت صلاحية $documentName_en. قم بالتحديث في أقرب وقت.",
"notification_268": "Injury compensation request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA",
"notification_270": "Additional information required for #$caseId",
"notification_271": "Injury compensation request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_272": "Injury compensation request #$caseId approved.",
"notification_274": "Injury compensation request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA.",
"notification_300": "Please initiate de-registration process for $companyName_en",
"notification_303": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_304": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_305": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_306": "Employer de-registration request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_307": "Provide additional information for employer de-registration request #$caseId",
"notification_312": "Please review and approve request #$caseId",
"notification_313": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_315": "\"تمت الموافقة على طلب الدفع #$caseId.قيم خدماتنا\"",
"notification_317": "\"تمت الموافقة على طلب الدفع #$caseId من جهة العمل.قيم خدماتنا\"",
"notification_320": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_321": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId pending for review. Rate our service.",
"notification_322": "\"تمت الموافقة على طلب الدفع #$caseId من جهة العمل.قيم خدماتنا\"",
"notification_323": "Purchase additional service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_328": "Merge service periods request #$caseId pending for review.",
"notification_329": "Request #$caseId has been closed. Rate our service",
"notification_330": "Merge service periods request #$caseId rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_336": "Merge service periods request #$caseId approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_340": "#$caseId has been cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_341": "Review contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_342": "Review contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_343": " [Month/YYYY] proforma has been updated. Please review the details and take required action.",
"notification_348": "Contribution proforma $proformaNumber pending for payment.",
"notification_349": "Some employees were excluded from proforma #$period. View details here.",
"notification_352": "Payment received for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_353": "Payment failed for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_355": "Payment failed for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_359": "There are outstanding contributions pending payment. Please make a payment here.",
"notification_360": "There are outstanding contributions pending payment. Please make a payment here.",
"notification_363": "Penalty payment pending for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_364": "Penalty payment received for contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_366": "Please take required action on #$caseId.",
"notification_377": "Request #$caseId is submitted.",
"notification_379": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_380": "Request #$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_381": "Provide additional information for merge years request #$caseId",
"notification_382": "Merge years request #$caseId rejected. Rate our services.",
"notification_384": "Merge years request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_387": " تم تحديث $UpdatedFieldNames. أرسل الآن للمراجعة.",
"notification_388": "Please take required action on #$caseId.",
"notification_389": " تم تحديث $UpdatedFieldNames. أرسل الآن للمراجعة.",
"notification_390": "#$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_391": "#$caseId has been rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_392": "#$caseId has been approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_393": "#$caseId has been rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_394": "Additional Information required for #$caseId",
"notification_396": "Request #$caseId has been cancelled",
"notification_421": "Salary update required for $employeeName_en",
"notification_425": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_427": "Initiate $ServiceName request for $EmployeeName",
"notification_428": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_430": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_435": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_436": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_437": "Payment due for Benefits exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_438": "Provide additional information for Benefits Exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_443": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_448": "Review transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_461": "Update Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_463": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_467": "Provide additional information for Benefits Exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_469": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_471": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_473": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId initiated.",
"notification_474": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId initiated.",
"notification_475": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId accepted by employee.",
"notification_479": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId accepted by employee",
"notification_483": "Update Benefits exchange request #$caseId.",
"notification_486": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_488": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled . Rate our services.",
"notification_490": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_492": "Provide additional information for Benefits exchange request #$caseId",
"notification_501": "Service purchase request #$caseId approved",
"notification_505": "Initiate insured registration for $insuredName_en.",
"notification_506": "End of service request #$caseId closed.",
"notification_508": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_510": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_512": "Benefit exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_514": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_516": "$ServiceName_en refund #$caseId successfully initiated.",
"notification_517": "$ServiceName_en refund #$caseId successfully completed.",
"notification_520": "Reminder for payment for end of service request #$caseId",
"notification_521": "Reminder for payment for transfer request #$caseId",
"notification_527": "Additional information required for support request #$caseId",
"notification_529": "#$caseId is approved.",
"notification_530": "#$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_531": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_541": "$UpdatedFieldNames_en are updated. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_542": "You have updated $UpdatedFieldNames_en. Please submit for admin review.",
"notification_543": "$documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_544": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en has expired. Please upload the new version.",
"notification_550": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_553": "Review transfer request #$caseId.",
"notification_556": "Transfer request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_558": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_561": "Transfer request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_562": "Provide additional information for transfer request #$caseId",
"notification_564": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_566": "Transfer request #$caseId is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_569": "Transfer request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_572": "Review Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_574": "Update Insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_575": "Review insured registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_577": "Insured registration request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"notification_579": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_581": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_583": "Insured registration request #$caseId approved by GPSSA.",
"notification_585": "Provide additional information for Insured registration request #$caseId",
"notification_588": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_590": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_592": "Approve contribution proforma $proformaNumber",
"notification_593": "Request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_594": "Additional information required for #$caseId ",
"notification_595": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_596": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_598": "#$caseId is closed. Rate our service.",
"notification_599": "Request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA.",
"notification_600": "End of service request #$caseId for $insuredName_en is cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_602": "Transfer request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_604": "Benefit exchange request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_606": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_607": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_608": "Submit your Pension Entitlement Update to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_609": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_610": "Provide valid IBAN for $MemberNameEng so that we can disburse $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_611": "Provide valid IBAN to receive $amount AED of unclaimed benefits.",
"notification_619": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_620": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_621": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_622": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_623": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_625": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_626": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_627": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service.",
"notification_628": "#$caseId is resolved. Rate our service.",
"notification_629": "#$caseId is resolved - unclaimed benefits released. Rate our service. ",
"notification_630": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_631": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_632": "Unclaimed benefits paid for #$caseId.",
"notification_633": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_634": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_635": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_636": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_637": "#$caseId is rejected. Rate our service.",
"notification_638": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_639": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_640": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_641": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_642": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_643": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_644": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_645": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_646": "Please submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_647": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_648": "$MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_649": "$documentName_en is expiring soon. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_650": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_651": "Reminder- Submit Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_652": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_653": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_654": "Submit $MemberNameEng's Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_655": "Submit Pension Entitlement Update for review by $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_656": "$documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_657": "Reminder - $MemberNameEng's $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_658": "Reminder - $documentName_en is expiring. Please update before $IqrarDueDate",
"notification_659": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_660": "Pension Entitlement Update for $MemberNameEng was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_661": "Pension Entitlement Update was not submitted by $IqrarDueDate. Pension and benefits are put on hold.",
"notification_665": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_666": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_667": "Please provide additional information for #$caseId ",
"notification_668": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_669": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId for $MemberNameEng.",
"notification_670": "Please visit Customer Happiness Centre for #$caseId",
"notification_671": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_672": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is cancelled.",
"notification_673": "#$caseId is cancelled.",
"notification_674": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_675": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_676": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_677": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amountRate our service.",
"notification_678": "#$caseId for $MemberNameEng is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_679": "#$caseId is approved with an update to pension amount. Rate our service.",
"notification_680": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_681": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_682": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible. Rate our service.",
"notification_683": "#$caseId is approved with excess amount due to GPSSA and an update to pension. Rate our service.",
"notification_684": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_685": "#$caseId is resolved as eligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_686": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible with excess amount due. Rate our service.",
"notification_688": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_689": "#$caseId is resolved as ineligible and excess due to GPSSA. Rate our service.",
"notification_697": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_698": "Benefits exchange request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_704": "Clear outstanding liabilities for employer de-registration request #$caseId.",
"notification_708": "Insured registration request #$caseId cancelled.",
"notification_710": "Merge service periods request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our service.",
"notification_750": "Employer profile request #$caseId cancelled. Rate our services.",
"notification_1288": "Request received for Work fitness assessment - #$caseId",
"notification_1289": "Work fitness assessment request #$caseId is approved.",
"notification_1290": "Work fitness assessment request #$caseId is rejected.",
"notification_1291": "Additional information required for work fitness assessment request #$caseId",
"notification_1318": "#$caseId is approved. Rate our service.",
"notification_1340": "Need More Information on Case #$caseId",
"notification_1341": "10% Additional Penalty Applied by GPSSA",
"notification_1342": "Outstanding contribution payment proforma not generated due to invalid records.",
"notification_1343": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1138": "End of Service request #$caseId submitted to GPSSA for approval.",
"notification_1143": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1365": "Registration of GCC national request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1367": "Registration of GCC national request #$caseId rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services.",
"notification_1368": "Provide additional information for registration of GCC national request #$caseId",
"notificationsHeading": "Notifications",
"notificationTitle": "Please complete the following requirements at the earliest.",
"sec": "sec",
"secs": "secs",
"viewMyAccount": "View employer account",
"year": "year",
"years": "years",
"notification_1386": "Provide additional information for End of Service request #$caseId.",
"notification_1388": "End of Service request #$caseId is approved. Rate our services.",
"notification_1390": "End of Service request #$caseId is rejected by GPSSA. Rate our services."
"title": "Personal dashboard Notification labels"
"ddsErrorCodes": {
"field_list": {
"0": "Accepted CLAIMED AMOUNT",
"1": "Accepted PARTIAL AMOUNT",
"2": " ",
"3": " ",
"4": " ",
"5": " ",
"6": " ",
"7": " ",
"8": " ",
"9": " ",
"A": "Account Closed",
"B": " ",
"C": "Compliance Issues",
"D": "Payer Deceased",
"E": "Card Blocked",
"F": "Card Expired",
"G": "Card Cancelled",
"H": " ",
"I": "Insufficient Funds",
"J": " ",
"K": " ",
"L": "Card Limit Exceeded",
"M": "Claim dishonored at the request of the Sponsoring Bank / Originator",
"N": "Dormant Account",
"O": "DDA Cancelled",
"P": "Payment Not Honored by Paying Bank - Payer to Contact Bank",
"Q": " ",
"R": "DDR details inconsistent with DDA details",
"S": "Payment Stopped/Refused",
"T": "Technical Issues at Paying Bank - Auto No-Pay Response from UAEDDS",
"U": "Amount Not Yet Due",
"V": "Account Closed - Mandated by CBUAE / Law Enforcement / Judiciary",
"W": "Account Closed - Internal Compliance / Commercial Issues",
"X": "Account blocked by Judiciary",
"Y": "Account blocked by Law Enforcement Agency",
"Z": "Account blocked by Central Bank of the UAE"
"title": "DDS Error labels"
"degreeLabels": {
"field_list": {
"bachelor": "Bachelor",
"diploma": "Diploma",
"doctoral": "Doctoral",
"higherEducation": "Higher Education",
"lowerSecondaryEducation": "Lower Secondary Education",
"master": "Master",
"noFormalEducation": "No Formal Education",
"primaryEducation": "Primary Education"
"title": "Degree labels"
"documents": {
"field_list": {
"acquisitionDocumentDoc": "Acquisition document",
"addAdditionalDoc": "Add additional documents",
"additionalDoc": "Add additional document",
"additionalDocumentsDoc": "Additional documents",
"anOfficialLetterStatingTheNationalityWithdrawalDoc": "An Official letter stating the Nationality Withdrawal",
"attendanceReportDoc": "Attendance report",
"attendanceReportForTheDateOfInjuryDoc": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"authDocFromEmployer": "Authorization document from employer",
"authorizationDoc": "Authorization Document",
"authorizationDocForSignatoryAuth": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"authorizationDocFromSignatoryAuth": "Authorization Document from Signatory Authority",
"authorizationDocumentOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"bankAccountStatementDoc": "Bank account statement for the last 3 years",
"bankOwenerDoc": "Authorization letter of account owner",
"bankruptcyDocumentDoc": "Bankruptcy document",
"bankStatementDoc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years",
"bankStatementForTheLast3Years/PayrollRecordForEmployees.Doc": "Bank statement for the last 3 years/payroll record for employees.",
"branchDoc": "Proof of headquarter branch relationship",
"businessLicenseDoc": "Business License",
"certificateFromFundsDoc": "Certificate from pension fund",
"certificateFromPensionAuthorityDoc": "Certificate from pension authority",
"companyRegistrationContractDoc": "Copy of company registration contract (with amendments if any)",
"copyOfSADoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"courtJudgmentDoc": "Court judgment",
"courtRuling/DecisionDocumentDoc": "Court ruling / decision document",
"deathCertificateDoc": "Death certificate",
"deathInvestigationReportDoc": "Death investigation report",
"decreeDoc": "Decree or law of establishment",
"decreeOrLawOfEstablishmentDoc": "Decree or law of establishment",
"deductionsSupportingDocumentDoc": "Deductions supporting document",
"disagreeReasonDocumentDoc": "Disagree Reason Document",
"disciplinaryDecisionDoc": "Disciplinary decision",
"disputeReasonDocumentDoc": "Dispute Reason Document",
"dissolutionOfEmployerDocumentDoc": "Dissolution of employer document",
"emiratesIDCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdCopyOfSignatoryAuthorityDoc": "Emirates ID copy of signatory authority",
"emiratesIdDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDDoc": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIDOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the Owner/Partner",
"emiratesIdOwnerDoc": "Emirates ID of owner",
"emiratesIdOwnerPartnerDoc": "Emirates ID of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"employeeConsentDocumentDoc": "Employee consent document",
"employerAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employer Acknowledgment Letter",
"employerDecreeDoc": "Employer Decree",
"employmentAcknowledgmentLetterDoc": "Employment Acknowledgment Letter",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment Contract",
"employmentDecreeDoc": "Employment contract/decree",
"employmentContract/DecreeDoc": "Employment contract/decree",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "End of Service Certificate",
"eOSDecreeDoc": "EOS Decree",
"establishmentCard/CardOfSignatoryAuthoritiesDoc": "Establishment Card/Card of Signatory Authorities",
"establishmentCardDoc": "Establishment card / Card of signatory authorities",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"federalDecreeDoc": "Federal decree",
"hRPolicyDoc": "HR Policy",
"humanResoucesDoc": "List of human resources laws applied by the entity",
"humanResourcesAndRegulationDoc": "Human resources and regulation",
"humanResourcesPolicyDoc": "Human Resources Policy",
"iBANCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"ibanCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"inheritanceCertificateDoc": "Inheritance certificate",
"investigationCommitteeVerdictFromTheEmployerDoc": "Investigation Committee Verdict from the employer",
"investigationReportDoc": "Investigation Report",
"lateRegistrationDocumentDoc": "Late registration document",
"lawForIncorporationOfEstablishmentDoc": "Law of incorporation of establishment",
"letterOfRegistrationIntentDoc": "Letter of registration intent",
"liabilitySupportingDocumentDoc": "Liability supporting document",
"liquidationDocumentDoc": "Liquidation document",
"listIfHumanResourcesLawsAppliedByTheEntityDoc": "List of human resources laws applied by the entity",
"localDecreeDoc": "Local decree",
"medicalFitnessCertificateDoc": "Medical fitness certificate",
"medicalReportDoc": "Medical report",
"medicalReportSelfDoc": "Medical report proving fitness to work (issued not more than 3 months ago)",
"memorandumOfAssociationDoc": "Memorandum of association",
"newNationalityIDDoc": "New nationality ID",
"non-WorkInjuryMedicalReportDoc": "Non-work injury medical report",
"otherReasonsLetterDoc": "Other reasons letter",
"passportCopyOfTheOwner/PartnerDoc": "Passport Copy of the Owner/Partner",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport Number",
"passportOwnerDoc": "Passport of owner",
"passportOwnerPartnerDoc": "Passport copy or Emirates ID of the owner/partner/authorized personnel",
"pensionSalaryDoc": "Pension salary certificate",
"policeReportDoc": "Police report",
"powerOfAttorneyDoc": "Power Of Attorney",
"previousEIDDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEIdDoc": "Previous EID",
"previousEmiratesIdDoc": "Previous Emirates ID",
"professionalLicenseDoc": "Professional license",
"proofOfAcquiredNationalityDoc": "Proof of acquired nationality",
"proofOfCourtRulingOfLossDoc": "Proof of court ruling of loss",
"proofOfDesertionDoc": "Proof of desertion",
"proofOfDisassociation": "Proof of disassociation of previous authorized person",
"proofOfRevocationOfCitizenshipDoc": "Proof of revocation of citizenship",
"proofOfSalaryDetailsDoc": "Proof of salary details",
"reasonToFireDoc": "Reason to fire",
"rejectionReasonDocumentDoc": "Rejection Reason Document",
"resignationLetterDoc": "Resignation letter",
"restructuringDecreeDoc": "Restructuring Decree",
"retirementLetterDoc": "Retirement Letter",
"signatoryAuthDoc": "Authorization document of signatory authority",
"specializedPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Specialized power of attorney",
"statementOfNominalPeriodDoc": "Statement of nominal period",
"statementOfPreviousServicePeriodsDoc": "Statement of previous service periods",
"statmnetOfAdditonalPurchasedServicePeriodDoc": "Statement of additional purchased service period",
"subsidiaryDoc": "Proof of parent subsidiary relationship",
"terminationLetterDoc": "Termination letter",
"tradeLicenseDoc": "Trade license",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDoc": "Transfer acceptance letter",
"transferDecisionLetterDoc": "Transfer decision letter",
"transferRequestLetterDoc": "Transfer request letter",
"transferLetterDoc": "Transfer letter",
"undertakingLetterDoc": "Undertaking Letter",
"windingUpDocumentDoc": "Winding Up document",
"workInjuryInvestigationReportDoc": "Work injury investigation report",
"workplaceFitnessAssessmentFormDoc": "Workplace fitness assessment form",
"medicalExaminationReportDoc": "Medical examination report",
"recentPersonalPhotoDoc": "Recent personal photo",
"previousEmiratesIDDoc": "Previous Emirates ID",
"proofOfAccquiredNationalityDoc": "Proof of accquired nationality",
"employerRegistrationRequestDoc": "Employer registration request",
"statementOfServicePeriodsDoc": "Statement of service periods",
"insuranceProtectionExtensionProgramUnifiedFormDoc": "Insurance Protection Extension Program Unified Form",
"salHistoryDoc": "Salary history document"
"title": "Documents"
"employeeSalaryDetail": {
"field_list": {
"allProformasLbl": "All Proformas",
"back": "Back",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance",
"contributablePercentage": "Contributable percentage",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable salary",
"contributableSupplementaryAmt": "Contributable amount of supplementary allowance",
"contributableToolTipInfo": "Maximum contributable salary for local/federal government sector is AED 300,000",
"contributionDetails": "Contribution details",
"contributionPayments": "Contribution Payments",
"effectiveDate": "Effective Date",
"emiratesIDNumber": "Emirates ID Number:",
"empContriToGpssa": "Employee contribution to GPSSA (5%)",
"employerContriToGpssa": "Employer contribution to GPSSA (12.5%)",
"generalAllownace": "General/nutrition allowance",
"govtContriToGpssa": "Government share to GPSSA (2.5%)",
"grossSalary": "Gross Salary",
"heading": "Salary Details",
"houseAllowance": "Housing allowance",
"in": "in",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"infoSalaryUpdate": "Please note that changes you make to the salary details will be reflected in system immediately.",
"inPercent": "in %",
"livingCostAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"miscellaneousAllownace": "Additional miscellaneous allowances",
"nationalAllowance": "Social allowance (also known as national allowance)",
"otherAllowances": "Other allowances",
"percent": "%",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"reviewAllProformas": "Review all Proformas",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"salaryChangesNotification": "Please note that changes you make to the salary details will be reflected in system immediately",
"salaryDetails": "Salary Details",
"salaryUpdateDate": "Effective date for salary update",
"save": "Save",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"supplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"totalContributions": "Total contributions(20%)",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"transportationAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"workAllownace": "Nature of work allowance"
"title": "Employee Salary Detail"
"employeesSummary": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"activeEmployees": "Total employees",
"enrollmentInProgress": "Enrollment in progress",
"heading": "Employees Summary",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"activeNoCon": "Active - no contribution",
"inActiveNoCon": "Inactive - no contribution",
"status": "Status",
"viewDetails": "View employee details"
"title": "Employees summary"
"employerDeRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"dateOfClosing": "Date Of closing down",
"docUploadLabel": "Upload Document",
"employerDeRegistrationDetails": "Employer deregistration details",
"haveLiability": "You have outstanding liability, therefore you cannot create request for de-registration.",
"notEligibleForDeregistration": "De-registration is allowed only when there are no active employees",
"pendingDeRegistrationModalBody": "Previous service is still in pending",
"pendingDeRegistrationModalHeading": "Previous service is still in pending",
"proofOfAcquistionLabel": "Proof of Acquisition",
"proofOfBankruptcyLabel": "Proof of Bankruptcy",
"proofOfClosurelabel": "Proof of Closure",
"proofOfDefaultLabel": "Employer to attach relevant document",
"proofOfDissolutionLabel": "Proof of Dissolution",
"proofOfLiquidationLabel": "Proof of Liquidation",
"proofOfOtherLabel": "Employer to attach relevant document",
"proofOfResturcuringLabel": "Restructuring Decree Human Resource Policy",
"reasonAcquistionLabel": "Acquisition",
"reasonBankruptcyLabel": "Bankruptcy",
"reasonDissolutionLabel": "Dissolution",
"reasonForClosingLabel": "Reason for closing down",
"reasonForClosingTooltip": "Reason for shutting down the business",
"reasonForOther": "Please enter your reason",
"reasonLiquidationLabel": "Liquidation",
"reasonOtherLabel": "Other",
"reasonRestructuringLabel": "Restructuring",
"reasonWindingUpLabel": "Winding Up",
"tncCheckboxLabel": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncHeading": "Terms and Conditions",
"typeHere": "Type here",
"dashboardApiError": "We are having trouble identifying eligibility to request this service"
"title": "Employer DeRegistration"
"employerRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account Holder Name",
"accountNumber": "IBAN/Bank account number",
"accountType": "Account type",
"addAdditionalPointOfContacts": "Add additional point of contacts",
"additionalAllowance": "Additional miscellaneous allowance",
"addMember": "Do you want to add the member who initiated the employer registration as an authorized representative?",
"addNewPOC": "Add new point of contact",
"address": "Employer address",
"addressLine1": "Address line 1",
"addressLine2": "Address line 2",
"alternativeEmailId": "Alternative email ID",
"areYouPOA": "Do you have a notarized power of attorney to act on behalf of the signatory authority?",
"areYouSignatoryAuthority": "Are you the signatory authority of the company?",
"authInformation": "Signatory authority/notarized power of attorney details",
"authorisation": "Authorization",
"bankAccountDetails": "Bank account details",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"basicInformation": "Basic information",
"BasicSalary": "Basic salary",
"bic": "BIC",
"branch": "Branch",
"BS": "Basic salary",
"CA": "Children allowance",
"ChildrenAllowance": "Child allowance",
"city": "City",
"close": "Close",
"closeLabel": "Close",
"COLA": "Cost of living allowance",
"companyContactDetails": "Organization contact details",
"companyEmailPlaceholder": "",
"companyNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"companyNameArabicPlaceholder": "أدخل اسم صاحب العمل",
"companyNameEnglish": "Employer name (English)",
"companyNameEnglishPlaceholder": "Enter the entity name of the Employer",
"companyPhoneNumber": "Phone number",
"companySubtype": "Employer sub-type",
"companyType": "Employer sector",
"companyWebsite": "Website",
"companyWebsitePlaceholder": "",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"contactAndAddress": "Contact & address",
"contactNumberPlaceholder": "50 555 5555",
"continue": "Continue",
"ContributableSalary": "Contributable Salary (20%)",
"contributableSupplementaryAmt": "Contributable amount (of supplementary allowance)",
"contributableSupplementaryAmtPercentage": "(in %)",
"corporateEmailLabelPlaceholder": "Corporate Email ID",
"CostOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance",
"country": "Country",
"countryCode": "Phone country code",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"decree": "Decree or law of establishment number",
"deleteSection": "Delete section",
"disallowedSubsidiaryParentErrorMessage": "The selected employer cannot be added as a parent as it already exists in the list of current employer's subsidiaries",
"doYouWantToContinue": "This employer should be registered with ${0} pension authority. Do you still want to continue?",
"doYouWantToContinueTooltip": "Since the employer is registered in ${0}, the entity will therefore be registered with the ${0} Pension Fund, but you can register with us for certain reasons, such as the need to register nationals of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC).",
"duplicateParentErrorMessage": "Employer cannot have duplicate parents. Only one parent is allowed.",
"effectiveFrom": "Effective from",
"effectiveUntil": "Effective until",
"emailId": "Organization email ID",
"emirate": "Emirate",
"emirateHeadquarter": "Select Emirate of headquarters",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employerDetails": "Employer details",
"employment": "Employment",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"enterReason": "Enter reason",
"establishmentCardNumber": "Establishment card number",
"establishmentCardNumberToolTip": "Establishment card number",
"establishmentDate": "Establishment date",
"facebookId": "Facebook ID",
"facebookPlaceholder": "",
"federalGovernment": "Federal government",
"financialDetails": "Financial details",
"firstName": "First name",
"freezone": "Freezone",
"generalAllownace": "General/nutrition allowance",
"GPSSADefaultPercentage": "The defaulted percentages are as per GPSSA law.",
"grossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"heading": "Employer Registration",
"headquarters": "Headquarters",
"homePhoneNumber": "Home phone number",
"HRA": "Housing allowance",
"infoOptional": "The information in this section is optional",
"initiatorEmailId": "Requester corporate Email ID",
"initiatorRole": "Requester role",
"inPercentage": "(%)",
"instagramId": "Instagram ID",
"instagramPlaceholder": "@dummytext",
"invalidOtp": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"isHeadquarterOrBranch": "Is this entity the headquarters or a branch?",
"isPrimary": "Is this address primary?",
"lastName": "Last name",
"learnmore": "Learn more",
"licenseDetails": "License details",
"licenseExpirationDate": "License expiration date",
"licenseIssueDate": "License issue date",
"licenseNumber": "License number",
"licenseNumberToolTip": "Refer to your business license",
"licenseType": "License type",
"licensingAuthority": "Licensing authority",
"licensingEmirate": "Licensing emirate",
"localGovernment": "Local government",
"mainland": "Mainland",
"memberName": "Requester name",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"military": "Military",
"minuteLabel": "minute",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"natureOfWorkAllowance": "Nature of work allowance",
"NCA": "Non-contributable allowance",
"no": "No",
"NonContributableAllowance": "Other non-contributable allowance",
"OA": "Other allowance",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowance": "Gross salary",
"otherAllowances": "Other allowances",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your corporate email ID: ${0}",
"otpValidationSuccessContent": "Click close to return to registration",
"otpValidationSuccessHeading": "OTP verified successfully",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"pleaseProvideSignAuth": "Signatory authority details",
"pleaseSelectSalary": "Please select the salary components relevant to your entity.",
"POAExpiryDate": "Notarized power of attorney expiration date",
"postalCode": "Postal code",
"primaryIndustry": "Primary industry",
"private": "Private",
"reason": "You can continue to register with us for the below reason:",
"reason1": "Seconded insured management",
"reason2": "GCC insured management",
"reason3": "GCC Nationals Registration",
"redirectToHome": "Your entries will be discarded and you will be redirected the previous page.",
"referlicense": "Refer to your business license",
"registrationNumber": "Registration number",
"requestEmployerRegistration": "Request employer registration",
"requestToBecomeAPoc": "Do you want to become an authorized representative for this employer?",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"respondMsg": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"role": "Role",
"SA": "Supplementary allowance",
"SAEmailId": "Corporate email ID of the signatory authority",
"SAEmiratesId": "Emirates ID of the Signatory authority",
"salaryCalculationHeadingDesc": "The basic monthly salary of the insured, in addition to monthly bonuses and allowances granted thereto, namely: Bonus of the living costs, social allowance for children, social allowance for nationals , living allowance decided according to the level thereof. The living allowance shall be estimated on a monthly basis with regards to persons receiving such allowance on an annual basis, and such by dividing it on the number of months per year , provided that the salary of subscription calculation of the insured does not exceed that of the Minister.",
"salaryCalculationHeadingLbl": "As per Article 1 Federal law for Pension and Social Security, contribution components for government entities are calculated as follows:",
"salaryComponents": "Salary details",
"salaryDetails": "Salary details",
"SAorPOAholder": "What is your role with this entity?",
"secondaryIndustry": "Secondary industry",
"secondsLabel": "seconds",
"selectYourEmirate": "Select emirate",
"selfEmployed": "Are you self employed?",
"sendVerificationOtp": "Send verification OTP",
"sentForDigitalConsent": "Your request has been sent to the signatory authority to provide digital consent.",
"services": "Services",
"signatoryAuthorityInformation": "Authorization Information",
"skip": "Skip",
"snapchatId": "Snapchat ID",
"snapchatPlaceholder": "Example: @MoAmer",
"SOA": "Social Allowance",
"SocialAllowance": "Social allowance",
"state": "Emirate",
"submittedForReview": "Your changes have been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review.",
"supplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"SupplementaryAllowance": "Supplementary allowance",
"timeRemaining": "remaining",
"title": "Employer Registration",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions.",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"transportAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"twitterId": "Twitter ID",
"twitterPlaceholder": "@dummy_text",
"uaeName": "United Arab Emirates",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully submitted your details.",
"vatNumber": "VAT number",
"whatsAppNumber": "WhatsApp number",
"whatsAppNumberCountryCode": "WhatsApp country code",
"whichCountry": "Which country is your company registered in?",
"yes": "Yes",
"yourCorporateEmailId": "Your corporate Email ID"
"title": "Employer Registration"
"employmentActivity": {
"field_list": {
"commenceActivityDate": "Date of commencement of activity",
"establishmentDate": "Date of memorandum of association",
"heading": "Employment activity",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"otherPensionAuth": "Other pension authority",
"pensionAuthority": "Select a pension authority",
"pensionOtherSource": "Are you receiving pension from another authority?",
"professionExpDate": "Expiry date of permit to practice profession",
"selectAuthority": "Select a pension authority"
"title": "Employment activity"
"employmentLabels": {
"field_list": {
"activeCaseInfo1": "A request is in progress with Request Id",
"activeCaseInfo2": ". The details will remain locked unless the existing request is completed.",
"addLeaveBtn": "Report leave",
"addSecondmentBtn": "Report secondment",
"authorised": "Authorized",
"authSecondedTo": "Authority seconded to",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"contigousLabel": "Contiguous",
"countryOfEmployment": "Country of employment",
"datecorrectAndContigous": "Date Correct, Contiguous",
"dateCorrectLabel": "Date Correct",
"dateIncorrectLabel": "Incorrect date",
"disclaimer1": "The grey fields are only editable by your employer.",
"disclaimer21": "Please",
"disclaimer22": "with GPSSA if any of these details are incorrect.",
"documentUploadError": "We have created a request successfully. However, we encountered an issue while uploading the document in your request. Please try uploading the document in request - ",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeID": "Employee ID",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"employerNumber": "Employer number",
"employerSecondedTo": "Employer seconded to",
"employerSector": "Employer sector",
"employerTransfferedFrom": "Employer transferred from",
"employerTransfferedTo": "Employer transferred to",
"employerType": "Employer type",
"employmentContract": "Employment Contract",
"employmentDetails": "Employment Details",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentId": "Employment ID",
"employmentStartDate": "Contribution start date",
"employmentStatus": "Employment status",
"endOfServiceFlag": "End of service status",
"eosHeading": "End of Service Details - Request ID:",
"eosReason": "EoS reason",
"heading": "Employment details",
"jobInformation": "Job information",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"leaveCertificate": "Leave Certificate",
"leaveDetails": "Leave details",
"leaveDisclaimer": "If you are not able to find previously submitted leave request, please reach out to GPSSA.",
"leaveEndDate": "End date",
"leaveStartDate": "Start date",
"leaveStatus": "Leave Status",
"leaveType": "Leave type",
"leaveTypeAr": "الإبلاغ عن إجازة",
"name": "Name",
"nationalityDetails": "Nationality Details",
"occupation": "Occupation",
"overlapAndContigousLabel": "Overlap, Contiguous",
"overlapAndDateCorrectLabel": "Overlap, Date Correct",
"overlapDateCorrectContigous": "Overlap, DateCorrect, Contiguous",
"overlapLabel": "Overlapping dates",
"overlappingLeave": "Provided leave dates are overlapping with exiting leaves, please recheck.",
"passportDetails": "Passport Details",
"payementStatus": "Payment status",
"paymentStatus": "Approval status",
"penAuthSecondedTo": "Pension authority seconded to",
"personalDetails": "Personal Details",
"personOfDeterminationDetails": "Person of Determination",
"recordNumber": "100001",
"reqStatus": "Request Status",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"salaryCaseDetailHeading": "Employee Case Details",
"salaryDetails": "Salary details",
"salaryDraftDeleteError": "Error deleting salary draft.",
"salaryDraftUpdateError": "Error submitting salary draft.",
"salaryHistoryUpdateError": "Error updating salary history.",
"salaryTypeAr": "راتب",
"secodmentDecisionDocument": "Secondment Decision Document",
"seconded": "Secondment",
"secondedEndDate": "Secondment end date",
"secondedStartDate": "Secondment start date",
"secondmentDetails": "Secondment details",
"secondmentTypeAr": "الإبلاغ عن إعارة",
"sector": "Sector",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"unauthorised": "Unauthorized leave",
"unpaidSuspension": "Unpaid suspension",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"proofOfLeaveTmpl": "Proof of leave template.",
"endDateMissing": "Active employees cannot have an end date for their latest salary."
"title": "Employment details"
"endOfService": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"accountHolderNameTooltip": "This name should match the IBAN certificate.",
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"add": "Add another liability",
"apiDocumentFetchError": "Unable to fetch list of required documents. Please try again after some time.",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch data at the moment. Please try again after some time.",
"back": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"benefitsExchangeDate": "Benefits exchange date",
"benefitsExchangeDateTooltip": "This date should be the starting date with the new employer. Contribution will be collected until one day before the date provided.",
"benefitsExchangeEmployer": "Select new employer name",
"benefitsExchangePensionAuthority": "Pension authority/fund associated with new employer",
"contributionCost": "Contribution cost",
"courtDoc": "Court decision document",
"currency": "AED",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"daysDeductedTooltip": "Number of days excluded from the total employment period due to unpaid contributions as result of leave or non payment.",
"deathDocumentInfo": "Below mentioned documents are needed to be uploaded as supporting documents for this case. You can do so by adding them in the 'Additional supporting documents' section in the sidebar with appropriate title.",
"deathIssueAuthorityFallback": "Ministry of Health and Prevention",
"deathIssuingEntity": "Entity issuing the death certificate",
"deathIssuingEntityTooltip": "Entity name should be the same as on death certificate",
"deathPlace": "Place of death",
"disagree": "Disagree",
"dispute": "Dispute",
"eligibility_error_01": "Provided Emirates ID is not associated with the current employer.",
"eligibility_error_02": "A case already exists for this Emirates ID.",
"eligibility_error_02_BE": "A Benefits Exchange case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"eligibility_error_02_EOS": "An End of Service case already exists for this Emirates ID. Please visit request id - ",
"emailAddress": "Employee's Email ID",
"emiratesId": "Insured Emirates ID",
"employeeEmiratesIdLabel": "Employee Emirates ID:",
"employeeShare": "Employee share",
"employemntEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerShare": "Employer share",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"employmentEndDateTooltip": "This is the last working day with the current employer.",
"employmentSectionHeading": "Employment Details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"endOfServiceDateTooltip": "Benefits will be calculated based on this date.",
"eosDeathDate": "Date of death",
"eosReason": "Reason for end of service",
"eosReason1": "Reason 1",
"eosReason2": "Reason 2",
"eosRejected": "Your request has been rejected",
"eosSubmitted": "Your end of service request has been successfully submitted",
"eosSubReason": "Specify sub-reason",
"eosTransferDate": "Transfer date (Employment start date with the new employer)",
"eosTransferTo": "Transfer to",
"eosUpdated": "Your end of service request has been successfully updated",
"firstName": "First name",
"heading": "People of determination",
"iban": "IBAN number",
"ibanTooltip": "It must be the same bank for the salary account.",
"initiatePayment": "Initiate payment",
"insuredAcceptAlert": "I verify that all the above information is correct and hereby provide my consent to process the End of Service request",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name",
"lastWorkingDate": "Last working date",
"law-A": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"law-B": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"liabilityAmount": "Liability amount (Consider pending payments only)",
"liabilityDisclaimer": "Any unsettled financial liabilities due with employee should be directly settled with employer. GPSSA will not be responsible to deduct and pay any such amount to the employer from the benefits exchange amount.",
"liabilityRadioLegend": "Is there any other unsettled financial liability due on employee?",
"liabilitySectionHeading": "Unsettled Liabilities",
"liabilityType": "Liability type",
"liabilityTypeTooltip": "Unsettled liabilities provides an opportunity to request deductions from the end of service benefits of Insured. However deduction and subsequent payments to employer are subject to GPSSA approval.",
"makeCorrections": "Make corrections",
"mergeCost": "Merge cost",
"middleName": "Middle name(s)",
"nationalityCancelDate": "Effective date of nationality cancellation",
"nationalityList": "New nationality",
"newEmployer": "New employer name",
"other": "Other",
"pendingPaymentDesc": "As per records, there are pending payments. Any pending payments remaining after 5 days of submission of this request will be cancelled and service period will be adjusted accordingly for benefit computation.<br /><br />Based on the end-of-service request submitted, our records show that you have not paid the contribution for the end-of-service month. Please note that you have (5) working days to pay the contribution due to the Authority. It must be noted that in the event of non-payment, the value of the unpaid contributions will be deducted from the insured’s service period.",
"pendingPayments": "Pending payments",
"provideAmendmentReason": "Please provide what you need to amend for the End of Service request.",
"provideConsent": "I hereby provide my consent to share my personal and employment details with the other pension authority.",
"provideDisagreeReason": "Please provide reason for disagreeing to End of Service amendment request.",
"provideDisagreeReasonBE": "Please provide reason for disagreeing to Benefits Exchange Amendment request.",
"provideDisputeReason": "Please provide reason for disputing End of Service request.",
"provideDisputeReasonBE": "Please provide reason for disputing Benefits Exchange request.",
"provideRejectReason": "Please provide reason for rejecting End of Service request.",
"provideRejectReasonBE": "Please provide reason for rejecting Benefits Exchange request.",
"purchaseCost": "Purchase cost",
"reason": "Reason",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectDispute": "Reject dispute",
"remove": "Remove liability",
"reportDispute": "Submit to GPSSA",
"requestAmendment": "Request Amendment",
"retirementAgeIneligible": "This member is not eligible to opt for retirement. The minimum age for retirement is 50.",
"returnTowork": "Do you wish to return to work?",
"salarySectionHeading": "Salary account details",
"startTyping": "Start typing",
"submit": "Submit",
"returnToEmployee": "Return to employee",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to employee for review.",
"successModalHeadingDeath": "Your request has been successfully sent to GPSSA for review.",
"successModalSubHeading": "Employee is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"successModalSubHeadingDeath": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"totalLiabilityAmount": "Total liability amount",
"trainingCourses": "Do you want to take training courses?",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the approval letter by the GPSSA employer",
"transferDisclaimer": "Please settle all financial obligations before submitting transfer request.",
"transferRequestLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the request letter from the new employer under other pension fund/authority to the GPSSA employer",
"unclaimedBenefitsTitle": "Unclaimed Benefits",
"updateCaseFailError": "Unable to update case request details.",
"verifiedSalary": "I have reviewed and verified <a class='salaryDetailsLink' target='_blank' href='/employer/account/manageemployee/${0}-${1}?tab=salary'>salary details</a>",
"verifiedSalaryMobile": "I have reviewed and verified salary details",
"volunteer": "Do you wish to volunteer?",
"penaltyBoxHeading": "Penalty for late End of service",
"penaltyBoxAmount": "Penalty amount",
"penaltyBoxDays": "Number of days",
"raiseInquiryButton": "Raise inquiry",
"penaltyTnC": "Penalty for late End of service may be applied by GPSSA as governed by law.",
"eosOtherReason": "Other reason"
"title": "End Of Service"
"endOfServiceMilitary": {
"field_list": {
"accountHolderName": "Account holder name",
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Date on which employee acquired UAE nationality",
"addBenefit": "Add another benefit",
"additionalAllowance": "Additional allowance",
"additionalOneTimeAllowance": "Additional one time allowance amount",
"additionalServicePeriod": "Additional service period",
"addLiability": "Add another liability",
"addPeriod": "Add another period",
"aed": "AED",
"backBtn": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount",
"benefitPeriod": "Benefit period",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance",
"civil": "Civil",
"close": "Close",
"contributionRefundAmount": "Contribution refund amount",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"daysDeducted": "Days deducted",
"deathIssuingEntity": "Entity issuing the death certificate",
"deathIssuingEntityTooltip": "Entity name should be the same as on death certificate",
"deathPlace": "Place of death",
"designation": "Designation",
"disabilityAmount": "Disability %",
"disabilityType": "Disability type",
"documentsSectionTitle": "Documents",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeCategory": "Select employee category",
"employeeDetailsSectionTitle": "Employee details",
"employeePersonalEmail": "Employee personal email address",
"employeePersonalMobile": "Employee personal mobile number",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employmentDetailsSectionTitle": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"endOfServiceDate": "End of service date",
"endOfServiceReason": "End of service reason",
"eosDeathDate": "Date of death",
"eosReason": "End of service reason",
"eosSubReason": "End of service sub-reason",
"iban": "IBAN",
"ibanTooltip": "It must be the same bank for the salary account.",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"increasePensionAmount": "Increase pension amount",
"isUAENational": "Is employee UAE national by birth?",
"liabilityAmount": "Liability Amount (Consider pending payments only)",
"liabilityRadioLegend": "Is there any other unsettled financial liability of the employee?",
"liabilityRadioPlaceholder": "Is there any unsettled financial liability of the employee?",
"liabilitySectionTitle": "Unsettled Financial Liabilities",
"liabilityType": "Liability type",
"mergePeriodLabel": "Select merged period",
"mergePeriodRadio": "Does the employee have any merged service period?",
"military": "Military",
"militaryCategory": "Select military category:",
"militaryNumber": "Military Number",
"militaryRank": "Military rank",
"ministryOfHealth": "Ministry of health",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nextBtn": "Next",
"nominalPeriodHeading": "Nominal service period is the non actual service period deemed by the pension law that can be added to enhance the insurance benefits in account:",
"nominalPeriodHeadingClauseOne": "(i) if the training and academic programme, secondment or mission or leave period as per the provisions stipulated in the law",
"nominalPeriodHeadingClauseTwo": "(ii) if the military personnel's age reached 40 years upon joining the service, then a period of 5 years is added to his service in case he doesn't have sufficient service period to add to his overall service period after merging.",
"nominalPeriodLabel": "Select nominal period",
"nominalServicePeriodPlaceholder": "Nominal service period",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance",
"pensionAuthority": "Pension authority",
"percentage": "(%)",
"previousServicePeriodSectionTitle": "Previous service periods",
"purchasePeriodLabel": "Select purchase period",
"purchasePeriodRadio": "Does the employee have any additional purchased service period?",
"removeBenefit": "Remove benefit",
"removeLiability": "Remove liability",
"removePeriod": "Remove period",
"salaryAccountDetailsSectionTitle": "Salary account details",
"salaryDetailsSectionTitle": "Salary details",
"servicePeriodsSectionTitle": "Service periods",
"specialBenefitsRadioLabel": "Is there any special benefits for this employee?",
"specialBenefitsRadioPlaceholder": "Is there any special benefits for this employee?",
"specialBenefitsSectionTitle": "Special benefits",
"specialBenefitType": "Special benefit type",
"submitBtn": "Submit",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review",
"successModalSubHeading": "GPSSA is expected to respond within 2 working days.",
"totalGross": "Total gross salary",
"totalGrossTooltipText": "The total gross salary is the sum of the basic salary and basic salary allowances.",
"totalLiabilityAmount": "Total liability amount",
"uid": "Unified Number",
"verifyEmiratesIdBtn": "Verify Emirates ID",
"verifyFaicBtn": "Verify with FAIC"
"title": "End Of Service - Military"
"errorMessage": {
"field_list": {
"access_denied": "User cancelled the login",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch data at the moment. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"browserNotSupported": "Your browser is not currently supported! <br /><br />GPSSA Portal works best on Chrome, Firefox, IE Edge and Safari.",
"caseAlreadyInProgress": "Request is already in progress and the status is '${0}'",
"cmsApiFailed": "We are unable to access the servers right now, try again by reloading the page.",
"commonError": "Something went wrong. Please try again in some time.",
"corporateEmailInsteadOfPersonal": "Do not enter your personal email id.",
"createRequest_400": "Error in submitting your request. Please recheck the requirements and try again.",
"createRequest_500": "Error in submitting your request. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"createRequest_faicCallFailed": "We are unable to fetch the details from FAIC at the moment. Please try again later.",
"createRequest_getFAIC001": "We were unable to fetch any information linked to your Emirates ID",
"createRequest_getFAIC002": "Critical information not present in FAIC",
"createRequest_guestAccount": "Insured should have a guest account",
"docDropError": "Document could not be added because it is either not a valid document type or it is more than 5 MB in size.",
"document_upload_failed": "Document upload failed, please try again.",
"dwnldEmpError": "Error in fetching employees details. Please try again after a few minutes.",
"EMAIL_NOT_AVAILABLE": "We are unable to find your email address with the selected employer.",
"EMP_REG_UNIQUE001": "Employer with the same name already exists, please use a different name.",
"employerNotFound": "Employer is not active.",
"error_400": "Something went wrong, please try again.",
"executive_not_found": "Unable to find matching record, use different Emirates ID.",
"executiveInvalid": "The information provided is invalid. Please recheck the details and try again.",
"executiveIsInsured": "This service is not applicable for the Emirates ID provided, please try again with different details.",
"fetchDetailsError": "Unable to fetch details, please try again.",
"getFAIC001": "We were unable to fetch any information linked to your Emirates ID",
"getFAIC002": "Critical information not present in FAIC",
"insuredEligibilityFailed": "Insured did not match eligibility criteria.",
"invalid_request": "Login was unsuccessful!",
"invalidDataInFile": "You might be using an older version of the template. Please download the template again and reprocess the file using new template.",
"licenseError": "Unable to validate license number, please try again.",
"LINK-001": "Employer is already linked with you.",
"login_required": "User cancelled the login",
"notEligibleToCreateInsured": "You are not eligible to initiate New Employee registration because you are self employed.",
"portalrestriction": "Please logout from the current portal to be able to login to the other portal.",
"REGISTER001": "Unable to create employer code, please try again.",
"REGISTER002": "Unable to update details, please try again.",
"REGISTER003": "Unable to create case, please try again.",
"REGISTER004": "Unable to send OTP, please try again.",
"REGISTER005": "Unable to fetch employer roles, please try again.",
"REGISTER006": "Unable to fetch employer case, please try again.",
"REGISTER007": "Unable to fetch employer case details, please try again.",
"REGISTER008": "Unable to create cookie for newly created employer, please try again.",
"REGISTER009": "Unable to create cookie, please try again.",
"REGISTER010": "Employer with the same name already exists, please use a different name.",
"REGISTER011": "Employer with the same name already exists. You can resume your registration process by clicking on the cancel button and then selecting resume registration of the employer from the dropdown menu.",
"REGISTER012": "Unable to update the Job title. Please try again.",
"requestDetail_caseUpdate001": "Error in updating request details.",
"requestDocUpload_400": "Error in uploading documents. Please recheck the requirements and try again. Your request has been generated.",
"requestDocUpload_500": "Error in uploading documents. Please try again after a few minutes. Your request has been created.",
"SAEmailInsteadOfPersonal": "Your Email and Signatory Authority Email cannot be same.",
"SAEmiratedIdInsteadOfPersonal": "Your Emirates ID and Signatory Authority Emirates ID cannot be the same.",
"salaryComputationError": "System encountered issue while computing gross salary and contribution details.",
"salaryElementsGrossSalary": "Total gross salary must be greater than 0.",
"salComponentIsRequired": "At least one salary component is required and it should be bigger than zero.",
"sameEmiratesId": "Your Emirates ID and Signatory Authority Emirates ID cannot be same.",
"sameExecutiveDetails": "Same Emirates ID is not allowed to be attached to multiple executives",
"sop1Error": "You are not eligible to access this service. Your account is either not upgraded or you have a visitor account. Please contact GPSSA E-portal to access the services.",
"tokenParseError": "Login failed. Please try again by clicking on login button.",
"UNIQUE001": "Another employer with the same license number already exists. Please provide a unique license number.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE": "An error occurred while fetching your information from our records. Please login in again.",
"USER_INFO_FAILURE_DEAD": "Login failed. The member you are trying to login with appears as deceased in the system.",
"USER_PERSONA_NOT_FOUND": "We are not able to identify you as a valid user in the system.",
"createRequest_A-AC-002": "Family information is not available in FAIC for the provided Emirates ID. Please contact them for further assistance.",
"roleNotFound": "Unable to find role '${0}' for the employer, please connect with your super admin for further assistance.",
"requestNotLoaded": "Unable to fetch details of request ${requestId}, please try again."
"title": "Error Message"
"executiveLabels": {
"field_list": {
"corporateEmailAddress": "Corporate email address",
"designation": "Designation",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"fieldPrefix": "ED",
"firstName": "First name",
"fullNameArabic": "Full name (Arabic)",
"fullNameEnglish": "Full name (English)",
"heading": "Executive details",
"lastName": "Last name",
"level": "Level",
"level1": "Level 1",
"level2": "Level 2",
"middleName": "Middle name",
"phoneNumber": "Phone number",
"role": "Role"
"title": "Executive details"
"financeSummaryLbl": {
"field_list": {
"accruedPenaltyTooltip": "Accrued penalty is 0.1% penalty calculated on unpaid contributions.",
"aed": "AED",
"allSelect": "All",
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"amountOutstanding": "Outstanding contribution",
"amountPaid": "Amount paid",
"and": "and",
"barGraph": "Bar Graph",
"beneficiary": "Beneficiary",
"beneficiaryBreakdown": "Beneficiary salary breakdown",
"beneficiarySalary": "Beneficiary salary",
"beneficiarySalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"beneficiarySummary": "Beneficiary salary summary",
"breakdownTableTitle": "Contribution Breakdown -",
"cancelled": "Amount cancelled",
"cbOverdueTooltipText": "Pay all overdue amount",
"civilian": "Civilian",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"contributionDue": "Contribution due",
"contributionPaid": "Contribution paid",
"contributions": "Contributions and penalties",
"contributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"contributionsBodyLbl": "View the contributions and penalties which are paid and due.",
"contributionsDescription": "View the contribution due and paid by your employers over time.",
"contributionStatement": "Contribution statement",
"contributionSummaryHeading": "Contributions and penalties",
"creditDate": "Date",
"ddsMandates": "Payment history",
"ddsMandatesBodyLbl": "View your payment history",
"download": "Download",
"downloadDetailed": "Download detailed report",
"downloadDetailedReportLbl": "Download detailed report",
"downloadEmployerStatementTooltip": "The password is formed of eight digits which are the digits that make the Company's Employer ID with GPSSA, preceded by zeros. For example, suppose the Company's employer ID is 1234, then the password will be 00001234.",
"downloadSummaryReportLbl": "Download summary report",
"downloadTooltip": "You can access your outstanding contributions by downloading them using the provided link.",
"email": "Email",
"emailDetailed": "Email detailed report",
"emailDetailedReportLbl": "Email detailed report",
"emailSummaryReportLbl": "Email summary report",
"emiratesIdLabel": "Show data for a specific employee",
"employeeContributionDue": "Employee contribution",
"employer": "Employer",
"employerContributionDue": "Employer contribution",
"eosBenefits": "End of service benefits",
"eosBenefitsDescription": "View the amount applicable for end of service benefits from your previous employers.",
"error_downloadReport_400": "Something went wrong while generating report",
"error_downloadReport_500": "Something went wrong in server while generating report",
"error_emailNotFound": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try again.",
"error_emailReport_400": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try again.",
"error_emailReport_404": "We are unable to find the report.",
"error_emailReport_500": "Something went wrong on the server while sending report to email.",
"error_emailStatement_400": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try again.",
"error_emailStatement_404": "We are unable to find the statement for the selected month.",
"error_emailStatement_500": "Something went wrong on the server while sending statement email.",
"error_getFinancialSummary_404": "Financial summary not found.",
"error_getFinancialSummary_500": "Something went wrong on server.",
"error_getStatementMonths_404": "Could not find statements generated in last 12 months.",
"error_getStatementMonths_500": "Something went wrong in server.",
"error_mergePurchase_unAuthorizedSummary": "You are not authorized to view the details for given Emirates ID",
"error_reportPasswordPolicyMissing": "Emirates ID, mobile number or date of birth required to generate report.",
"errorNotFoundLbl": "You do not have data for the selected time period. Please choose another start and end date",
"financialSummary": "Financial Summary",
"governmentContributionDue": "Government contribution",
"insured": "Insured",
"invoicedPenaltyHeaderLabel": "Invoiced unpaid penalty",
"invoicedPenaltyTooltip": "Invoiced penalty is final penalty amount on delayed registrations, end of service or contribution payments.",
"last12Months": "last 12 months",
"last3Months": "last 3 months",
"last6Months": "last 6 months",
"lineGraph": "Line Graph",
"loading": "loading",
"mandates": "Mandates",
"mergePurchase": "Purchase & merge service period",
"mergePurchaseDescription": "View the payments due & made against purchase & merge requests.",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriod": "Purchase & merge service period",
"mergePurchaseServicePeriodBodyLbl": "View the paid and due payments against purchase & merge service requests.",
"military": "Military",
"mobPasswordProtected": "Your statements are password-protected.",
"mobStatements": "Statements",
"mobSummaryReport": "Summary report",
"mpAmountCancelledLabel": "cancelled",
"mpAmountOverdueLabel": "Amount Overdue",
"mpAmountPaidLabel": "Amount Paid",
"mpAmountUpcomingLabel": "Amount Upcoming",
"mpAnd": "and",
"mpCardPaidBy": "Paid by",
"mpD": "D",
"mpDueToday": "Due today",
"mpEmployer": "Employer",
"mpFuturePayments": "Future payments",
"mpM": "M",
"mpMergeCardTitle": "Merge service period",
"mpNoRequests": "No requests to show",
"mpPageTitle": "Merge/purchase service period",
"mpPaymentMethod": "Payment method",
"mpPreviousRequestsDisclaimer": "Cards displayed below shows details of requests availed with past employers. Current and future end of service or pension salary calculations will not consider the periods merged/purchased that have been applied in the past.",
"mpPreviousRequestsLinkText": "View previously availed merge/purchase requests",
"mpPurchaseCardTitle": "Purchase service period",
"mpPurchasePeriodLabel": "Periods paid and applied",
"mpRequestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"mpTotalCost": "Total cost",
"mpTotalDue": "Outstanding payments",
"mpTotalPeriod": "Total periods requested",
"mpY": "Y",
"netBeneficiarySalary": "Net beneficiary salary",
"netPensionerSalary": "Net pension",
"noContributionData": "No contribution details available",
"outstandingContributionLabel": "Outstanding contribution (with accrued penalty)",
"outstandingPayments": "Remaining payments",
"overdueContributionPayment": "Overdue contribution payment",
"overduePaymentDistributionTooltip": "Your request will get cancelled after 3 installment payment failures.",
"overduePayments": "Outstanding payment",
"paidAfterDueDate": "Paid after due date",
"paidBy": "Paid by",
"paidByDueDate": "Paid by due date",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"paymentMethod": "Payment method",
"payments": "Payments",
"paymentsMandates": "Payments",
"paymentsMandatesDescription": "View your payments history",
"penaltyAccrued": "Penalty Accrued",
"penaltyDue": "Penalty due",
"penaltyInvoiced": "Penalty Invoiced",
"penaltyPaid": "Penalty Paid",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last four digits of your Emirates ID, followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last four digits of your Emirates ID is 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"pension": "Pension",
"pensionerBreakdown": "Pension summary breakdown",
"pensionerSalary": "Pension",
"pensionerSalaryAll": "Total pension",
"pensionerSalaryDeductions": "Deductions",
"pensionSummary": "Pension summary",
"presetPeriod": "Select pre-set reporting period",
"purchasePeriod": "Purchased service periods (Paid & applied)",
"reportDownloadSuccess": "Your summary has been downloaded.",
"reportEmailSuccess": "Your summary has been mailed.",
"requestApprovalDate": "Request approved on",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"selectGraphDataLabelPlaceholder": "Select the data to display",
"selectGraphDataPlaceholder": "Select",
"selectMonth": "Select a month to view contribution breakdown and generate statement",
"startAndEndDate": "Customize start and end date",
"statementDownloadSuccess": "Your statement has been downloaded",
"statementEmailSuccess": "Your statement has been mailed",
"summaryOverview": "Welcome to your financial overview, where you can view your financial summary, payment breakdown and previous statements. Your fully interactive graph will allow you to set dates, view your payments over time periods and download financial reports.",
"timePeriod": "Time period",
"totalBeneficiary": "Total beneficiary salary",
"totalContribution": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionDue": "Total contribution",
"totalContributionPaid": "Total contribution paid",
"totalDeduction": "Total deduction",
"totalNetBeneficiarySummary": "Total net beneficiary salary",
"totalNetPensionSummary": "Net pension salary",
"totalPenalty": "Total penalty",
"totalPenaltyPaid": "Total penalty paid",
"totalPenaltyPaidTooltip": "This is the total penalty paid",
"totalPensionSummary": "Total pension salary",
"totalSalary": "Total salary",
"turnDashboardLabel": "Return to dashboard",
"upcomingPayment": "Future payment",
"vamountPaid": "Paid contribution"
"title": "Finance Summary"
"financialDetails": {
"field_list": {
"contriPercentage": "Contribution percentage",
"heading": "Financial details",
"incomeBracket": "Income bracket",
"monthlyContri": "Monthly contribution"
"title": "Financial details"
"fitnessAssessment": {
"field_list": {
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"createCaseApiError": "Error occurred while creating the case. Please try again later.",
"updateCaseApiError": "Error occured while updating the case. Please try again later.",
"caseAlreadyInProgress": "A fitness assessment request is already in progress with request id - ",
"employeeDetailsHeading": "Insured details",
"fitnessAssessmentHeading": "Fitness assessment",
"emirateIdNotValid": "Provided Emirates ID is not linked with employer code. Please try different Emirates ID.",
"emirateIdNotEligible": "Provided Emirates ID is not eligible.",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"typeOfIllness": "Type of illness",
"dateOfIllness": "Date of illness",
"assessmentReason": "Reason for assessment",
"otherAssessmentReason": "Other assessment reason",
"fitnessAssessmentSuccessMessage": "Your workplace fitness assessment request has been successfully submitted.",
"tncContent1": "I accept the",
"tncContent2": "associated with this service",
"tncContentApiError": "Could not fetch Terms & Conditions data",
"tncLinkText": "terms & conditions",
"requestLinkContent1": "Request",
"requestLinkContent2": "was raised for this employee less than six months ago.",
"comments": "Comments",
"decisionGpssa": "Decision by GPSSA",
"decision": "Decision",
"fitToWork": "Fit to work",
"unfitForWork": "Unfit for work",
"fitnessFormDownloadContent1": "Please click",
"fitnessFormDownloadContent2": "here",
"fitnessFormDownloadContent3": "to download workplace fitness assessment form",
"medicalReportDocTooltip": "Medical report as on start date of employment.",
"changeNatureOfWork": "Change nature of work",
"transferToSpecializedDoctor": "Transfer to specialized doctor"
"title": "Fitness assessment"
"footerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"happinessMeter": "Happiness Meter"
"title": "footer labels"
"generateCertificate": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiaryPensionDetails": "Beneficiary pension c/o ${0} - ${1}",
"certificate": "Certificate",
"certificateFailed": "Something went wrong! Please try generating your certificate again.",
"certificateInProgress": "Your certificate is being generated. Please click view/download/email again after a few minutes.",
"certificates": "Certificates",
"createNewCertificate": "Generate Certificates",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"emailSent": "Your certificate was sent to your registered email.",
"emiratesIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your Emirates ID has expired.",
"endOfServiceRequestsAvailed": "The end of service requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the details you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"enterYourReason": "Enter your reason",
"fieldsToHideInCertificate": "The following details are included by default in your certificate. If you wish to hide any detail, select the box.",
"from": "from",
"generateCertificate": "GPSSA | Generate Certificates",
"generatingCertificate": "Your certificate is being generated",
"GPSSA": "Civil",
"iban": "IBAN/Bank Name",
"legalDisclaimerCreatePage": "I declare that how I use the generated certificate is my sole responsibility. GPSSA shall not be held responsible for its use or validity for external parties.",
"legalDisclaimerViewPage": "This page will appear only once when you request the certificate and will not be accessible from your Profile or Service Requests pages. To save a copy, you can either download or email the certificate to your email address.",
"licenseExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your business license has expired.",
"licenseExpiredBlankErr": "You cannot request a certificate because business license expiry date is not there.",
"maxCharacters": "maximum 500 characters",
"mergeOfServicePeriodRequests": "The Merge Previous Service Period requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to include in the chosen certificate.",
"MILITARY": "Military",
"MOF": "MOF",
"monthlyCompensationAmount": "Monthly Compensation Amount",
"multipleBeneficaryPensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple beneficiary salaries. Please select the salary you want to be reflected on your certificate.",
"multiplePensionsAvailed": "You are collecting multiple pensions. Please select the pension you want to be reflected on your certificate.",
"netSalary": "Monthly Pension Salary Amount, Monthly Amount Deducted, Net Monthly Pension Salary Amount",
"noDataFound": "No data found for generating certificate.",
"noEmailConfigured": "Error in sending email! Your email ID is not registered with GPSSA. Please register and try generating the certificate again.",
"noRegisteredInsuredErr": "You cannot request a certificate because you have active Insured.",
"passportIdExpired": "You cannot request a certificate because your passport has expired.",
"pensionDetails": "${0} pension (Retirement Date: ${1})",
"purchaseOfServiceRequests": "The purchase of service periods requests that you have successfully availed through GPSSA are listed below. Please select the request you want to reflect on the required certificate.",
"reasonForRequest": "Reason for request",
"selectYourCertificate": "Select a certificate",
"serviceRequestedOn": "Service requested on",
"services": "Services",
"view": "View",
"viewCertificate": "View your certificate"
"title": "Generate Certificate"
"governmentContribution": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"amountPlaceholder": "Enter amount",
"apiFetchError": "Error fetching government contribution details.",
"governmentObligationAmount": "Government Obligation Amount",
"invalidAmount": "Invalid amount",
"makePaymentDescription": "Please make the payment for outstanding government contributions.",
"paymentSummary": "Payment Summary",
"remainingAmount": "Total amount remaining",
"tncContent1": "I accept the",
"tncContent2": "associated with this service.",
"tncContentApiError": "Could not fetch Terms & Conditions data.",
"tncLinkText": "terms & conditions",
"totalAmountPaid": "Total amount being payed",
"totalPendingContribution": "Total Pending Contributon"
"title": "Government Contribution"
"headerLabels": {
"field_list": {
"agentLinkedMembers": "Agent Linked Members",
"caretakerLinkedMembers": "Caretaker Linked Members",
"changePassword": "Change password",
"employerAccountType": "Employer account",
"gpssaLogo": "GPSSA Logo",
"guardianLinkedMembers": "Guardian Linked Members",
"localeArabic": "عربي",
"localeEnglish": "English",
"login": "Log in",
"logout": "Logout",
"memberPortalAccountType": "Member account",
"modalHeading": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"no": "No",
"primaryAccount": "(Primary Account)",
"register": "Register",
"selectEmployer": "Home",
"support": "Help & Support",
"uaeGovtLogo": "UAE Government Logo",
"userProfile": "User Profile",
"viewMyAccount": "View profile",
"yes": "Yes",
"yourRequest": "Your Requests",
"maashiLogo": "Ma'ashi Logo",
"updateCorporateEmail": "Update corporate Email ID"
"title": "header labels"
"headquartersAndBranches": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "Headquarters & branches",
"linkParent": "Link new headquarters or branches"
"title": "Headquarters & branches"
"helpAndSupport": {
"field_list": {
"createNewRequest": "Create new support request",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_400": "No FAQ Found for this Category!",
"helpAndSupportServiceFaq_404": "No FAQ Found!",
"helpAndSupportTabList_404": "No service List Found!",
"pageHeading": "Help & Support",
"pageSubHeading": "Having some difficulties? We're here to help",
"sidebarDescription": "You may refer to FAQs to obtain more information on a specific category or click on the button below to raise a new request."
"title": "Help And Support"
"injuryCompensation": {
"field_list": {
"accountName": "Account holder name",
"alreadyInProgress": "You can not raise an Injury Compensation Request for this employee as previous request still under review.",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"attandanceReport": "Attendance report for the date of injury",
"backBtn": "Back",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"bankDetailsTooltip": "Please fill the details. This must be the insured's bank account number and will be used for indemnity once the request is approved.",
"basicDetails": "Basic details",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"compensationAmount": "Compensation amount",
"dateOfInjury": "Date of injury",
"disabilityCausedDueToWorkInjury": "Has this injury resulted in any disability?",
"disabilityPercentage": "Disability percentage",
"emirateIdNotValid": "Provided Emirates ID is not linked with employer code. Please try different Emirates ID.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdPlaceholder": "123-4567-8910111-2",
"employeeDetailsHeading": "Insured details",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment start date",
"enterTypeInjury": "Enter type of injury",
"eosLinkMsg": "Please click ${0} to raise an end of service request",
"ibanCertificate": "IBAN Certificate of insured",
"injuryCaseSuccess": "Your injury compensation request has been successfully submitted",
"injuryDetails": "Injury details",
"injuryDetailsSectionTitle": "Injury compensation",
"isCauseInjury": "Is the cause of disability due to work injury?",
"isFitAfterInjury": "Is the person fit to work after injury?",
"isWorkInjury": "Is this work related injury?",
"medicalReport": "Medical report",
"nextBtn": "Submit",
"notAllowedToCompensation": "Injury compensation can be requested only for injury that resulted from the execution of work",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"selectDate": "Select Date",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"typeInjury": "Type of injury/disability",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"unableToGetBankList": "Unable to fetch bank list, please try again.",
"uploadDocuments": "Upload documents",
"uploadMandatory": "Uploading of these documents is mandatory",
"viewRequestDetails": "to view the request details.",
"workInvestigationReport": "Work injury investigation report"
"title": "Injury Compensation"
"insuredRegistration": {
"field_list": {
"abpf": "ABPF",
"acquiredNationality": "Acquired nationality",
"acquiredNationalityDate": "Acquired nationality date",
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowances": "Additional miscellaneous allowance",
"aed": "AED",
"alive": "Person is alive",
"alreadyActiveInsured": "Employee with the provided emirates ID is already registered under the same employer",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law",
"applicablePensionLawTooltip": "Applicable pension law drives the contribution calculations for insured. Applicability of the law may change during approval of the request.",
"law-A": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"law-B": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"penaltyBoxHeading": "Penalty for late registration",
"penaltyBoxAmount": "Penalty amount",
"penaltyBoxDays": "Number of days",
"raiseInquiryButton": "Raise inquiry",
"fncActiveEmployee": "Employee with the provided Emirates ID is a member of Federal National Council and cannot be registered",
"amountInAED": "Amount in AED",
"areYouPersonOfDetermination": "Is insured a Person of Determination?",
"basicInformation": "Basic information",
"benefitsExchange": "Benefits Exchange",
"bs": "Basic Salary",
"ca": "Child Allowance",
"cardIssuingAuthority": "Card issuing authority",
"caseIsInProgressErrorMsg": "New Employee Registration is already in progress and case ID is",
"changeContributionDeviates": "The change in contributable % deviates from GPSSA law and it will be sent to GPSSA admin for approval.",
"city": "City",
"clearEndDate": "Clear end date",
"closedRequestHeading": "Your request has been closed successfully",
"cola": "Cost of living allowance",
"completionDate": "Completion date",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"contributablePercent": "Contributable %",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable Salary",
"contributableSalaryTooltip": "Maximum contributable salary for local/federal government sectors is AED 300,000",
"contributionAmount": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionDetailsHeading": "Contribution details",
"contributionDetailsInfo": "Contribution would be calculated from employment start date. Any delay in paying contribution will lead to daily penalty.",
"contributionPercentage": "Contribution percentage",
"contributionPercentageTooltip": "% of which is included in contributable salary",
"contributionSalaryPercent": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionSectionGovtLawTxt": ", and the government must contribute ${0}%. Government share ${0}% will not be included in contribution proforma. This amount will be paid by government",
"contributionSectionLawTxt": "According to Federal <span class='lawText'>${0}</span> for Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equals to ${1}% of the employee salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis. While the employee must contribute ${2}% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute ${3}% of the employee's salary",
"correctionsReasonDoc": "Corrections Reason",
"councilMembers": "Council Members",
"country": "Country",
"countryOfIssue": "Country of issue",
"dateOfAcquiredNationality": "Date of acquired nationality",
"dateOfAcquiredNationalityTooltip": "Contributions would be collected based on the acquired nationality date",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"decree": "Decree",
"educationDetailsHeading": "Education details",
"eligibilityCriteria": "Eligibility criteria",
"eligibilityCriteriaLower": "eligibility criteria",
"emailAddress": "Email ID",
"emailTooltip": "This email ID will be used to notify the employee for updates.",
"emiratesIdExpiryDate": "Emirates ID expiry date",
"emiratesIdToolTip": "Provide employee's Emirates ID who will be registered as an Insured with GPSSA",
"employee": "Employee",
"employeeCategory": "Employee category",
"employeeCategoryToolTip": "Employee category is determined based on the employer type i.e. Federal, Local or Private employer",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeEmiratesId": "Employee Emirates ID: ${0}",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"employmentContractType": "Employment contract type",
"employmentDetailsHeading": "Employment details",
"employmentSalary": "Employment & salary",
"employmentStartDate": "Contribution start date",
"employmentStartDateErr": "If person is dead, then Employment start date cannot be more than date of death",
"employmentWithFederal": "Employee can have one employment with federal entity",
"expiryDate": "Expiry date",
"familyBookCityId": "Family book city ID",
"familyBookCityName": "Family book city name",
"familyBookDate": "Family book date",
"familyBookEmirateName": "Family book Emirate name",
"familyBookHeading": "Family Book",
"familyBookId": "Family book ID",
"familyNumber": "Family number",
"firstName": "First name (English)",
"firstNameArabic": "First name (Arabic)",
"formOfDisability": "Form of disability",
"gender": "Gender",
"generalAllowance": "General/Nutrition allowance",
"governmentContribution": "Government share",
"gpssa": "GPSSA",
"grossSalaryInfo": "Gross salary is under AED 1000",
"grossSalaryMaxLimit": "Maximum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"grossSalaryMinLimit": "Minimum contributable salary is AED ${0}",
"guestAccount": "Insured has an account with GPSSA",
"havePersonOfDeterminationId": "Do you have person of Determination ID?",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance",
"hra": "Housing allowance",
"idExpiryDate": "ID expiry date",
"inAED": "(in AED)",
"instituteName": "Institute name",
"insuredDetailsHeading": "Insured details",
"insuredEligibilityNotMatched": "This user does not match",
"insuredInformation": "Insured details displayed below are as per GPSSA's record",
"issueDate": "Issue date",
"jobTitle": "Job title",
"lastName": "Last name (English)",
"lastNameArabic": "Last name (Arabic)",
"lateRegistrationReason": "Late registration reason of employer",
"lateRegistrationReasonInsured": "Late registration reason of insured",
"major": "Major",
"maritalStatus": "Marital status",
"medicalFitnessCertificateDocTooltip": "Medical fitness certificate should be provided by a government hospital. Certificates from private hospitals are not accepted .",
"medicalReportDocTooltip": "Medical fitness certificate should be provided by a government hospital. Certificates from private hospitals will not be accepted .",
"middleName": "Middle name(s) (English)",
"middleNameArabic": "Middle name(s) (Arabic)",
"military": "Military",
"militaryPensionerContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured because you are a military pensioner. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits on employment end of service.",
"minimumEligibleAge": "Employee's age should be more than 15 years.",
"minister": "Minister",
"ministryOfCommunityDevelopment": "Ministry of Community Development",
"minorContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being less than 18. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits upon employment end of service.",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"nationalityDetailsHeading": "Nationality",
"natureOfWorkAllowance": "Nature of work allowance",
"navigateToEmployeeProfile": "to navigate to this employee profile.",
"nca": "Non Contributable Allowance",
"totalsalary": "Total Salary",
"newRegistration": "New Registration",
"none": "None",
"notEligible": "Not eligible",
"oa": "Other allowance",
"other": "Other",
"otherAllowancesHeading": "Other allowances",
"otherJobTitle": "Other job title",
"outstandingContributionMsg": "Your outstanding contribution is pending for",
"outstandingContributionPay": "This request is subject to GPSSA approval. The overdue contribution will be applied along with penalty.",
"passportDetailsHeading": "Passport details",
"passportNumber": "Passport number",
"pendingShourakPayment": "This member cannot be onboarded due to some pending Shourak Payments available on their name.",
"pensionAuthority": "Select a pension authority",
"permanent": "Permanent",
"personalHeading": "Personal",
"personalInformationHeading": "Personal information",
"personOfDeterminationHeading": "Person of determination",
"personOfDeterminationId": "Person of determination Id number",
"phoneAllowance": "Phone allowance",
"placeOfIssue": "Place of issue",
"proofOfLateRegistration": "Late registration reason document upload",
"proofOfSalaryDetailsDocTooltip": "This is a is self-procedure document processed by HR",
"qualification": "Qualification",
"raiseBenefitsExchange": "Please raise <a href='/employer/service' style='text-decoration:underline'>Benefits Exchange</a> request",
"raiseTransfer": "Please raise <a href='/employer/service' style='text-decoration:underline'>Transfer</a> request",
"receivingPensionFromOthers": "Are you currently receiving a pension from another pension authority?",
"registrationType": "Registration type",
"registrationTypeToolTip": "Select the registration type based on contract type",
"rejectReason": "Please provide reject reason",
"residentUae": "Is this insured a resident in UAE?",
"riskAllowance": "Risk allowance",
"sa": "Supplementary allowance",
"salaryComponent": "Salary Component",
"salaryDetailsHeading": "Salary details",
"selfEmployed": "Insured is not an active self employed",
"selfEmployerNotInsured": "Self-employed cannot be registered as Insured.",
"seniorCitizenContributionMsg": "As per GPSSA law, contributions will not be collected as you were identified as non-contributing insured due to your age being above 60. GPSSA is also not responsible to distribute any benefits upon employment end of service.",
"sharjahPensionAuthority": "Sharjah Pension Authority",
"soa": "Social Allowance",
"submitModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully sent to ${0} for review",
"submitModalSubHeading": "${0} is expected to respond in ${1} working days",
"temporary": "Temporary",
"title": "Title (English)",
"titleArabic": "Title (Arabic)",
"tncCheckBox": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncCheckboxLbl1": "Person is qualified and fit to work as per provided job profile.",
"tncCheckboxLbl2": "I have read and accept the terms and conditions",
"tncCheckboxLbl3": "Penalty for late registration may be applied by GPSSA as governed by law.",
"tooltipContributableSalary": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. the maximum contributable salary is AED ${0} for public sector.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivate": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The maximum contributable salary for private sector = AED ${0}. For private sector, if salary is less than AED ${1}, then AED ${2} will be considered for contribution.",
"tooltipContributableSalaryPrivateNewLaw": "This is the sum of all contributable salary components. The components considered for this calculation may differ based on whether the salary is less than or is greater than equal to 20,000.",
"tooltipGrossSalary": "This is the sum of contributable and non-contributable salary components.",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"transfer": "Transfer",
"transferAcceptanceLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the approval letter by the GPSSA employer",
"transferDecisionLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the agreement provided by both employers' management",
"transferRequestLetterDocTooltip": "This document is the request letter from the new employer under other pension fund/authority to the GPSSA employer",
"transportationAllowance": "Transportation allowance",
"typeOfDisability": "Type of disability",
"uaeNationalByBirth": "Is this employee a UAE national by birth?",
"uaeNationality": "EID has nationality = UAE",
"unifiedNumber": "Unified Number",
"userNotElibile": "User is not eligible to become insured",
"validEid": "Insured has a valid EID",
"workedForMilitary": "Have you previously worked for military employer?",
"workedInGovtSec": "Worked in government sector for more than 25 years?",
"workingForAnotherEmployer": "Are you currently working for another employer?",
"zayedHigherOrganizationForPeopleOfDetermination": "Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination.",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"contributionFullMonthInfo" : "Monthly contributions are fully calculated for the month in which service begins for insured, in accordance with Federal Law No. (57) of 2023.",
"employmentType": "Employment type",
"full_time": "Full time",
"part_time": "Part time",
"government": "Government",
"private": "Private",
"local": "Local",
"federal": "Federal",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"pension": "Pension"
"title": "Insured registration"
"invoiceDetails": {
"field_list": {
"breadcrumbHeading": "Invoice details",
"contributionPeriod": "Contribution period",
"filterButtonLabel": "Download invoice",
"filterInvoiceButtonLabel": "Email invoice",
"heading": "Invoice details",
"invoiceNumber": "Invoice number",
"penaltyPeriod": "Penalty start date - end date",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by employee name, Emirates ID or service",
"status": "Status",
"tableHeadEmiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"tableHeadEmployeeName": "Employee name",
"tableHeadExpectedContributionPayment": "Expected contribution payment",
"tableHeadPenaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"totalPenaltyAmount": "Total penalty amount"
"title": "Invoice details"
"invoices": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount (AED)",
"cancelPayment": "Cancel payment",
"cancelPaymentAll": "Cancel all payments?",
"cancelPaymentModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for the request ID ${0}. Do you want to:",
"cancelPaymentSingle": "Cancel selected payment?",
"cancelPaymentSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} cancelled successfully.",
"close": "Close",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"createSupportTicket": "Create support request",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"downloadInvoice": "Download invoice",
"downloadReceipt": "Download receipt",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByDueDate": "Filter by payment due date",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by Status",
"filterByType": "Filter by Type",
"heading": "Payment history",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceDownloadFailed": "Could not download invoice",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"invoiceNo": "Invoice #",
"mandateId": "Mandate #",
"mandateUpdateFailed": "Could not update mandate",
"next": "Next",
"noInvoice": "No Invoices present",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"paymentFailureReason": "Rejection reason",
"paymentMode": "Payment mode",
"paymentModeUpdateFailed": "Could not update payment mode",
"paymentRejectionReason": "Payment processing failed due to below error",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"payNowAll": "all installments?",
"payNowModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to initiate payment for:",
"payNowSingle": "selected installment?",
"payNowSuccessHeading": "Payment for Request ID ${0} initiated successfully.",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"receiptDownloadFailed": "Could not download receipt",
"requestId": "Request ID",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resubmit": "Resubmit payment",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchByRequestId": "Search by request ID",
"searchByType": "Search by Type",
"status": "Status",
"supportRequestCreated": "Support request - #${0} created successfully.",
"type": "Type",
"updateMandate": "Update mandate",
"updateMandateAll": "all payments?",
"updateMandateModalHeading": "There are multiple installments pending for request ID ${0}. Do you want to update mandate for:",
"updateMandateSingle": "selected payment?",
"updateMandateSuccessHeading": "Mandate for Request ID ${0} updated successfully.",
"updatePaymentMode": "Update payment mode",
"updatePaymentModeSuccessHeading": "Payment mode for Request ID ${0} updated successfully.",
"downloadInvoiceTooltip" : "Enter the last four digits of your mobile number and the last four digits of your Emirates ID as invoice password."
"title": "Invoices"
"iqrarLabels": {
"field_list": {
"adminReviewHeading": "Your action is required",
"adminSubmitMessage": "Your request has been submitted for review, click below button to see the request.",
"captchaPlaceholder": "Type the above code",
"captchaVerified": "Captcha verified",
"captchaVerify": "Verify",
"close": "Close",
"confirmIqrar": "I acknowledge that all the information entered and the documents provided are correct, and I pledge to provide GPSSA with any developments or amendments in the event of their occurrence or as requested by GPSSA, and I also bear full legal responsibility if it appears otherwise.",
"documentButtonAriaText": "Click for more options",
"documentDescriptionError": "Document description should be unique",
"fileExistError": "these files already exist",
"IAcceptBtn": "I accept",
"important": "Important",
"incompleteDetails": "You need to add executive details before you submit your changes.",
"iqrarFieldChanges": "You have made changes to:",
"iqrarSubmitMessage": "You have successfully submitted your Pension Entitlement Update",
"legalTerms": "Legal Terms and Conditions",
"maxCharacters": "500 characters max",
"optional": "(Optional)",
"pleaseWait": "Please Wait...",
"reviewHeading": "Pension Entitlement Update",
"reviewSection": "Please review all sections marked in red.",
"submitBtn": "Submit",
"trackServiceBtn": "Track service request",
"uaeAccessError": "User access level not sufficient. Please update your access level at the nearest kiosk to proceed further.",
"updateBelowDocuments": "Please update the below documents"
"title": "iqrarLabels"
"legacyContribution": {
"field_list": {
"downloadExcelTemplate": "Please download the excel template for legacy contribution",
"invalidRecords": "Uploaded data does not contain any valid records",
"legacyContributionDoc": "Legacy contribution document",
"legacyContributionCardText": "Employers can use this feature to pay contribution amounts which are pending prior to October 2024 and not reflected on outstanding contributions.",
"legacyError": "Something went wrong.",
"legacySuccess": "Your request is submitted successfully. You will receive a notification when proforma is ready for review.",
"serviceDescription": "What is legacy contribution?",
"excelDataError": "Invalid input. Please provide valid information in row no: ${row} in attached excel",
"referenceExcelText": "Sample reference file",
"caseCreated": "Refer to the case details from case id - ",
"confirmationPopupHeading": "Please verify that the Excel template has been filled out correctly, following the exact format and structure of the sample reference file.",
"invalidDataInFile": "You might be using an older version of the template. Please download the template again and reprocess the file using new template."
"title": "Legacy Contribution"
"linkBranches": {
"field_list": {
"cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
"companyOfficeType": "Employer office type",
"employerId": "Please enter the employer ID of the parent/subsidiary",
"heading": "Link headquarters & branches",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully linked a new headquarter or branch."
"title": "Link headquarters & branches"
"linkEmployer": {
"field_list": {
"authInformation": "Authorization information",
"authorizedPerson": "Select authorized person who can provide you the access",
"authRepresentative": "Authorized representative",
"corporateEmailId": "Corporate email ID",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"heading": "Request access to registered employer",
"initiatorName": "Initiator name",
"isAssociated": "Is authorized person still associated with the selected employer?",
"pleaseContact": "Please contact the authorized person to link you to this employer",
"POAExpDate": "Does the notarized power of attorney have an expiration date?",
"POAExpriyDate": "Notarized power of attorney expiration date",
"powerOfAttorneyHolder": "Notarized power of attorney holder",
"SAEmiratesId": "Emirates ID of the Signatory authority",
"selectAppropriateOption": "What is your role with this entity?",
"signatoryAuth": "Signatory authority",
"startTyping": "Type the first letters of the employer name to search",
"whyNotAssociated": "Reason for disassociation",
"yourCorporateEmailId": "Your corporate email ID"
"title": "Link employer"
"linkParentsAndSubsidiaries": {
"field_list": {
"cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel",
"companyOfficeType": "Employer office type",
"employerId": "Please enter the employer ID of the parent/subsidiary",
"heading": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"linkParent": "Link new parent or subsidiary",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"updateSuccess": "You have successfully linked a new parent or subsidiary."
"title": "Link parents & subsidiaries"
"login": {
"field_list": {
"backBtn": "Back",
"confirmLink": "Didn't Receive an Email?",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"continueBtn": "Continue",
"email": "Email",
"emailPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"facebookLink": "",
"forgotPasswordDescription": "Enter your registered username and we will email you instructions to reset your password.",
"forgotPasswordLink": "Forgot your password?",
"forgotPasswordPageHeading": "Forgot your password?",
"forgotUsernameLink": "Forgot your username ?",
"instagramLink": "",
"invalidCredentials": "Your username or password is invalid. Please try again.",
"loggedOutInactivityMsg": "Due to inactivity, you have been logged out. Please log back in.",
"loginBtn": "Log in",
"loginPageDescription": "Welcome. You can now log in to your account using your UAE PASS.",
"loginPageHeading": "Log in to your account",
"loginTrustMessage": "A single trusted digital identity for all citizens, residents and visitors.",
"loginWithGpssa": "Log in with GPSSA credentials",
"loginWithUAE": "Sign in with UAE pass",
"mobileNumber": "Mobile number",
"mobileNumberPlaceholder": "971523456789",
"modalBody": "Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password",
"modalHeading": "A link has been sent to your registered email",
"newPassword": "New Password",
"notFound": "This account does not exist",
"or": "Or",
"passwordLabel": "Password",
"passwordMatchError": "Password doesn't match",
"passwordPlaceholder": "Type here...",
"passwordStrength1": "Weak",
"passwordStrength2": "Fair",
"passwordStrength3": "Strong",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"rememberMe": "Remember me",
"requiredValidation": "This is a required field",
"resetModalDescription": "Your password has been changed successfully. You can now log in.",
"resetModalHeading": "Password has been changed",
"resetPasswordDescription": "The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters including at least one uppercase character, a lowercase character, a numeric character, and a special character.",
"resetPasswordPageHeading": "Reset password",
"signUpLink": "Register here",
"signUpText": "Don't have an account?",
"twitterLink": "",
"usernameLabel": "Username",
"youtubeLink": "",
"underMaintenanceTitle": "Website under maintenance",
"underMaintenanceSubTitle": "This website is currenctly undergoing scheduled maintenance. We should be back shortly.",
"maintenanceSite": "Maintenance site"
"title": "Login"
"manageAdmins": {
"field_list": {
"activate": "Activate",
"active": "Active",
"addCustomRole": "Add a new custom role",
"added": "Added",
"addEmployerAdmin": "Add an employer admin",
"addRoleHead": "Add New Role",
"admins": "Admins",
"all": "All",
"attorneyDocName": "Document name for notarized power of attorney",
"attroneyDate": "Notarized power of attorney date",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelChanges": "Cancel",
"cancelMessage": "Cancelling your request will delete your progress.",
"cancelMessageHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel?",
"close": "Close",
"customRoleTitle": "Role Name In English",
"customRoleTitleArabic": "Role Name In Arabic",
"deactivate": "Deactivate",
"designation": "Designation",
"edit": "Edit",
"editRoleHead": "Edit Role",
"emailId": "Company Email ID",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"error_editaccess_500": "We are not able to process your request to update employer role access",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_404": "Accesses data not found for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your accesses for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_404": "No employer admins are found",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_500": "Something went wrong while fetching employer admins",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_404": "Roles & Privileges data not found.",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_500": "Something went wrong while fetching Roles & Privileges",
"error_roleAdded_500": "Something went wrong while creating new role",
"error_roleDeleted_501": "Something went wrong while deleting new role",
"error_roleDuplicate": "Role with the same name already exists, please try with a different role name.",
"error_roleUpdated_500": "Something went wrong while updating new role.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while saving accesses for Roles & Privileges.",
"error_statusChange_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the data and resubmit.",
"error_statusChange_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_statusChange_500": "Something went wrong while changing the user's account status.",
"error_updateEmployerRole_500": "Something went wrong while updating employer role.",
"errorRoleDeletion": "An error occurred while deleting the role",
"filterByCreatedAt": "Filter by date created",
"filterByRole": "Filter by role",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by status",
"filterByUpdatedAt": "Filter by last updated",
"filters": "Filters",
"FullAccess": "Full Access",
"fullname": "Full Name",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"manageAdminsHeading": "Manage Employer Admins",
"manageRoleAccessHeading": "Manage Role Access",
"newRoleHead": "Update Employer Role",
"no": "No",
"NoAccess": "No Access",
"noFilterRoleOption": "All",
"noFilterStatusOption": "All",
"privilegesHeading": "Privileges",
"ReadOnlyEnglish": "Read Only",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filters",
"role": "Role",
"roleAccessDeleteTitle": "Delete Role",
"roleAccessEditTitle": "Edit Access",
"roleAccessUpdated": "Role access has been updated successfully.",
"roleCreated": "Role has been created successfully. Please proceed to setup the access level for the services.",
"roleDeleted": "Role has been deleted successfully.",
"roleDeleteNotAllow": "This role is already assigned to an employer admin, thus it can not be deleted.",
"roleDeletionHeading": "Are you sure you want to delete this role?",
"roleGenericMsg": "Something went wrong. Please try again!",
"rolesAndPrivileges": "Roles & privileges",
"rolesHeading": "Roles",
"rolesSavedSuccessHeading": "Your changes have been saved successfully.",
"roleUpdated": "Role has been updated successfully",
"roleViewDetailTitle": "View Details",
"saveChanges": "Save changes",
"searchLabel": "Please enter Emirates ID or name",
"select": "Select",
"setAccess": "Set up access",
"statusChangeToActiveSuccess": "You have successfully activated ${0}'s profile. This user will be able to access the portal.",
"statusChangeToInactiveSuccess": "You have successfully deactivated ${0}'s profile. This user will no longer be able to access the portal.",
"successMsg": "Employer role has been updated successfully.",
"updateAdminRole": "Employer Admin Details",
"updated": "Updated",
"user": "user",
"userActive": "User is active",
"userInactive": "User is inactive",
"ViewOnly": "View Only",
"warningMessageToActive": "Are you sure you want to activate ${0}'s profile?",
"warningMessageToInactive": "Are you sure you want to deactivate ${0}'s profile?",
"yes": "Yes",
"ViewOnlyEnglish": "View Only",
"updateCorporateEmail": "Update corporate Email ID",
"corporateEmailUpdated": "Corporate Email ID updated successfully."
"title": "Manage Admins"
"manageEmployees": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"activeNoContribution": "Active- no contribution",
"allowedFileLbl": "Only .XLS and .XLSX files of 5 MB max size are allowed",
"bulkSalaryUpdate": "Bulk Salary Update",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"caseCreated": "Refer to the case details from case id - ",
"documents": "Documents",
"downloadEmployeeDetails": "Download Employee Details",
"downloadTemplateBtn": "Download template",
"downloadTemplateLbl": "Download template",
"downloadTemplateMsg": "Download this template and make the necessary changes. Once done, upload the same document.",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID:",
"employeesSalaryDetailsLbl": "Employee salary details",
"employment": "Employment details",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_404": "Access data not found for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while fetching your access for Roles & Privileges",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_404": "No employer admins are found",
"error_getEmployerAdmins_500": "Something went wrong while fetching employer admins",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_404": "Roles & Privileges data not found",
"error_getRolesPrivilegesAccessesLabels_500": "Something went wrong while fetching Roles & Privileges",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the form and resubmit.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_saveEmployerAccesses_500": "Something went wrong while saving accesses for Roles & Privileges.",
"error_statusChange_400": "Some data seems to be incorrect, please check the data and resubmit.",
"error_statusChange_401": "Session has expired. Please login again.",
"error_statusChange_500": "Something went wrong while changing the user's account status.",
"filerEmpStartDateLbl": "Filter by employment start date",
"filterByCountry": "Filter by country",
"filterByCreatedAt": "Filter by date created",
"filterByRole": "Filter by role",
"filterByStatus": "Filter by status",
"filterByStatusLbl": "Filter by status",
"filterByUpdatedAt": "Filter by employment start date",
"filters": "Filters",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"personal": "Personal",
"reqSubSuccessMsg": "Request has been submitted successfully",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"reuploadTemplateLbl": "Reupload template",
"searchLabel": "Search by name or Emirates ID",
"select": "Select",
"viewEmployeesHeading": "View Employees",
"lawA": "Law No. 07 of 1999",
"lawB": "Law No. 57 of 2023",
"referenceExcelText": "Click here to download sample reference excel file.",
"confirmBulkUpload": "By proceeding, you acknowledge that the data entered in the Excel template has been verified against the provided sample reference file and is accurate and complete.",
"downloadContributionCalculation": "Download contribution calculation",
"downloadContributionCalculationHeader": "Select month and year to download contribution calculation"
"title": "Manage Employees"
"mandateDetails": {
"field_list": {
"back": "Back",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"comment": "Comment",
"employerEmailId": "Employer email ID",
"employerMobileNumber": "Employer mobile number",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"employerType": "Employer type",
"heading": "Mandate details",
"iban": "IBAN",
"payerDetails": "Payer details",
"providePaymentDetails": "Please provide your payment details",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"setupYourMandate": "Setup your mandate",
"tradeLicenseNumber": "Trade license number"
"title": "Mandate details"
"mandates": {
"field_list": {
"amount": "Amount",
"createNew": "Create new mandate",
"dateCreated": "Date created",
"dds": "DDS",
"fts": "FTS",
"heading": "All mandates",
"invoiceDate": "Invoice generation date",
"invoiceId": "Invoice",
"lastUpdated": "Last updated",
"mandateId": "Mandate Id",
"period": "Period",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"proformaId": "Proforma",
"purpose": "Purpose",
"range": "Range",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"select": "Select",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"status": "Status",
"type": "Type"
"title": "Mandates"
"mandateSetup": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "Mandate setup"
"title": "Mandate setup"
"mergeServiceEmp": {
"field_list": {
"accept": "Accept",
"acceptConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Accept the merge request?",
"acceptConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Accept the purchase request?",
"approveSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully sent to GPSSA for approval.",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"confirmationMsg": "Do you want to approve or reject the payment request raised by the Insured for this service?",
"emiratesId": "Emirates ID",
"employeeCost": "Cost to be paid by Employee",
"employerCost": "Cost to be paid by the Employer",
"insuredName": "Name of Insured",
"periodsRequested": "Periods Requested",
"provideRejectionReason": "Reason for rejecting",
"reject": "Reject",
"rejectConfirmationMerge": "Do you want to Reject the merge request ?",
"rejectConfirmationPurchase": "Do you want to Reject the purchase request ?",
"rejectSuccessHeading": "Request has been successfully rejected.",
"requestDetails": "Request Details",
"serviceName": "Name of Service",
"titleMsgMerge": "You have been requested to make a service merge payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"titleMsgPurchase": "You have been requested to make a service purchase payment on behalf of your employee. Please review the details below and proceed to approve or reject the payment request.",
"totalCost": "Total Cost",
"yes": "Yes"
"title": "Merge Service Employer"
"mergeServicePeriod": {
"field_list": {
"selectInstallmentPeriodInfo": "Minimum monthly payment should be 25% of your contributable salary and installment period should end before you become 60 year old."
"title": "Merge Service Period"
"militaryMerge": {
"field_list": {
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowancesLabel": "Additional allowance",
"additionalMiscellaneousAllowancesPlaceholder": "e.g. 1,000",
"addPreviousServicePeriod": "Add previous service period",
"apiError": "Something went wrong! Please try again.",
"asPerFaicRecord": "Enter information as per FAIC records",
"basicInformation": "Basic information",
"basicSalaryLabel": "Employee's basic salary",
"basicSalaryPlaceholder": "e.g. 10,000.00",
"benefitType": "Benefit type",
"caseSuccess": "Your military merge request has been successfully submitted",
"checkBoxButtonLabel": "I confirm that employee has already given their consent to submit this request",
"childrenAllowanceLabel": "Child allowance",
"childrenAllowancePlaceholder": "e.g. 5,000",
"currenceyLabel": "(in AED)",
"daysDeducted": "Days Deducted",
"designationsListError": "Unable to get Designations",
"dobLabel": "dd/mm/yyyy",
"dobPlaceholder": "Employee's date of birth",
"docConsentPeriod": "Employee's consent period",
"docEmirateId": "Emirates ID",
"docPreviousServicePeriod": "Statement of previous service periods",
"docUploadLabel": "Documents",
"emmiratesIdLabel": "e.g. 785-6897523-6565-1",
"emmiratesIdPlaceHolder": "Employee Emirates ID",
"employeeDesignationLabel": "Designation",
"employeeEmailLabel": "Employee email address",
"employeeEmailLabelPlaceholder": "e.g.",
"employeeNominalPeriodLabel": "Select nominal period",
"employeePhoneNumberLabel": "Employee phone number",
"employementEndDateLabel": "Employment end date",
"employementMerge": "Please select the employments you would like to merge",
"employementStartDateLabel": "Employment start date",
"employementStartDatePlaceholder": "dd/mm/yyyy",
"employerName": "Employer name",
"endOfServiceAmount": "End of service amount",
"error_101": "Case already in progress for employer",
"error_102": "This insured is currently employed with another employer and the process cannot be initiated.",
"error_103": "The process cant be initiated as this insured is dead. Please raise EOS death.",
"error_104": "We could not find details with this Emirates ID in our system.",
"fillForm": "Please fill this form to create your request",
"heading": "Merge Service Periods",
"invalidEmirateId": "Invalid Emirates ID",
"invalidEmployee": "We could not verify this unified number associated with the provided Emirates ID.",
"mergeDetails": "Merge details",
"mergeServicePeriodInfobar": "The details that will be submitted with this merge service period request is subject to GPSSA review.",
"mergeServicePeriodLabel": "Requested merge service period:",
"mergeUpload": "Merge, upload & submit.",
"militaryMergeDocListError": "Unable to get required documents",
"militaryNoLabel": "Military Number",
"militaryRankLabel": "Military Rank",
"militaryRankListError": "Unable to get military rank",
"militaryStudent": "Military student?",
"nominalPeriodDaysPlaceholder": "Days",
"nominalPeriodMonthsPlaceholder": "Months",
"nominalPeriodYearsPlaceholder": "Years",
"noPreviousServicePeriod": "No Previous Period Found",
"otherEmployerNameArabic": "Employer name (Arabic)",
"otherEmployerNameEnglish": "Employer name (English)",
"otherOption": "Other",
"pensionAuthority": "Name of pension authority/fund",
"pensionAuthorityListError": "Unable to get pension authority",
"previousEmploymentDetails": "Previous employment details",
"previousPeriod": "Previous service period",
"previousServicePeriodDocListError": "Unable to get required documents",
"removePreviousServicePeriod": "Remove previous service period",
"startTyping": "Start typing",
"statementOfPreviousServicePeriodsDocTooltip": "Details of current employment",
"totalServicePeriod": "Total service period for employment",
"totalServicePeriodLabel": "Total service period:",
"unifiedNoLabel": "e.g. 1221345455656565655",
"unifiedNoPlaceholder": "Unified number",
"verifyButtonLabel": "Verify"
"title": "Military Merge"
"monthlyContribution": {
"field_list": {
"approvedButtonLabel": "View proforma",
"currency": "AED",
"dueBy": "Due by",
"heading": "Contributions summary",
"noOutstandingContributions": "No outstanding contributions",
"noProforma": "No proforma details available",
"outstandingContributionLabel": "Outstanding contributions",
"overdue": "Overdue",
"overdueTooltipContent": "This is the outstanding contribution amount",
"paidButtonLabel": "View proforma",
"paidContributions": "Paid contributions",
"pendingButtonLabel": "Review proforma",
"pendingPayment": "Pending payment by",
"previousMonth": "Previous month",
"proformaOverdue": "Proforma overdue",
"proformaPaymentOverdue": "Proforma payment overdue",
"reviewedButtonLabel": "Approve proforma",
"viewOutstanding": "View outstanding contributions",
"overdueDisclaimer": "Please note that you remain legally responsible for paying contribution and any other amounts due to the Authority. The Authority retains the full right to demand and collect these amounts by all legal means, even if they are not displayed on the platform."
"title": "Monthly contribution"
"otpModalTemplateLabels": {
"field_list": {
"400": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP.",
"closeLabel": "Close",
"completeLabel": "Complete",
"confirmOtp": "Confirm OTP",
"enterOtp": "Please enter the OTP you received (time remaining ${0}:${1} ).",
"minuteLabel": "minute",
"OTP001": "Invalid OTP. Please re-enter or request a new OTP",
"OTP002": "This verification code has expired. Please request a new code and try again. The code is valid for 2 minutes.",
"otpSentHeading": "To verify your identity, a one-time password (OTP) has been sent to your corporate email ID: ${0}",
"otpSentHeadingEmail": "We just sent you a verification code to ${0}",
"otpSentHeadingMobile": "Verify your identity by entering the one-time password (OTP) sent on your registered mobile number: ${0}",
"otpValidationSuccessHeading": "OTP verified successfully",
"registrationInprogressMsg": "You have ${0} employer registration request(s) in progress. Please select a specific from the selection list on the page to resume with the relevant request.",
"resendOtp": "Resend OTP",
"secondsLabel": "seconds",
"timeRemaining": "remaining"
"title": "otp modal template labels"
"overdueContribution": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"btnLabel": "View penalty details",
"heading": "Accrued penalty",
"headingTooltip": "Accrued penalty is 0.1% penalty calculated on unpaid contributions",
"noOverdueMessage": "No Overdues",
"overdueMessage": "You must settle overdue contributions immediately. Penalties will continue to accrue on a daily basis until you make the payment."
"title": "Overdue contribution"
"pageTitles": {
"field_list": {
"account": "Employer account",
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"address": "Addresses",
"addressDetails": "Address details",
"bankDetails": "Bank details",
"companyDetails": "Basic information",
"contact": "Contact details",
"dashboard": "Employer overview",
"documents": "Documents",
"education": "Education",
"employment": "Employment details",
"executiveDetails": "Executive details",
"executiveDetails1": "Executive details - level 1",
"executiveDetails2": "Executive details - level 2",
"family": "Family",
"financial": "Financial details",
"licenseDetails": "License details",
"licensedetails": "Establishment and License details",
"linkParentOrSubsidiary": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"manageadmin": "Manage Admins",
"manageAdmins": "Manage Admins",
"managedBy": "Agent/Caretaker/Guardian",
"managedMembers": "Managed members",
"manageEmployees": "Manage employees",
"medical": "Medical status",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"newadmin": "New employer admin",
"parentAndSubsidiaries": "Parents & subsidiaries",
"passport": "Passport details",
"personal": "Personal",
"termsAndCondition": "Terms and Conditions"
"title": "Page Title"
"parentsAndSubsidiaries": {
"field_list": {
"branch": "Branch",
"heading": "Parents & subsidiaries",
"headquarter": "Headquarter",
"headquarterEmployerName": "Headquarter employer name",
"isParent": "Is employer parent or subsidiary?",
"linkParent": "Link parent or subsidiary",
"Name": "Parent employer name",
"parent": "Parent",
"parentEmployerName": "Parent employer name",
"startTyping": "Start typing",
"subsidiary": "Subsidiary"
"title": "Parents & subsidiaries"
"penalities": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"btnLabel": "View penalty details",
"heading": "Invoiced penalty",
"headingTooltip": "Invoiced penalty is final penalty amount on delayed registrations, end of service or contribution payments.",
"initiatePayment": "Initiate payment",
"noPenaltyMessage": "No Penalties",
"penaltyMessage": "You must pay this amount immediately to avoid any legal action."
"title": "Penalties"
"penalty": {
"field_list": {
"actualPaymentDate": "Actual payment date",
"heading": "Penalty details",
"invoiceNumber": "Invoice number",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"paymentMode": "Mode of payment",
"paymentStatus": "Payment status",
"penaltyAmountDue": "Penalty amount due",
"penaltyReason": "Reason of penalty",
"proformaId": "Proforma ID"
"title": "Penalty"
"penaltyPayment": {
"field_list": {
"aed": "AED",
"amountSelectedForPayment": "Amount selected for payment",
"back": "Back",
"businessReferenceId": "Business reference",
"closeButtonLabel": "Close",
"proceed": "Proceed",
"paymentConfirmationMessage": "You're about to confirm a payment of amount AED ${amount}. Click 'Proceed' to continue.",
"contributionAmount": "Contribution amount",
"filter": "Filter",
"filterByPeriod": "Filter by period",
"getPenaltyCaseDetailsError": "Error fetching the case details for penalty payment. Please try again after sometime.",
"getPendingPenaltiesError": "Error fetching pending penalties.",
"inProgressPenalty": "Payment in progress",
"inProgressPenaltyAmount": "Payment in progress",
"month": "Month",
"noDataFound": "No data found",
"noOfDaysDelayed": "Days delayed",
"noOfDays": "No. of overdue days",
"noPenaltyDataMessage": "You have no pending penalties.",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View or Pay penalities",
"pay": "Pay Amount",
"paymentAmount": "Payment amount",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount (AED)",
"penaltyAmountPositiveValue": "Payment amount must be greater than 0",
"penaltyAmountValidation": "Penalty amount can have a maximum of 7 digits and upto 2 decimal places",
"penaltyAmountValue": "Payment amount cannot be more than the remaining penalty amount",
"penaltyDetailsSubTitle": "Enable the checkbox to add to penalty payment",
"penaltyDetailsTitle": "Penalty details",
"penaltyPaymentSuccessHeading": "Penalty payment request submitted succesfully",
"penaltyPaymentSuccessSubheading": "Thank You. Your payments have been recorded.",
"period": "Period",
"referenceNumber": "Reference number",
"remainingPenalty": "Remaining penalty",
"remainingPenaltyAmount": "Remaining penalty",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filters",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchByBusinessReferenceId": "Search by business reference",
"searchByReferenceNumber": "Search by reference number",
"settledPenalty": "Settled penalty",
"settledPenaltyAmount": "Settled penalty amount",
"submit": "Submit",
"submitPenaltyPaymentAmountError": "Error submitting penalty payments",
"summaryTitle": "Penalty summary",
"toggleFilterOnlySelected": "Show only selected penalities for payment",
"totalPenalty": "Total penalty",
"totalPenaltyPaid": "Total penalty paid",
"transactionDate": "Transaction date",
"viewPaymentSummary": "View payment summary",
"year": "Year",
"transactionType": "Transaction type",
"remarks": "Remarks",
"penaltyType": "Penalty type",
"selectAll": "Select All ${count} record",
"viewDetails": "View details",
"raiseEnquiry": "Raise enquiry",
"totalRemainingAmount": "Total remaining amount -",
"filterByPenaltyType": "Filter by penalty type",
"lateRegistration": "Late Registration Penalty",
"lateEndOfServicePenalty": "Late End of Service Penalty",
"contributionPenalty": "Contribution Penalty",
"tenAdditionalPenalty": "10% Additional Penalty",
"legacyPenalty": "Legacy Penalty",
"tooltipContent": "Filter by period is applicable only for Contribution Penalty",
"previousSalary": "Old contributable salary",
"newSalary": "New contributable salary",
"outstandingContributions": "Outstanding contributions",
"emiratesId": "Emirates Id: ${emiratesId}",
"employeeName": "Employee Name: ${employeeName}",
"invoiceNumber": "Invoice number",
"contributionMonth": "Contribution month",
"contributionYear": "Contribution year",
"additionalpenaltyAmount": "10% Penalty (AED)"
"title": "Penalty Payment"
"personalDashboardLbl": {
"field_list": {
"Approved": "Approved",
"Closed": "Closed",
"Closed by employee": "Closed by employee",
"Closed by employer": "Closed by employer",
"Complete": "Complete",
"createNewRequest": "Create a new request",
"Employer did not respond": "Employer did not respond",
"infoRequestedByAdmin": "Info requested by Admin",
"Information updated by employer": "Information updated by employer",
"InformationRequestedByAdmin": "Information requested by Admin",
"InfoUpdatedByUser": "Information updated by user",
"Insured did not respond": "Insured did not respond",
"Insured requested amendment": "Insured requested amendment",
"is": "is",
"mobDashboardTab": "Dashboard",
"mobFinancialTab": "Financial",
"mobHappinessTab": "Happiness",
"mobRequestCardMsg": "Here are your existing requests. You can create new ones for support related enquires, complaints, suggestions or service related requests.",
"mobRequestsTab": "Requests",
"mobServicesTab": "Services",
"noRequestLbl": "You have no existing requests.",
"noRequestsHeading": "Your requests",
"Open": "Open",
"pageTabTitle": "GPSSA | Personal Dashboard",
"Pending admin approval": "Pending GPSSA approval",
"Pending employee review": "Pending employee review",
"Pending employer review": "Pending employer review",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"Rejected by GPSSA": "Rejected by GPSSA",
"request": "request",
"requestHeading": "Your requests",
"requestLbl": "Your existing requests are listed below.",
"requestTypeHeading": "Service & support requests",
"Resolved": "Resolved",
"service": "service",
"Submitted": "Submitted",
"support": "support",
"viewAllRequest": "View all requests",
"visitToChc": "Visit to CHC",
"your": "Your",
"yourRequestStatus": "The status of your ${0} request #${1} is '${2}'"
"title": "Personal dashboard labels"
"profilePictureLabels": {
"field_list": {
"close": "Close",
"editPhoto": "Edit picture",
"imgAcceptedFormat": "image/tiff,image/bmp,image/jpeg,image/png",
"imgAcceptMsg": "Only .bmp, .jpeg, .tiff, or .png images are allowed",
"profileImg": "Upload profile picture",
"profileImgFailMsg": "Profile picture upload failed",
"profileImgSuccessMsg": "You have uploaded your profile picture successfully",
"save": "Save",
"updateCompanyLogo": "Update company logo",
"uploadFollowingDocument": "Please upload a profile picture",
"uploadMandatory": "Uploading a profile picture is mandatory"
"title": "Profile picture"
"proformaDetails": {
"field_list": {
"accuredPenaltyAmount": "Accrued penalty amount",
"actualAmount": "Actual amount",
"amount": "Amount",
"approve": "Approve",
"approveProforma": "Approve",
"approveProformaModal": "Are you sure you want to approve the proforma?",
"approverComments": "Approver comments",
"backToReviewer": "Request will be sent back to reviewer.",
"bulkSalaryUpdate": "Bulk Salary Update",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"canNotBeEdited": "Proforma can not be edited once approved.",
"close": "Close",
"commentsDisclaimer": "Comments are for internal reference only and not shared with GPSSA",
"confirmSubmit": "Are you sure you want to submit?",
"contributionInfoChanged": "Proforma details have been changed after review. Please reject the proforma to resubmit for review.",
"contributionInfoIfCaseInProgress": "Proforma Case is in Progress, Please wait.",
"dateFilterEndLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment end date range",
"dateFilterStartLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by employment start date range",
"dds": "DDS",
"downloadError": "Something went wrong while downloading the proforma. Please try again.",
"downloadProforma": "Download proforma",
"employeeLeftMsg": "If an employee has left the company, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to initiate the End of Service request.",
"employeeMissingMsg": "If an employee is missing, please click <a href=\"#\"> here </a> to be redirected to New Employee Registration.",
"emptyDatePlaceholder": "Multiple",
"exceptedAmount": "Expected amount",
"exceptionalEmployeeTooltip": "Employee's data has been changed or joined after proforma generation",
"fieldUpdateError": "An error occurred during field update. Please try again!",
"filterButtonLabel": "Filters",
"fts": "FTS",
"goToProfile": "Go to my profile",
"heading": "Proforma details",
"leaveContributionsFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Show records with leave contributions",
"leaveContributionsTooltipMsg": "Please select this option if you want to view employees' leave contributions ",
"no": "No",
"noEmployees": "No employees are available",
"paymentDueDate": "Payment due date",
"PaymentPreferenceSetup": "Payment preference setup",
"payNow": "Pay now",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty amount",
"period": "Period",
"pleaseNote": "Please note the following",
"proformaApproved": "You have successfully approved the proforma.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg1": "Mandate request has been sent to central bank for approval.",
"proformaApprovedSubMsg2": "You will be notified once it is approved.",
"proformaNotApprovedMsg": "If payment is not made by the due date, penalties will be imposed.",
"proformaNotEditable": "Proforma cannot be edited once submitted.",
"proformaNumber": "Proforma #",
"proformaRejected": "You have successfully returned the proforma for correction.",
"proformaRejectedByFinance": "The proforma has been returned for correction. Please find below additional comments.",
"proformaRejectReason": "Please provide a reason for correction.",
"rejectProforma": "Return for correction",
"reportLeave": "Report leave",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Showing",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"reviewerComments": "Reviewer comments",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by employee name or Emirates ID",
"selectPaymentMethod": "Please select preferred payment method.",
"selectReason": "Select reason",
"sendForApproval": "Send for approval",
"sendProformaToFinance": "Are you sure you want to send the proforma for approval?",
"sentProformaToFinance": "Proforma has been sent for approval.",
"setupPaymentPreference": "No payment preference has been set up, please select the payment mode.",
"status": "Proforma status",
"statusUpdateError": "An error occurred during proforma status update. Please try again!",
"submit": "Submit",
"tableHeadContributionSalary": "Contribution salary",
"tableHeadEmiratesID": "Emirates ID",
"tableHeadEmployeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"tableHeadEmployeeName": "Employee name",
"tableHeadEmployerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"tableHeadEmployerContributionFederal": "Employer contribution",
"tableHeadIncludeInProforma": "Include in proforma",
"tableHeadTotalContribution": "Total contribution",
"tableHeadWorkingDays": "Number of days",
"tableHeadDelayedDays": "Number of delayed days",
"updateContributionsFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Show records with updates from previous month",
"updateSalary": "Update salary",
"viewMandate": "View mandate",
"wantToApprove": "Are you sure you want to approve?",
"yes": "Yes",
"apiFetchError": "Unable to fetch proforma data. Please try again!",
"excludeReasonMandatory": "Please provide exclusion reason for the EmiratesId(s) - ${0}",
"oldLawPenaltyCalculationMsg": "Additional amount for late payment for Law No. 07 of 1999 is calculated on 20% of contributable salary.",
"newLawPenaltyCalculationMsg": "Additional amount for late payment for Law No. 57 of 2023 is calculated on actual amount payable by employer.",
"rejection": "Are you sure you want to submit proforma for review?",
"sampleContributionRef": "Please download sample contribution calculations for reference.",
"moveToOutstandingContribution": "Are you sure to move this insured record to outstanding contribution. You will not be able to revert this change.",
"confirmDeleteHeading": "Are you sure you want to delete this proforma?",
"deleteProforma": "Delete proforma",
"proformaDeleteError": "Something went wrong while deleting the proforma. Please try again after some time.",
"proformaDeleteSuccess": "Proforma has been deleted successfully.",
"confirmCancelInvoiceHeading": "Are you sure you want to cancel this invoice?",
"cancelInvoice": "Cancel Invoice",
"cancelInvoiceError": "Something went wrong while cancelling the invoice. Please try again after some time.",
"noInvoiceFoundError": "No Invoice is available for this proforma.",
"cancelInvoiceSuccess": "Invoice has been cancelled successfully."
"title": "Proformas details"
"proformas": {
"field_list": {
"heading": "All proformas"
"title": "All proformas"
"register-beneficiary": {
"field_list": {
"addDependent": "Add dependent",
"addNewBeneFactor": "Add new benefactor",
"agentPowerOfAttorneyDoc": "Agent notarized power of attorney",
"benefactorDetails": "Benefactor details",
"benefactorRelationship": "Relationship with benefactor - I am the:",
"benefactorRelationshipAgent": "Relationship with benefactor",
"beneficiaryCourtJudgementDoc": "Beneficiary court judgement",
"beneficiaryDocuments": "Beneficiary registration documents",
"cancelAddingBenefactor": "Remove benefactor",
"caretakerCertificateDoc": "Caretaker Certificate",
"certificateOfStudyContinuationDoc": "Certificate of Study Continuation",
"clearanceCertificateDoc": "Clearance Certificate",
"continuationOfStudyCertificateDoc": "Continuation of Study Certificate",
"courtJudgementDoc": "Court Judgement",
"deathcertificateDoc": "Death Certificate",
"degreeCertificate": "Degree Certificate",
"dependencyCertificateDoc": "Dependency Certificate",
"disabilityCardDoc": "Disability Card",
"disabilityCertificateDoc": "Disability Certificate",
"divorceCertificateDoc": "Divorce Certificate",
"eitherOrValidation": "Uploading either ${0} or ${1} is mandatory",
"eitherSelectOrAdd": "Either select benefactor from the dropdown or add a new benefactor.",
"emiratesId": "Benefactor's Emirates ID",
"emiratesIdDoc": "Emirates ID",
"employmentContractDoc": "Employment Contract",
"endOfServiceCertificateDoc": "EoS certificate",
"enrollmentLetter": "Enrollment Letter",
"familyBookDoc": "Family Book",
"fathersDeathCertificateDoc": "Father's Death Certificate",
"guardianCertificateDoc": "Guardian Certificate",
"ibanCertificateDoc": "IBAN Certificate",
"inCompleteBankDetails": "Bank details are incomplete in your profile. Please provide all details to proceed.",
"inCompleteProfile": "Your profile is incomplete. Please provide all mandatory information to proceed.",
"isNotRetired": "The provided user is not a pensioner.",
"legalHeirsCertificateDoc": "Legal Heirs Certificate",
"marriageCertificateDoc": "Marriage Certificate",
"medicalReport": "Medical report",
"medicalReportDoc": "Medical Report",
"nameChangeCertificateFromCourtDoc": "Name Change Certificate from court",
"nationalIdDoc": "National ID",
"nationalServiceCertificateDoc": "National Service Certificate",
"noPensionCertificateDoc": "No Pension Certificate",
"notValidEmiratesId": "This Emirates ID is not registered with GPSSA. <a href='/createnewrequest/support' style='color:#fff; text-decoration: underline;'>Click here to raise support request</a>.",
"otherBeneficiaryPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"otherPensionCertificateDoc": "Other pension certificate",
"passportDoc": "Passport",
"passportNumberDoc": "Passport number",
"pensionCertificateDoc": "Pension Certificate",
"pensionerId": "Benefactor's Pensioner ID",
"peopleOfDeterminationCertificateDoc": "People of Determination Certificate",
"registerMinor": "Register a minor beneficiary",
"salaryCertificateDoc": "Salary Certificate",
"selectIban": "Select IBAN",
"selectTheName": "Select name",
"socialStatusCertificateDoc": "Social Status Certificate",
"underReviewProfile": "Your profile is under review",
"unemploymentCertificateDoc": "Unemployment Certificate",
"usersDocuments": "${0} ${1}'s Documents"
"title": "Register Beneficiary"
"requestFeedbackModal": {
"field_list": {
"appreciateFeedback": "We appreciate your feedback.",
"completeThisSurvey": "Please rate our services by taking a short survey. Your inputs will help us serve you better.",
"feedbackReceived": "We have received your feedback.",
"giveFeedback": "Was this information helpful?",
"loggingYourRequest": "Logging your request",
"noThankYou": "No, thank you",
"rateTheFollowing": "Please rate our services.",
"ratingScale": "Rating scale: 1 – Very satisfied, 2 – Satisfied, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Unsatisfied, 5 – Very unsatisfied",
"resolvingYourRequests": "Resolving your request",
"startSurvey": "Start survey",
"surveyHeading": "Feedback survey",
"thankyouForSurvey": "Thank you for taking the survey. Your feedback is very important in helping us improve your future experience with GPSSA.",
"yourOverallExperience": "Your overall experience"
"title": "feedback modal"
"requestsSummary": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"btnLabel": "View contribution details",
"count": "Count",
"heading": "Requests summary",
"overdueMessage": "You must settle overdue contributions immediately. Penalties will continue to accrue on a daily basis until you make the payment.",
"pendingEmployeeUpdate": "Pending employee update",
"pendingEmployerUpdate": "Pending employer update",
"resolved": "Resolved",
"totalRequets": "Total requests: "
"title": "Requests summary"
"roleServiceName": {
"field_list": {
"approve_contribution_proforma": "Approve contribution Proforma",
"benefits_exchange": "Benefits Exchange",
"cancel_service_purchase": "Cancel Merge/Purchase Service Period",
"company_overview": "Company Overview",
"employer_deregistration": "Employer DeRegistration",
"employer_documents": "Employer Documents",
"employer_financial_summary": "Employer financial summary",
"end_of_service": "End of Service",
"financial_details": "Financial Details",
"generate_certificates": "Generate Certificates",
"generate_reports": "Generate Reports",
"government_obligation": "Government Obligation",
"injury_compensation": "Injury compensation",
"insured_registration": "Insured Registration",
"legacy_contribution": "Legacy Contribution",
"manage_employees": "Manage Employees",
"manage_employer_admins": "Manage Employer Admins",
"manage_employer_roles": "Manage Employer Roles",
"mandate_management": "Mandate management",
"merge_service_period": "Merge Service Period",
"military_end_of_service": "Military End of Service",
"military_merge": "Military Merge",
"payment_management": "Payment management",
"purchase_service_period": "Purchase Service Period",
"register_complaints_and_suggestions": "Register complaints and suggestions",
"review_contribution_proforma": "Review contribution proforma",
"service_awareness": "Service awareness",
"registration_of_gcc_nationals" : "Registration of GCC Nationals",
"bulk_penalty_payment": "Bulk Penalty Payment",
"reject_contribution_proforma": "Reject Contribution Proforma",
"fitness_assessment": "Workplace Fitness Assessment",
"end_of_service_of_gcc_nationals" : "End of Service of GCC Nationals"
"title": "Manage Service Name Role Access"
"salaryLabels": {
"field_list": {
"activeCaseInfo1": "A request is in progress with Request Id",
"activeCaseInfo2": ". The details will remain locked unless the existing case is completed.",
"additionalComments": "Additional Comments",
"addSalaryLabel": "Add Salary",
"aed": "AED",
"basicSalary": "Basic salary (in AED)",
"cancelBtn": "Cancel",
"cancelBtnLabel": "Back",
"childrenAllowance": "Children allowance (in AED)",
"closeBtn": "Close",
"contributableSalary": "Contributable salary",
"contributionAmountLbl": "Contribution Amount",
"contributionAmountSubLbl": "% of contributable salary",
"contributionDetailsLbl": "Contribution details",
"contributionPara": "According to Federal Law No.7 of 1999 for Pensions and Social Security and its amendments, a contribution equal to 20% of the employee's salary must be made to GPSSA on a monthly basis. While the employee must contribute 5% of his/her salary, the employer must contribute 12.5% of the employee's salary, and the government must contribute 2.5%.",
"costOfLivingAllowance": "Cost of living allowance (in AED)",
"deleteBtn": "Delete",
"deleteDraftLabel": "Delete Draft",
"draftMode": "You are currently viewing the salary details in draft mode. Please submit once all changes have been completed.",
"effectiveDateSalUpdate": "Effective date for salary update",
"effectiveDateSalUpdateToolTip": "As per Article 10, any change in the salary will take effect as of the following year (January) if the updates are done post January during the current year.",
"employeeContribution": "Employee contribution",
"employeeContributiontoGpssa": "Employee contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"employer": "Employer name",
"employerContribution": "Employer contribution",
"employerContributiontoGpssa": "Employer contribution to GPSSA (in AED)",
"endDate": "End date",
"endDateSalUpdate": "End date for salary update",
"eosBenefitDesc": "Based on your total eligible service period as of today, you are entitled to receive an end of service amount of AED",
"eosBenefitHeading": "Potential End of service benefits",
"governmentContribution": "Government share",
"governmentContributiontoGpssa": "Government share to GPSSA (in AED)",
"grossSalary": "Gross Salary",
"heading": "Salary details",
"housingAllowance": "Housing allowance (in AED)",
"labelAfterSalaryDraftSubmission": "Kindly confirm that you have verified all salary details.",
"otherAllowance": "Other allowance (in AED)",
"rentAllowance": "Rent allowance (in AED)",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"salaryDetailsToolTip": "If any salary updates happen during the year, then contribution salary will be auto updated as of the effective date.",
"salaryDraftDeletionErrorMessage": "Error deleting salary draft.",
"salaryDraftDeletionSuccessMessage": "Salary draft has been deleted.",
"salaryDraftSubmissionSuccessMessage": "Employee salary has been updated successfully.",
"salaryStartDateInvalid": "Salary start date cannot preceed the employment start date",
"socialAllowance": "Social allowance (in AED)",
"specialAllowance": "Special allowance (in AED)",
"startDate": "Start date",
"startDateSalUpdate": "Start date for salary update",
"submitBtnLabel": "Save changes",
"submitDraftLabel": "Submit Draft",
"totalGrossSalary": "Total gross salary",
"updateSalaryMessageLabel": "Salary has been saved successfully in draft mode. Please use Submit Draft from previous screen once all changes are complete.",
"uploadDocumentsLabel": "Upload your documents",
"tenPerPenCaseIdLabel": "10% penalty update case is already in progress.",
"bulkSalaryUpdateCaseIdLabel": "Bulk salary update case is already in progress.",
"recalcInProgressError": "A Cost recalculation request is in progress. The details will remain locked unless the process is completed.",
"confirmDraftItemDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"draftDeleteSuccess": "Record has been deleted successfully.",
"confirmDraftDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete salary draft? It will discard all the changes."
"title": "Salary details"
"search": {
"field_list": {
"documentSectionLabel": "Documents",
"mobSeeMoreTag": "See more",
"noResultError": "No results match your search",
"pageSectionLabel": "Pages",
"previousSearchLabel": "Your previous search",
"resultCharacterError": "Suggestions: Use a minimum of 3 characters. Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Try different search terms. Try more general search terms. Try fewer search terms",
"searchInputPlaceHolder": "Search"
"title": "Search Component"
"selectEmployer": {
"field_list": {
"addNew": "New employer registration",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"continue": "Continue",
"emailIdMissing": "Please update your email address in your profile before continuing on self-employer registration.",
"heading": "Please select the employer or service to proceed",
"linkEmployer": "Request access to registered employer",
"linkEmployerToolTip": "Become a point of contact (POC) of an existing employer under GPSSA",
"linkOrRegister": "Link to new employer or register new employer",
"or": "Or",
"pendingReview": "(Pending review)",
"registerAsSelf": "Register as self employed",
"registerAsSelfToolTip": "Registration of UAE national who are self-employed and have their own businesses under the pension law umbrella",
"registerAsSelfToolTipDisabled": "You are not eligible to register as self-employed",
"registerNewEmployer": "Register new employer",
"registerNewEmployerToolTip": "Registration of public and private sector employers in order to extend the social security umbrella to all UAE & GCC national employees working for these entities",
"resume": "(Resume Registration)",
"selectEmployer": "Select employer",
"tractRequest": "Track existing employer registration request",
"userverificationrequired": "(Pending user verification)",
"enterCorporateEmailId": "Please enter your corporate email ID"
"title": "Select employer"
"serviceAwareness": {
"field_list": {
"afternoon": "Afternoon",
"audiencePersona": "Audience Category",
"awareCaseError": "An error occured while creating your request.",
"awarenessCaseSuccess": "Your request has been successfully submitted for GPSSA review",
"awarenessdoc": "Awareness Document",
"employerAdmins": "Employer admins",
"expectedNoOfAttendees": "Expected number of attendees (min 10 attendees)",
"insured": "Insured",
"location_details": "Location details",
"location_pin": "Location pin",
"minimumAttendees": "Minimum 10 attendees",
"morning": "Morning",
"myDateFlexible": "My dates are flexible (+/- 3 days)",
"online": "Online Session",
"onPremise_Employer": "On Premise - Employer",
"onPremise_GPSSA": "On Premise - GPSSA",
"other": "Other",
"otherTopic": "Enter the topic",
"pensionLawProcedure": "Pension law and Procedure - UAE",
"pensionLawProcedureGCC": "Pension law and procedure - GCC",
"preferredDelivery": "Preferred delivery method",
"preferredLocation": "Select preferred location",
"preferredSessionDate": "Preferred session date",
"preferredSessionTime": "Preferred session time",
"purpose": "Purpose of Request",
"requestDetails": "Request details",
"requestTraningMaterial": "Request for training materials",
"requestTraningSession": "Request for training session",
"service": "Service",
"sessionObjectives": "Session Objectives",
"topic": "Topic",
"trainingMaterial": "Training Material",
"virtual": "Virtual Session"
"title": "Service Awareness"
"serviceNames": {
"field_list": {
"BenefitsExchangeInward": "Benefits Exchange - Inward",
"BenefitsOutward": "Benefits Exchange - Outward",
"CONTRIBUTION": "Contribution",
"ContributionPenality": "Contribution Penalty",
"EmployerDeRegistration": "Employer De-Registration",
"EndOfService": "Apply for End of service - Civil",
"EosMilitary": "Apply for End Of Service - Military",
"GovernmentObligation": "Government Obligation",
"InjuryCompensation": "Workplace Injury Compensation",
"FitnessAssessment": "Workplace Fitness Assessment",
"InsuredRegistration": "Registration of an Insured",
"LegacyContribution": "Legacy Contribution",
"MergeYears": "Merge Years",
"MilitaryMerge": "Merge Service Period - Military",
"PurchaseYears": "Purchase Additional Years",
"ServiceAwareness": "Service Awareness Request",
"EosGcc": "End of service of GCC nationals",
"RegistrationOfGCCNationals": "Registration Of GCC Nationals"
"title": "Service Names"
"services": {
"field_list": {
"channels": "Channels",
"classification": "Classification",
"createCertificate": "Create Certificate",
"createCertificateDescription": "This service allows you to get a Certificate",
"createRequest": "Create request",
"createRequestDescription": "This service allows you to create a request",
"createServiceLabel": "You can submit a request for service by clicking on the button",
"dashboardHeading": "Services",
"estimatedTime": "Estimated Time",
"helpfulLinks": "Helpful Links",
"noData": "No service details found!",
"noDataFound": "No data found",
"prerequisites": "Prerequisites",
"process": "Process",
"serviceDashBoardTitle": "Service Dashboard",
"serviceDetails_404": "No service details found!",
"serviceFees": "Service Fees",
"serviceList_404": "No service List Found!",
"servicePageTitle": "Service Page",
"start": "Request Service",
"topFaq": "Top Frequently Asked Questions",
"users": "Users",
"viewFaq": "View FAQs",
"viewTutorials": "About the service"
"title": "Services"
"transfer": {
"field_list": {
"transferDate": "Transfer date",
"transferedFrom": "Transferred from"
"title": "Transfer service"
"validationMsg": {
"field_list": {
"alphabetNumberFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"alphaNumericWithArabicFormat": "Invalid input. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed.",
"arabicOnly": "Invalid input. Please provide value in Arabic only.",
"benefitAmount": "Benefit amount can have a maximum of 7 digits and up to 2 decimal digits.",
"benefitsExchangeDateMismatch": "Benefits exchange date should not be after date of death.",
"companyNameArabicInvalid": "Invalid input. Only Arabic alphabets, numbers and special characters [. / - () &] are allowed",
"companyNameEnglishInvalid": "Invalid input. Only English alphabets, numbers and special characters [. / - () &] are allowed",
"dateLessThanBirthDate": "Entered date cannot be less than the birth date of the user.",
"dateOfAcquiredNationality": "Date of acquired nationality cannot be greater than the employment start date",
"deadPersonTransferInvalid": "You cannot initiate transfer for a dead person.",
"decreeInvalid": "Invalid input. Decree or law of establishment must not contain any special character except _ - / \\",
"documentDescriptionFormat": "Maximum 100 characters are allowed. Only numbers, alphabets, Arabic letters and the following special characters () - _ are allowed.",
"emailFormat": "Invalid email, only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), period (.), underscore (_) and dash (-) are allowed.",
"emiratesIdFormat": "Invalid input. The Emirates ID must be a 15 digit valid number. It must not contain alphabets, special characters or spaces",
"endDateInvalid": "End date should be greater than start date",
"englishOnly": "Invalid input. Please provide value in English only.",
"eosCivilEmpDateMismatch": "Employment end date should not be after date of death",
"eosDeathBeforeBenefits": "Cannot trigger benefits for a person who died before benefits start.",
"eosDeathDateMismatch": "Date of death should not be before employment end date.",
"eosDeathDateMismatchMilitary": "End of service date should be same as date of death.",
"eosEmpDateMismatch": "Employment end date should be the same as date of death",
"establishmentCardNumber": "Invalid input. Establishment card number must not contain any special character except _ - / \\",
"genericError": "Invalid input. Please provide valid information.",
"governmentObligationAmtInvalid": "The amount entered cannot be greater than the pending obligation amount",
"ibanFormat": "IBAN format is invalid.",
"max": "Maximum 2000 characters allowed",
"max200": "Maximum 200 characters allowed",
"max2Decimal": "Only numbers with up to 2 decimal places are allowed",
"max300": "Maximum 300 characters allowed",
"max50": "Maximum 50 characters allowed",
"max500": "Maximum 500 characters allowed",
"max900": "Maximum 900 characters allowed",
"maxCaseDescription": "Description cannot exceed 1024 characters",
"maxDescription": "Maximum 1000 characters allowed",
"mobileFormat": "Phone number must not contain alphabets or special characters.",
"mobileNumberLength": "Mobile number should be numeric and must have 7 to 13 digits.",
"nameValidation": "Only English characters are allowed.",
"noMore3MonthsInFuture": "The date should not be greater than 3 months from now",
"onlyFutureDate": "Please select a future date",
"onlyNumber": "Only English numbers are allowed",
"onlyPastDate": "Please do not select a future date",
"otpFormat": "OTP can only be a 6-digit number",
"passportNumberFormat": "Passport number can be of maximum 15 characters",
"passwordMatch": "This should be the same as password",
"phoneNumber": "Phone number must be 9 digits.",
"positiveIntegerOnly": "Only positive whole numbers are allowed",
"previousEmploymentEndDate": "Employment end date cannot be less than start date and must not be future date",
"previousEmploymentEndDateOverlap": "Previous employment end date should be less than the current employer's start date",
"previousEmploymentStartDate": "Employment start date cannot be greater than the end date and must not be a future date.",
"radioGroup": "Please select one of the available options",
"recaptchaErrorMessage": "Please check the ReCAPTCHA",
"required": "This is a required field",
"requiredCaseCategory": "Please choose a category",
"requiredCaseDescription": "Description is required field",
"requiredCaseRequestType": "Please select type of support request",
"requiredCaseSubCategory": "Please choose a subcategory",
"salaryValueValidation": "Salary values can have a maximum of 7 digits with 2 decimal places",
"selectOption": "Please select an option",
"specialCharacterCheck": "Invalid input. Description must not contain any new line or any special character except . ( ) , -",
"startDateBeforeEndDate": "Start date should be before end date",
"unifiedNumberFormat": "Invalid input. The Unified number must be a string of maximum 15 characters.",
"uploadDocument": "Uploading this document is mandatory",
"website": "Website URL format is invalid.",
"whatsAppNumberLength": "WhatsApp Number should have minimum 7 digits and should not exceed 13 digits.",
"personalAndCorporateEmail": "Please enter your corporate email id which should be different from personal email id."
"title": "validationMsg"
"viewRequests": {
"field_list": {
"active": "Active",
"agent": "Agent",
"caretaker": "Caretaker",
"categoryFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by category",
"categoryFilterPlaceholder": "Select category",
"country": "Country",
"createdByMe": "Created by me",
"dateFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by created date",
"dayPlaceholder": "dd",
"emiratesId": "Emirates Id",
"emiratesID": "Emirates Id",
"employeeName": "Employee Name",
"employer": "Employer",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment Start Date",
"filter": "Filter",
"guardian": "Guardian",
"infoRequested": "Information requested by admin",
"initiatedByFilter": "Initiated by",
"loading": "loading",
"member": "Member",
"monthPlaceholder": "mm",
"noData": "No requests available",
"pageTitle": "GPSSA | View all your requests",
"pendingEmployeeUpdate": "Pending employee update",
"pendingEmployerUpdate": "Pending employer update",
"pendingGpssaReview": "Pending GPSSA review",
"resetFilter": "Reset Filter",
"resolved": "Resolved",
"resultCountPlaceholder1": "Displaying",
"resultCountPlaceholder2": "out of",
"resultCountPlaceholder3": "results",
"searchBoxPlaceHolder": "Search by request ID",
"serviceFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by service name",
"serviceFilterPlaceholder": "Select service name",
"serviceRequests": "Service requests",
"showFiltersButtonLabel": "Filter",
"showFiltersNewRequestButtonLabel": "Create new request",
"showFiltersNewSupportRequestButtonLabel": "Create new support request",
"status": "Status",
"statusFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by status",
"statusFilterPlaceholder": "Select status",
"supportRequests": "Support requests",
"system": "System",
"tableHeadCategory": "Category",
"tableHeadCreatedBy": "Created by",
"tableHeadDateCreated": "Date created",
"tableHeadDescription": "Description",
"tableHeadDueDate": "Due date",
"tableHeadInitiatedBy": "Initiated by",
"tableHeadLastUpdated": "Last updated",
"tableHeadLastUpdatedByEmail": "Last updated by",
"tableHeadRequestId": "Request ID",
"tableHeadService": "Service name",
"tableHeadStatus": "Status",
"tableHeadSubCategory": "Subcategory",
"tableHeadType": "Support request type",
"total": "Total",
"typeFilterLabelPlaceholder": "Filter by type",
"typeFilterPlaceholder": "Select type",
"viewAllRequests": "View requests",
"viewRequestsLbl": "View requests",
"yearPlaceholder": "yyyy",
"yourRequest": "Your request",
"applicablePensionLaw": "Applicable pension law"
"title": "Requests List"
"viewStatementLbl": {
"field_list": {
"actions": "Actions",
"beneficiarySalaryStatement": "Beneficiary salary statements",
"document": "Document",
"download": "Download",
"email": "Email",
"mobLoadOlderStatements": "Load older statements",
"passwordInfoMsg1": "Once you download a summary of this report, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password will be the last 4 digits of your mobile number ID followed by your date of birth (DD/MM). For example, if the last 4 digits of your mobile number are 3456 and your date of birth is November 7th, then the password will be 34560711, without commas.",
"pdf": "PDF",
"penPasswordInfoMsg1": "Once you download your statement, you will be asked to enter a password. Your password is the last 4 digits of your mobile number followed by last four digits of your Emirates ID. For example, if the last four digits of your mobile number are 6789 and the last four digits of your Emirates ID are 3456, then the password will be 67893456, without commas.",
"pensionSalaryStatement": "Pension summary statements",
"select": "Select",
"selectMonthlyStatement": "Select monthly statement",
"statement": "Statement",
"viewStatement": "View statement"
"title": "Finance Summary View statement"
"penaltyModalLbl": {
"field_list": {
"businessReference": "Business Reference",
"penaltyType": "Penalty Type",
"emiratesId": "Emirates Id",
"employmentEndDate": "Employment end date",
"lastSubmissionDateByEmployer": "Last submission date by Employer",
"approvalDateByGPSSA": "Approval Date by GPSSA",
"totalNoOfDays": "Total number of days",
"daysWithGPSSA": "Days with GPSSA",
"daysWithEmployer": "Days with Employer",
"penaltyAmount": "Penalty Amount",
"employerName": "Employee Name",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment Start Date",
"employeeNameEng": "Employee Name English",
"employeeNameAr": "Employee Name Arabic",
"employerCode": "Employer code",
"contributionMonth": "Contribution Month",
"contributionYear": "Contribution Year",
"contributionDueDate": "Contribution Due date",
"contributionAmountPaid": "Contribution Amount paid",
"contributionPaymentDate": "Contribution Payment date",
"numberOfOverDueDays": "Number of overdue days"
"title": "Penalty modals"
"salaryDetails": "Salary Details",
"email":"Email address",
"contactDetails": "Contact details",
"basicInformation":"Basic information",
"homeNationalId": "Home National ID",
"contactNumberPlaceholder": "50 555 5555",
"employmentStartDate": "Employment Start Date",
"designation": "Designation",
"educationDegree": "Education Degree",
"isReceivingPension": "Does insured receive a pension from another authority?",
"successModalHeading": "Your request has been successfully submitted to GPSSA for review"
"title": "GCC Registration Nationals"
"errorLabels": {
"field_list": {
"error_400": "Information entered in incorrect format. Please re-enter in correct format to continue.",
"error_401": "Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in again.",
"error_500": "Error in submitting data. Please try again after some time.",
"error_contactedit": " You can update your email and mobile number only after 24 hours of account creation.",
"error_emailexists": "This email address is already linked to an account.",
"error_mobilenumberexists": "This mobile number is already linked to an account."
"title": "Error Labels"
Unique ID